Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1921)
PERSONAL MLb LOCAL Men and Women will find the use of check books a convenience and an economy. Convenient because checks can be so easily mailed Economical because they cause careful consideration before writing. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTHERN OREGON Garden Hose SEE US FOR HOSE AND HOSE FITTINGS OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND QUALITY THE BEST Rogue River Hardware Co. The WINCHESTER Store Do Not Forget that the Graduation Gift should be a gift that LASTS. And that even inexpensive pieces of Jewelry are often treasured for a lifetime. See our window for Graduation Gift Suggestions. BARNES, the Jeweler Try l>r. Tompkins' methods tor Before you build get figures on your lumber, shingles, lath, doors the cure of arthritis, sciatica lumba 47 tf and windows at Borland Thomas go and rheumatism. The Building and Loan Assn, will 64lf Lumber Co. Phone 1S7-J. A. R. Hansen and wife, of _ Med furnish the money we will furnish ford. were in Grants Pass yesterday. the material Borland Thomas Lum 44tl Tell your lumber need* to th«> ber Co Phone 197-J. Automobile tourists slopping at Borland Thomas Lumber Co. 64tf M E. .Martin and «if« and H L. the Josephine last night were Mr. Chamois and wife, of Seattle, regis- and .Mrs. C N Anderson, L. Modes, I tered at the Oxford this morning. William A Healy, J. G Page and Flume lumber at Borland Thomas wife. Edward Richards and W. E. Lumber Co. Phone 187-J. 64tf Hollingsworth, of Portland; .Mrs J.I J. W. Dressier and Frederick C. i K. Stack and Mias Helen Stack, I Pag«-, of Medford, spent yesterday In ' Escanala, Mich.; i I xhi G. Kahoa, of I Chicago, and Walter D Davis. Carl th*4 eity- See Borland Thomas Lumber Co K. March, Yard F. Strogllts and K for lumber for that barn. Phone I S. Streglitl. of Aberdeen. Wash. will " All-of-a-Sudden Peggy." 1IT-J. 64tf D. Barues. of Seattle, who has been pletvse you us much as the senior l | in the Almeda ------ -- section ---- ... — for ■ , the past to plays of former year» Be sure i 49 ; week, stopped tn Grants Puss vester- see It. \ chicken coop or a state capitol? .’ day. and is now iu Gold Hill for a We can furnish the material Dor- jfew days Phone Hear Gretchen Clemens try to ex- land Thomas lattuber Co. ’ plain the "Suddenness of Peggy." at 147-J. the opera house Thursday and Fri- i day nights. 69 save Money—How?— Huy your groceries at the Uro- B. C. Thompson. A. E. Cunning ham. J. T. Wright and Earl Lyons, j ceterla. Conklin Bldg . open soon 49 I automobile tourists from Kiefer. .Oklahoma, stopped In Granta Pass Officer« Paran Encampment— I last night on their way from Crescent All officers and members of Paran Encampment. No. 29. are requested I City north See Isinda Gillette as Jlmmey Kip- to meet next Friday evening. .May «. By order of . pel—You’ll say that he is callable of for degre«- work dazzling any girl—Peggy included. C I’ . B \ Williams, scribe I Opera house Thursday and Friday i nights. 69 Wonderful Valu«-— For *13.50 you can purchase al new two-piece suit at the Peerless5 Clothing Co. *441 Chicken Dresses American copies of imported models in Crepe de chine and Canton Crepe. rnr$. nenie Peas W c do II l'un* t J14 hing Clothes Often Express What Words Can’t We wish it were possible to tell you of all the good qualities contained in our spring and summer line of tine materials and the high QfP class workmanship of . The finished garment and lasting service is strong est talking point. GEO. 3. CALHOUN Over Sixteen V tan l.oeal Dealci NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Prices at Í Peerless Clothing Co ELKAY’S Hat Dye AIA COUMB 25c ELKAYS SOAP DYK ALL COLORS 10c CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS a, ^r^aiL Save Money—How?— Huy your groceries at the Gro- ceteria, Conklin Bldg.. open soon 69 For *13-50— Exceptional values In two-piece | suits at Peerless Clothing Co. 5 4 tf Acme Restaurant— Open from 6 a m. to 12 p. m The working man's place to eat. Our din ner. 30c and up. Short orders at all: hours We give service, All exper-! iencod white help 72 . I Y»ur lx*»— If you fail to purchase spring two-piece suit at Clothing Co. a new, Peerías« Two Nights Only hi The Most Popular Modern Comedy Senior Class G. P. H. S Optra House, May 5 and 6 Admission 50c Seats on Sale at Horning’s Suits For Men and Young Men at Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, Doors, \\ intiows. Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work. Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. EST IM A'I’ES OX R EQ I’ EST FOUNDRY ANI» WEST G GRANTN PAMN, OREGON $23.50, $29.50 I •> von Are taking the Bar out of Barnum ! I lirre ar«; a f«*w mm living in the same lin«**. as a < ir< us. They think they can get a h<»tter show for their money hy traveling around the country. THESE SUITS ARE Blit THEM and in putting forth the fleets we are remaining as mod«-«t a« is possible. *23.50, *20.50, *32.50 tli«-M- suits arc without «up«-ri<»r» l«-tw<-«-n her«- «n«l the Gulden Gut«- on the W«*t and the Statue of LiU-rty on th«- East. There is no more clotliin^ lieatity an<l value than is here in your own home town at your own home More, where you <nn drop in today, tomorrow' or next year and j£et the truth alxait clothes and clothe» condition». If you need a suit or if you don't—you’ll do yourself a great kindnesa by keeping theae fa< ts Indore your memory*—for s<rme <lay we’re going to get togrOirr. Come, «* the new merchandise we are «howIng for «irring— Men'« and boy»* underwear, men'« work and drwta »ho«-«, boy«' «t«w king«, men'» felt and cloth hat», tiew, dr«-»« shirts, work shirt«, khaki suit«, iMtinter'a overall« nn<l Jum|M*r«, Irih and wai«t overall«, ami every need for the man. They are your* at extremely low price«. oaojç ojnjiujnj 6(u«ui¡oy •ji 9uiop aje 3M—luaiuisnipEsj jo dull) aqi si siqj, noX jsajajui qi/w saoUjj jsMoq qon^ pus spoor) Majq jno sb ‘ s ^ bisilu b S ui ^ elu ojb noX op noX jj ¿tuaqi js E joj uaqi pus jadBd ui sav 3H1 nqv gvhn ooá o a Every woman would like to own an ele« trie range, lint noinc have put off buying in I io | h - s of lower prices. If you are one of these, you new I wait no longer for we announce a »uhstnntlal r««lu< lion In prices, on Rang«-«. Vacuum Cleaner«, Wiu-lilng Machin«* and ail oilier ch'ctri«-nl appliance*. A so we have a big new lin«« of flvtun*. GRANTS PASS ELECTRIC COMPANY Side of Water Office C. E. ROY & COMPANY SI ITS M ADE TO ORDER Read This IVI. W. A If more people put their money In the hank, In Stead of carrying it In their pockets, or hiding it In the house, there would he fewer burglaries. Whenever you have surplus dollars, place them to your credit with the Granta Pam and Josephine Bank. 17, IntcreMt Paid on Saving« Accounts. K Friday, the 6th, there will be a Basket Supper. Grants Pass and Josephine Bank Everybody bring your baskets and have a jazzy time G rants P ass ,O regon