Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1921)
PAGE TWO ▲. E. Voorhtes. Pub and Propr ■btared at poetofftce. Granta Paas. Ore . aa second-claaa mail matter ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch..................... 25c Local-personal column, per line....10c Readers, per line—.......................... 5c Has a Dollar Increased in EVENTS ARE SCHEDULtD The Viottola plays HIS favorites too Value ? Read This List and Then Orin at the Wallop Handed Old Highcostolivinq GAILY COURIER Ry mall or carrier, per year $8.00 By mall or carrier, per month.. .50 i WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year........... 8- MEMBER OF tS9OCJATED PRESSj The Associated prew is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It < or all otherwise credited in^ this ••per and also the local news pub lished herein All rights of republication of spe- •ial dispatches herein are also re served THURSDAY’. MAY 12. It»2t 44 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ 4 Tonight and Friday fair anti ♦ ♦ warmer 'n south »nd east l>or- 4 tions. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A STUDY IN TAXES A study of taxes is always inter sating. for the higher a man climbs In the financial s?ale the more the tax collector means to him. But at that, the average man. the one who pays taxes upon a modest home, a •mall business and what personal j property he possesses is the one to ' h 0 'Qß < TJ 0 u (0 h 5 CQ (6 £ • £ 'OD 0 CO lOO lia». Sugar. 100 It*. Potatoes. c CO & & whom the taxes mean most. He is not the tax dodger. A study of the tax situation has (Ö recently been made at the state cap £ ital by a representative of the Port land Telegram, and comparisons were made with the taxes of a decade ago. 0) Here are some of the facts found in the investigation: “Taxes in Oregon have increased ■ About 170 per cent in the last ten years, according to records in the' offices of the state tax commission. “The levy of 1911 on the rolls of 1910 amounted to $15,210.040.15. The levy of this year is 841.117.367 - n. The difference is 825,907,327.56, which is somewhere near 170 per cent. “School taxes alone, which are the state's biggest item of expense, ex- ceed by approximately 20 per cent the total tax expense of the state a de cade ago. Oregon taxpayers are this year paying a total of 818,263,388.90 for maintenance of educational insti tutions and general educational pur poses. This is an excess over the en ter spending several years in Port tire tax expense of the state ten years land. ago. Mr. and Mrs. J. MacCandless and "Another interesting comparison is a combination of the present school daughters, Maxine and Lorraine, re and road taxes, not counting the au turned to Weed last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sowell are mov tomobile license tax, compared with the total levy in the state for all pur ing to Talent, Ore., for the summer, poses ten years ago. The road tax where Mr. Sowell has employment. Mrs. Hazel Skeeters and son. who now, not counting automobile li censes. is approximately $7.086.266.- ; have been visiting relatives and 80. Added to the 818,263.388.90 friends have returned to Medford. Everett Skeeters,, of Medford, made school tax the result is $25.349,655.- 79, an excess of 810.139,615.64 over a short visit in our valley last Friday the entire tax of 1911, or about 61 and Saturday. Miss Alma Wolke and Mr. and per cent excess.” Mrs. Qeo. Riddle, of Grants Pass, 4---------------------- ------------------------ • spent last week end at C. P. Wise’s ILLINOIS VALLEY I' .Mrs. . G. Sowell spent several days 4—--------------- —------------------------------ • of this week with Mrs. Jim Sowell. The valley has been enjoying nu Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Bunch were Ta merous little showers the last week. kilma visitors last Sunday. Payne District school closed last Misa Artie Thomblison has been Friday where Miss Florence Riddle assisting Mrs Geo. Thrasher the past taught. week. Mrs. Ed. Burke and daughters. The Ladies Aid met at the home Alice Tycer and Edda Burke, have of C. C. Brown Thursday afternoon ■ returned to their home in Kerby at- and spent a very pieasant afternoon. * « £ o CO t h Towels Do you need any towels? We have about 150 dozen towels that are Real Bargains. (Ö £ £ <0 0 X ttio It». I'olatiM'». loo Ihn. Sugar. 4 sacks Flour. • » I>kgs. Ps»t Toasties, I pkg. Puffed \\ heat, 1 pkg. Grape Nut», 1 pkg. Corn Flake», I pkg. Slirvslesl Wheat. 8 11». Keans. 3 pkgs. Macaroni, .1 pkgs. Spaghetti. 1 large pkg. Kolled Oats, 1 pkg. Cream of Wheat, 1 pkg. take Flour. 7N». t'rockerw. 2 11». No. in Coffee. I pkg. Pancake Flour. '» lb. Cocoa- lib. Salted Peaauta. I large can Pineapple, 1 large CUB TomaUa». I large can llominy. N 11». Klee. 5 cans Apricot», A pkgs. Wash Powder, 1 can llaking Powder. I Bottle Vinegar, • » doc. Clothe» Pina, large can Kraut. |>kg. Corn Starch, can- < 'orn. • » can» Pena. • > cans Pork and Beans. b«»ttle Olive». large -ack Salt, ran Spinach. glass I >rii<d Beef, block Salt. glass Preservi». glass Jelly. |H>und Peanut Butter, bottle Pickles. can Salmon. ■ jar Mustard, i large can Oyatctw. •1 pkgs. Jell-O. 5 can» Peachew. Claaa day exercise» will be held on Friday evening. May 13. at 8 o'clock at the high school The Baccalaureate sermon Will Ito given Sunday evening.’ May 16. at the Presbyterian church. The graduating exerclsea will be held on Friday evening. May 'JO. At the Hindi theater Saiu|»<>u Residence Sold— The C. II. Sampson residence on l> street was sold yesterday to R. C. Powers, who with his wife and son and daughter-in-law arrived' Sunday night by automobile from Muskogee, Okla. The “Sampson Retreat” included in the deal Huntsville. Texas. Muy 12 ( A P.)—Over a »core of convicts many ! of them armed, mutinied today. They ' stormed the arsenal and shot two ; guards and then flml. MKU TOIXI EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— Dependable companies and reaa- onable ratee. See T. M. Stott. Buick Salesrooms 103tf PHONE 326-Y, Houser Bros., tor wood. Pine $3 tler% 2-tler load; tir ya ao 79 Fl'RNlSHED ROOM FOR RENT at 417 E street. Phone 361-R. 77 NEW MAI'S of Holland mining dis trlct, showing Boswell mine, for sale at Demaray's. 81 Mrs. Gordon and daughter, Flor Mattmc», rollisi edges, weight IO ence, have gone to California on a i II», a feu left at Nil. Also » »ilk fl'»» trip. inattr«-»» at Nil. Library table, heavy Miss Margaret Baine is working! top, giHMl as new, NI2.AO. Alwitit Io for Mrs. J. M. Smock, assisting in roils IN-in< It wire fence. I’h<»ne 71. T. <’. Booth. the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Gerkins, of Idaho have purchased the Gibbs ranch and mitici -: <>i letting are now moving in. The Josephine County Fair Board W. H. Striker made a trip to will receive bids for the removal of Rodite River this week. the building known as the Warren box factory to the land the board han , purchased on the south side yf Rogue River and above the auto ¡^irk, on Saturday, May 14, at 2 o'clock p. m Bidden must submit plans and speci (Continued from Page One) fications for the removal with their, The steamer West Ivan departed this price and give security for perform-j morning with Captain G. J. Llnnan- ance. The fair board reserves the right dor as master. Linnander was given charge late yesterday when Captain to reject any or all blds. F. it. IRELAND, president, A. W. Wennerlund refused to go to FLORENZ BREfTMAYER non-union. Customs officers said the A. 8. COUTANT. sea with the chief engineer who was vessel would be fined as customary when a vessel leaves without a com plete crew Turkish Towels at 25c, 38c, 45c, 50c, 58c and 75c (Continued from page 2.) Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effective Oct. 25. 1920 Daily and Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass MF.DFORD GRANTS PASS Waiting Room 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. Bonbonniere 1 : OO p. nt 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 4.30 p. m. Phone 160 We connect with stages for Ashland and Jacksonville h t in sli < i \ the vr to the one that eats it. Wheth er you toast it or eat it plain, with butter or cheese or jam. our bread evokes only praise from members of the house hold. It la made right and baked right and priced right. Ask your Grocer for Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS BAKERY Music, the language of sympathy, hus a tower of drawing minds together, far Iteyond the power of words. In the im mense field of music opened to you when the Victrola enters your home, you will find your favorite records and his. The Victrola will add to your evenings many hours of happiness. Let us explain to you personally our terms and service. The Music and Photo House Stanton lion<*11. Troprtrtor THE GROCETERIA STUTZ lU'IJJktG, four passenger, six wire wheels, new cord tires, double spotlights, first class con- 'ilitlon. Will sell dirt cheap. Terms to responsible party. Might con Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Ixsinard spent sider some trade. Box 742, Grants last Sunday afternoon at C. C. Pass. Phone 282-J. 81 Brown's. I’ROSPElTING partner wanted D. A number of joung ;>e<>ple enjoyed L Schoolcraft. Josephine hotel 47 a pleasant evening at R. G. Sowell's hall at Holland Saturday night as a NEW TODA1—One l-hurni'r Itisi farewell party for Miss Florence Rid Star oil stove vvitli own. Klertric dle. I lamp. Electric fan. Regular $lt Golden Rule vStore 4 Rhode Islauil lletl Nugget I .ester Briggs, superintendent the Flanagan placer mine on lower Rogue river, has been gold mininA most of his life, but now ho haV found that there are other than soldi mines. He has u flock of Rhode; Island Reds which aro proving to be a gold mine, tor they are laying sontej mammoth eggs. Mr. Briggs sent to Grants Pass today a number of which were exceptionally large l^.\I»Y OR MEN solicitors, exclusive territory. Write for particulars. Bandona Company, Garnett Hotel. Portland, Oregon. SI Huck Towels at 15c, 18c, 25c and some pure Linen Towels at Special Prices. I is INDEPENDENT In no combination to fix or maintain prices REDUCE YOUR GROCERY BILL We save you the cost of high rent, clerk hire and bad credits. Serve yourself and save. Conklin Itiilhllnif III Electrical Materials that arc on the market must be |*i»**ixl by the I hhii - v I of fire insurance under« rltcr«. The question 1» proper installation. We do all our work ourselvea and Imtli of in have carried journeyman’s wirvman canh for several pno. If «e do your wiring you are sure of n flr»t class job. I.'M us flgun' with you. We do not employ apprvnU, <-» or helper». Ilcuii'iiibcr the new electrical ordinance to go into effect next rending—avoid trouble nnd let us <k> your work. GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY Side of Water Office USED CARS Il don't <o-t anytliing t<> l<«>k, ami very little money lo liiiy uscii tur» ut IlobarC» garage. Velie Hlx Just painted, fine -b i|.<*. I lodge IlitN. Chevrolet, lltlN. l'oetl touring far, lutti. Mavuell, IUIN. Forti delivery, ju-t <>» erba ti lisi, good aliape. C. L HOBART COMPANY Phone 194 Order Delivered These Are Our Everyday Prices I’otatiM-M ......................................... S2.IM) per < nt. Country Curii! Hams :12c lb. Home Grown A»|Miragiis IV lb. Grape Fruit, California lOc, Fl Orango from ............................. HOME Gltowx STRAW III.illllES FOB FRIDAY HALE ; \I. ho H\\E \ SI I’l’LY OF llll.sll VEGETABLES DAILY al the PUBLIC MARKET know that they have continual sum From Key West to Cuba is n trip for, the youny lady atcnographer in mer, where the thermometer varies but -10 degrees during the whole of only a few hours, six or eight, but th« photo studio readily made affl- year. There is a paved road extend the preliminaries required much davit to having known each one of us ing the full length of Key West island longer time, probably owing to tho for varying lengths of time. Then and a connecting bridge to the ad great number of people who desired an affidavit to the effect that all fed joining island, which is paved the to make tho trip at tho sam< time. eral tax hail been paid and revenue entire distance. These people pro i<>f the editorial party more than 200 laws complied with. Each affidavit Thon pose to build a paved road from Key j made the trip to Cuba, and the pasa of course carried it charge West to the mainland of Florida, porta were secured at Miami before there was a charge of $10 each wlijch Tho bridging from key to key. When leaving that city. Tho standing in goes to the I', ft. government that is accomplished their city will line awaiting my turn became some whole charge amounted to nearly what of a burden, for II occurred at i 115. About a week after we made become a Mecca for tourists. the trip the 1'. S. government repeal At the Hotel Casa Marina the edi all points. Early In the morning I went to the ed tho passport requirements for Cu torial party was given a banquet which was attended also by 50 or photographer for three pictures ba. Of course there was a long line 100 local people and a delegation of ¡There was already a crowd and I of people at the steamship office In 14 Cuban newspaper men who had awaited my turn to sit for a flash Miami securing tickets, nnd ns no one come over as a reception committee light. Tito photographers' art did hurries In tho south there wan much to meet the delegation. There were' not figure In the transaction. The time consumed At Key West there wore several speeches by the local citlzns, visiting pose, lighting, background anil focus i nwspaper men. and Cuban delegates, was tho same for all. Th« only thing hours consumed In examining bag the latter, however, in Spanish, ¡that mattered was the $1.50 for the gage, In vising passports, etc., etc., There was no lack of applause for two-inch square pictures not like all of which is hard on temper hut tho Cubans even though we coirld nesses. Then there waa the birth cer really amounted to nothing simply red not understand what was being said. tlflcate. That was easily arranged ¡ tape. 0 4 i