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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1921)
V,‘T"«‘X0fOr..Ubrar, tante JJass Dai In Courier ♦ 4M44M'ltTKD PItENH HKKVICK G It A.NTH PAHH, JOHKPHINK (N)UMTY, OREGON, VOL. XI., No. Il* 80,000 Employees Notified of Coming Wage Reduction Thye and Yokel Wrestle to Draw in Portland Bout i♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦ ♦ i i \ i’ i ♦ Mike Yokel, of Sall lazke City ♦ r.-.i Thye, ot PorttsM. | ♦ » resiled to a draw laut night | ♦ after being on th» mat for two ♦ hour* ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ItE-INTIloDl < I II REMOLI TION to ' Al TIIOltIZE < 11.LING OE I Tlllll lv-U It ItlM EIH Nt'E MOVE IS FORECAST SHIPPING MEN OF FIGHI REFUSE TO YIELD President Wiahrw That Qii<«>ti<>n Hi- la'ft Quirt During I’rvwrnt lnti-r- «allouai Rrlntion« «a ricali* llai’U nu't Baker lìmi Shipping Board Also Will Not AI muh I oii 1‘ooltlon WHOLE Ml M BEK 32H». WEDNESDAY. MAY 4. limi. UPPER SILECIA CM Paris Gives Warning oi Grave Consequences Likely to Follow Uprising Due to Unrest Over Rumor of Allied Decision on Apportionment Paris. May 4. (A. P.)—Ths bridges between Breslau and the Sf- Frenc.h govern incut has warned the I lbalan mining regions, cutting com- Poliah government of the grave con- munl'ations with Germany. French sequences likely to result from the Infantry with tanks have succeeded Polish uprising In Upper Silesia Un- 'in clearing Heuthen and Kaltewltz of rest Is reported in this region over the rioters. the rumor of the allied decision glv- ------- — Ing Pqjand only two districts there Oppeln, Upper Silewta, May 4.— (A. as the result of the recent plebiscite. P.)—Twenty thousand Poles have \ mining strike also Is In progress occupied all of Upper Silesia south of The French troops of occupation Kosel and Tarowitz, with the excap- have clashed with the Polish Insur- lion of a few large towns, and are gents The Insurgents blew up ¡moving further northward. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1. A. STILLIVI AN ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦■♦♦♦ New York, May 4.—(A. P.) ♦ —The American Railway Ex- ♦ press Company today notified ♦ Rs 80,000 employes that it con- ♦ tern plated a wage revision on ♦ i June 1st. ♦ 90 MOROS KILLED REB1GNED PRESIDENT OF NEW YORK BAN K RESUME* CASE IN SIX RET HEARINGS TO 801110 MISCONDUCT CHARGE Detaclunemt of Island Constabulary Blay Religious Fanatic« to Avenge Witness for Mrs. Stillman in Charges Death of Lieutenant ,rf Infidelity Against Husband Will Be Called l-.ler Manila, May 4.—Ninety Moros, in Washington, May 4. (A. P.)— New York, May 4 — (A. P.)— cluding Maharajah Untonga, the re Shipping men are reported to have James A. Stillman, who yesterday re ligious fanatic leader, were killed* refused to yield on the wage cuts and Sunday by a detachment of Phi'ip- signed the presidency of the National other questions at conferences today plne constabulary in an engagement City bank, of New York, today re with Secretaries Davis and Hoover. near Taglibi on the Island of Sulu, sumed in secret hearings his fight for The shipping board also stands firm 4PINHNTMENT OF GOETHALÿ according to advices received today. divorce. on the 15 per cent cut. Secretary W. <». W. Grow ing— IB »PPROVED BY CHINESE Several French Canadians from The slaying of the Moroe followed The local camp Woodmen of the Davis planned to meet union leaders World In the past two weeks have the murder on Saturday of Lieuten Three Rivers. Quebec, the site of the later today. Shanghai, May 4. — (A. P.)—Com ant Velasques and three constabulary , Stillman summer camp, were here. Initiated and received Into the lodge It was said that Stillman would pro 43 new members Next Monday they plete satisfaction has been expressed troopers. Marrltsl al Gmtmi'* Hoirie— duce testimony supporting the con The marriage of Charles Randall will have a picnic supper and each by Chinese officials over the appdlnt- tention that his wife was the mother PORTLAND M ARK ETN and Mabel Martineau Jersbek was neighbor Is to take a well filled bas ment by the United States govern Washington. May 4. (A. Pi — solemnized Saturday afternoon at 4 ket There will be a literary and ment of Gen. G. W. Goethals to sit of a male child by a former Indian The official statement of tho Ameri o'clock at the home of the groom's musical program, followed by danc as a member of the board of engi Portland. Ore.. May 4.—(A. P.) — servant and guide, Fred Beauvais. neers that will decide on a plan for Cattle, steady; hogs, 50c lower; In addition it was said that further can position on the Invitation to mother. Mrs F. A Mooer ing have an American representativo on deepening and general improvement sheep, steady; eggs, 2c lower; but charges of alleged misconduct would the supreme council will be made < Al vert Home Burn«—— of Shanghai's harbor. be preferred against his wife. ter, steady. when the Invitation has been form It was announced that Mrs. Still l'ire, supposed to have started Mai Breakfast a Success— man's witness in charges of infidel ally received here Cattle, choice steers ____ 88 © 88.25 from a smouldering spark on the The May breakfast by the Presby FEDEItAL RESERVE GOVERNOR roof of the home of Rodney Calvert, terian ladies, which was given in the SAYS NO DANGER EXISTS Hogs, prime light............. 89 @ 89.25 ity against her husband would be Sheep, prime .......... 87 @ 87.50 called later. at the corner of Fifth and I street, church [»rloni thia mornins was a so destroyed the building at about 3 cial and financial success More than Cleveland. May 4—(A. P.l —There Eggs, buying price................. 16 © 18 o'clock thia morning The building 150 were served The decorations of is no danger now of general financial Butter _______________________ 25c. was doomed before the fire was dis lupine and scotch broom made the trouble, W. P. G. Harding, governor covered Some furniture was saved, room exceedingly attractive. The May of the Federal Reserve board, told FLOUR MAKES SHARP ADVANCE ON I’ORTLIND MARKETS hut the second story was practical breakfasts have been a popular fea- the foreign trade council convention -........ ■ « ly burned off «nd the lower part turn for several years past. today. Portland. May 4.—(A. P.l—Ad ruined The house was a total loss vances in the prices of flour were Two thuuisand dollars In Insurance It has bom definitely decided that made today, the family brands ad a bridge will be built to span the was carried vancing 40 cents per 100, and bakers C. Y. Tengwald. of Medford, man Klamath river near Ila mouth. In Del brands 25 cents per 100. The wet ager of the Crater Lake National Mi N tin tNIl SINNOTT WILL Norte county, and Crescent City will weather and heavy frosts, combined | Park Company, plans to double the BE IN ON JAP Qt ESTION celebrate the event tonight l>elogatea with unusually heavy export trade to 1 capacity of the Crater Lake hotel, will be preeent from Eureka and al- , Europe at this time of the year, have . and to make the hostelry truly a Washington. May 4.— (A P.)— from Grants I’ass. F H. Bramwell caused the increase. The emergency | "service first" institution beginning Br A B. V0OKHIES and F E. Wood, having left here Senator McNary and Representative tariff bill has also had a bearing on I this year. Mr. Tingwald has been Sinnott have been named Oregon early thia morning to lie present. the price. members of the executive committee the manager of the Hotel Holland, North and south highway traffic At Lakeland the editorial party land, being the beet place in Florida. I at Medford for the- last three years. of western congressmen to deal with lias been accommodated for years at was met by a band and many hun- why they should not all want to live ’ Seventy ready-made houses will be the Klamath river by a loll ferry, the Japantwo problem. died citizens. Dinner had been ar- there.” The reason was more or less j set up at the rim of the lake and at and the prospect of a bridge over the ranged for at the various hotels and apparent when dinner time came for the Anna Springs camp and with the stream la hailed with delight by the restaurants, but 1 was more fortu- there were served luscious strawber-^ completion of additional rooms at traveling public It la understood nate than the rest for Mrs Wllford ries fresh from the garden, new po-j the hotel itself, accommodations for that an appropriation from the state Allen's sister. Mrs. Riggins, lives In tatoes, radishes, lettuce and other from 250 to 300 people »dll be avail of California, to lie matched by an latkeland and sho had been notified vegetables, also from the family gar- — able. appropriation from I>el Norte county of my coming After a tew inquiries den. Later on I saw growing in the has made the project poaaible. London. May 4.—(A. P.l—The re-1 The season will open July 1, and I found myself in a big closed car grove off the garden juicy sweet | parations commission will send to the! close October 1. and was whisked to a delightfully oranges, grape fruit, tangerines, An entirely new scenic feature German government on Friday, the Seattle. May 4. —(A. P.l—The roomy house set in a forest of big kumquats and other citrus fruits the bill of liabilities, which will be strict available this year for the first time Signed for Next 1 cur— Superintendent Imel of the Grants steamer itatta Alicia, bound from Sun oaks hanging thick with festoons of names of which I have forgotten;: ly in compliance with the peace trea- i will be a 36-mile automobile drive Pass schools signed his contract with Francisco to Seattle, went aground Spanish moss, and in the foreground . and then there were bananas, pine-1 ty. Simultaneously the allied govern around the rim of the lake over a the’ school board Tuesday for the early today near Port Townsend, ow was one of the nine pretty lakes' apples, guava, etc. Poultry, eggs, ments will send another part of the new road just completed by the for school term next year. Margaret ing to a breaking of the steering within the city limits. And there ¡¡butter and cream were also products plan, as a modification of the treaty est service of the federal government. The management will provide au- llathbone and Estella Feldmaler gear. Lighters have started to take favorable to Germany which she can will teach schools next year off the cargo of copper ore. (Continued on page 1.) accept or refuse. Washington. May 4 ( \ I* I Henatnr Borah Imlay relntroduceil a resolution to authorise and request th» president to call representatives of Great Britain and Japan Into a disarmament conference Thia fore casta a fight. as the president desired that the disarmament question should not be agitated In the present state of International relations CRATER LAKE HOTEL ADOS TO E0U5PMENT HIGH LIGHTS IN THE TOUR WITH THE I NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION LIABILITYI l T g OES STEAMER WITH CARGO 10 GERMANY FRIDAY Beautiful Drive at Lakeland RUSSIAN SOVIET PINS FAITH ON VAST SÏSTEM OF ELECTRIFICATION Viborg, Finland. May 4 (A. P.l -Communism, plus electrification Is now the slogan of the Russian soviet regime. Reports of thia vast dream of J »nine by which, say sarcastic refugees reaching Finland, he "hopes to make every Russian hut a com munistic paradise with a dynamo In the corner" have reached the outside world frequently during the past few months, but only receAt Moscow and Petrograd newspapers show the vast extent of the proposed electrification of Russia. G. 8 Zlnovleff, soviet governor of Petrograd, In a speech at that city, announced that the scheme contem plates the construction all over Eu ropean Russia and Siberia or huge electric power plants, with a total capacity of 18, 170.000 horse power In the former, and 9.000,000 horse power In Siberia. On this work, he said, are to he employed, as fnst ns possible, the soldiers who are demob ilized. How seriously Lenlne advocates electrification la shown In one of his recent speeches, wherein he said: "More must be done regarding elec trification The whole future of soviet Russia depends on the con summation of the plan. All ele ments of the population must assist NEW EXCAVATIONS EXPECTED TO UN COVER RELICS OF 1 PALESTINE CITIES In this state enterprise. The build ing of electric stations all over the country will take 10 years. Conces sions must furnish the working cap ital. Then communistic Russia will be an example to all the governments of Europe and Asia." At present. Russia has compara tively few electric plants. To further the Immediate develop ment of the electrification plan, elec trical workers and engineers have, for several months, been exempted from the restrictions placed upon other workmen >and have been given preferred rations. The immensity of the Russian elec trification project is Indicated by the fnct thnt at tho largest power plant In the United States, at Niagara Fnlls, the peak |ond. or total capa city develoi>ed is about 405,000 horse power. - - Proving Up on llomiwtcail— <L. IH. Wilson, of Wonder. Is in town today to prove up on hie home stead before U. 8. Commissioner Her bert Smith. Th<*tract comprises 120 acres adjoining Wonder on the west. His witnesses are Charles Moore and James ¡Txywden. was greeted by the family. It re minded me of the family reunion, for there was sister, husband, daughter a brother, Mrs. Riggins' mother. Mr. Riggins’ mother and her sister, and later in the evening another daugh ter and family and a eon and his family, all interested in hearing of the western relatives. Those of the party who had been west confessed to a strong desire to again see Grants Pass. The head of the household, however, who had been a resident of Florida for 30 years "could see no reason why anyone should care to live outside of :Florida. and Lake- Philadelphia. May 4.—(A. P.)— It was on the route of all the build Relics of seven or more cities which ers of ancient empires. successively stood on the same site Beginning 5,000 years ago it suf and nine different civilizations are fered the blows of the armies of Sar expected to be uncovered by the ex gon, Abraham. Hammurabi, Sennach cavation of the Bibical city Beth-! erib. Nebuchadnezzar, Thothiues, shan. in 'Palestine which is to be Saul, David, Alexander. Pompey and undertaken in June. The work will! Napoleon. Joshua led his troops be done under the direction of Clar- ! against Beth-shan but could not take ence S. Fisher, curator of the Egyp it because its defenders used iron tian section of the Museum of the chariots—forerunners of the tanka University of Pennsylvania., Official of the world war. permission to undertake this work The Crusaders made Meth-ahan a has been received from the govern point of attack in their vain efforts ment of Palestine. Beth-shan is now known as Beisan. to conquer Damascus. When the As It is situated in the valley of Jez- syrians came down like a wolf en the reel. just west of the Jordan and not fold. Beth-shan was one of the places of the city farm. Even the fishingj far south of the Sea of Galilee. * they took and it has been dominated poles were a home product, for a More great battles are believed to in turn by the Greeks, Romans and great clump of bamboo with stalks have taken place within sight of this Arabs. 15 to 25 feet long occupied an uncul city than, perhaps, on any other spot The Investigators expect to find tivated spot. It seemed that thej known to history. The investigators there the strata of perhaps more than home place produced everything ne hope to find there the keys to the seven cities each built upon the ruins cessary for comfort excepting cloth whole history of that section of the of the other as successive waves of ing and gasoline. world written either on marble slabs invasion swept over and destroyed it. The following day the daughter containing the laws, decrees, trea It is within sight of the Mount of was chauffer on a 126-mlle trip ties and other information or on Transfiguration, the scene of battle* through Polk county and all the dis bronse tablets or written in clay with between David and Saul and th* tance over paved roads The editor cuneiform characters. Witch of Endor who recalled the ial party had entrained late that Beth-shan was a strategic point of shade of the prophet Samuel to en- evening and during the night were value to any of the great military ■ lighten Saul, had her home near this taken to Bartow, where are to be leaders of ancient times who aspired ancient city whose secrets now ar* to try his hand at world domination. sought. (Continued on Page 3)