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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1921)
liaiv« rM¡(y ¡Baite Conner tante V«>L. XI., No. Ili. AMMM'IATED PRB0H HKBVICK GBA.NTH l*AHH, JOHEPHI.NK COUNTY, OREGON, * Dr. Manning Consecrated Tenth New York Bishop LEADERS MEET ♦ ♦ ♦ A ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦■♦♦♦♦ N.« Turk, May 11 • \ i* > ♦ Th« lt«v. Dr. William T Man- ♦ nlng waa consecrated today as ♦ th« tenth bl«hop of th« Protea- * tant Eplaropal diocese «I New ♦ York, amid Impoalng tor«- ♦ moni«« A (fm. Li >ryr) WEDNESDAY, MAY II, APPCDTAMPL lit HuUll I AllUt Ul LLOYD GEORGE Shipping Board Steamer Ready To Leave Portland IN NEW YORK aaaaaaaaaaaaaa - aa aa a Portland, May 11.—(A. P.) A a - The «learner West Ivon, the A A fourth shipping board vessel for a a which a non-union < rear had A ♦ been recruited here «Ince the A a strike began, was ready to leave a WHOLE NI MBER :V£1&. MILE OF STATE AGAIN GRINDS POLICY GRIST I I _____ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A ♦ A WARSAW DWI’AWHHH HAY NE- GOTIATIONH RIMI LTED IN IN ARMISTICE INSURGENTS HOLO GERMIN’ MINISTER GIVEN NOTE, M III I ME MARIE (I RIE HAILED OE HI RRE.NDER TO LLOYD ON H. H. OLYMPIC WHICH 2 ARRESTED FOR POSITIONS ALLEGED FRAUD O BERLIN CABINET G140 RGB IN IXINIMIN . -A. SHTTLEMENT OF REPARATIONS QI EKT IO.NS (LEARS WAY FOR AMERICAN STATECRAFT ARRIVED TODAY FORMED TO VISIT COLORADO DEPOSIT ■ FORECASTS ECONOMIC REVIVAL —— Fingeg*- Fremii Troop« In Artillery I American Women 'lay Supply Hcicn- Portland, May 11 (A. P.)—Car I Itimale Payiuesit of 0M,7>Mt,(MM>,- Washington. May 11.—(A. P.) — Aiiminixtradou Department Officials OOO Is < 1 a um - In Reparation» • 11- Di«-I Near Town of Grœehowitx '■ tint with Gram of Precious F3e- Will Proceed .More Rapidly With lo« L Byron, of Seattln, and John The nation’s foreign trade continued During T ucm I«) Uniatuiii Kent l»y Entente nient for Own Use Develo|nnent Question» W. Todd, of Vancouver, Wash., are tt fall off in April, The department under arrest today on federal Indlct- of commerce figures showed that ex in on la lu connection with alleged ports were >340,000,000 compared lxindon, .May 11—(A P.l -A frauds in making locations of land Ixmdon, May 11.—(A. P.l—Ger New York, May 11.—(A P-> — with >387,000,000 to the month be Washington, May 11.—(>A. P.) — Warnaw dispatch nays that negotia for clients, District Attorney Hum many's unconditional acceptance of Madame Curie, the eminent scientist fore and >648,000,000 of April, 1920. Administration officials expressed tions between th« Inter-allled com phreys announced. He said Byron the entente reparations was delivered | and co-dl«coverer of radium, was a Imports were >241,000.000 below satisfaction today over the decision mission In rpt>«r Hlleala and Adabelt was «Treated at Scuttle. Tod^ was to Premier Lloyd George by Dr. St- passenger on the steamship Olympic, those of April. 1920. of the German government in accept hamer, the German minister, today. which arrived here today. Korfanty. th« Polish Insurxent lead arrested at Vancouver yesterday. ing the allies' reparations terms. Attorney Humphreys «aid that 38 er. resulted In a suspension of hos Madame Marie Curie, whose dis Ray Planted, of Brookings, is in!Wlth th« indemnities question out of tilities last night. Tho report said Salem residents had been defrauded Berlin, May 11.—(A. P.)—Ger covery of radium in 1898 has been Grants ■ants Pass, Pas« and will be bo here wer i.ver ' lhe way a maraea marked renet relief was snown shown that th« Insurgent» would occupy a through contracts by which Byron many's num cabinet began tbe pre cs'led "the realization of the dream I today and tomorrow. 11 wa5 indicated that the state linn <>f demarcation agreed upon and «greed to obtain locations on valu- paration of a formal note to th» en of ancient alchemists" was born in department expected to proceed more remain In th« stipulated position ible timber lands Humphreys said tente accepting the allied reparations Warsaw, Poland, on November 7. rapidly with the consideration of nu pending the settlement of the Upper he had Information of 132 such con- terms. The allied demands In brief 1867. Her father. Professor Sklo- merous problems connected with th« Silesian qunntlon Th« Industrial ' tracts, the total losaea aggregating were the payment by June 1st of the dowska. was an instructor in physics ; development of its foreign policy Ho »aid that Byron had 1,000,000,000 gold marks due May and chemistry in the University of territory largely overrun by the ........... . ' along general line« of insistence upon Poles would therefore remain under . been twice convicted of land frauds 1st; the trial of German officers and Warsaw and for some years before equal opportunity and the recognl- before. Todd, at Vancouver, said he soldiers accused of war crimes; com- entering upon her professional ca Polish occupancy. ' tlon of American rights throughout merely Introduced Byron to friends i plete disarmament, and the ultimate reer aa a scientist, she worked In his >the world. Opp.ln, Upper Silesia, May 11. A. payment of >33.750,000,000 repara laboratory Mme Curie received the Government economists professed I’.)—The French were engaged In an Helsingfors, May ll.-(A. P.)-|to 8<? in decision th. tions Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1903. artillery duel with the Insurgent Recent speeches of botahevlst lead- ! pTO ™ 1 “ ot Bn revlT81 Many fantastic stories have been Poles near (Iroschowlts. about six ers in Russia and the « Iterances 0fl ’ Oul,1 u a 2^" reaCt,OB told about radium and its mysterious Berlin. May 11.—(A. P.l—Dr. miles south <»f this city, yesterday properties. It has been said that an the bolshevist press have indicated 1 rou8 out 1 ® wor Wirth, former minister of finance tn The Poles replied with small field the cabinet of Chancellor Fehren-[ ounce of this "metallic chemical ele a double purpose-—to appease both WILL CALL SAN FRANCISCO plsces. A number of slightly wound bach, today succeeded in forming a| ment found In pitchblende,” Is worth peasants and city workers, whose in-. ed French wore brought here TROOPS IF’ RIOTING OCCURS more than >3,000,000, to obtain terests are very different. inew German cabinet Oppein. Upper Silesia, .May 11. which requires the reduction of 5.600 This two-sided attitude is main-. (A. P.)—-Insurgent Poles yesterday On Saturday, .May 14tb, tbe home, San Francisco. May 11.—(A. P.)— tons of ore by the most painstaking tained. it is said, to conciliate the crossed the Oder river and caifured demonstration agent and the county , PORTLAND MARK FTTH peasants, who form the vast major- 7116 8h“>pln8 ‘*>*rd th“ »*- and complicated processes the town of Kozel after hard fight projwt leaders will conduct tile Joee- I itv in Russia, even at the cost of sral troopa Uk* ChaPS<’ * th° “Uu*- The modest discoverer of radium ing, the population fleeing In panic. phlne County Home Study Tour. Thia Cattle, choice steers IS has never. It is said, refused to re sacriflcing some communist prln-'tlon ,f there U further rtotln« ln is called a county affair because Hogs, prime light >9.25 here' H' H Bbe^' lease It for the use of humanity the clples, and at the same time of per- 8‘rlkje of 8hlP everyone In the county Is invited to Sheep, prime lambs >7.50 suading the town worker that the the district director of operaUons for UNION OFFICIAI/« Gl ÏLTY world over, as a result of which her go. though, of course, the homes vis- Eggs, buying price . I OF INCITING VIOLEN«»: Red will be small store has become exhausted adoption of a conservative land pol-'the board 8414 to<Uy- in only one or two com- Butter ........................ icy like the granting ot concessions The great Polish woman savant's vis munltles This home study tour is it to America, primarily for the pur to foreigners, is a clever bit of tac Chicago, May IE—(A. Pi- Two planned for the benefit of all in the VOTES TO HOLD RAINIER NAME Portland. May 11.— (A. P .) — All pose of investigating pitchblende de tics. of three officials of the upholsterers county so that those who come and markets are steady. pre- ! Nikolai Lenine. the bolshevist posts in Colorado, Utah, Pennsyl union who were on trial charged with have the privilege of going Into vania and other states- gave rise to Uni er addressing a meeting of rail-j Washington, .May 11.—(A. P.) — Inciting slugging«, bombings and homes where work has been made the movement on the part of Ameri way workers at Moscow the other The National Geographic board voted other nets of violence during the lighter by conveniences Installed may can women to supply Madame Curie day. dwelt on "the last battle" with today to retain the name of "Mount l»19-1920 strike were found guilty see the results of modern or improv- with a gram of radium worth >100.- the peasants, whom he characterized Rainier" for the peak in Washington. yesterday. ¡ cd homea and begin to make plans 000 which shall be "all her own."as an uncertain factor that might ¡for themsehes. The«« conveniences This will enable her to continue her, swing in favor of capitalism or of range all the way from a simple researches along curative lines the proletariat. ■ home-made clothes dryer to an elec 'The peasants helped the revolu when she returns to Paris tric plant. If you can't have elec tion.” he declared, "but now they are tricity and water power you can con tired and have swung aroixid to a W. O. Hadley, sui»erintendent of| struct a firelees cooker or Iceless re pronounced petite bourgeoisie, They frlgerator in the home carpenter state fishways, who has been here [ might even turn monarchist.” for some days overseeing the con ■hop. This "last battle" with the peas- All who plan to go on thia tour struction of a fishway at the Golden The principal subject to come be- ants is in reality a battle of conjole- Ten rural schools of the county should bo at the courthouse at 9 Drift dam, has completed the job and It is a campaign to win over fore the meeting of the local post of ment. now gives notice that it will here o'clock, If you haven't a car ar- close, or have closed during the pres the land workers The well-known the American Legion Thursday even- ent week. .Many have planned exer range to go with someone who has. after be illegal to fish from the dam Kommuna ing will be the question and discus- Dere ven skaia journal boats to and for commercial fishing Every car should be full. Everyone cises and exhibits of the work of tho been re- sion as to whether the Grants Pass (Village Commune) has The Chautauqua guarantors met will be past year Other schools will close Is to bring his own picnic lunch and land at the dam. Fishing christened Derevenskala Pravda (Vil- post will take action demanding the with Mr. Smith, the representative distance j * coffee will permitted by law only at a be served free to t hose In the near future Those which lage Truth) and the peasants are retrial ot Henry Albert, wealthy mil- terminate the school year on Friday ' providing themselves with cups. 200 feet down stream from the en-j of the Ellison-White Company, on begged to regard it as their special ¡lor convicted of violating the esplon- Monday afternoon and his aqcount of u-ream and sugar. trance of the fishway. of this wook are: Since the carrying away of a por the program for this year's Chautau paper and to make their wants age act and recently dismissed by The first home to bo visited is that District No. 1. at Selma, taught by the solicitor general. known to its sympathetic ear. B. II. Humpton; District No. 5, at of Amos Smith, on the Now Hope tion of the dam by the high water qua aroused much enthusiasm, He “You must know, peasants,” It' At this meeting a date will posi be the best promises the talent to road . during the past winter, the dam has Then we will stop at the home- Wlldervllle, taught by E. F. Blundell writes, "that if you will not support tively be fixed for turning over the and Miss Adelma Taylor; District No. stead of C. F. Estes, south of Mur- not been considered legally an ob ever heard here on the Chautauqua soviet rule, tomorrow the resuscitat American I^egion sedan to the share 12. at New Hope, taught by Mrs C Phy. The J. B. Daniels homo, six struction and fishing has been per platform. Tickets this year will be >2.50 for ed white generals will reappear. holders and a vigorous campaign for For some 0. Hobbs: District No. 14, nt Mur miles southeast of Murphy, will be mitted from the dam Only the czar can replace the bolshe selling the remaining shares will be phy, taught by Nellie Mitchell; Dis visited next and it Is there we will weeks past it has been the favorite adults; >1 50 for students; >1.00 for vik!. You must decide for yourselves outlined. children. No war tax. The Chautau- spot for anglers and many gamey spend the lunch hour. In the after- trict No. 20, at Leonard Estate, Arguments relative to the bonus whether you want him or not. qua |dates are May 27 to June 1. taught by Mrs Starr Bumky; Dis- noon we will go qn to the A. L. salmon have been landed. i bill included on the ballot in the Blodgett home, in Williams, where a trlct No. 31 at Williams, taught by coming election will be discussed. Re Blancho Hartley; District No. 32 at number of improvements have been freshments will wind up the meeting. made as a result of tho previous Jo Joromo Prairie, taught by Mrs. Jessie sephine county homo study tour. Quaif; District No. 38, taught by EMERGENCY' TARIFF BILL Mrs Harry Htumbo; District No. !>«, Then we will come back, stopping at PASSFIl» BY SEN \TE TODAY Murphy to see the homes of T. E. Gil Spoil co hall, taught by Mrs. Bessie Washington. May 11.—(A. P.) — more and L. M. Mitchell. Fagley. The senate today passed the emer An added attraction-Is In store for District No. !•, at Ferrydalo. taught gency tariff bill. those who go on this tour In the form by Frances Walker, closed Monday. of talks by Prof. A. L. Peck and Prof, A. Grace Johnson, both of Oregon Agricultural College. Mr. Peck Is professor of Landscape Gardening and Miss Johnson is professor of Household \dmlnlstralion, both are fine speakers and people wo can not afford to miss hearing nnd meeting. ’ member the date, May 14, next At the regular monthly meeting of Saturday. Cars leave the courthouse A committee representing the <1. the Ladies Auxiliary held in the at 9 a m. Come with someone who A II., W II and American l.e Chamber of Commerce rooms. Sat has a car, bring your lunch and plan glon mot at Judge Holman s office urday. May 7th an unusually large to ai>end the day on a trip that will on Tuesday to arrnnge for Memorial number of ladies were present to bring both pleasure and education an<l (Decoration day services. hear matters of more than local ln- Sunday services on May 29th will tereat discussed. bo hold In the Newman M E. church, A report from the committee ap- Rov. Joseph Knotts preaching the pointed to revise the constitution was Now York. May 11. (A. P.) sermon heard and the now constitution, to Decoration day services will he Abe Attell, a former pubilist, who be adopted at the next regular meet held in the Rivoli theater, corner of was indicted In connection with tho ing, was read. Among the items of Chicago baseball scandal, was arrest Sixth and E streets American tourists In front of «lint was once the magnifleent cathedral of Solsson«. Ute task of rebuilding revision of public Interest was that Committee« were appointed to a» ed here yesterday charged with being I owns like Reims and Soissons, Is a gigantic one. It mu« be done from the bottom up. and that usually means that of changing the Auxiliary year from rango tho program, which will bo a fugitive from justice. He is held even the shattered foundations must be rebuilt. (ConWnned on page 1.) without ball. published later. ATTITUDE OE LEADERS MANYCOUNTRY SCHOOLS CLOSE DURING WEEK OEF GOLDEN DRIFT DAM Soissons Cathedral as Tourists See It G MEMORIAL SERVICES 10 BE HELD MAY 29