Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1921)
Classified Advertising Poll HAIJC PAGE GKANTH PANH DAILY CX>( KIKH M I DNEMDAY . VI VV 4, linll. POH RENT FOR HA HE Shadeland Ecllpae seed IIOI HICK EEPING ItOO.MH at 814 F » l reut 89 oats, redes ned. 3c per pound. W. L Haye». Murphy, or C. N. Culy. WANTED cooperative »hipping manager, Grant» I’aaa 9-’*f WANTED Hour work and bouse cleaning. Phone 614-L. 89 PHONE 339-L for fir and pine wood, bone dry. at »3 25 and »3 50 per WANTED An oil range In good con 85tf tier 863 N. 8lh Ht L. F Host dltlon. Phone 179-11. . 53tf HEAL EHTATK •REAL'* WOOD FOR BA1*E l-rg» E, T. McKINHTItY, 803 O St., phone body piue chunk», delivered. »3 36 365-R, real eatate Beal of »oll» for per Iler, or »»me wood al »2 per fruit, hay or (»neral farmin*. tier at G. W. Mathew's ranch 2 lull«» north of Granite Hill grave ROY H1GGINH General real «»late yard l.eavo orders al Pardee» office 111 South Sixth. Phone «9. Grocery »tore 69 HEE HULL roll FARM. city and OUUT I'lUCE on 180 acre farm to biyiln«»» property, 10 aud 11. close. Snap. Uberai terms Cull Flanagan Bldg., phone 284. at 719 D Bl . City. - 71 MIH< MJANMil * FOR HALE 6 room modern house REPAIR SHOP —Plumbing, pipe and 4 Iola al 212 North 2nd Hl. work, ■team fitting, boiler and Garage, fruit and lota of aliado. 60» work and installing pump Terms to aull purchaser. Would 6th »treet. Phone 308. G. Bou th consider renting to right party W. 61tf A. Bryan J. Teal, at lunch wagon, corner Stith and G »treet» Mtt CAItKWIt-GAYETTY IRON WORKS General foundry and machine M.l, Team 6 sud 7 years old. work; gray Iron and brass caat weight 2400 Address No. 180 inga. any alxe and quantity. Deal- .are of Courier '■4 1 f era in aecond hand mine and aaw- modern mlll machinery, boiler», engine», FOR HA1J0 4’onvenlent pipe fitting», etc. Booth »nd F bungalow, corner lot Will trade ■Ireels, Grant» PaM, Ore 94tf for Klamath Falls pro|M*rty Phon» 89 331-J. (1. A. PRICE --Painter and decora tor 014 West B street, Grants FOR HALE <1HEA1’ —20 ewes with Paa». Ore. 2 4tf lamb» Write or call on W. L. 70 Tuttle. Selma. Ore room PALACE HOTEL «Dining I CAN Ft'ltNlHH sugar pine or yel All Meal» eorved* family style low pine cut to order In the next white help Will treat you right few day», also fir any thl< kn»»» for 79 Give ua a trial. flumes TbI» lumber I» trimmed , to length G.11 earner 72 . THE PICTURE MtM. for artistic photograph». Hours for sitting. Call nt FCMl SA1-E Jersey cow 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday alt- 71 308 Burge»» atreet ting» by appointment only. Phone 65tf 283-R, or residence 140-J. FDR 8A1JÍ 3 thoroughbred Poland China boar pig». 7 weeka old; also POI LT RY A HAT« IIING WH.H 5-h p. engine and 2-lnch pump. E II Strahan, Rogue River, Ore 3 TO 4 WEEKS old leghorn cock 71 erel». 1150 per doten for sale U»ts of 50 or more. 10c each. K. SM A14. RANCH for »ale, 1150 an Hammerbacher, Rd. 2. phone 606- acre. 1 mile out of Ashland, with F-23. 71 improvement», good »oil. make first class chicken ranch Address PIANO INSTRUCTION No 190 care of Courier. <2 MRS JAMES M POWERS. Instruc tor on piano; studio over Barnes' Foil HALE Alfalfa hay, at barn. Jewelry. Phons 285-J. 116 per ton. F. It Hyde. Murphy. 72 ' Ore DRAYAGE ANI» TRANSFER WOOD FOR SALE Fir 12 25. pine »2. on ground. 4 mil«1» west on up THE WORLD MOVES; »o do we Bunch Tranafer Co. Office phone per river road. Posts and building 349; reaideme phone 315-J. noies. Hlvely * Bfickeil. General Delivery. *Mf F G. ISHAM, drayaxe, transfer; pi ano». »ate», furniture, moved, «hip FUR SAI i E 1917 Dodge touring car ped, packed, »tored. l’hone 124 Y In good condition. 1119 East A St Phone 341-Il DENTIMTN ' NOTH E <19 MALE OF MllERNMENT IIMBEIt General luviid Office, Washington. D C., April 16, 1931. Notice 1« hereby given thut subject to the con ditions and limitations of the Acts of June 9. 1918, (39 Slut 218), and June 4, 1920 ( 4 1 Stat, 758). and the Inalruotlona of the Secretary of tile Interior of Hept ember 15, 1917, and June 22, 1920, the timber on the following lands will bo sold June 3, 1921, at 10 o'clock a m , at public aui'tlou al the United States lutnd flee at Roseburg, Oregon, to high eel bidder at not less than appraised value as ahown by this tire, side to be subject to the proval of the Secretary of the Inter ior. The purchase price, with atj ad ditional aum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, bolng commlraions al lowed, must he deposited at time of l sale, money to be returned If sale 1» not approvtxl. otherwise patent | will issue tor the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bid». will be received from cltlxena of the United Stat««, aaaoclatlona of such clUzens and cor|«oratiotiH organized under the laws of the United States ( or any state, territory or district; thereof only Upon «.(«plication of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal »ubdivalon will be offered separately before being include«! in any offer of a larger unit. T 39 8..I R 1 W. Be« 6. BW14. NW 14. pine' 150 M . Fir 175 M . none of the pine to be sold for less than »2.50 l»er M , and njn« of the fir to be sold for lea» that »2.00 per M T. 33 H , R 5 W . Hee 9. NW% 8W14, pine 200 M.. Hr 4 40 M . none of the pine to be sold for lew» than »2.50 per M , and none of the fir to be sold for less than »1.00 per M. T. 31 8 . R. 7 W Sec. I, NE 14SW14. fir 300 M.. not to be sold for lea« than »1 00 per M T 39 H. It I W.. Sec. 3. 8W14 NE14. Pine 280 M , fir 150 M . NE1« NW >4, pine 220 M . Fir 45 M.. HW14 NW >4. pine 105 M . fir 20 M . NW'4 SW14, pine 45 M.. fir 10 M.. SW'i SW14. pine 95 M . fir 35 M ., SE1„ HW 14 , pine 140 M . Hr 10 M . none of the pine to he sold for le»» than »3.00 per .M . and none of the fir to be »old for lee» than »1.00 per M. WIIJJAM GRAY, Commlnsioner Genoral Ijind Office 93 A pipe’s a pal packed with P. A.! Seven days out of every week you’ll get real smoke joy and real smoke contentment—if you’ll get close-up to a jimmy pipe! Buy one and know that for yourself! Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Prince Albert, a pipe’s the greatest treat, the happiest and most appe tizing smokeslant you ever had handed out! You can chum it with a pipe—and you will—once you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!) Why—every puff of P. A. makes you want two more; every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the last! You can’t resist such delight! And, you’ll get the smokesurprise of your life when you roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert! Such entic ing flavor you never did know! And, P. A. stays put be cause it’s crimp cut—and it’s a cinch to roll! You try it! HAYE YOU REGISTERED? All elector» wno were registered' b it did not vote at either the Prl- mary or General Election In 1920,| and those who have changed their residence, must re-register. Electors not registered must do »O __ on or before May 7th, 1921. at 5 I o'clock p. m F. L. COON. County Clerk. & 2tf P rince A lbert the national joy smoke rhe appearance of the TOP and UPHOLSTERY goes a long way in the general appearance of your car—and, also, it means much in the amount of comfort and pleasure obtained. We can put your car’» TOP, SIDE CURTAINS and UPHOL STERY in A-l shape at the least cost for geod work and materials. (Continued from Pane One) I nvu L i I u L iwl rUil fouhd the most valuable deposits of PQAklTQ DACO PfilPlf • ?el’‘,'e ^^““ohates in O'® world At- UnAnlu I HUU rLUiLL ter breakfast, «served in a newly ■ | erected storehouse at the mine, we The Htatoncuts <>f Granta I’a*« Real- vara put aboard flat cars on which <1<-ula Are Surely .More Reliable railing« had been built for safety, Titan Tlioec of Utter Htranger» and taken to the mines where the Home testimony Is real proof. hydraulic mining of phosphate was Public statements of Granta PaM 4n progress, the workings reminded people carry real weight. What a friend or neighbor »ay» me of Josephine county hydraulic mining. The later processes, how oompels respect. The word of one whose home 1» ever, were much different, in the far away invite» your doubts. mining operations fossils of land an- Here's a Granta 1*: im man'» state Jinals are found, including mastodon. ment. And it'» for Grants Paa» people’s' rhinocerou». horse aud land turtles TOMATUE. PEPPER aud Cucumber Flrat-cls benefit. Marine fossils, crocodile teeth, verte- plants for sale. 105 Central Ave E. C. MACY. D. M. D. Stich evidence Is convincing. | and bone and the teeth of shank dentistry. 109% 8. 6th St 69 That's the kind of proof that backs Doan ’ . Kidney Pills. ' ’ ,nd ra> VETERINARY HI RGEON ONE HEAVY TEAM, wagon and her Ask your neighbor. I Adjoining the mine is a fine stock ! noaa for sale at Jack’s Burn 73 DR R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian J. B. Scarbro, retired minister, j farm where • cherry King,” a boar; . .«SOO -rnd weighing 10SO Residence 83 8 Washington boule 820 A St., »ays ”1 have used Doan’s FOR BAlzE 50 Her of 16-inch dry Kidney Pill» with good results and vard. phone 3 98-R. I am glad to recommend them. My| pounds was seen, a hog in great con- body fir wood. »1 50 per Iler on kidneys were out of order and I felt trust to the Florida razor back. At ground 2 mil««« from railroad ela dull and lame, eepeclally mornings this point commenced the 126-mi.e tion For particular» write or call My kidneys acted irregularly. Doan's at 209 West D street after 6 p. in I O. CLEMENT. M D , Practice Kidney 1’111» from Demaray’s Drug motor trip, the automobiles having limited to diseases of eye. ear.nose Store soon corrected the trouble and already been driven 25 miles or more 69 I from iaikeland to meet us. and throat Phone 62; Re». 239-J. put my kidneya in good order.” Foil HALE l-ton Chevrolet tru k 60c. at all dealers. Foster-Milburn| The trip was through miles of In good condition J. R. Rush. Rd Si LOtGHRJDGK. M. D. Physician Co., Mfra.. Buffalo, N. Y. bearing orangtvs and grape fruit 1. 73 I and surgeon. City or country call» groves, and through other miles of attended day or night Phones. newly planted citrus groves. The K»K EXCHANGE R m . 389; Office. 192; 6th and H schedule included the towns of | ON TIME S OUR MOTTO I HAVE a fine 1S1H 7-passenger E J. BllJJCK, M. D. Phy»iclan. sur Homeland, Fort Meade. Frostproof, I AND "FAIR PLAY- Studebaker car to trade for city Hill Orest. Lake Wales. Dundee, geon, Schallhorn Blk. l’hone 54-J; lTHAT‘5 HOW WE MAKE THE Hamilton, Winter 'Haven and Lu property. Call at 20" Booth »treet, re« 1004 Iavwnridge, phono 5 4-L. BUSINESS PAY cerne. and past many picturesque near box factory. ________ 69 W F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- lakes. At noon a stop was made at I/OMT raputlc». Office over Barnes’ Jew the beautiful (Mountain Iuike club for elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. lunch. The club is the community I/>HT—Two bay mare», biased faced, house in the center of a tract owned W. OTMARNB. M. D. Phy- R.AI«Pll barefooted, one »1th halter on. by Wisconsin or Minnesota people, Phone Guy Weatherby. Applegate Rician and surgeon, X-Ray oquip- and is located near one of Florida’s ment. Offlco in Masonic Temple Hatchery or write L. F. I^nnoya. "highest points." At Winter Haven ; Rd. 4. »5 reward for return. 59tf Bldr. phone 21-L. Ian immense citrus packing plant was | DRS. F. H. INGRAM * ELLEN M. TAXi visited and at Lucerne dinner was (TOOK—Chiropractor». Room» In served at a great packing house. I SOONER TAXI Phone 262-R fer Golden Rule Building. Office i There were speeches and booster' Jitney Luke or Cutler. Calls an hours. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Phone talks, and here as well as elsewhere swered »nywhere. anytime. 8,tf 7. 71 Folks say we’re always on time through the state the song leader Nt ICHKRY STOCK and that fair play la our bus found occasion to lead the company ATTORNEY* iness reputation. It must strike | in the appropriate song: “We believe NURSERY—Everything in up •• H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-law you that that's a pretty good you; ‘we believe you; we believe you date nursery stock, also direction« Practices In all State and Federal combination upon which to | Inst now," and also the one set to for planting and »oil culture. Call Court» First National Bank Bldg ba-.e an appeal for your patron , the same tune but the wording on F. E. Jordan. 860 North 7th age. We want you to Investi G. W. OOLV1G. xt’.orney-at-law. changed to “You’re a liar; you're a otrnet. Grant» I’»»». Ore. 48tf gate us and then employ us. I liar, etc." Nothing could be more Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. disconcerting to a speaker than to BUILDING CONTRACTORS E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney. Practice» i have several hundred of the audience In all court». Flr»t National Bank HARPER * RON- Buildlag contrac i burst forth in song with such frank Building tors Shop work, furniture crating. I expressions as the above. There were 814 F Street Shop 510 H St. Rea. phone 14 2. O. 8. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law I many other very appropriate songs PIIONE 8OM-J . for Use along the way. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270 contractor. A. J. GREEN General The special train arrived at T«ake-| Estimate« and plans made Noth- C. A. .-i’DEER. Attornfey-at-law Ma — 1 | land again the following morning sante I ’ mule. Granta Pass. Ore Ing too small or too large. Shop THE 4’ALIFORNIA AND ORI6GON and a half day spent in visiting and 211 Sixth St. Phone 3754». C 92tf — GEO. H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law COAST RAILROAD tNIMl’ANY antomobiling through the beautiful referee In bankruptcy. Maaonlc Time Card section of central .Florida, j. NALASKOWSK! Cohtnwtor. Temple. Phone 135-J. Effective Nov. 34, 1919 Builder nnd Jobber. Phone 246-R Trains will run Mondays, Wednee- ! «lit JAMES T, OH IN NOCK. Lawyer days and Fridays First Nations! Bank Building. Iveave Grants Pass ........... 1 PM dressmaking New and Used Goods Waters Creek..........2 P.M. A. C. HOUGH —Lawyer, Tuff« Bldg Arrive I .eave Waters Creek......... 2:30 PM MRS. W R. SWOAPE'S dreaamaklng HEE ME Practice In all courta. Arrive Grants Pass........... 4 P M. parlors over Kinney & Truax, For Information regarding freight Room 3, across hall from opera V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In and passenger rates call at the office Office »tate and federal court», house. Call and get estimates, or of th« company. Lundburg building, 401 G STREET over National Drug Store or telephone 131. phona 508. Urlnlilu B. S. Dedrick BUYS FOR CASH E. W. CHILES G. B.BERRY Used Cars at Bargains Ileo Six. lt»IH, seven passenger- Dodge, 181H, fine shape. Velie six, lut», fine shafM*. newly painted, Chevrolet, 1919, just like new. Overland 94», good as new. Ford one ton truck, stake rack body, self starter, new tires, fine condition. Come in and let us show yen «»me real buys in used can. C L HOBART COMPANY ♦ McIntyre for Implements of All Kinds CLETRAC TRACTORS Pumps and Gas Engines Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. Used Cars We have an assortment of various makes, all of which are honestly priced and are as represented—It will pay you to look them over. W. S. Maxwell & Co. CHEVROLET NASH BUICK T Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Daily and Sunday Effective Oct. 25, 1920 LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass MEDFORD GRANTS PASS Waiting Room ltlOO 10:00 a. ni. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m 1:00 p. m. 4:80 p. tn 4.80 p. m. Phone 160 We connect with »tage» for Ashland and Jacksonville