MONDAY, MAY GUANTO PAAB PAGE FOUR ■» « It is safety first for our depositors. That’s why we are so careful about our loans and our reserves That’s why we carry fire and burglar insurance. That's why our de­ positors have confidence % this Bank. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MHTHERN ORBGON EXCITEMENT REIGNS SUPREME AT THE RIVOLI TOI» IY ANI» TOMI »RROiY That lag her**" race virtually brings the audience to its few. Pictures Can Be ‘’Seen” by Touch, Is Declaration Made by Inventor of New Fad. Worth .1Oc— We allow you 50e for your old hat to apply on new one. grade |1.50 and Among the things that "have their up. Peerless Clothing <’o. 78 day and cease to be.’ artistic extrav­ agances hold a prominent place. The PAPERN FOR SOI THARD EX- wild vagaries of Impressionists, cu TRADITION REA< Il FRISCO bists and futurists one by one eclipse COUNTY f AIR Eamon» Rural American Itaiing brama Featuring Wesley Barry One of the major activities of the Salvation Army is its emergency re­ lief department. The effectiveness of this department was demonstrated during April when cyclones swept northwestern Texas and continued their havoc into Arkansas killing several hundred people and wounding men. women and children by the scores. Many were left entirely homeless, intense suffering and sick­ ness followed, and the property loss ran into millions of dollars. The town of Texarkana and Melissa suf­ fered worst. The Salvation Army at the first no­ tice of the disaster sent its relief agency into the storm-swept area and remained on the job day and night caring for the wounded, nursing the sick and providing food, clothing and shelter. This kind of service is nothing new r -w—- ————Sg«—— E. M laWUlr. of Butte. Mont , Save lU.IN»— was In Grants Pass yesterday. Turn In your old suit at the Peer­ Flume lumber at Borland Thomas less Clothing Co Tltt Lumber Co. Phon« 187-J. 64tf C. M Turner and wife and Culey CtianitH*r of (Ntmmcrvv* Tonight C. Brom and wife, of Yreka, were in The regular weekly luncheon of Grants IPasa last night the Chamber of Commerce will be Goitre, diabetes, epilepsy may be held tonight instead of at noon For­ cured by Dr. Tompkins methode est fire pretention will be discussed Supervisor MacDanlela will Phone 304-R. 79tf and There »ill also be a solo by E N. Strong, assistant manager of siH'tik the Oregon Life insurance Company. Mrs Parsons I spent the day in Grants Paaa with Worth 9B.OO— A. B. Cornell. We will alow you |5 for your old Mrs. A. T. Christy, of Klamath Falls, arrived this morning for a suit to apply on the price of any wool 78tf short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Henry suit. Peerless Clothing Co. Pyle. Alfalfa seed, field peas. Minnesota Harbinger of S|>ring— Some of the younger generation No. 13 seed corn, alsike clover seed at Counts' Feed Store. 79tf have already commenced swimming Mr. and .Mrs. Bernard Hall, of In Rogue river. They confess that the water la “awful cold yet." The Klatnath Falls, have been visiting little fellows Indulge In swimming In Grants Paaa relathes and friends for the cement pond near the Park street a few days. entrance to the park Mft. G. S. Thoman. who has been instructing at the Ardencralg Farm, Artichoke» left yesterday for the south ami will Tomatoes. Cucumbers. Head Let­ spend some time in Sun Francisco. tuce, Sweet Potatoes. New Potatoes. Corn M. Ray and Gouls Mtnthorn, Canby Asjutragus and Green Peppers of Bethany. Missouri. who spent at Kinney At Truax 79 Sunday in Grants Paas left this morn­ ing for Eugene. Nighl Stop« at Grants I’li-o^— Before you build get figures on Fred Ashley, representative of the your lumber, shingles, lath, doors Plckwlc Stage company, operating and windows at Borland Thomas automobile stages through California, Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 6 4tf with through lint*« from San Fran­ Mr. and Mrs Ed. Eldred expect to cisco to lats Angeles, announces that leave this week for Michigan by auto­ he has made arrangements to make mobile. spending the summer on the Grants Pass a night stop on the route trip and visiting. They will be fori a time in Grand Rapids. Mr. Eldred's! from San Francisco to Portland The other night stop will be at Redding. old home. The Oxford hotel will lie the official Mike Clentens last week attended stopping place a meeting cf the Rexall dealers of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, A'our <»lil Hat— which was held at Seattle There Is worth 50c to apply on the price were more than 200 dealers in at­ of a new one. grade It50 and up. tendance [Mr. Clemens had a visit Peerless Clothing Co. 7811 with H. C. Bobzlen. former Grants I Pass merchant, who is now with the! O. S. Illani-hanl llreaks Arm— M. Seller company in Seattle O. S. Blanchard went flying yes­ terday and returned home with a HORN broken arm. but the fishing had DI NGEY—To Mr and Mrs Charles nothing to do with the Injury. Mr. Dungey. of this city. Saturday. May Blanchard and family, E. H. Bal- 14, a son. slger and family and Mr and Mrs I NRl’H—To Mr and Mrs. H. R. Un­ C. A. Swope spent the day on Deer ruh. of Rogue River. Saturday. creek, and when entertainment be­ May 14, a son. gan to lag O. S. appeared with a lad­ der and commenced acrobatic stunts SFX RETARA W ALLACE AGAINST He was able to balance hlntself on UsASKAN DEVEI.OPMENT BOARD the ladder and place both feet on the fourth rung. Finally this was Washington. May 16.—(A. P. > - equalled by another of the [tarty and Opposition to a bill to create an Alas-1 Mr. Blanchard had to set a new mark, kan development board was expressed but he missed his footing and the by Secretary Wallace in a letter to ladder came down on top of him The Representative Curry, of California, large bone In his right forearm was the chairman of the house committee broken and spilt, but the smaller on territories. bone was uninjured. First aid was applied and Mr Blanchard drove his “TACTILISM” THE LATEST ART car home with only his left hand in service. You often hear that slogan It aa true with banking as with railroad or any other public enterprise. RIVOLI L0G1L PERSONAL Safety First COMING WED. —“THE MASK’ — A wonderful romance Tor the Salvation Army. They have done the same thing hundreds of times as was noticeable during the i Hood at Corpus Christi, the Califor­ nia earthquake and in our great for­ est fires. The emergency relief department j is maintained to meet just such ca- tastrophies. Is not such service! worth while? A percentage of the! Oregon budget in the home service! fund goes to emergency relief. what has gone before. "Tactllisni" is the name of a new ’’art" invented by Signor Marinetti, the Italian futurist, who, recently, to a large audience of painters, art critics and society people In Paris, explained its principles. It is a uietliod of con­ veying Impressions through tlte sense of touch, “which has hitherto been neglected by the arts.” Marinetti told how lie had tried to establish a series of conventions, which could be easily learned, by which different touches would bring forth definite Ideas. For Instance, something rough, spiky and hot to the touch woultl give the Idea of the Sahara. The sens would lie conjured up by something smooth and cold, like silver paper, and Paris by a mixture of silk and velvet. It Is an evidence of the readiness of the day to tnke up anything new that this adventur­ ous futurist pioneer is now the lion of the season. He intends to be in Paris for some weeks, but has already re­ ceived so many Invitations to attend fashionable receptions anti evening parties that he confesses that he hard­ ly knows how to cram In all his ap­ pointments. KLENZO San Francisco. May 16 -(A. P. i Mrs. Ormsby arrived today from Twin I’ails, Idaho, with extradition paper» for Mrs. Southard. < IKPENTIER ARRIVES IN NEW YORK FROM I’RAM E TODAY New York. May 16.— (A. P. > — ! Georges Carptentier, the European heavyweight champion, arrived today from France to prepare for ills battle with Dempsey at Jersey City on July 2nd. Paul’s Electric Store Throat Gargle CLEMENS CHICHESTER SPILLS Typewriting paper—Courier office. SELLS DRUGS lie J9M* IwSlMt A*k ' /A < M rhe-w-t^P • Diamond Rran4/ZX\ 1*1 IU la Nrd »«<1 Irfiist, «mted with Bln« Ribbon. N7Z Tali« no Mher Rnr of mr __ _ DriMlA A«kfoCIII.4 •fF.h-TF.B« I»! AMO ND PIKA Nil PI l.l *, fa» •• yeanknown»« Be»t, Safaat, Alway» Reliable sot» * TAILORING GEO. S. CALHOUN Over Sixteen Yean Local Dealer NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Price» at Peerless Clothing Co. •OA4 1 ■■ " 1 ......... Shoes for the Family received nliipmmt of Chll«!*'« «nd pump*, n I a «** m to 2. one J umi Huy m |udr <»f J unit*** Wtudrr An h llrnr«*» dim ! «trap Brown n-wt )’»ur timl fret. (sUMrantratlon»». Tailored to your iiuw»uiw—st the price y”u want to pay. HOTPOINT Week NOTICE TO CUT GRASS A Nil W EEKS Liquid Antiseptic CHOOSE YOUR CLOTHES with the Mune »»ire you wOBld your »Mr. vvrry hi»liU«luiil need in Office stationery, all weights and gradee of paper—Courier office. I NEW TODAY—Ono 4-lmreer Iteti Star oil stove with oven. Electric I lamp. Electric fan. Regular SI I 1 Mattreses, rolled edges, weight IO Ih», a few left at gl». Also a silk flows mattress at $14. Library table, heavy top. gissi as new, gl’J.XO. About Io rods IH-inib wire fence. Phono 71. T. C. Booth. COMING EVENTS May 27 to June 1—Frlday-Wednes- j day Chautauqua in Grants Pass »•»»• h Mwisn mmHEiit % RUGS—Prom 20% to 50% Reduction On every Rug in our stock. Measure your rooms and come in and see how little it takes to make your Home Beautiful with our Rugs. You are welcome and our time and services are yours. SEE OUR WINDOW Holman’s Furniture Store 605 G Street Opposite the Band Stand