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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1921)
4 t Vulranlty of Ore Library ♦ VOI,. XI., Mo. 11.1. GRANT* PAHH, JOSEPHINE fXJUNTY, OREGON. Till RKDAY. MAY 12. 11121 WH'iIi; NIMBER «27«. PAYS FINE OF < lairii Against Estate of Man Killed Is Being Settled Says Attorney for Woman W usimii I m , Arre» ted al Honolulu Charged Willi Ihr Murder of Mat of Quarlet A ■ 5 ■ Sall latke City, May 12.—(A. P.i HTEAMHHII* OPERATOR* WIRE TO HEAD OF DENVER'S JUVENILE Lyda Meyer, charged with I he murder > di : itiib HOOVMB AMD BODY KN liti FIVE YEAR <ON- of her fourth husband. Edward F CHAIRMAN BENSON TEMT IN SETTLEMENT Meyer, at Twin Falls, Idaho, last Sep tember. was arrested at Honolulu to day. according to a dispatch Mrs Moyer married Vincent Southard, of the U. 8 8 Chicago last November officers are investigating the death of three former husbands and a brother Pn«-I<lent I rged to Declare That a Refused to Divulge Information Given Body of Woman Mill lie Exhumed of the first husltarid, also the death National Emergency Now Exists By Youth Who Waa Brought Be ami l‘o«l Mortem Evnminntloti of an Infant child by the first hue- in Strike fore Him to Be Made The woman had collected band the prosecutor. »9500 Inaurane«, said Los Angeles, May 12.—(A. I’.)— ] »AMBITO ROB BANK MEH8ENGER The claim of Clara Cmlth Hamon WHO IS ESCORTED BY UNI against the estate of Jake L. Hamon, FORMED OFFICER of whose alleged murder she was re cently acquitted in Oklahoma, was being settled today, said her attor ney. Negotiations, he said, proceed-1 ed on the basis of payment of *10,000 | In cash and recognition by the estate of certain assignments and con Threatened to Shoot Bluecoat If He tracts by which Hamon was declared ; Ixvoked Back After Being Made to have transferred oil rights to to Walk a Block Clara Hamon during bls life time. HOME RUN ARTISTS KEEP Chicago, May 12.—(A. P.)—Firs New York. May 12 -I A P. > -Re- Denver, May 12.—(A. P >—Judge rp THEIR MERRY RACE Medford, May 12 (A P I--T W. bandits today held up a bank meesen- i quest that the government take over Ben B. IJndsey. of the juvenile court . . Crueller, aasaylst und chemist, liv Mr and Mrs p j__ ¡ger and a uniformed policeman who | the manning of vessels if the strikers paid a *500 fine and costa today. s«w York, May 12.— (A. T., ing near Agate. Oregon, wan arrested roe, Wash . wh .refused to return to work witbin 48 ending a court controversy hanging Today George Kelley made his eighth was escorting the messenger, and es Wednesday afternoon ou a warrant Hors yesterday. cai>ed with *7000 after forcing ths hours was made by the Pacific coast fire over five years. The case orig- tome run. isnued by the district attorney's of policeman to walk away a block, : steamship operators In a telegram to Inated over the refusal of Judge; ------------ | tics charged with the murder of his Detroit. May 12—(A. P.) "Babe’ threatening to shoot him if he turned Secretary of Commerce Hoover and Lindsay to dlrulge information im- wife The complaint was t*on> to Ruth registered his tenth circuit of around. Chairman Benson, it was announced parted by a boy prisoner. by J. ft. Buingarduer, a former I ium - the diamond on a home run clout In here. The telegram urged that the band, residing I.7 mile« west of ! the game here today. ; president be requested to declare that Grants Paas (iruetter will be ar- PORTLAND MARKETS < i national emergency existed In the ralgned lu the justice court this af Ixmdou, May 12.— (A. P 1—Col . strike. ternoon. A poet mortem examina onel George Harvey, new American Cattle, choice steers......... *8 @ tion will lie made of the woman's ambassador to England, was received Hogs, prime light . *9.25 @ Portland. May 12.— (A. P »- today by King George at Buckingham body. The cause of .loath, which A number of the stockholders of Sheep, prime lambs. *7.50 @ (Continued on pace 2.) occurred May 3, was given va" epl - palace. the Boswell Mining company had a Eggs, buying price................... 16 lopsf. real thrill at the Boswell yesterday Butter .............................................. und the day previous. .Eight or ten ¡VMI.IHMt BRITISH WOKKMIA of the Seattle and Tacoma stock- Ml I'FER W IliE ItlDI t TIONS There will be a meeting at the Portland. May 12.—(A. P.l—AU holders made a trip to Grants Pass Ixtndon, Muy 12 <A 1’1 «More Chamber of Commerce rooms tonight markets are steady. the mine and there were and to than 350.000 worker» In Great Brit at 7:30 to organize for the Salvation shown the Interesting operation of ain suffered reductions in wages last Army drive, which commences on retort Ing gold and itourlng the yellow month amounting to G h .O o O pounds Portland. May 12.—(A. P.)—All Br A E. VOOFHIES Friday. May 13, and continues for a metal Into bricks Several of them a week, and 110,000 received In grades of baker’s flour have advanced week, or until the county's quota Is also made a complete in'«»tlgatlon of creases amounting to about 2.900 25c. No bookings are being received. reached. Ladies who will volunteer the mine, noting the different opera pounds a week Thia is shown by the Key West, the southernmost Liujof and gulL^tnd because of Its strategic for service In the residence district tions ministry of labor A partial cleanup was made and the U. SA. is 522 miles from Jack- importance, it is called the Gilberal- for a few hours or a few days are ! Retail prices fell eight points In the results brought to this city last sontille and 150 miles from ter of the United States. The naval also asked to be present. that month, the ministry says, the The quota for Josephine county is night, but officials of the company and is reached by the Key West ex- station covers 21 acres and the ma-- reduction being due chiefly to fall in Jstate that they do not care to make tension, remarkable piece oi of ran- rail- rine railway can carry the largest tor *2»00. the same as last year. Of this tenslon, a remaraaoie the prices of food, although cloth The navy, amount *1500 remains here for the' ! known the amount. Mr. Norden, su-’ ' roading. Extending in a semicircle pedo boat destroyers. ing prices also went down to nom<. ; perlntendent of the mine hns taken .south and west from the lower point radio has had communication with local work and *500 goes to the state extent. • a considerable bulk of gold bars and I of Florida Is a series of small and Paris and Alaska During the Span rescue maternity home at Portland. ore specimens to Seattle for exhibi large islands or keys, the water sur ish-American war an<^ the recent war This work is of the utmost import rounding the Islands nearly every Key West was a most important ance to Josephine county as well as tion purposes. The ladies of the local Ladies Aux to the state at large During the iliary, having the interests of ' the I The northern stockholders are de where being very shallow, a crane naval station. The chief commercial industry is past T2 months since the last drive town at heart, have planned for the lighted with what they have seen being able to wade a mile from shore ' hero and are enthusiastic over the re- in sonio parts. Over this series of cigars, the output being more than three Josephine county girls have re showing of tourists at the auto camp keys and from key to key over a 150,000,00» annually, It is also the ceived attention at the maternity ground a due amount of attention | suits of operations. many arched concrete itaduct rolled sponge market of Florida, The pop- home and are being cared for by that and courtesy. Two ladies have been our special train. At times we were ulation is about equally divided be institution. appointed for each week of the entirely surrounded by miles of wa tween Americans and Cubans, the Ixist year Josephine county failed tourist season to visit the auto camp The compiling of the registrati.A ter with the exception of the narrow Cubans largely being employed in to raise the quota, only *4 20.4 2 be- as often as possible with the vtew list for the Juno 7 election hus been bridge over which we were traveling. the score or more big, modern con- ing raised. whiqh necessitated the toward making the stay of tourists in completed and County Clerk Coon raising of funds throughout the year the city one they will long treasure I A Pi Allahabad. India. May 12. submits the following tabulation of by the local officers. ■Mohandas Karamachand Gandhi, the results in pleasant memory. It is expected to do away with the Indian nationalist leader, has declin A number of the members of the Female Total ed to suspend his program of non- Male passing of the tambourine qn the local Auxiliary are planning a trip 2073 799 Republican 127 1 streets if sufficient funds are raised cooperatlon until the Earl of Read to Ashland on Saturday, the Ashland 298 Democrat 83* ing. thi> new Viceroy, has had time during the drive for the local. 535 ladies having taken the initial step h Prohibition 13 21 to study the Indian situation. E. L. Coburn Is the chairman of toward the reorganization of the Hoclallst 45 64 19 the drive and Dr. E. C Macy is the The request for suspension of the Southern Oregon Federation of Wom Mis. ellaneons 88 nationalist program was made by M treasurer. Checks may be mailed to 3 2 • en's Clubs by inviting the Grants Dr. Macy or to the Salvation Army. Raza, a member of the council Pass club women to attend a meeting Total 1 lfil 3079 state. Adjt. Sydney Cooke, of Portland, ' with them on that day. is in the city today to assist in the All blame for any disorder that At the conclusion of the talk on drive organization, and Mrs. Capt.| Helsingfors. May 12.— (A. P.) may arise Is cast on the gov ernment The iMuisants of Russia have thus far by M Gandhi who asks M. Raza to’ Horton, the local officer in charge. ( disarmament at the Auxiliary meet will be on the job ell the time Mr. ing held last Saturday, Mrs. Mason failed to respond to the appeal of address his appeal "to the I officials Cooke says the money is here and the introduced a resolution in favor of the bolshovist government to sow who are provoking the people and quota will be raised without difficul-1 world wide disarmament properly grain to enrich this year's harvest, creating alarm In the • country."! ty If sufficient workers can be secur safeguarding the right and Interests according to reports received here Gandhi sa.vs that “what disturbance ed. The greatest aeed is for volun of the United States. This resolution The soviet authorities nr« beginning there Is. is either fomented by the teers who will give a few hours or a was unanimously endorsed by the to take a gloomy view of the pros- authorities or the situation Is so mis j club. liects for next winter few days of their time for the work. handled as to give rise to bloodshed.' HIGH LIGHTS IN THE TOUR WITH THE NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION WOMEN OF POLAND RISE AGAINST THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS PLEBISCITE PLAN 4 Vllna, May 12. (A. P.) The Polish women of Vllna have taken up cudgels agnlnst the league of nations. They shouldered arms last summer and fought (bolshevik soldiers tn de fense of the city and they assort they will fight again if the league should attempt to send an International I army to police the disputed territory! in event of a plebiscite. Vllna. at present, is occupied by General Lucien Zellgowskl. anil some 20,000 Polish soldiers, while repre sentatives of I'oland and Lithuania, with the league of nations as media tor, have been conferring with the vlow of determining the fate of the Vllna district, which is called Central Lithuania by General Zeligowskl and his adherents. The league's military commission of control, which since last fall has been endeavoring to settle the con troversy between Poland and Llthu- anla. until recently made its head quarters In Vllna. The control com mission has never been popular in Vllna. Dy a -recent decision which denied women the right of franchise, should a plebiscite bo held, the com mission came Into greater disfavor than ever, especially among the wom en. The commission members con tend that the birth records of Cen tral Mthuanla are so Incomplete that the voting of women would only com plicate matters It was in consequence of this de cision. and to manifest their disap proval. that a crowd of women at- tacked the commission's chairman. Colonel Chardlgny. and spattered his French uniform with eggs, some of which were not exactly fresh A few days after this incident, the commis sion removed Its headquarters from Vllna to Kovno. which Is the seat of government of the republic of Lithu ania. ■ There* are in all four concrete via ducts 31 feet above the water, one viaduct more than 10.000 feet long, the four making a total of nearly six miles of reinforced concrete. The spans are 50 feet, each resting on piers set into solid rock and strength ened by piling. On the keys are set tlements. and fishing stations, the houses being shaded when possible by a clump of cocoanut trees. Because the city of Key West is at the southern point of the island of Key West and occupies a command ing position at the meeting of ocean crete cigar factories. Key West, as I remember it. claims a population of more than 10,000. but the place has the appearance of a town much smal ler. There is. however a magfinieent hotel, the Casa Marina, which is put ting Key West on the tourist map The structure was oiiened January 1st of this year but is not entirely completed. Already more than a mil lion has been expended in construc tion. Key West has an enterprising bunch of people and they will let the world (Continued on nage 3.) Dublin, May 12.- -(A. P.)—Efforts are being made to find a basis on which the divergent interests of Di ster and Southern Ireland may bs harmonized. Impetus has been given this move ment. which is regarded as an essen tial preliminary to any negotiations between the government and Sinn Fein, by the Irish Dominion league whose executive committee is engag ed in sounding the sentiment of both sections with a view to reporting its findings to the British government. It s understood there have been •sufficient modifications of the views of politicians as well as business men of both Ulster and the Southern counties to inspire confidence that their conflicting aspirations can be reconciled. The chief difficulty in the path of peace. It is believed, te to discover a common ground for discussion be- tween the government and Dal Eire- tween the government and Dail Ere- nounce its minimum terms has given a setback to the attempt to bring the government and Sinn Fein together. I The general feeling here appears to be that Dail Eireann will stand pat on its demand for a republic and will await definite proposals frond the government. Military authorities take any bud an optimistic view of the situation saying the forces now available ard entrely Inadequate to do more than hold their own while the Irish republ llcan army leaders boast of continue! improvement In the work of theil organization. I It is understood that the milltarl is counting on the exhaustion of rJ publican funds as the only certafl means of gaining the upper han^ They admit, however, that much tins must elapse before even that hope I realised. I