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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1921)
» MOMHY. MAY I«. IMM. GRANTS I "ANS DAILY <X>1 RIER NKW TODAY A. E Voorhiea, Pub. and Propr. Mbits ml at poatofflce. Granta Paas. Ora., aa second-cl**» mall matter EVERYTHING IN INBVRANCB— Dependable companies and reaa- onabla ratas. Bee T. M Stott. Buick Salesrooms. lOltf Quantity Buys PretM-nt nu»rkc< couilitious make it p«Mwible for us to nu»ke sotne very attractive low price quantity buys anti we in turn offer our customers the beaxeftt. Our ««Mutters anti show etas an» loaded with thcec B|Mwlal l«ri«xxl gvMHis. ADVERTISING RATkB Display space, per Inch-------- .......16c Local-personal column, per line..,.l»e Readers, per line—......................... 5c DAILY COURIER By mall or oarriar. per year...... *6.00 By mall or carrier, par month . .68 One l»*t Ere<«h Roasted Cart»««»! or IVaberry Coffee ni 2.V l«»r («»und, 2 pounds fur 4.V-, this »reek only. WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year--------------- ----- 8$-00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated prune is exclusively •■titled te the use tor republication of all aeww dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in this gaper and also the local newt pub- Baked herein. AD rights of republication of •P«- •lai dispatches herein are also re- •erred. has 20 days in which to call the elec I MONDAY, MAY 1«. UHM tion. In other words. 25 days must elapse between the time of (lf»ng the ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ peUtions and the date of the election OREGON WEATHER ♦ ♦ I “When the move to recall Mr. Wil ♦ Tonight and Tuesday, show- ♦ liams first originated It was said that ♦ era. the question would be submitted to ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ the voters at the special election June 7 Petitions later were placed in cir- RECALL ACTION IS FAILURE dilation, but reports reaching Salem That the attempted recall election of Fred A. Williams, member of the today indicated that less than half enough signatures had been obtain Oregon Public.Service commission, is ed. ” a flash in the pan, is evidenced by the following article from the public press: “There will be no attempted recall of Fred A. Williams, chairman of the Oregon public service commission, in connection with the special election to be held June 7. This was definite ly settled late this afternoon, when the time expired for filing petitions with the secretary of state. Under the Oregon law a person against whom a recall election is directed has five days in which to resign after the petitions are filed with the secretary of state. The secretary of state then A Series of Human Interest Talks on Insurance How Much Insurance Should a Farmer Carry? The farmer of today ¡3 as much of a business man as any other and figures things out from that standpoint. Suppose he owns a 160-acre farm valued at $100 per acre and this firm is mortgaged for $8,000. The liquidation of that mort gage besides making a living for the family depends on him. If he lives he will carry out his contract. Death may overtake him be fore he completes the contract. A $10,000 policy payable to his estate would clear the indebted ness besides leaving ready cash for funeral and administration expenses. Indebt'dnejs net so protected by insurance generally causes the disposal of the farm—often at a sacrifice in order to raise cash. Additional insurance should also be carried payable to the wife. Cash value can be used to provide additional comforts for old age if the farmer lives. Premiums on an Oregon Life policy stay here to be loaned on farms. Talk it over with A PERMANENT INDI STRY — U. S. POPULATION RUNS 35.5 Ta SQUARE MILE Average Density Increases 5 Per Cent Since 1910. According to Census Figures. The averag»» density of populatlqn throughout the United States exclusive of outlying possessions was 35.5 per sons for each square mile of land area In 1920 as against 30.9 In 1910. the census bureau announced. The density In the individual states In 1920 ranged from seveu-tenths of one person for each square mile tn Nevada to 566.4 In Rhode Island, the bureau announced. It exceeded 200 per square mile In live states. Rhode Island, with 500.4; Massachusetts. I?'.»: New Jersey, 480; Connecticut. 286.4, and New York. Xi 17.9. The density figures for other states were: Alabama. 45.8; Arizona. 2.9; Arkansas, 33.4; California. 22.0; Colo- rado, 9.1: Delaware, 113.5; District of Columbia, 7.292.9; Florida. 17.7; Geor- gla. 4971; Idaho, 5.2; Illinois, UM; Indiana. 81.3; Iowa, Iowa. 432; 43.2; Kansas. 21.6; Kentucky. 00.1; Louisiana. 39.6; Maine. 25.7; Maryland, 145.8; Michi gan. 63.8; Minnesota, 29.5; Mlssl»ai;e pi. 38.6; Missouri. 49.5; Montana, 3.9; Nebraska. 16.9; New Hampshire, 40.1; New Mexico. 2.9; North Carolina. 52.5; North Dakota, 9.2; t'hi.>, 1114; Okla homa. 20.2; Oregon. 8.2; Pennsylvania. 19425; South Carolina. 55.2; South Da kota, 83; Tennessee, 56.1 ; Texas. 17-8; Utah. 5.5; Vermont. 38.6; Virginia. 57.4; Washington. 20.3; West Virginia. 60.9; Wisconsin, 47.6; Wyoming. 2.0. Long runs a specialty In the Courier merchant printing depart ment. WE hope for your new HOME YOU'VE PLANNED- THE FINEST PLUMBING IN THE LAND’ A. B. CORNELL Th.-Oregon j ifc Grants Pa«s, Ore. J lions, is a spiritual axe ami that thia l'HONK 326-Y, Houser Bros, for era will xo down lu hlstorv as a sec wood. Pine 13 tier, 8-tler load; ond rvnalaaanee She has set the fir 13.60. 7» goal of state membership at 10,000. E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estate. In The forum plan adopted. In which all surance and plats glass liability. member» hud a voice, pleased her 60»H Q street, phone 18. 40tf and aho urged that publicity tw given club work. FOR RA1>: 80 acres unimproved The following officers were elm t- on Jones creek. SO acres unIm- •d: Frerident. Mrs V \ V Ahlt. ot 14 acres Granta i|*»aa. recording secretary, proved In Fruitdale. cleared and fenced In Fruitdale '.Mrs D. Peroixl of Ashland; treaaur 160 acres 5 miles out on Crescent er. Mrs iLewls Brown of Talent; vice City road above ditch, unimproved. presidents, first, Mrs. A. J llanby. Bronson of Medford, second. Mr» Gilmore, of And H Interest In Must Rogue River. addition on Tenth street be sold, Mnke me tin offer on all ■ Mrs. Clevenger of Granta Paas ex- or part. E. L. Churchill, trustee.1 tended Invitation tor the next con 80 Phone 26S-J. — I ventlou to moot in Granta FOR SALE -My home. 1026 Lawn- which was accepted. rldge Ave. Davenport addition on The resolutions co in ml I tee, Tenth street. Also several 10, 80 Gertrude Muson. Mr» William and 40-acre tracts. Soma under and 'Mrs. E. E Marcy, offered ' Irrigation and some not. If you following resolutions, which were are looking for a snap, see E. L. adopted: Indorsement of work of the Churchill, owner Phone 268-J. county nurse and demonstration 80 agent. Woman'» Jury bill, Owens- Adair measure. International disar HAVE FOR SA I J?—A large au«l well mament program, stricter Immigra built barn, cost originally |480 tion laws. Can be Ideally adapted Into modern Musical plectW were given by high home. Must sell at once. See E school girls’ club and the Misses 8. VanDyke, agent, First National Bank Building. II Haugherty. Mrs. <C. B. laimkln. prn> Ident, presided. ALFALFA HAY »12 PER TON one The women of Ashlaud served mile from poetofflce New crop delicious luncheon See Ia*wls Stlnebatixb. or phone 14 9-L. 81 ♦ REWARD I will give $50 cash for AMI HEM ENTS information leading to the convic ♦ tion of the party or parties who “County Fair” a Winner took windows from my residence Maurice Tourneur’s 'The County on the Takilma rout). H M Pfef ferle. 84 Fair, is now playing a apo. lai en gagement at the Rivoli theater. FOR SALE 80 acre« on Deer creek. The story is taken front the play In 1 mile from poatofflce. good water which .Neil Burgees starred all over right, 18 acres plowed, house and the country for many aeasons. It Is barn. $3200. Terms, W Mln- one of those studies of rurul Amer 90 thorn. 624 West G St. ican life which are chuck full of heart WANTED- To rent furnished mo Interest, quaint humor and all the dern 4 or 5 room house, north excitement incident to a day al a side of track preferred. Address county fair and winding up witlv u No. 195 care of Courier. 84 thrilling horse race In which the en try of the leading characters not only FOR SALE -Large ice cheat and triumphs over the crooked schemers cupboard. Call at 507 A St. F In wlunlng the event but taking down E. Booth 84 a purse that saves the farm of Aunt Abigail and her deserving associate'. WANTED ..... feet of galvanised pipe In good condition or In snial-1 It is llketiod to a trip to the country ler quantities. Some faucets and : on a sweet Stimmer day anti taken the motion world by storm. couplings. Wm Boog. 208 Foun-1 dry street. 84 Story of Saint Sasna TO SELA. FOR CASH or exchange An ambitious woman at for house and lot, "room modern Salnt-Sneii's Mondays fairly browbeat bungalow and larxe lot in Medford him luto accompanying her two Address 513 North Central Ave., daughters In a duet. After enduring 84 as long as be could the torture of their Medford, Ore. timeless and tuueless performance be FOR RENT- Furnished apartment turned to the mother with. "Which of 611 <4 G St. 79tf your daughters, minium, do you wish tile to accompany7”—D. G. Mason lu FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT at “From Grieg tu Itrulimw." 80 417 E street. Phone 361-H. Alaska was a wonderful mining district, and is still a wonder. But the thing that caused the great rush to the northland was the find of placer gold and the firing of the hopes of men who knew little of the mining game with the desire for quick wealth. After that first rush and the gathering to the till of the millions that had been washed from the ledges through ages of time, Alaskan mining settled down to a The more matter-of-fact business, same thing is history in practically every mining district. California had its rush in ’49, the same rush that moved northward two years later and brought excitement to southern Ore gon. The placer gold was the quest of the argonaut. A quick clean-up and then the miner joined the rush to the latest discovery. But behind him came more substantial development, llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll and for more than 50 years southern YOU CAN’T DO ANYTHING Oregon has been an every-day produ BEHIND THIS MAN’S BACK cer of mineral wealth. Yet it is in one sense an undiscovered country, llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Just now are the sources of wealth being hunted within the womb mother earth, and the veins ledges that descend below the sur face are found as rich as were the original placers. The indications point to vast bodies of mineralized FOR RENT— 5-room modern bun- rock that will make rich mines for galow, unfurnished, close In. |20 many years to come. It is a field for per month. Inquire of D. Dobble, investment that will attract the 9tf Kinney & Truax Grocery. ital required to develop it and FOR SALE—5-room house, 2 lots, create industry and payroll. woodshed and vegetable house, city dollar taken from the ground water, sewer and electric lights A new dollar. The record of the Bos- snap. $900. Good terms. in quire of D. Dobble. Kinney A- well is proving the fact that Jose Truax Grocery. 79tf phine's mines are more than pockets. UNCUT HAY In the field for sale Phone 149-J. 84 Railroad Has Cut Dining Car Prices. Reductions of from 15 to 25 per IX/HT—Truck Jack, between Bald cent In dining car charges have been win’s above Holland and Grants announced by the Great Northern rail Pass. Finder please return to the road, which has also declared It will so Courier office or call 286-J. put Into effect this year special sum mer tourist passenger rates at reduc PHONE 160- The Bonbonniere for tions of from 20 to 25 per cent. Taxi. 79tf More Than 2 kfen for Each Position. The unemployment situation has be come so acute in cities In Illinois that the ratio of applicants for Jobs Is more than two and one-half to In the larger cities, according to clul figures. Progress In Wrong Direction. Jud Tunkins says If he had his to live over he’d probably make same mistakes, only owin’ to Improved modern facilities he’d mebbe make ’em faster and more numerous. Beautiful line of patterns in Anioskeag Drewi Ginghams. Fine aneortment of 36-inch Percale», light atxl dark color*. :MI-in< h Cot* ton Chailie« for Comforters, etc. Renfrew Itevonshire doth, small checks, plaids and plain colors. We hear you re planning build a new home. Well, do you know that It would be a matter of money in your pocket and good plumbing in your house If you talked your plans over with us and got our prices’ We’re dependable plumbers. BUYS TOR CASH New anti Used Goods SEE ME B. S. Dedrick E. W. CHILES 514 F Htreet PHONE 308-J 401 G STREET I BULL" DURHAM tobacco makes 50 flood cigarettes for IOC / Caruso chose the Victrola Because he wanted you to hear him in your >wn home exactly as lie is heard on the stage at the Metropolitan Opera. His records played on imitations would give you something but it would be something less than the best. TIIE MIC A PHOTO HOI HE Stanton lt«»u ell, I’roprlwor LISTEN Before buying your Grocery Supply for SATURDAY — VISIT THE GROCETERIA llcM. (’numerj Butter 30c lb. Conklin lliiildhitf ■F1 USED CARS It don’t coat anything to look, and very IH tic money to buy used cara at Hobart’s enrage. Velie Six Just painted, fino shape. Dodge IOIH. Chevrolet, Illis. Ford touring Cur, 1010. Maxwell, IltlH. Ford delivery, Just overhauled, good ahapr. 7 Grants Pass-Medford Physical Training Helps Pupils. There is one school In New York which has perhaps given more atten tion to the matter of physical training « than any other and accurate records which have been kept show thut the boys and girls of this Institution ore five pounds heavier than those of the same grades In other schools. Golden Rule »Store GENUINE C. L HOBART COMPANY Laurello N known as the "man wltli the revolving head,” and It sure does revolve once lie gets started. He can look In one direction and walk In an- otber. Take it from him—you can’t do anything tiehind his back and get away with It. New Today (Continued from Paga Ono) I STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effective Oct. 25, 1920 Daily and »Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass GRANTS PA8H MEDFORD Waiting Room 10:90 a- m. 1O;OO a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. Bonbonniere 4.30 p. m. 4:80 p. m. Phone 160 We connect with atagm for Ashland and Jacksonville I Poet’s Pat Quotation. A Indy wrote to Tennyson rfkklng him for his autograph nnd a sentiment. Receiving no reply, she wrote ngnlti, nnd followed Ibis by request after re quest. Finally her persistence wns rewarded, the poet sending her n sheet of pnper on which he had written: “A Tennyson Sentiment: 'Ask me no more.’ ”—Boston Transcript. Many Claim Columbus as Native. Italy. Spain, possibly Portngnl, nnd ' new Corsica (nnd therefore France) claim Christopher Coiambus ns their own. An Increasing number of bln- torlnns nnd acholnre In Galicia believe Hint he was a Gallclan. The origin of the belief «ns thnt one of hfs ships wns called J.n Gnllern (the GallclanL. and «ailed from Pontevedrn.