Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1921)
the si arisi ; of HOPF» is witnessed by the man has money in lhe bank especial ly in our savings department where every penny is safe from harm and draws a liberal rate of interest every six months Consult us today as to your surplus funds. MFVDl M FEDER.KL Rf SFHM SYSTf FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN ORBQOJi Garden Hose SEE US FOR HOSE AND HOSE FITTINGS OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND QUALITY THE BEST Rogue River Hardware Co The WINCHESTER Store IN ORDER TO FACILITATE the best interests of our customers, we have an equipment comprising the lat est features for the dispatch of business with promptness and accuracy. A good bank with which to have your Check! Account. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank Giiv.-’s P ass ,O regon PER52ML "S LOCAL Silk Underwear "Hotpolnt woek next week!" 78 For *1.1-00— Exceptional value« In two-pUce Imperial Dancing Part» Waldorf 5 4tf Hall May 13 th 76 •ults at Peerless Clothing Co. Vocation Records tor May at Hel mer'«. 77 Own Your Own llom«»— Bargain* in glassware all next The Building aud Loan Association week at Holman's 78 will help you See II II. Allyn. Sec 76 B AV Richardson and fly FJvans. rotary. of Eureka. Cal *p«»ni last utght in Grants Pass Banco! Dance! Dm»««»! — •Tenshun! All Legion members Gohl Hill oi»en air pa» Ilion are urged to appear at the meeting same good music will last I Thursday-evening. 76 Saturday night. May o'clock Full pound box candies 60c not a special sale but regular stock. Her Inipro« o A «Mir 11 ollie— man Horning. 76 See II H. Allyn about the Build- The real Sealy Mattress«»» $12 to Ing and Ixtun Association. They will 136 tor sale at Holman s. 78 7 6 help you Before you build get figures on I your lumber, shingles, lath, doors and windows at Borland Thomas I lie Yvtue Cali'— Formerly the tirants Pass cafe, 64tf Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. now condtict4sd by l<arson A Andrews and Ho|»e Chests. Good l*icture»( fine I Photo Frames for Graduation Open « a m to 12 p m.. meals 30c 78 and up Gifts at Holniau's. D. 1 P. Harris and wife, of Portland, at th«» Josephine last Y«*ur Is*« were registered i If you fall to purchase night. "Hotpoint week next week!" 78 spriug two-piece suit Squads Right! March to the Clothing Co. courthouse Thursday evening at 8 o'clock all you Legion men. 76 AV. R. V. Mectlitff— Gold Seal Inlaid Unoleum for Gen. lx>«au W. R. C will hold sale at Holman's. 78 'their regular meeting Saturday af About 30 members of the ladles' teraoon. There wlU te» Initiation. Bible class of the Baptist church met .«ml the program for IJecoratlon day I A full at in the social rooms ot the church service* will be planned Wednesday to tender a farewell re tendance is desired ception to Mrs Cox and Mrs Whit sell. The former is leaving for Past A<»Me Grands Meet Toiinirrow — Klamath Falls and the latter for Van The roguhir meeting of the Past couver. Wash Noble Grands Club will be held to- Flume lumber at Borland Thomas morrow afternoon. Mrs. J. F Burke Lumber Co Phone 187-J. 64tf and Mr* T H. Cornell being hoa- Dr. Tompkins' method cures ap teases. pendicitis and ovarian diseases with out surgery Phone 304-R 76tf Pro» in» I p on ll<»me*t«*«d— Colonial Ranges, the Reliable kind J. W. Onstott of Murphy, was in at Holman's Furniture Store. 7 s Grants Pass Wednesday to pro»«» up Mr and Mrs J O Holt.and small on his homestand, a 40-acre tract 13 son. of Eugene, spent last night with miles from Murphy His witnesses Mrs. Holt's mother. Mrs A U Ban- were S. H laingthwalt and Homer nard. The Holts were in Grants Pas* York. about two weeks ago and made a trip to lx>s Angeles by auto and are now The Biiihting A Ixian Aon.— on their wav home. Mrs. Bannard Has Just helped two raorr people spent some time at Eugene and re in their home building They can turned here with the Holt family. help you. See H. H. Allyn. 76 From the interest shown by local dancers and lovers of good music sir Knight»— the Imperial Dancing party at the There will be a stated session of Waldorf hall tomorrow evening will Mellta Commandery. K. T . Friday dances of be one of the most popular evening. May 13. Order <»f the Red 7« Cross will be conferred. Clyde E the season Stockholders Cisit Aline— E C. Keller and O. S Purdy, of Portland, both members of th«» West- ern Metal* company spent a few days here with P. B Wickham, and also visited some of the company’s pro perty in the Galice district. The»' returned to Portland Wednesday by automobile Niles, commander. 77 Pri m A for.- m Canned Fr and Tea I fit of newe Truax. Don't Mi»» Illis Daiu-is— Neilson's orchestra and a chicken supper at Wimer. Saturday. May 14 4 Vests, Camisoles. Combinations and Night Gowns Priced Less Than Popular Prices mrs. nellie Ikas AAv <1<> lli'Ui«Ut<bliig lie -tire U> hnr y«»ur now Mfring • hHlim iiamlr i<>r you by 1 t At ttir sign of Ye Joli» Utile Tailor GEO 8 CALHOUN Over .Silken Yean l.oial Dealci — \\ NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Price» at Peerless Clothing Co. TWILIGHT LEAGUE BALL Baseball games of the Twilight Th« patron» of the III»oil theater league will begin Friday evening at are In for a treat when the Curran The Bros Metropolitan road show come« 6:30 at High schtMil grounds to Granta Pas* tomorrow. May 13. for schedule adopted I« as foiosa May- 13 Presbyterian »a Methodist on« night The »arlous acts present May 17 «Baptist va. Christian ed will readily gain favor with the theatergoer* of this community Hay May 24 - Presbyterian vs Baptist June 3 »Methodist vs. Christian den a Kelly, th« tramp acrobat-com-, Jude I - •Presbyterian va. Christian. medians do 13 minute* of fun pro J une JO --».Methodist va. Baptist voking antics on the flying trapere June ! I — .Methodist V» Presbyterian There are four other feature acta, and J utie 17 «Christian vs. Baptist the whole bill will assure a hearty Methodist V» Baptist J tine 21 laugh All this ns well ns the If ri June 24 -Christian » S Presbyterian ds,» picture will make two and a half June 29 Methodist vs Christian hour* of laugh* Presbyterian vs Baptist July I Baptist vs. Methodist. July AA <>n<l«»rful A nlu«»— July s. 4'hristlan »* Presbyterian For 113 30 you can purchase a July I 2 —Baptist vs. Presbyterian now two-piece suit at th.» Poorloss July 15 •Christian vs. Methodist Clothing Co. !>4tf July 19 ■Baptist vs Christian Presbyterian »« Methodist July The team nanod first for each! (AIMING I A EATS game Is call»-«l the "horns" team for to .lune 1 Frlday-Wednes- that date and is entitled to Inst time Cha itaiKiun in Grants Paas. at bat Th»- high school grounds ire being put In condition and as each team I* K Mtan h <»r 'lowing a good Interest in practice, PYTHIAS good games are assured Attorney IXHNIE NO. 50 James T Chinnock ha* accepted the Thermopylae position of president of th<> J. L. Etlu-ridge in City— .1. L Etheridge, the head of the de funct Morris Bros, bond house in < «infer With Disiriit Officials— Portland, in which a number of Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Harrison. of Grants Pass Investors lost various flan Francisco, arrived In the city Make Chautauqua Week sums, was in Grants Pass last night this morning on the Shasta Limited, and left this afternoon for Medford and will remain for several days. Your Vacation Week 1 He was accompanied by Frank M r Harrison is the head of the bond Ml BTS Cresy of Astoria, who met with a ' department of the Analo Ixmdon and I-Ong runs a specialty In number of the creditor* of the instl- Paris National benk of San Francisco, Vlwitlng Mem* i tution last night, to explain the de and comes for a conference with the Courier merchant printing depart- tiers Invited tails of a plan for concerted action by I officials of the Grants Pass Irrigation men I The Junior Superintendent is especially well '.he creditors, with a view to reallx- dj,triet and the officer« of the flhat-| equipped for the work with Juniors. . ing on the assets of the company. tuck Construction company. Man-! ager Ja«|x»r. of the construction com-1 i pany. also arrived this morning, and Murph), May 21 — Air. Shattuck will arrived tomorrow A column couldn’t say more. ! morning At the conference It 1« ex MEA*H— 1 pentad that definite plans for the Im Spring ami Siiniiner I'nderuear, II. V. !>.'*, Ilallirig- ■ mediate resumption of work on the gun I Ilion Holts, Sleet«, and Ankh- length. Short Savage Rapids dam will be made. Sleevo and Ankh* Irnitth. The water In the Rogue has now re- Fire Escape at Junior High— for a fire drill. The fire »-scape is a Try n pair of Jung's Mimi I«» Arch lira« «-* for your — ........ tJr»'«l, aching feet. A « new »! lire escape »... has bee:: nstai- his slide extending from the second ...... .... floor to the ground. It is now being led at the Junior high sc -o, bui.ding . , . .. . , polished iy the youngsters who make and now all th • A,.h zreat Band Men Attention— Rehearsal at Woodman hall Friday On Wednesday night a large crowd | night of this week at 8 o'clock F enjoyed the last of the series of en- L. Coon. Roscoe Bratton, J It IHg- tertalnments which have been given I genbotham. 77 at the high school during the past I winter Under the able direction of' Hot Point Week— Mrs. Gunnell, two short play« were Next week, May 16-21 is Hot Point presented. In the "Workhouse Ward" week, when dealers In electrical the make up and Irish brogue of goods will make a specialty of show Kieth Edgerton and Waldo Baker ing the Hot Point line of electrical won repeated applause from the au appliances dience. Melba Macey took the part of the old Irish woman who found, her brother In the workhouse. The other play was of an entirely ! different kind. The complications, arising from the disguise of a noble-| FOI 5’DBY AND WENT fl GRANTS I »AHN, OllEGOS man as a footman gave a plot of more than usual Interest. Helen Lister as the daughter of the house was di rectly responsible for the Incident and with her two sisters furnished much amusement. Abram Tolin. the butler. Frederick Eismann. the dis guised nobleman, and Charles Hollo well as Hopkins, the real footman, completed the cast. A cycle of interpretive dance« un der the direction of Miss Lindsay was greatly enjoyed The orchestra pre SEE 01IR WINDOW sented selections at the Intervals be tween plays and the girls' chorus Î3U sang a group of pleasing songs Mis* * Anna Neilson sang a vocal solo, which was heartily applauded. Brings Many People of National Importance 9 ro.MoiiT BIG WEEK COMING FOR THE KIDDIES GRANTS PASS CHAUTAUQUA May 27th to June 1st Shoes for the Family GIVE ENJOYABLE PLAY 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S * Three C’s Lumber Company Good Form CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Wallhoard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds ol Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors etc ESTIMATES ON REQUEST Hair Nets REAL HAIR CAP SHAPED CLEMENS * RUGS—from 20% to 50'2 Reduction On every Rug in our stock. Measure your rooms and come in and see how little it takes to make your Home Beautiful with our Rugs. You 7, are welcome I and our time and services are yours. rs. ' SELLS DRUGS Holman's Furniture Store 60.5 G Street Opposite the Band Stand I