Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1921)
TI HHDAY, 'IVY », 11*21. GRANT» PAM« DAILY COURIER PAG« Classified Advertising General Isxml Office. Washington. D C, April 1«, 1931. Nolic« is , hereby given that subject to th» ion- HEAL ENTATE FOR HALM dltlons and limitations of th«, Acts of Juno 9. 191«, 139 Stat 218), ami roil HAtsE Haadeland Edipee seed E. T. McKINBTHY. «03 0 81 . phone June 4, 1920 «41 Stat, 758), ami 355-R, real eslat« Itesl of nolle for ihn Inetruotlons of th«, Seeretary of oats, rec lea ned. 3c per pound W. Iho Interior of September 15, 1917, fruit, bay or general farming. I. Hayes. Murphy, or <’ N <’uly. ami Jun«, 22, 1920, the timber on the I manager, cooperative shipping ROY HIGGINS General real estate following land* will b« sold June 3. »2tf 1921, al 10 o’clock u in , at public Granta Paas Office 111 South Sixth, Phone «9. au'tion at the United States lai ml PHONE 339-L tor Hr and pino wood. HEE HULL IXJll FARM, «-tty and flee at Itosuburg, Oregon, to Idgheal bidder at not less than bone dry, at »3.25 and »3 50 per 11. appraised value as shown by this biislnoes property, 10 sod tier. 003 N 8th Ht L. F. Boat. lice, salt, to bn subject to the Flanagan llldg., phono 284. 63tf proveI of the Secretary of the Inter MIHI ’KLLANEOl'M lor. The purchase price, with an ad •HEAL” WOOD FOR SA1.E lairge ditional sum of one-fifth of one per or out— O lympic pipe HHOP — -Plumbing, cent thereof. l«olng commissions al bo«b pin» chunks, deliver««!. »3 25 REPAIR work, steam Utting, boiler and lowed, must be deposited at lime of per tier, or same wood at »2 per Pancake Flour adds to the sale, money to be returne«! if sale pump work and Installing, 6 or. is tier at G. W Mathew’s ranch 2 not approved, otherwise patent flavor and lessens the labor South «th street. Phone 306 I. G. will' Issue for the timber which must in lira mirth of Granite Hill grave 51 tf be removed within ten years. Blds A. Bryan yard l4»ve orders at Pardee’s Simply add water or be received from citizens of th«- Grocery store. «* CARNBR-GAYETTY IRON WORKS | will Unite«! Htatee, iu>u<>< lations of such milk, mix and cook. General foundry and machine citizens anti corporation«« organized OU UT IMUCE on IttU-acre farm to inder the laws of tin, l ull' 1 St,it<-. work; gray iron and brass cast clo*e. Snap. Uberai terms Call The Olympic Lint Include» your fai orile cereal, or any state, territory or district ings. any size and quantity. Deal thereof only. Upon «[«plication of a al 719 1) St . City. .71 unllarllu milled, packed, wrapped and tealed. ers In second bund mine and saw qualiflwl purchaser, the timber on FOR SALK 6 room modern house mill machinery, boilers, engines, uny legal subdivslon will be offered before being Includ«-«! In and 4 iota at 212 North 2nd St pipe fittings, etc. Booth and F s«lMirately uny offer of a larger unit. T 39 8.. Garage, trull end Iota of ahuiie. streets. Grants Paas. Ore 94tf It I W . He 5. HW14, NW 14. pine Terms to suit purchaser. Would 150 M , Fir 175 M.. none of the pine oonalder renting to right party. W. (I A PRICE «Painter and decora to be sold for less than 32.50 [>er M., tor. «14 West B street. Grants anil njne of the fir to be sold for I««« h J. Tmil, at lunch wagon, corner Pass. Ore. 24tf that »2.00 per M. T 33 8. R 5 W.. Sixth and G streets « IIX Sec 9. NW «4 8W14, plfle 200 M.. room. fir 440 M., none of the pine to be PALACE HOTEL -Dining FOR HALE BY OWNER 3 acres of All sold for l«*s than »2 50 per M , and .Meals served family style, land Just outalde city limits, south white help Will treat you right none of the fir to be sold for les aide of river, fine location, good than »1 UU [i«-r VI T .: 1 S . R. 7 W 79 Sec. Givo us a trial. 1, NE fcSWtt- fir 300 M„ no house 12x1«, posts and wire for lie sold for I« m « h than »1 00 per M. fencing »550 If taken at once THH PICTURE Mild, for artistic to I’ I* 8. R x W., Sec 3. 8W14 photographs. Hours for sitting. NEL. Pine 280 M . fir 150 M , NE>4 He» A. L Pen well or Inquire at Sunday sit-1 10 a. in. to 4 p. m. IJoyd's second hand store. «8 NW‘«. Pine 220 M., Fir tings by appointment only. Phone |HW'4 NW >4. pine 105 M . FOR HALE Team « and 7 years old. •5tt NW >4 SW'i, pine 45 M . 2 83-R, or residence 140-J. weight 2400. Address No. 180 SW«4 SWy«. pine 95 M.. HE % SWV4. pine 140 M . care of Courier. 64tf 1*01 LTIIY A HATCHING EGGH Crowing Old Gracefully none of the pine to be sold tor rne appearance of the TOP F<»R SAI j E Convenient moderni 3 To 4 WEEKS old laighorn cock than »S uu [>er M , und non- of Are you fir to be sold for less than »1.00 and UPHOLSTERY goes a long bungalow, corner lot Will trade erels, 11.50 per doxen for sale, g row way in the general appearance for KUitinth Falls pro|»»rty Phono I laits of 50 or more. 10c each K. WILLIAM GRAY, ing old of your car—and. also, it 331-J. 8» Commissioner General Lind Hammerbacher, Rd. 2, phone 606- grace means much in the amount of Office F-23. FOR SALE CHEAP -20 ewes with fully? comfort and pleasure obtained. iambs Write or call on W L Who We can put your car’s TOP, Tuttle, Selma. Ore. 70 wins in SIDE CURTAINS and UPHOL the race I CAN FURNISH sugar pine or yel MRS. JAMES M POWERS, instruc STERY in A-l shape at the tor on plsno; studio over llirti'*' of life? low pine cut to order In the next least cost for good work and Phone 245-J. 1« it the few days, also fir any thickness fori Jewelry. materials. man flume«. Thia lumber la trimmed, Hit W AGE AM» TRANSFER who i« 72 i to length O. H. earner. thin- Foil HAIJ-J Jersey cow. Call al THE WORIJI MOVES, so do we. blooded, Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone 308 Burgess street. 71 weak, 349; residence phone S15-J. FOR 8AIJ9 300 large whlte cedar-, tired heert post», clty dellvery 30c. Hee i F G IHHAM, <lra y ege, trauafer; pl- all the I. E. Hayes at C. L Hobart Co «8 aniMi, safes, furniture, moved, ship time? ped. packed, stored, l’hone 124 Y. FOH SAliE 3 thoroughbred l'oland An athlete trains for every race. China boar plgs. 7 weeka old; also i A man is as strong as his blood Reo Six, 1918, wren passenger- Dodge, 1918, fine shape. Velie DENTIHT8 S-h. p. englne and 2-lnch pump.! and as old as his arteries. Make Hix, 1910, fine shape, newly painted. Chevrolet, 1919, just like FOND OF IHM GUM TH E. R Strahan, llogue River, ore. E. C. MACY. D M. D your blood redder, your health Flrst-cla- new. Overland 90. good as new. Ford one ton truck, stake rack 71 i dentistry. 10» L S. (lb St. better by taking that old fash that are made light, sweet and body, self starter, new tire*, fine condition. Come in and let us ioned blood tonic—sold fifty years pungent? You can get them show you some real buys in used care. SMALL RANCH for sale. >150 an VETEKINAItY St KG EON ago and still “good as gold”— here. Fine for coffee or tea, acre, 1 mile out of Aehlaml, with Di r H. J. B Ê s TUL. Ve l e r i u a r i a ñ. namely, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical and even better than you improvement«. good soil, make Residence 83« Washington boule Discovery. Sold by all druggists, could make at home, saving first class chicken ranch. Address vard. phone 398-R or send 10c. to Dr. Pierce's Invalids’ all the bother. Come you No. 190 care of Courier. 72 Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial hero and enjoy the best. RN »R 8AIJC Good heifer to be fresh package. O. CLEMENT, M D. Practice Ask your Grocer for llrmd soon. Will give 6 gallons of milk S as F rancisco , C al . — "There is limited to diseases of eys, ear,nose baked by th« per day. Edward Coaaon, Kerby, notiiing bo helpful to old person« and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239--J. «8 Ore. whose kidney« are weak and who are GRANTS PASS BAKERY all run-down and need a tonic (some 8 IXJUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, at bam, thing to give them an appetite) as and surgeon City or country call* ÖC3 G Hire«« II« per ton. F. R. Hyde. Murphy. Dr. Pierce'« Golden Medical Discov attended day or night Phon--». Or*. ery. My father-in-law took it and Res 369; Office. 182. 6th and H. was greatly benefited; it seemed to FOR KENT NOTICE E J. U1U.ICK, M D. Physician. sur There are funds in the city treas- | put new life in him." — Mas. Juns CLETRAC TRACTORS HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS at 614 F geon. Schei I horn Blk. Phone 54-J; J ackson , 1703 Oakdale Avenue. atroet. 69 res. 1004 laiwnridgo. phone 5 4-L. ury to redeem all warrants drawn on ' the general fund numbered 14584' Pumps and Gas Engines FOR RENT -IJght housekeeping W F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- ♦ to 14795 inclusive. rooms. Call at 215 North Third rn pul les Office over Barnes’ Jew Interest will cease after May 2nd.! Planet Jr. and Standard Garden Tools I SELMA street. «8 elry. Hours i» 30-12; 1:30-4. 1921. 402 4 South Sixth Grants Pass, Ore. Dated at Grants Pass, Ore.. April RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D. Phy- UANTED Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sargent and J'Jth, 1921. alelan anil surgeon, X-Ray equlp- daughter, Gretchen, and Albert Frost, WORK WANTED Plowing or scrap G. IP. JESTER, ment. Offlce in Masonic Temple Mrs. Campbell ami daughter, Ethel ing. by contract or day. Otto Hen- 6S City Treasurer. phone 21-L. Bldg . and Lloyd Sargent visited Mrs. Frank I rlcson. Rd. 2. Box 2 4, phone Sargent Monday. 6 8 DRS. F. H. INGHAM & ElsLEN M. 602-F-21. Il AA K VOI REGISTERED? Frank York made a business trip (XM»K Chiropractors. Rooms In WANTED Hour work and house Golden Rule Building. Office All electors wno were registered to Selma from Oak Flat Saturday and «leaning. Phon« 514-L *1» hours, 9 a. m. to 5 p. tn. Phone but did not vote nt either the Pri returned home Monday. We have an assortment of various makes, Earl York made a business trip to WANTEl* An oil range In good con 7. 71 mary or General Election in 1920. all of which are honestly priced and are as dition. I’hono 179-R. «5tt and those who have changed their Selma from Oak Flat Wednesday. represented —It will pay you to look them ATTORNEYS Hreazeale and Louis Krauss John residence, must re-register. IA »HT over. Crescent City Monday. went to H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law Electors not registered must do so R. L. Hammer and Earl York L06T—Two bay twaree. blazed faced, Practices In all State and Federal on or before May 7th, 19 21, at 5 made a business trip to Takilma last barefooted, one with halter on. Courts. Flrat National Bank Bldg. o'clock p. in. Thursday. Phone Guy Weatherby, Applegate F. L. COON, Tom Ellis returned to his home at Hatchery or write L. F. Lannoye, G. W. COLVIO, Vtiorney-at-law. 52tf County Clerk Granta Pass Banking Co. Bldg. CHEVROLET NASH BUICK Pine Flat Wednesday. Rd. 4. »5 reward tor return. BOtf Mr. ami Mrs C. 8. Wheeler. Chas, E. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices TA \. and Velda Hastings, ami Roy Hudson In all courts. First Natioual Bank ' W ' spent a pleasant evening at A. B. BOONER TAXI t’Uon» 262-H for Building Ragan's Wednesday. Jltuey Luke or Cutler. Call» an Mrs. C. 7«. Hayes, of Roseburg, ami swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf o. S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 370. Mrs. William Curtis, of Marshfield, (Continued from Page One) N'l ItNERY Hl'fM’K left for their homes after visiting a C. A. .COLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma STAGE the private agreements of operators few days with Mrs. Hayes’ parents, •ou'e I'•■nple, Grants Pass. Ore. NURSERY—Everything In up to INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. date nursery stock, also directions GEO. II DURHAM. Attorney-at-law to maintain uniform sales contracts, Mr. ami Mrs. John Herman. the breaking of contract deliveries, Mr. ami Mrs. Will Hildebrandt vis Daily and Sunday Effect»*”) ' Oct. 25, 1920 for planting and soil culture, t all referee In bankruptcy. Masonic the refusal to sell direct to consum- ited Mrs. Christina Herman and sons. on F. E Jordan. 860 North "th LEAVE um ■ I Temple. Phone 135-J. Grants Pass era and also to retailers who wen» Tuesday. street, Grants rass. Ore 43tf GRANTS PASS MEDFORD Waiting Room JAMES T CHINNOCK. Lawyer not members of the retailers’ asso- Geo. Mansfield and family are mov IO:uG 1O:OO a- m. elation, and the inflation of prices, ing down on Ebb Hogue’s ranch. First National Bank Building. BI II,DING < ONTRACTORS Bonbonniere 1:00 p. n>. 1:00 p. m «•specially by “protended sale and Mr. and iMra. Geo. Mansfield and 4.30 p. m. 4:80 p. ill. Phone 160 HARPER & SON Building contrac A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg distribution" through sales agencies daughter. Norma, made a business Practice In all courta. for .Ashland and Jacksonville We connect with stages tors. Shop work, furniture crating "sei>arate only in iiam«« front the trip to Grants Pass Wednesday. Shop 510 H St. Rea. phone 14 2. V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In operating and production com-1 Bert Crabtree Is shearing sheet» state and federal courta. Office pan les.” for Noble'Parker this week. A. J. GREEN General contractor over National Drug Store. The indictments were returned af- Mr. and Mrs. Lou Schmitt Noth- Estimate* and pinna made. tor an almost continuous investiga Ing too small or too large. Shdp THE CALIFORNIA .AND OREGON tion by the government for 18 mother, were visiting in this district the past week. 211 Sixth St. Phone 375-L 92tf <X»AST ItAII.ROAl» COMPANY' months. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Schmitt and Joe Time tard J NALASKOWSKI — Contractor. Schmitt spent a few days at their Effective Nov. 24. 1919. Builder and Jobber. Phone 246-R Cotton and Oxygen. ranch here. «lit Trains will run Mondays, Wednes Because the hollow fibres of cotton R. L. Hammer has moved out of days and Fridays are loaded with oxygen they burn with the Selma hotel and it is now under l-enve Grants Pass .............. 1 DRESSMAKING a quick flash. When you add to cot the management of Noble Parker. Arrive Waters Creek..........2 ton, which Is already loaded with oxy Walter C. Herman has gone MRS. W. R. SWOAPH’fl dreeemaklnx I-eave Waters Creek......... 2:30 PM gen, oil. which Is also loniled with oxy I PM .Roseburg for a few days. parlors over Kinney & Truax. \rrive Gr.mts P ms gen, the excess of oxygen is likely soon Information regarding freight Fred Brenxeale is visiting at Room 3, across hall from opera and For passenger rates call at the office er or later to malt* the cotton I urst house. Call and get estimates, or of the company. Lundburg building, Into flume. That Is how spontaneous home of Mr. and Mrs. Hreazeale week. combustion occurs among oily ruga or telephone 131. phone 50«. G. B.BERRY Used Cars at Bargains C L HOBART COMPANY McIntyre for Implements of All Kinds Used Cars W. S. Maxwell & Co. Grants Pass-Medford