GRAS PH I’AAH DAILY OOlRUB MONDAY, MAY IM, IV21. PIAMO INHTHUtTION DOYLE’S Successor to E. Firth & Company MR® JAME® M POWER®. Instrue tor on piano; studio over Barn««' Jewelry. Phone 285-J. DR. R. J. BE8TUL, Vsterlnartan Heeidenre 838 Washington boule vard. phone 898-R DKNTDtrs E. C. MACY, ». M. D. Flrst-cla dentistry logt« S. (th St ATTORNEYS Classified Advertising FOU MAI.K ItKAL KHTATK H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law Practices In all State and Federal Courts First National Bank Bldg G. W. COLVIG, Attorney-at-law Grants Pass Banking Co. Bidg E. 8 VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices In all courts First National Hank Building O S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Hide Phone C. A. .COLER. Attorney-at-law. Ma anale t»in?!e, Grants Pass. Ore. PHONE 339-L for fir and pine wood, K. T. .M c K instry , « os o at., phone GKO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law bone dry, at $3.35 and 83 50 per 356-R. real estate, liest of soils for referee In bankruptcy. Masonic Iler. «S3 N Hth St L. F. Roat. fruit, bay or general farming. Temple Phone 135-J. 58« HOY HIGGINB General real estate JAMES T. CHINNOCK. Lawyer FOR SALE Team fi and 7 years old. Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 6». First National Bank Building weight 2400. Address No. 180 care of Courier. 64tf A. C. HOUGH — Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg Mist ELLA N EOI * Practice In all courts. WOOD FOR SALE Fir 82.28. pine pipe V. A. C. AHLF. lawyer, practice In SHOP—Plumbing, 82, on ground. 4 miles west on up REPAIR work, steam fitting, boiler and state aad federai, courts Office per river road. Poets and building pump work and Installing. 5 0.-, over National Drug Store I Hiles. Hlvely & Brkkell, General South 6th street. Phone 30«. G. Delivery. «9tf till A Bryan FOR HALE l»ry slab wood, 3-tler load for 87 50. Single tier, 82.75. CARNER-G AYETTY IRON WORKS. General foundry and machine* Also taking orders for fall deliv work; gray iron and braes cast eries of fir and hard wood. C. W. ings, any size and quantity. Deal lsimiiroclit. Rd 1. Grants Pass. 9« ers In second hand mine and saw SUGAR CURED MEATH llama, ba mill machinery, bollnra. engines, j Come, try oar ready-to-aerve, con and picnics at reasonable a la car* lunch, 12 to 1:30 pipe fittings, etc. Booth and F ¡wlces A. A Hyde, 934 N 9th streets. Grants Paas, Ore. 94tf We a ill serve a very street fine 78c tsble-de-hotc >N»R SALE 1918 Cleveland motor G A. PRICE- -Painter and decora-^ dinner — Time 8:30 tor. 814 West B street. Grants cycle In good condition 702 South tp H p. m. Ore. 24« Fifth street D. L. Myers 79 . . Pass. .......... . »■■■-->"■ .... - ■ — I Spelai Sunday Dinn<-r $1.00 BANKERS LIFE COMPANY—Dee' MODERN BI’NGAI j OW. Dutch kltch- Moines. Iowa. Myron C. Gaston, i on. built-in conveniences, oement District Agent. Ad- aide walks Cheap for cash 79 HEMSTITCHING and Plcoting at- htJTK'E OF SALE OF drew. No. 193. care Courier GOA KILN MENT TIMBER .tachment—works on all sewing T<> HELL FOR CASH or exchange machines. Price 82. Personal General laind Office, Washington, for house and lol, 7-room modern checks, 10 cents extra. Lights Mall D C. April 16, 1*21 Notice is bungalow and large lot In Medford. Order House, Box 127, Birming hereby given that subject to the con Address 513 North Central Ave . ham. Ala. 81 ditions and limitations of the Acts of June 9. 1916, (39 Stat. 218), and Medford. Ore 79 LADY OR MEN solicitors, exclusive Jun« 4. 1920 (41 Stat.. 7581. and the Instructions of the Secretary of FOR SALE Sin-^' 2'» -Inch wagon, territory. Write for particulars. the Interior of September 15, 1917, harness hack pole, grindstone Bandona Company. Garnett Hotel, and June 22, 1920. the timber on the Phone 296-R, 215 West K St 7» Portland. Oregon. 81 following lands will be sold June 3. 1921, at 10 o'clock a m . at public NEW MAI'S of Holland mining dis auction al the United States Land Of- trict, showing Boawell mine, for fice at Roseburg, Oregon, to the sale at Itemaray's. 81 HARPER A SON Building contrac highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this no tors. Shop work, furniture crating. tlce, sale to be subject to the ap- STUTZ BDUIAKMJ, four passenger, Shop 510 II St. Rea. phone 14 2. provaI of the Secretary of the Inter-' * six wire wheels, new cord tires, lor. The purchase price, with an ad duuble aiHitllghta, first class con A. J. GREEN—General contractor. ditional sum of one-fifth of one per dition Will sell dirt cheap. Terms Estimates and plans made Noth- cent thereof, being commissions al lowed. must be deposited at time of to responsible party Might oen- Ing too small or too large Shop sale, nioticy to be returned If sale I sider some trade Box 7 4 2, Grants 92tf is not approved, otherwise patent 211 Sixth St Phone 375-1 Pass. Phone 282-J. 81 will issue for the timber which must I NALASKOWSKl — Contractor. be removed within ten years. Bids! J. FOR S.MiE 160 acres timberland. Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R. will be received from citizens of the Josephine county, W Mi of NW'» 61tf United States, associations of such | citizens and corporations organized and N14 of SW 14, Sec. 14 T. 39 under the laws of the United States ACCOUNTANT S , R. 8 W. What Is It worth to or any state, territory or district you for rash Any offer considered. thereof only. Upon application of a AUDITING Systematising. See me Address A. D. Dabney, 4827 Elm about dally or monthly audit ser qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivsion will be offered wood Ave . Los Angeles, Cal. 85 vice. Ivan Livingston, Incorporat separately before being included in ed Accountant. Phone 3S9, Ad any offer of a larger unit. T. 39 S., FOR HEXT dress, Granta Paas, Ore. 70tf R. 1 W . Sec. 5. SWli, NW 14, Wne 150 M . Fir 175 M.. none of the pine FN»R RENT (Light housekeeping DRESSMAKING to be sold for less than 82.50 per M., Tooms Suitable for two. No chil and n?ne of the fir to be sold for less dren. 210 South Fifth St. 79 MRS. W. R. SWOAPE’S drossmaking that $2.00 per M T. 33 S . R 5 W . parlors over Kinney & Truax. Sec. 9. NW 14 SW14. pine 200 M , fir 4 40 M., none of the pine to be PIIOTOGR M'llY Room 3, across hall from opera sold for lees than 82.50 per M., and house. Call and get estimates, or none of the fir to be sold for less THE PICTURE MILL for artistic phone 60S. 28tf than 81.00 per M. T. 31 S.. R. 7 W. photographs. Hours for sitting. Sec., 1, NE 14SW14. fir 300 M.. not 10 a. tn. to 4 p. m. Sunday alt- to be »old for lees than 31.00 per M. DR WAGE AND TRANSFER T. 39 8., R. 8 W„ Sec. 3. SW 14 tinga by appointment only. Phone GMf THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. NE14, pine 280 iM.. fir 150 M.. NE14 283-R, or residence 140-J. NW 14, pine 2 20 M . Fir 4 5 M.. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone HW«4 NW 14, pine 105 M.. fir 20 M.. NUIU4KRY STOCK NW 14 SW14, pine 45 M.. fir 10 M.. 349; residence phone 315-J. SW14. pine 95 M.. fir 35 M . NURSERY—Everything in up to F. (I. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi 8W14 SE14 SWIi. i pine 140 M„ fir 10 M., date nursery stock, also directions anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship none of the pine to be sold for less 83.00 per M., and none of the for planting gnd soil culture. Call ped, packed, stored. Phone 124.Y. than fir to be sold for lees than 81.00 i>er on F. E. Jordan. KfiO North 7th M WILLIAM SPRY, street, Granta Paas. Ore. ,43tf TAX. Commissioner General latnd Office. 93 FOR EXCHANGE SOONER TAXI—Phone 262-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an FOR TRADE 5 lots in Klamath swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf MORE MEN THAN WOMEN Falls. Cash price 1200 each. All HAVE APPENDICITIS or part for auto. W. J. Vernon, NEW OWL TAXI — Call 172-J. 312 I street. <9 I Medical reports show men are Prompt service day or night. A. F. Berrle. 83 more subject to apendicitie although POULTRY many sudden cases occur among women. It can l>e guarded against PHYSICIAN AM» SURGED Foil SALE Six-weeks-old lx«ghorn by preventing intestinal infection. cockerels, 15c each or 10c each in Intestinal antiseptic. Adler-l-ka, L. O. OLKMENT. M, D.. Practice The acta on BOTH upper and lower bowel lota of 50. C. Schaefers. Rd. 2. 83 limited to diseases of eye. ear.nose removing all foul, decaying matter and throat. Phone «2; Rea. 239-9. which might cause Infection. It WANTED brings out matter you never thought WANTED An oil range In good con 3. LOUGH JUDGE, M. D. Physician was In your system and which may and surgeon. City or country calls have been poisoning you for months. dition. Phone 179-R. #5tf Is EXCELLENT for gas attended day or night. Phone«. | ,Adler-l-ka on the stomach. National Drug Store GOOD COOK wants ; ositlon In coun Res 3«9; Office. 182; «th and H. try or town. Address No. 194 care Courier. $0 E. J. BILLICK, M D. Phvslctan. sur THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON COAST RAILROAD COMPANY' geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phono 84-J: WANTED -We are paying market Time Card res. 1004 lawnrldre. phone 54-L. price, cash, for eggs at Burkhal Effective Nov. 24. 1919 ter’s feed store, Also want heavy W F RUTHERFORD- Manual the- Trains will rnn Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays hens at market price. Our price raputlcs. Office over Barnes' Jew I .eave Grants Pass............... 1 PM Phone 286-R or Is always right. elry. Hours 9:30-13; 1:30-4. Arrive Waters Creek......... 2 P.M. 82 882. I .eave Waters Creek......... 2:30 P M Arrive Grants Pass............ 4 P M SITUATION WANTED by experienc RAIA11 W. STEARNS. M. D. Phy- For information regarding freight and surgeon, X-Ray eqolp- alelan ed cook, for a crew of men. Call and passenger rates call at the office ment. Offlce in Masonic Temple of the company, Lundburg building, Frank Wesson, Wlldervllle, Ore. Bldg., phone 21-L. or telephone 131 * 83 JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE PACK THBKB RAT IS SERIOUS ENEMY OF WORLD No Other Animal or Insect Is So Dangerous and Persistent in Doing Harm. INFLICTS IMMENSE DAMAGE Value of Food and Property Destroyed Annually by Esch Individual Rat Is Estimated at 82—la Efficient Germ Carrier (Pr»i>ara<i by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The necessity of a campHlgn of un- i varying efficiency against the common ’ brown rat. ia an outstanding one. No . other animal or Insect la ho dangerous I and persistent un enemy, and no other j enemy succeeds In Indicting the dam age that the rat annually ImpoHes up on humanity. The rat population of the United States is at least equal to ' the human population, and the same > ratio holds true for practically every ' Country under the «un. The bureau | of biological survey. United States | Department of Agriculture, places the I value of the fo<Ml and property de- I strayed annually by each individual rat at 82. Keeping well within the boundaries of conxervutlKm this means that each yeur. In this country alone, we produce 82UO.OUO.OliO worth of food | to no other purpose then to feed our rats. In another way, 200.000 men In the United States are devoting all their labor to the maintenance of 100.- «tO.ono rats Is Efficient Germ Carrier. But the rcslent's enmity is far from being satisfied l»y this huge economic injury. A frequenter of all the places that are vile and loathsome, the rat Is a most efficient germ carrier. Tlw germs of the dreaded “black death" have killed more human beings than all the wars of the world's history, und these germs are Introduced into the human system by the bite of u nit ffea. In India, no longer ago than l«'.si. the bubonic plague killed 0,000.- I (as) |>ersons. In Europe, during the I Fourteenth century, it is believed to have brought death to 2S.000.000 hu man being*. Other diseases, almmt as dreadful, are tra<ed to the common rat. Thus, from the standpoint of public health, aa well as from the ne cessity of controlling the drain upon the public purs*’, it is essential that the rut be exterminated. Once the ex termination is complete, or as nearly so us modern methods will permit, ev ery precaution must be taken to pre vent the nit from multiplying and re gaining lost ground. This is Your Opportunity to Examine and Buy the Complete Line of Hotpoint Electrical Appliances THEY WILL ALL BE DISPLAYED AT OUR STORE. RANGES, IRONS, TOASTERS, GRILLS —EVERY ELECTRICAL AID TO HOME CON VENIENCE AND COMFORT. Paul’s Electric Store CHEVROLET PRICES REDUCED AS FOLLOWS: Roadster - - $798.55 Sedan - • $1448.00 » Touring - - • 809.05 Ton Truck • 1453.95 F. O. B. Grants Pass W. S. Maxwell & Co. Exterminating Plan* Trapping should be done continuously and systematically at all rat-infested places. Rat poisons, esj>ecially barium carbonate nn-imratlnns n- recently de- I Every Rat Cotts the Nation $2, a Total of 3200000.000 Annually. velof»ed by the biological survey, should be employed. In furthering the destruction of the rat, community or civic organization Is of the greatest Importance. It does no good to drive the rats from one cellar Into the next if they are allowed to breed un molested In their new quarters. When the campaign is nuide general the i>est Is allowed no rest and no oiiportunlty to Intrench In a new position. If one pair of rats Is left they reproduce the original number in a little while, as rats breed five or six times a year with an average of ten to the litter. In connection with the extermina tion campaigns, preventive measures should be employed ngalnst the rodent. First among these is the protection of all food supplies. This Is of prime importance. The removal und destruc tion of refuse Is the next step !n pre vention. as abandoned dumps and piles of waste material furnish excellent shelter and food for the rats that have been driven from the houses and cel lars. Folks do you realize the opportunity you have been waiting for is here i Why eook with wood when elec tricity is cheaper f Why wash by hand when you <-an get a <’rystal on easy termst See us for prices • n cooking and washing devices. GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY Side of Water Office A WO.MAX’S IDEA of a home is one in which the family comfort has been well provided for in the completely appointed bath room. Women who feel that family hygiene demands better equipment than is at present available, should secure our estimate for renovations necessary for bringing this room up to requirements, at a coet within reaeon. W. R- R.IN.NIK 417 G ST'', ’».'T Building Should Be Rat Proof. All buildings should be rat-proofed by the liberal use of cement and tin. Rat-proofing should be a prominent specification In all new construction end It should be applied to older build ings In the form of repairs. All drain outlets should be sealed with wire cage", or similar proactive device«. With the food supply locked away from hltn, and his shelter gone, starva tion and exposure will add to the ef fectiveness of work with traps and poisons and the menace of the rat will cease to be a real hazard against American lives and property. Farmer's Week Auction Sale, June 16, 1021 0. A. C. Dairy Bull Calves On tanemment Accredited List. Tuburvnlar »re JERSEY, HOIA4TKIN, GFERNSFY. AYRSHIRE POPULAR BLOOD UNEB—EVERYONE A HWil» Bl I LI > ER YOU SKT THE PRICE—THEY'LL IMFROVK YOUR HERD Write for Descriptive Catalogue to Dairy Department, O. A. C., Cor vallis. Oregon.