t Lain»r ii (<- iihm 1 for Murder of Son-in-law, Ix-ou Illi han bom Pilot nru! Aero Club Director Say Accident« in Hying Service Are Caused by Bad Parts STREET SLAYER Thompsou Falls, Mont . May 19. Chicago, May 19.— (A. P >—C. C. TRUCKMAN OF BAYONNE, N. J. INDICATION THAT PRESIDENT ig.ooo VltFH OF HAY, GRAIN I ( A. IM Mrs. May McCully, who was AND ALFALFA COHERED ¡Eversole, the chief complainant, pre- HAItDING MAY FIND UEC'IMIO.N BELIEVED TO BE MAN SEKN ¡convicted of murdering Iter »onln- DlFFK'l LT IM SEEN NEAR I NION . i »anted to the committee investigat­ BEFORE EXPLOSION : law, I/«on illcbardsou. and her hua- ing charges of inefficiency In the air ! bund. Fred MoCully, who pleaded mail service, a telegram from Wil­ guilty last night to the charge of liam H. Jones, an air pilot and the murdering Richardson. were »«n- former director of the Pacific Coast i fenced today to Ilf« terms In the p«n- : Nero Club, supporting Eversole's it»ntlary. charges Jones said the accidents were due to defective parts in the M'rti'd In < oiifedcrulv \niij, Prat­ Muggr«t lone Made That Juelice Day Dalle» Reporte t'oiumtai* Mantling at tTzief Flynn of Department of Jastice machines tle«! late in i Flood Stage Held Confidence That Bomb in aEVELÄND MÍDFWHIMEUT w Ix>urt Nominatimi in 1801 M umu liuectta lb- Selected Probable Sunday Portland, Ore , May 19.—YA. P.) I Washington. May 19.—(A. P. 1 — I Wa»hingtori. May 1».—(A. Pi— Bayonne, N. J., May 19.—(A. P.) The death at 2 o'clock this morning Thu choice of a successor to Chief —The Columbia and the Willamette i —-Police hare announced that threa of Edward Douglass While, the vele I persons have Identified Gluseppi de Justice White was widely discussed rivers and other streams in the Co­ ran chief Justice of the United Stalesi lumbia basin continued rising today today Although speculation center ­ Filippo, a Bayonne truckman, ar­ (A. Winona Itake, Ind., May 19.— supreme court. cast a shadow of »or < rested here yesterday, as the man P 1—A constitution catling for th« ed chiefly about the name of former due to rains and melting snows in row over the capital. Chief Justice | Berlin, May 19.—(A. P.l—China seen in Wall street a few hours be­ union of the Presbyterian and lle- President Taft, there were indica­ the foothills. Reports from La- White was 76 years of age and had formed churches in the I'nlted Stat«» tions that Harding was far from a Grande say 12,000 acres of hay, and Germany are apparently no fore the explosion last September. enjoyed rugged health up to the time Unto an organization known aa "The decision and might find the selection grain, alfalfa and pasture land are The Wall street explosion, one of closer to an actual restoration of dip­ of his recent operation for bladder I Presbyterian Reformed Uhurche» In difficult. flooded near Union. Thousands of lomatic relations than they were six the worst tragedies in the history of trouble Another name mentioned was that dollar» worth of damage has been months ago in spite of the fact that New York, occurred at noon on Sep­ j America" will bo submitted In con­ Chief Justice Edward Douglass | of Secretary of State Hughes, though done. nection with the re|»>rt of the Bpe- unofficial delegations are at work In tember 16, 1920. While was. strictly »peaking, the lone The skyscrapers of lower Manhat­ The lower dock levels are flooded both countries trying to perfect a iclal committee on Church Coopera­ his prominence in pending diploma­ representative of the south on the tion and union, at the session of the tic exchange« wa» »uggt-nled a» a pos­ here, with the Willamette standing treaty tan were pouring out their thousands stipn-18c ciude municipal terminals Nos. 1. 2 made of Shantung province, the Chi- j when hundreds of policemen and a cialty for queatlons of Interstate spondence among all the congrega­ aad 3 and the Irving. Mersey. Colum- nese government has not yet abro- detachment of soldiers from Gover­ commerce, and hi» contribution to tions and Judicatories of the constit­ Butter ................................................ 25c bia. .Ainsworth. Couch-street. Wash- Ifxted its legislation forbidding Ger- nors Island arrived to guard the sub­ the law of the land probably will be uent churches. It will be a declara­ ington-street. Alder-street. Taylor- mans to carry on business in China, treasury and banking houses, the Portland. May 19. — A A. P >--Cat ­ a permanent on«. tive. administrative and Judicial street and all the Albers docks. Consequently, German firms are confusion ended, but the mystery has 11« was born In the parish of La­ agency of ths united body, but shall tle. weak; hogs, steady; sheep, slow; _____________ unable to conduct business with the continued month after month until fourche. La., November 3. 1845. nta exercise only the powers delegated to eggs «Ad butler, firm * Helen Lewis, Charles L. Lewis and Chinese In the name of German eft- it seamed a/'tf ft nev^f wbnM be parents were (Mthollcs. and he was solved. it," in the proposed constitution Mr and Mr». Fred Colvig. of Med- wife, Norma Lewis and Essie Lewis.I Uens While the Chinese war legis- of that faith His education was tn Conntless investigations were The 5 churches holding the Pres­ ford, are visiting Georæ W. tTolvig ail of Raymond. Wash., who are tour- Ixtlon is not rigidly enforced. It still Catholic institution». In his early byterian system affected in this union of this city today, and are to return Ing the coast, stopped in Grants Pass stands on the Chinese statute books, started. A wrecked wagon and dead youth, he attended the school at include the following: The Presby­ yesterday and last night. ,and German trade Is not regarded horse were found outside the bank­ to Medford this evening Mount St. Mary's near Emmitsburg, as safe until there is some written ing house of J. P. Morgan & Com­ terian church In the U. S A. I North­ Md , later he entered the Jesuit Col­ agreement between China and Ger­ pany. which by some investigators ern). the Preebyterlan church In the lege In New Orleans, and finally he many which will prevent legal com- was held to be the object of the out­ iT. 6. (Southern). the Reformed went to Georgetown College. of rage. It was generally accepted ! plications. Church in America. The Reformed ¡ Washington. D C had occurred Theoretically. China is at peace that the explosion —-------------- ---------- — in Church tn the IT. ft. and the United Chief Justice White served In th« Presbyterian church with Germany. It has so declared thls death cart. I Confederate army during the Civil' itself by legal enactment. But all the Investigators wavered for a time Referring to the question of Evan­ war; practiced law among the people1 legal steps necessary for the restore- “*ck and forth between theories that gelical Union, the committee offers of Ixiuisiana; and became a sugar . « a pvwuoi* i tion of diplomatic relations must ___ be powder wagon accidently had no recommnndatlon. pending th» ac- planter on Its lowlands. His abillti j taken before peaceful relations an(j blown up or that a timed bomb had I tloa of the presbyteries to which an. and high character were recognized Washington, May 19.—-(A. P.>—, Chicago. May 1».—(A. P.l—The commercial interchanges are | overture on organic union wa» sent pos- been sent into the financial district, by the people In re|>eated commisl down by the last general assembly To guard more olosely the only ave­ Body of Franklin K. Lane was cre­ sible but after a time it came to be gen­ I mated here today. The ashes will be elons as a public official In 1874, he, ____________ nue by which alcoholic beverage» eral opinion that the explosion was may enter the country, the state de­ taken to the top of Bl Capitan peak was elected as senator In the lx>ul»l ARMAMENT ItEIH'lTION N- planned, either to destroy the Mor­ Wine Firnt IH-bateo— ana legislature. Four years later he( GHIMI ANKH tMlNFI-niENCE partment today issued new regula­ in the Yosemite valley, California, gan offices or stock exchange or as .The two debate teams oi the tions under which members and em­ and scattered to the winds in com­ wa» appointed associate justice of] a demonstration of radicals to im­ Chlcago, May 19.—(A. P.)—The ploye» of embassies and legations pliance with a request by Lane be- <,ranta Pass high school which are press the world's street of finance. the supreme court of the state. attending the debate tournament at tore his death. In 1891 Mr. White became a ni- congress on reduction of armaments may Import liquors. Chief Flynn of the bureau of inves­ I Eugene, won both the events yeeter- tlonal figure A senatorial contest has adopted a resolution urging tigation of the department of Justice d«>, one team by unanimous deci- wa» waged In lxtulsiana. and he en­ President Harding to invite Great ' »ton and the other by a two to one was confident from the first that it tered the race He had managed the Britain and Japan to an immediate »core. The negative team, repre- was « plot, and In this he was backed campaign of Governor Nichols for conference on the limitation of I »anted by Helen Lister ond Lulu Gar­ by most investigators. Finally the relectlon and had been prominent In naval armaments. ret, won unanimously their debate grand Jury which studies the disaster the reform element of l/ouislana He against the Burns high school team, also returned an opinion that anar­ had fought vigorously In favor of th« Mr and Mr*. A. J. Bullion, of San and the affirmative team, composed chists had been at work. anti-lottery movement. The legisla­ Francisco, were in Orant» Paa» y««- of Remoh Tryer and Corliss Court­ fy A E. VOOKHIES ture finally chose hint to succeed Sen­ terday. ney. were declared winners over the ator Bustle. Bayonne. May 19.—(A. P.)— A team from The Dalles The teams Chief Justice White was in the federal warrant has been issued at There are many show places in the ***' now be matched against Eugene I was fortunate enough to get a aenate three years before he was ele-l rated to the bench of the supreme I trip to the Colon cemetery which ' city; many parks and plazas; many and Salem high school representa­ New York for De Fillippo. •ourt of the United States by Presi­ contains some of the finest sculptures 1 statues of prominent patriots, and tives. dent Cleveland, tn 1894. During I In the world. (Here as elsewhere in GERMANS BELIEVE POLKS that period, he distinguished himself the southland, the graves are not dug many memorials. The Paseo Del 1 INTEND TO RAID DANZI» on two occasion». Once was in the In the ground but brick vaults, us­ Prado, extending from Punta castle debate on the anti-option law, when ually about two feet high and large on the water front, to Parquet Cen-J e Senator White made a profound le­ Edmonton, Alta, May 19.—(A. P.) enough to accommodate the casket, tral, is a broad boulevard with park ' . Amsterdam. May 19.—(A. P.) — “ strip of grass gal argument againit the constitu­ Steamboat companies operating on are built on top of the ground These ‘ benches facing the According to the Berlin Kreas Zei­ tionality of the measure. The other the rivers that flow toward the Are- are covered on the sides, ends and bordering the broad walks. The clus- tung, a large number of Poles are occnelon was during the struggle tic from here are ready for the hun- top, with flue marble. There were ter lights are made to pay a revnue; moving toward Danxig. A number over the repeal of the Sherman act. dreda expected to travel north this literally acres of Imported marble In instead of being an expense, for the Captain Ernest Pruitt, of Merlin, of bridgea over the Vistula hare bee* when he advocated th« view« Presl- spring to the newly-discovered oil this cemetery. The streets and globes carry the names of popular dent Cleveland was knovrn to en tor­ fields at Fort Norman. In the Mac­ walks were paved and there were no cigars, beverages, hose supporters, pitching for the Christian baseball blown up. The Germans believe the team of the Twilight league, held Polee intend to raid Danxig. tain on the subject, ni» nomination kenzie river valley of northwestern grass plots. There were many beau­ and other luxuries or necessities. to the bench ended s memorable con­ Canada. tiful mausoleums and elaborate In the cool of the evening the park the Baptist players to no hits and de­ test tn the aenate. Two New York­ Although some believe the move­ tombs. At one corner of the ceme­ benches are filled with men. hun­ served a shut-out. In addition to this London, May It.—(A. P.)—Re­ ers had been nominated by President ment will assume the else of an early tery was the "bone yard," a walled dreds of them congregating, gossip­ he is credited with a home run with Cleveland, but both failed of confir­ gold field rush, the steamboat com­ enclosure where the bones of the de­ ing. talking politics, listening to soap bases full The score. Christians 6» ports through Polish channels say that Adalbert Korfanty has Issued a i mation. Throwing to the winds the panies have yet received no indica­ parted are thrown when their rela­ box orators, or enjoying the band Baptista 1. The game was started promptly at proclamation urging the people off custom which for 88 years had kept tions that a stampede is about to tives tail to keep up the annual tomb mualc. At night the city Is ablaze a New York man on the bench, Mr take place. It is certain, however, rental. One bone yard is reported to with electric signs and one can recog­ 6:30 as the dark skies threatened to Upper Silesia to surrender arms, re­ Cleveland nimwl Senator White, He that travel toward Fort Norman will contain something like 30,000 skele­ nise the familiar trade mark of Am­ make the evening short. Fast play­ sume work and avoid conflict with was confirmed within an hour. be heavier than ever this year Th« tons. Rome years ago thia yard be­ erican goods, even though the words ing. however, put the game through Germans. three transportation companies can came filled and a new one started. which accompany them are unfami­ on time. The Christiana made a tal­ ly in the first inning and five addi­ Washington. May 1».—-(A P.) handle 3,000 men and their outfits, 1 climbed to the top of the high wall liar. Paris. May 1» —(A. P.) -Premier The funeral of Chief Justice White both ways, during the open months surrounding the new yard, which was Policemen are everywhere, in fact tional tallies tn the last. The Bap­ Briand told eorreepondeats today will he private and he held on Satur­ Some predict only about 1,000 will about 100 feet square, and there there are 12.000 of them in the city.' tists scored once tn the third on a that France insists upon the execs- day from the St. Matthews cathedral make the trip. saw the bleaching bones of thousands Whenever there Is a disturbance the succession of Christian misplays. No tion of the Versailles treaty In draw­ Every person going to the oil coun­ of the departed Some of the wom­ police eeem to appear from every­ ether Baptist saw first base, 'Pruitt ing the tine between Germany u< try must have a round-trip ticket, en of the party Just had to have a where. Their word la law and there striking out eleven and the infield Poland in Upper Rileeia FRM4IDHNT HARDING P1ACKH skill) aa a memento, so one of the la no argument. J noticed on several takng care of the other four with SIGNATURE ON IMMIGRATION the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have announced. iMost of the travel­ chivalrous gentlemen climbed over occasion« street urchins climbing np ease. The Christian team la credit­ ers will go to Norman via the Mac- Into the yard and made a selection to the windows of the hotel to peer tn ed with four hits, of which Hwlnney lace struek but three and Beam oae made two, one a double. Gale Smith batamaa. Washington, May 11.—-(A. P.) — kenxle and Peace river, although for the woman ThAre was care ex- at the diners, but when a policeman a single and Bmeet Pruitt the afore­ The next