Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1921)
WEDNENDAY, MAY I, IW1M. GRANTS P.UH DAILY CDVR1KR PAGE TWO I WANTED Middle aged woman for general houeu work and care of children. .Must be capable Apply to Geo. 8 Barton, phone **, 611 G street. 70 GRANTS PASS DAIlt COURIER' We Want You Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorhle*. Pub. and Propr. Entered at poatoffica, Granta Pa**. Ore. aa «econd-class mail mattar. ADVERTISING RATES Display apace, per inch...............— 25c Local-personal column, per line... 10c Reader«, per line—....................... 5c I aril but noi nl>u»«»l. Witt TODAY 2 wardrobe*, »creen cnplxMinl». dlVM- »er. Toll'd» steal rang«', sever*! glMMl rockers «ml chair*. Some real g» «i*l ■a» om! luuul boil» «ml spring», Oil atovra anil oien». Phone 71. T. <’. I tooth. To try <Hie can of our Minced Clam* »nd if they are not the I h - i you ever luted we will appréciai«' your coming in and asking us to refund your money. We will du it and ask no question*. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated pram is exclusively «ntitlad to the use for republication ( of all news dispatches credited to It I or all otherwise credited tn this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. All rights of republication of spe ttai dtopatehe* herein are also re- MTV«d. 1 Don’t let Mother know We also have now in stock H. E. W. brand Mussel*. this secret CRATER LAKE HOTEL KINNEY 4TRIT (Continued troni I’ m # One) DRY GOOD« AND GROCKR1BE tomobiltw' which will inuko several trip* a day over this route. The management also ha* purchaa-1 ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦• ♦ ♦ ♦ ed a new 40-foot launch, which will i ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ be available for trip* on Crater talk«' I ♦ ♦ Transportation from Medford will | Tonight and Thursday, gen ♦ ♦ No Credit No Deliveries be handled on an entirely different ' ♦ erally fair. No Clerk Hire Low Rent I basis National j*irk stage* will bo! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ operated regularly tinder the direc-1 Wait on yourself and tlou of an experienced man. accord-1 Save Money ♦ ♦ lng to the management, and they will! ♦ ♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL guarantee that the sen Ice will not be ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦•♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ surpassed by any national park In , America Hapti-i Association to Mee«— — The Rogue River Baptist associa Conklin Building tion will hold a meeting at Ashland Toklo. May 4 (A. P.) Japan I It all centers around a surprise Your Mother has heard, no doubt, next Saturday and Sunday and about has decided to adopt the metric sys-, OPEN SOON WATCH FOR DATE forty Grants Pass members are plan for Mother and an easy way for tern. The bill as passed by the hou*e j of the Mothers' Day Club, but ning to attend. The association in of peers stipulate« that In five year* | she has no idea whether you are you to give her that surprise. clude* the territory in Oregon south to come all leading factories, govern-j one of the members. Rut a great many Mothers are wondering includes numerous features of Merlin and west of Klamath Falls. night by automobile for San Francis ment office*, government work* and SEW TODAY No services will be held in the Baptist co. where they will spend a couple of technical school* will be asked to from presenting her with a We don’t intend to give the church on Sunday. wonderful Brunswick No. weeks. Mrs. C. H. Demaray accom EVERYTHING LN INSURANCE— use the metric system of weight* and secret away here. A good Dependable companies and reas manure* Instead of the Japanese. panied them as far as Richardson many son* and daugh- 112 and a special collec onable rate«. Se« T. M. Stott. Tax Exemption for Old Soldiers The general public will lie made ter* now belong to the Springs, where she will spend a week tion of Records. Buick Salesrooms. lOltf to use the system within 20 year* Assessor Hayes recently received or two. Mothers’ Day Club and To take part in the xd- a digest of the law passed by the last are preparing to give their GAS RANGE FOR SALE — Phone legislature exempting old soldiers vantages of Mothers’ D»y Mothers a big surprise. 342-J mornings. 70 Washington. May 4.—(A. P.l and their widows from taxation, up May Tea« h on Pacific Isle— Club, the first step is to Mothers' Day Club is a Miss Gertrude Parker of this city, A serious outbreak of the pneumonic < to property valuation of *1000. To FOR SALE—Donkey drums, pulley come in and ascertain the Brunswick idea, a happy plague at Vladivostok, Siberia, has avail themselves of this exemption it who has been teaching in the Klam blocks. 13«-inch steel cable, re detail* — the »ecrrtt we conception, and one you ’ ll ath schools for the past seven years, been reported. will be necessary for them to make volving shovel, 2-3-yard buckets, can’t publish, A« the time be delighted with, once application on proper blanks sup has been offered a position in the dragline scraper 3«-yard. M. C. la short, we •uggcit tn you tunic in and learn the schools on the Island of Maul. Hawai plied from the assessor’s office and Ament, Grants Pass. 71 details. e»rly visit. which are on file at the office of the ian territory. Anna May Johnston, PHONE HOUSER BROS. 3 26- Y for another Klamath teacher, also was county clerk. A sworn statement dry wood. Pine *3.25 per tier; 2- that exemption is desired will be ne offered a position in the same school tier load, *6; fir. *3.50 per tier. 73 cessary. While the law becomes ef BORN fective May 25 these statements FOR SALE—Apple«, Inquire at fruit should be made out and filed as soon BOBZIEN—To Lieutenant and Mrs. warehouse or cold storage plant. Come, try our rvaily-to-scrve, Stanton Rowell, Prop Grants Pass, Oregon Edwin B. Bobzien. I^ngley Field. as possible. MWStf a la cart lunch, 12 to 1:30 Hampton, Va., Saturday, April 23. E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estate, in We will serve a very a "-pound daughter. Kathleen To San Francisco by Auto surance and plate glass liability. fine 75c t*ble-de-h<><«' Spencer Bobzien. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Norton left last 609 G street, phone 28. 40tf Servie«» «t laiurel Gnm— < (IMIMi EVENTS dinner — Time 5:30 Rev, Henry G. Hanson will hold j Mar 12-13, Wednesday and Thurs I j OST -Note book lost on streets to N p. m. preaching service In the lauirel Grove day. eighth grade examination*. Monday. Finder please notify Ber Spc* lai .Sumíay Dinn«-r *1.00 to .lune 1 Frlday-Wedne*- school house next Sunday afternoon, tha Green, phone 375-1» 70 May 8, al 3 o'clock Chaulauqiia In Oriint* Pium I HAVE 320 ACRES of Al farming land 12 miles from good South Da kota town, all tillable, for sale right or exchange tor something of value here. What have you to offer. C. E. Moran. P. O. Box 675. 71 101 & 105 N. 6th WEDNbiiDAY, MAY 4, 1021 Grants Pass, Ore- WHY? May 8th is the day to surprise her with this Brunswick The Groceteria JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE The Music & Photo House New Today Ladies’ Knit Bloomers Special 38c Ladies’ Lingeri Krinkle Crepe Bloomers, Special 89c FURNISHED HOUSE wanted. at Rex Cafe. Golden Rule »Store Shoes for the Family SAVE YOUR FEET No matter wliat other support* or braces you now use, you »houhl try JUNGS .ARCH BRACES and see what a differente they make. Dance, or walk, for miles, stand for hours—you just don't get tired. Tire Prices MYRON C. GASTON—District agent Banker* Life Company. Des.Molnes. | Iowa. Purely mutual old line life insurance company Call 74 FOR SALE—Two pack horses fully rigged. Inquire at Jack's barn. 74 rtc IAJST-—Tuesday, between M street and high school, fountain pen without cap. Finder please re turn to Courier office. 70 ! Have Come Down LOST—*5 in currency, probably near high school. Finder please return to Eugene Murphy. 70 FOR SALE CHEAP—Jersey cow. 7 years old. Also ‘A -acre of land in city limits. Will trade for Ford. Call at 823 J street. 70 GET THEM AT 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S TOMATO PLANTS All kinds of GARDEN SEEDS in bulk hnbltmof Sati^idinn DON’T BE MISLED by extravagant claims Reliable Cars Sell Every Year Everywhere We sell them in Josephine County Peas, 8 varieties, 30c lb. Beans, 6 “ 25c lb. Sweet Corn, 5 varities - 25c lb. Field Corn » Squash, Pumpkin Melon, Spinach, Car rot, Cucumber, Radish, Swis Chard and all other small Garden Seeds. HOBART’S Onion W. S. Maxwell At Smith’s & Company «A The manufacturer rebates us on stock on hand. We lose nothing—you gain. The Seed Man I TIRE and SUPPLY HOUSE