Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1921)
Till I INI. Il, MAY 111. 11*21 G KA NTH l*AAH DAILY (JOI HIER PAGE THREE l-HYHICIAN AND HI I til EON X L. O CLEMENT, M D.. Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear.nos«- and throat Phone 62; Re». 239-J DOYLE’S Successor to E. Firth & Company New Spring Ginghams, pretty plaids and OKp stripes, yd.................................................. wtlv- Fancy Voile 40 inchs wide Develop Your Home State LOUGHR1DGE, M D Physician and surgson. City or country call» attended d»y or night Phon««. He» 36»; Offl e 182; «th and H. .... -»------------------------------------------- E J B1LLICK. M I). Physician, sur geon, Schullhorn Blk. I*hone 54-J; res. 1004 latwnridgs. phone 54-L. I ----------------------------------------------------- I W F RUTHERFORD Manual the- raputlcs. Office over Burn«»' jew elry. Hour» 3:30-12; 1:30-4. fl Patronizing Your Railroads The developmen of Oregon and it» Railroad Transportation service Is a matter of Import ance to you. A vital factor In the development of Western Oregon is the Southern Pacific Company. Did You Know Southern Pacific payrolls in Oregon for 1920 amounted to Southern Pacific purchases In Oregon for 1920 amounted to I RALPH W. HTEIRNH, M D Phy- alelan und Burgeon, X-Ray equlp- ment. Offlce In Masonic Temple Bldg . phone 21-L. Southern Pacific taxes paid in Oregon for 1920 amounted to............ Southern Pacific total distribution In Oregon for 1920 amounted io.. $16,713,681.79 Southern P u-iflc Is the largest payer of taxes In Western and Southern Oregon. South ern Pacific taxe average 7% of all taxes paid In every county through which it operates. To continue th se payrolls, purchases, taxes, and provide better facilities and convenient, ■ ife, rapid and f-«quent service is the alm of that Company. Why not travel on Southern Pacific trains and do your part to enable that Company to <-ep pa e with t '• further development of Oregon ATTORNEYS Classified Advertising Foil HALE FOR SAKE Shadeland Eclipse »eed oats, rscleaned. 3c per pound. W I,. Haye». Murphy, or C. N. Culy. cooperative »hipping manager, Grants Paes 92tf IIEAL ESTATE H. D. NORTON, Attoruey-at-law. Praotlces in all Stale and Federal Court». First National Bank B!dg O. W OOLVIG, At'.orney-at-law Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg $11,02.3,754.93 4,519,332.00 1,110,038.86 Reduced Fare Tickets « E. S VAN DYKE, Attorney Pra tice» E. T McKINHTRY, 6U3 G 8t , phone In all court». First National Bank 355-lt, reni estate. Best ut eolia for Building fruii, bay or generai fartning. O 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law Golden Rule Bldg Phone 27Ù ROY 111GGINH- -General real estate Office 111 South Sixth. Phone 69. C. A. ,»'’>LER. Attorney-at-law. Ma- for Summer Vacationists and Tourists Week-end and Season Summer Vacation Tickets to Seashore and Mountain Resorts PHONE 339-L for ftr and pine wood, anale i'»in:'le, Grants Pass, Ore MDM'KLMNKOU» bone dry. at |3.25 and 83 50 per tier. 663 N Nth St L. F Roat. REPAIR SHOP—-Plumbing, pipe GEO H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law 53tf referee In bankruptcy. Masonic work, ■team fitting, boiler and Temple Phone 135-J. pump work and Installing FOR SALE Team 6 and 7 years old. South 6th street. Phone 306 G. JAMES T. OHiNNOCK. Lawyer Address No. INO weight 2400 A. Bryan. 5 Ht First National Bank Building (Kit care of Courier will be on aale Back East Summer Tourist Tickets to Eastern Cities will be on sale June 1 st to August 1 5th May 28th to September 30th Week-end tickets are limited to Monday following sale date. Season tickets permit Mop-overs and return limits vary with closing date of resorts. through CALIFORNIA in one direction Final limit three months from gale date, not to exceed October 31st. Liberal stop overs and your choice of routes. i CAItNERXMYETTY IRON WORKS A. C. HOUGH —Lawyer. Tuff* Bldg General foundry and machine Practice In all courts. “OREGON OUTDOORS'' work; gray Iron and bras» cast V A. C. AIILF, lawyer, practice In « A new Illustrated booklet graphically describ ings. any site and quantity. Deal state «.id federal courts Office I ing the different resorts and including hotel er» in second hand mine and »aw- over Nat1«««,»* Ortis Store and camp information. Copy FREE on re mlll machinery, boilers, engines, quest. pipe fittings, etc Booth and F FOR SALE Dry slab wo«xl, 3-tler Cedar Hen Nests streets, Graut* Paas, Ore 94tf For particulars as to passenger fares, routes, train schedules or sleeping car accommoda load for |7.5O. Single tier, 32.76. The problem of keeping the hen s tions inquire of any Ticket Agent of Also* taking orders for fall deliv G A PRICE -Painter and decora neat free from Insects has been ap eries of fir and hard wood C. W. tor «14 West B street. Grants proached from a new angle by a farm Lambrecht, ltd 1, Granta Pass 96 Pass. Ore _• 41 f er who Is constructing nests for his hens out of cedar bnrk. Bugs, as ev JOHN M. SCOTT, HAY IXilt SALE lio per ton M. BANKERS LIFE IXJMPANY Dim ery housewife knows, strongly object I General Passenger Agent. E Provolt. Phone Provolt central Moines, Iowa Myron C. Gaston. to cedar. For this purpose the bark I 76 Is shredded and the buds of the tree District Agent. lmlu<lc<l with It.___________________ i FOR SALE MuCormuck rake, run HEMSTITCHING and Plcotlng at one season. 840. Address M E tachment works on all sewing NOTH E OF SALK OF Gol l.ltN MENT TIMBER Provolt Phono Provolt Central. machines. Price 82. Personal 76 checks, 10 cents extra. Lights Vail General I wind Office, Washington, 1 Order House, Box 127, Birming D C , April 16. 1921. FOR SALE 1920 electric «quipped Notice is I ham. Ala. ' • 81 hereby given that subject to the con PRICES REDUCED AS FOLLOWS: Harley-Davidson motorcycle and ditions and limitation» of the Act» sidecar with cover, dream tandem, of June 9. 1916, (39 Slat 218), and HHl HKXT Roadster - $798.55 Sedan - • $1448.00 speedometer, spotlight, good con Juno 4, 1920 (41 Stat.. 758), anil dition. Run about 3000 mile« FURNISHED LIGHT HOCSEKEHP- the Instructions of the 8eeretdry of Touring - 809.05 Ton Truck 145395 Reasonable Win G Pollock, ltd IN'G rooms tor rent ut 82Ì J street. th«' Interior of September 15, 1917. and June 22. 1920. the timber on the F. O. B. Grants Pass I « 1. Every convenience. Will he vacant following lands will be sold June 3. Thursday. ' 78 1921. at 10 o'clock a m . at public I I Foil S.VLE III ker baby buggy in auction at the I tilted States laitid Of-1 good condition. Iliono 276-R or flee at Roseburg, Oregon, to the I WAXTKII 7 n highest bidder at not less than the call at Smith apartments. T WANTED An oil range In good con appraised value as shown by this no-1 RI GAR CURED MEATS -Hams, ba dition. Phono 179-R. Saturday. May I I nt 10.30 a. nt. 65tf lice, »ale to bo subject to the ap proval of the Secretary of the Inter con and picnics nt reasonable ior. The purchase price, with an ad prices. A. A. Hyde, 93 4 N 9th. WANTED To borrow' 16,000. Se ditional I »4 uuvriinu - I I n>11 offer al Public Auction to tlie sum of onejfifth ui of uuv one per-1 curity by first mortage on good cent thereof. being commissions *' al- highest bid«l«-r, at Giants Pas-, Or«'., street. Improved farm of 500 acres. In lowed, must be deposlte«l at time of at the IMG BARN and ((»KRAL on Josephine county, for two or three sale, money to be returned if salei I. .SHU-;i.T not approied, otherwise patent! year term Good Interest, Ad- is 40 HEAD OF DAIRY VOUS will Issue for the timber which must ! dress 192 care Courier 76 bo removed within ten years. Blds This herd of Dairy Cows consists of MODERN Itl'NG Il<ow. Dutch kltch- W ANTED IT ONCE Good pu per will be received from citizens of the. High Grade Jersey», Holstein» and. United Stalos, asso iatlons of such Guernseys, These cows ar«- all fresh on. built-in conveniences, cement hunger for 10-roo tn house. Phone citizens and corporations organized 1 nilii calf at side or coming fresh Ad- side walks. Cheap for cash Mrs. Ed. Lind, Holland, Ore 7« under the laws of the United States Every cow is T. B. tested. 79 dress No. 193. eira Courier or any state, territory or district soon. WANTED ■Roomers and boarders, thereof only Upon application of a Health certificate goes with each To SELL FOR CASH or rxclianro ut 620 North Third St. Phone qualified purchaser, the timber on cow. These cows are beautifully for house and lot. 7-room modern any legal subdivsion will be offered marked with good udders, are Heavy 386-J. 77 separately before being included in bungalow and large lot In Medford. Some offer of a larger unit. T. 39 S.. Milkers ami High Testers. 402-4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. Address 513 North Central Ave , WANTED To give a good comi»e- any Se . 5, 5. ww SW1 *■« «. , NW «, pine R. 1 W., an 1 *4, pine. leautlfully mark«»! Holstein Heifers tent girl fourteen years or older at 130 M , Fir 175 .1! . none of the pine with lots of ly|x*- .' TWO REGISTKR- Medford, Oro. 79 good congenial home, for com to be sold for less than 32.50 per M..| l i> SHORT HORN LONG YEAR FOR SALE Single 2''«-Inch wagon, pany and to assist In light house and n no of the fir to b«» sol«l for less I LING 1U LLS with lots of shape ami luirneHS hack pole, grindstone. that J2.00 per .11 T. 33 S.. R. 5 IV . work. Address Box 114. Jackson Sec. 9. NW*i SW14. pine 200 M.,1 size. This herd i- from the northern 7? Phono 296-R, 215 West K St. ville. Ore. 78 fir 440 M., none of the pine to be' part of the Mate anil runs in age The “custom" appi-arance dis- for less than 82.50 per M., and from 2 years to 7 years old and must poli SALE Extra good set of single PIRTLES EQUIPPED to do custom sold (ingni»li< •» our Al TO TRIMMING none of the fir to be sold for less bo seen to be apptwiated. harness, burlap sugar sack and spraying notify County Agent at than 31.00 por M T 31 S.. R. 7 W. I SERVICE from the ordinary kind. 25 HEAD OF HORSES mason fruit Jars. 605 West C the courthouse. 78 Sec.. 1. NE 44SWI4, fir 300 M.. not to lie sold for less than 31.00 per M. I pair of Bay Belgian .Mares, 7 and Our TOPS, BOOTS, SIDE CUR street. 7 6 WANTED Chickens at Burkhalter's T. 39 S„ R. S IV.. Sec. 3. SW M H y«sir> old, weight 3OOO lbs. TAINS and SLIP COVERS have Feed store. We pay market price. NE1«. pine 280 M., fir 150 M.. NE1» I I 1 ¡« miii Mare, aged 7 y«*ar», weight that »mart, refined. durable ap Nll’M. pino 220 M.. Fir 43 M., Phono 2S6-R or 363. 78 8W>4 NW1«, pine 105 M.. fir 20 M., 1000 lbs. pearance that every motorist de THE PICTURE MILL for artistic sire«. Ix't us submit «lesigns, es toil itxiK wants nsltion In coun NW >4 SW'«, pino 4j M . fir 10 M.. I pair of Geldings, N 1 and 1) years SW1» SW’», pin«* 95 M.. fir 35 XI . | photographs. Hours for sitting. old, weight 3200 lta. timates, etc., for your work. try or town. Address No. 194 8EM SW'i. pine 140 M.. fir 10 M , 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday slt- care Oourior. SO none of the pin«» to be sold for less! Two extra gixxl sadillc hors«-s, well tings, by appointment only. Phone broke, well reigned, g«xxl walkers, than 33.00 per M., and none of the * 6 5 If 283-R, or residence 140-J. ftr to be sold for less than 81.00 per lit II.DING (NINTH IITOIW agisl 4 ami 5 years. M WILLIAM SPRY. I pair of well broke Geldings, age HARPER A RON—Building contrac Nt lfSF.ltY NTtH’li Commissioner General 1-and Office. X 93 years, weight 2100 lbs. tors. Shop work, furniture crating. pair of (iruy Geldings, weight t NURSERY—Everything In up to Shop 5 in H St. Res. phone 14 2. 2 400 lbs. date nursery stock, also directions Th«' balance of th«? horses weigh for planting and soil culture. Call A. J GREEN—General contractor. Estimates and plans made. N'oth- from 110O to 1 400 lbs., on F. E. Jordan. 8«0 North 7th Ing too small or too large. Sliop broke. street. Grants Pass, Ore. 43tf 211 Sixth St Phono 375-1,. 92tf 1 span of Heavy .Mules, weight 2800. ICCOI NTINT (I and 7 years old. J. NALASKOWSKI — Contractor, 4 SETS OF HEAVY BIT BRITCH- Come, try our ready-to-serve, AUDITING Systematizing. See me Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R StMD US YOU« N4Mt AND A DO« TO Wt WILL MAIL YOU OU* ING TIG HARNESS a la cart lunch, 12 to 1:30 IUXSTBATID ABT BOOKLST AND HUIMS WITHOUT ANY COST TO about dally or monthly audit Her 61tf REMEMBER TIIE DIV AND DATE YOU SCHOOL DMNStD BY TH* LAAGKST NCWSFAFYJI\ MAQAZINI1 viré. Ivan Livingston. Incorpori^ We will serve a very SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1021. AND FAMOUS AmSTl TA A. od Accountant. Phono 3X9. An fine 75c table-dc-hole CorrripcMxJenct Inttruction and Local Clares TERMS OF SALE—50 per «nt cash dress. Grants Pass, Ore. 70tf 4OONER TAXI —Phone 262-R for dinner — Time .1:30 and 0 months time on balance- to %!>. m. , Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an Purchaser giving not«* on approved DRESSMAKING swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf sc«’urity at s per cent intcivst. S| hm I u I Sunday Dinner 81.00 MRS. IV. It SWOIPE'S dressmaking parlors over Kinney. * Truax. Merchant sales books at Courier Room 3, across hall from opera MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, Instruc office. TIIE CAI.H-'ORNI A AND OREGON V Til* niWlONI» BRAM». A tor on piano; studio over Barn"»' house. Call and get estimates, or <N)L. I. E. Git ili IM, Auctioneer CO AST RAILROAD COMPANY Jewelry Phone 265-J. phone 60«. 28tf SAM H. RAKER, Clerk Timo Card «»■l«-\ l,l , D 4XVV. *■ « » I «3 ■ VETEKI.X liti NI KG FOX Effective Nov. 24, 1919. Iti! IY IGK INI» Tit INSFER J Trains will run Mondays, . Wed nes years k no»n as Best, Safest. A1 ways ReHabte days and Fridays ♦T he world MOVES; »0 do we r,lt B J PESTUL, Veterinarian SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE It Hidra, e 838 Washington boule- Leave Grants Pas».. . ......... 1 P.M Bunch Transfer Co DITIco phone Arrive AVjiters Creek.......... 2 New and Used Goods P.M. vsrH nhnns :<9«-R 3 49; residin'e phone 31 8-3. CÄ PSU LE I-eave Waters Creek.......... 2:30 PM SEE ME Arrive Grants Pass . 4 _ P.M ___ IIKM'INfS Jud Tunkins. F G ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pl- For Information regarding freight “A feller that tries to live without snos. sates, furniture, , moved, ship 3 C. MACY, D M. D. and passenger rates call at the office Flrst-cla work." said Jud Tunktns, “thinks he's KM G STREET ped. packed, stored I'lionr I 124 Y of the company, Lundburg building, dentistry 10914 s «th st 4 n slicker when he’s only a Blacker." or telephone 131. WOOD FOR SALE Fir 12 25. pine |3, on ground. 4 mile» we»l on up- per river rond. Posta and building ;>oles lllvely & llrlckell, General Dellvery. <S(f SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES and AT PUBLIC AUCTION W. S. Maxwell & Co McIntyre for Implements of Ail Kinds CLETRAC TRACTORS Pumps and Gas Engines Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools G. B. BERRY LEARN TO DRAW CHICHESTER S PILLS BUYS FOR CASH E. W. CHI LES Pt WSOR black