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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1921)
(ßr nute Ites Baite IMMOTI ATOCD PREHM HERVITE 1$ GHANTH l'AMM, JOHHI'HINK (X»CNTY, O R BOOM. VOI, XI., Mo. I IN. WHOI í : NTMBER »7», MONDAY, MAY IH, INI BELIGANO PORRAS DR. C. L ALSBERG FEDERATION viiuvitv vinniii — FEDERAL RESERVE BA.NKH MAY NOT MAKE DEMAND SAYS Hl PREME OOVRT RITI EK 'ATIO.N HEQI IKEMENT QI IRREL FOLIXlWH ATTEND DOHM NOT INVAUDATE THE ANCE AT A DAM E HELD SHIH MEAMlltE IN HI LING WOODLAND, WASH. ONLÏ MEMBER BANKS AFFECTE0 Non-member Institutions Bring Suit to Stop All<«ed Conspiracy of Embarraesment San Francisco Man Was Armimi for Two Men L'ae Hn-«nrw and Mortal lllngul Transportai ion of Cane Wountb Are Given Each at the of W ine Manic Instant Much lnt«Tc«t in < 1ut> Work Express ed by Grants Paas W «»men Who Attended < Washington. May 16.—(A. P.) — Woodland. Wash., May 16.—(A. ♦ Th« sixth annual convention The requirement that the prohibition ?.)— Harvey Riker, aged 55. a ranch Dr. C. L. Alsberg, chief of the bu Washington, May 16.—(A. ♦ the Houthern Oregon District Fed reau of chemistry of the Department amendment be ratified within seven er living 15 miles east of here, was.ef Agriculture, has received the ap ♦ IP.)—That the Federal Reserve ♦ eration of Women's cluba met In Ash years by three-fourths of the states land Saturday. May 14th, there be his P01"!ment as director of the food re- ♦ Banks have no right to insist on ♦ does not invalidate the measure, the instantly killed yesterday and ing present something more than 100 Official photograph of Bsllgano Msrch Institute established at Leland ♦ par collection of checks of mem ♦ delegates representing the various ras. Panamanian consul generai at supreme court ruled today, upholding son. Fred Riker, aged 30, died two Stanford university by ths Carnegie ♦ ber banks has been decided by Washington. the lower court's refusal of a petition hours later as the result of a duel corporation. cluba throughout Houthern Oregon a ruling of the supreme court for a writ of habeas corpus asekd with fire arms^betwen the two___ ♦ ♦ today men i ' Mias Grace Chamberlain, president by J. J. Villon, of San Francisco Vil resulting from a quarrel following a ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦■•♦• ♦ ♦ ♦ of the Ashland Civic Improvement lon »a* arrested while transporting club, gave th« welcoming . address, a case of wine. His counsel asserted dance which the families had attend Washington. May 16.—(A P.)— atressing the concentration of energy that section three of the amendment, ed The father drew a revolver and The main issue at stake is the ques on definite lines of work and calling originally proposed by Senator Hard the son seized a rifle, both 'firing at i tion whether the Federal Reserve attention to the spiritual Influence ing. placed a limitation on the legis the same Instant. The elder Riker' bank at Atlanta. Ge., has a right to of women's organizations. lature's action and was therefore un was shot through the breast, the son' Insist on the par collection of checks Mrs. William Bell, of Roseburg, constitutional. through the head. drawn upon non-member banks, the gave the response, pointing out the suit being brought by more than 40 wonderful spirit of comradeship Alien Ib-witienta of the t nited Niâtes $2.5,000 in Bullion Brought to City state banks of Georgia in conjunction brought about by the convention l'an Nog Demand Admittance of to Cover Payment of That Sum with the American Bank and Trust llelal Ives meetings Falling Vue Today Company, of Atlanta. The plaintiffs Mrs A. J. llanby, of Medford, insist throughout the case, however, spoke on the spirit of federation and that behind this issue was an attempt the uully of cooperation working for Washington. May 16.— (A. P.)— With gold bullion produced from of the Federal Reserve institution to the many great questions confronting Alien residents in the t'nlted States the Boswell mine property on Sucker compel them to Join the reserve sys the women of today. have no legal right to demand admit creek. George Barton and Manager tem. 1 Mias Fuldlne. Jackson county tance of relatives, the supreme court An injunction was sought to re Washington. May 16.—(A. P.) — ! Norden, of the Boswell Mining Com Dublin. May 16 —(A. P.)—.Lloyd nurse, won the approval and admira ruled In upholding the California de- The government today won in the su-| pany this morning made a payment strain the Atlanta reserve bank from tion of all with her detailed account clslon agalnat Yee Won't effort to George, says the Freemans Journal, collecting non-member checks in any preme court its contention that the of $25,000 which fell due today. of the work being done under her de bring his wife and two minor chit has offered to meet Hamon De Valera. Increased capital assets must be con-j The gold bricks were brought into manner ‘except through the usual partment and her apiieal U> the club dren with him on htz return to thia ur other Irish leaders, without con- •idered in a corporation's profits Grants Pass yesterday, and are part and ordinary channels through cor women to cooperate with her in the country from a visit to < hina. of the results of a new run. In addi- respondent jitions. De Valera has replied that when the taxes are computed. banks and clearing cheering of the lonely In Isolated gration authorities refused to admit Ition to this, an exhibition of two bars houses ” It was denied and the case If the premier made such a state- places, giving more attention to min them an appeaf to 'the supreme Washington, May 16.—(A. P.) — and many dirt and quartz specimens | ment. he would give a public reply. or physical defects of children, re have been showing in the window of court. The estate tax provided in the reve Three government officers and the porting all tubercular patients to her Counsel charged that a carefully nue act of 1916 was held valid by the Suter jewelry store on Second or the state board of health, and wife of one of them were shot and the supreme court in passing upon street in Seattle. The metal, worth planned campaign had been decided generally to make special effort to killed in an ambush last night at the appeal of the executors of the es about $5.000 was taken to Seattle upon by the Atlanta Reserve Bank , Improve and aid those who are In The tate of the late J. Harsen Purdy of several days ago by Manager Norden, and that the very existence of the Ballyenlren. County Galway, need of advice and assistance. party were riding in a motor car New York It held that the estate and has been attracting large crowds state banks was threatened. Checks Mrs. Gertrude Mason, of Granta when ambushed by 40 men. drawn against them were to be held taxes paid under the state laws can of Interested people daily. Pass, reported concerning the child Yesterday the new cyanide plant until a large amount had accumulat not be deducted from the "net estate" welfare work at Grants d’ass and the upon which the tax is affixed under was put in operation, and showing ed. it was asserted, and then a sud good work done In the schools The will soon be made on the tailings, den demand made for the entire In a recent Issue of the St Louis j Liverpool, May 16. —(A. P.» Six the revenue act. report was received with enthusiasm Globe-Democrat which, it is estimated, contain about amount "over the counter.” or such s|M>rting section . houses here, occupied by persons hav- Miss Boole, Jackson county home considerable space is given to Ken ing relatives serving in the Royal H. IM iPfefferle and family came 130,000 in gold lost in the first work checks in large amount were to be demonstration agent, told of the ne neth Williams, who brought home ' Irish constabulary, were raided and over from Brookings and spent Sat ing This can be entirely recovered. sent through the local postmaster for cessity that women of the city and | two of the four runs made in the St set afire last night. The raids were urday in the city They spent a few With this additional equipment and collection without notice, all for the those of the farm get closer In touch. Ixiuis-Detrolt game The comment similar to those In Ixmdon suburbs days at their place near Takilma, be the completion in a few days, of a one purpose of embarrassing the gaie Professor A'lnlng of Ashland, cross-cut tunnel which will tap the “hold-outs” from the reserve system. follow«: fore returning to Brookings. and here Saturday night. main ore body, the Boswell mine. It a lecture <>n "Adjustment« to Rue- "Pulsating on high the heart of the The Atlanta Reserve bank denied MM.” is said, will now begin to get into its Brownie batting punch —Williams. that it intended any illegal act. The producing stride. Mrs. V. A. C. Ahlf. of Grants Ta»«. Staler and Jacobson gave Phil Ball's Federal Reserve act prohibited the the jury system In an able explained entry, with Billy Bayne up a victory payment of any collection charges, it GENERALLY FAIR. SAYS manner and asserted that it was the by three lengths over Detroit’s Ben AV ASHINGTON OFFICE I averred, and left it with no alterna duty of every woman to serve If call gal band." Washington. May 16.—(A. P.) — tive except to proceed in the manner ed upon, and expressed the opinion "Williams' homer in the sixth came The forecast for Pacific coast states complained of by non-member banks. that only Illness or the presence of a ; with two men out and after Staler ! from May 16 to May 21. inclusive. Is: A further defense was offered In the baby in the home should prevent a singled. Ken selected the first ball, Br A. E. VOOKH1ES Generally fair; normal temperature. fact that universal par collection of woman's attendance when called up : pitched, a slow one. and slammed it checks would result in the annual on to nerve. a la Babe Ruth high into the ozone, saving of more than $70,000,000 to Mrs. D. Perozzi, of Ashland, dis so high that it dropped perpendlcu- Ml KI Havana has a wonderful harbor, and soldiers uniformed in khaki, and I HMU HT 1 /T the public. cussed the measures to come up for 5 larly Into the right field bleachers, protected at the entrance by Morro with red epaulets and much red cord i election and nnld the women should i half way up It was Ken's third of castle (there is another Morro castle and braid. As soon as the soldiers ___ ’ PORTLAND MARKETS go to the polls and register their con I four straight hits Similar to Slsler. at the entrance of Santiago do Cuba spied my kodak there was commo- PflMMITTfL DCPICIflM victions. i the Grants 'Pass representative had harbor». At thia point the harbor lion and a group came over toward u j m Mrs. Ida Callahan, state president, ;one scratch blow mixed in with the] Is very narrow and widens out to me and squatted on the pavement to »8.75 Cattle, choice steers........ $8 the members present and addressed ¡three decisive ones. Ken was given proportions sufficient to care for have their pictures taken. I went Hogs, prime light ...... 19.25 15.75 expressed great pride In the work ! a hit on a grounder that tore through 1500 ships at a time, The day we inside the fence for a better view and Washington. May 16. (A. P.) ' Sheep, prime lambs. 17.50 18.75 done and being done throughout the | Blue In the third, and Slsler was steamed away from Havana there while they Jabbered in Spanish I. army of 175,000 was decided up-j Eggs, buying price.............. dì 18 stalo and especially the work done I favored on a line drive that caromed were nearly a hundred big steamers made a couple of exposures. Final-¡,,n today by the senate military af-^ Butter .................................... ...25c in Southern Oregon, She expressed ! out of Veach's hands in the eighth.” and sailing vessels at anchor In the ly a sergeant who could speak Eng- fairs subcommittee considering the age. regardless I the belief that this bill. The meas- harbor. Across the narrow channel pish came over and when I asked army ------ appropriation — - A. IM. Knapp Is in Granta Passi from Morro is In» Punta, whose guns about the fortress he volunteered toiure as P«»«cd by the house provided of the unrest nnd unsettled condl- Portland, May 16.—(A. P.)—All from Holland today. (Continued on page ».I mak-|for 150,000.. __________ _ markets are steady. answered the British fleet in 1763 show me the fort. As we were mak-| fof aa >n army of 150,000. and were silenced only when Morro, ing a tour of the place the bugle in the enemy's hands, turned lutr sounded and the sergeant had to batteries on her companion. Morro make a break for the drill ground, gave up only when Velazquez and his and likewise I made a hasty exit. As brave men went to death, refusing to the band and soldiers marched out surrender when they knew that the I joined the crowd of small boys and walls were undermined, the powder followed through the narrow streets laid and- the fuse lighted. Not far to the president's mansion, mounted from Morrow and on the same side of a section of the old city wall which Chicago. May 16.—(A. P.)—"The Fort Dearborn once stood, and the Paris, Muy 16.—(A. P 1 -Charges | ceived 100 francs." says the senate the channel Is lai Cabana, another was built in 1733 to 1740. and wait that the French government usually public works commission, "the tax fortress, where in the insurgent days ed developments. After a time there city with the ornamental front door” famous boulevard that now connects auffers a loss In Its business ventures payer must take 57 francs out of his the firing squad was busy almost appeared an open coach with liveried is the newest sobriquet pinned on the north and south sides of the city. Fifty thousand automobiles, it is were made in recent debates In par pocket to balance the railroad's ac daily. Still further along are the footmen, followed by a troop of cav Chicago. It dates largely from the fortifications of Casa Blanca and on alry. The coach conveyed a Swedish erection, athwart the new Michigan conservatively estimated, pass the liament. It was asserted that the counts.” Operation of posts, telegraphs and the hills back and to the left is the ambassador on an official visit to the boulevard “link" bridge, of a great, "shimmy building” daily. It Is not government's operation of the state railroad, postoffice, telephone nnd telephone« calls. In the budget, for Fort of San Diego, Near the center Cuban president. As the diplomatic ornamental white office building of to be wondered, then, that the plans of the harbor and opposite the cus- group appeared on the balcony of the 35 stories, nicknamed because of its of the Chicago plan commission un telegraph lines, the gasoline monop- a deficit of nbotit $44.802,000. Government trado In gasoline a tom house is the spot where the palace the band played the Cuban na eccentric lines and unequal-angled dertake to make this spot, favored by sly nnd Its sale of Amorlean and tional air. while the spectators stood appearance, the "shimmy” building. traffic of land and water, the mu French supplies left over from the monopoly held over from the war— Maine was blown up. The "shimmy building is the key nicipal beauty spot of the world. Em uncovered and silent. The scene im was said in the chamber has been Within the city of Havana there is war, were all unbuslness-llke, costing the state $1.125.000 monthly. a military fort In which a regiment pressed me, and I wished some of stone in the arch of the city's orna bellishment of the bridgeheads, with the cause of heavy balances on Visible for treatment In historical style, is the The government has on hand eleht or two of Cuban infantry are qiiar» the Grants Pass people who cannot mental front door.” wrong side of the ledger. The state railroad's estimated do-, months' supply, bought on a higher tered. One morning as I was strol stop their chatter even during the many miles both from the harbor and first step authorized in this develop licit for 1921 1« given In the budget market and worth now on the world's ling about the city I time upon the playing of the American national air, from north, south and west. It marks ment. Beautification of the sur ns the equivalent of 159,450,000. market, according to oil experts, barracks, surrounded by a high iron could have witnessed the sight; they Hie convergence of the Chicago river, rounding property and of the river the water gateway to Chicago where Itself will follow. '•Every time the stato railway re- about $150,000,000 lees than It cost. fence. In the yard were bandsmen might have learned a lesson. ÏEE WON’S WIFE TO STAY III CHINA GOVERNMENI IS GIVEN j TAX DECISION CASES TWIST TIGER S TAIL HIGH LIGHTS IN THE TOUR WITH THE NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION pK|y| | |J| | / J UUU IYILI (jUIYIIVII I ILL UL K III