Tl »>!•»». Mil ■. IW» f GRAMTS FASS. OUI COURIE« New Shipment Curtain Nets Scrims 1»KV GOOIW» ANU GROCERIES Grants Pass. Ore amefid- *r» TOD A T aff.rmati'e 'vte apea meat. EVKRTTHINC IN IN8U1LA.NCB— Appearing at the special aiect-oa. TT MAI », 1V21 DwpwadAbi« comp»:«« aad reaa but not in headline positions, are ooahlw ratas. S m T M Stott. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ some of oar time honored friends, Buick Sa-arwiai lOXtf ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ principally the bill sibmitted Vy the GAS RANGE FOR I'honv ♦ ♦ 342-J mornings * 70 ♦ Tonight, »ad Wednesday ♦ legislature to ex teed the Ums of leg- — telatuve sessions to 4 da*s aad to m- ♦ probably fair FOR SALE—1 bare 100 tiers of 14- ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ * crease the pay .f lagtelalore to 35 lnch fir and pine wood which I am THE B.LLUZT BOX IX 31 NE = day This has already lalled b- offering a: 11 75 on the ground or S3 delivered; also 11 cords of 4-ft I fore the people upon a previous oc- wood at 34 on the ground or 37 Tbe troubles of the common ae<>ar, „btnittsd Three mile per eord delivered sue not al! over when the legts- u ^e previous of haul A L Edgerton phone lative session finally comes t- z-i .o -z an end marr.age medical test law to both 44tf 133-Y The legislators will to the voters a appUcante for a nuimage license, aad list of measures that must pass mus denying a Usense la certain cases un POR SALE—Donkey drams, pulley blocks. 1 *i -inch steel cable, re ter at a special election to become the less one or ths other of tbe applicants volvía» shovel. 2-3-yard buckets. laws of the land One June be rendered sterile, th-s to prevent dragHae scraper S-yard M C. next, a special election will be held the propagation of the race free Ament. Greats Paas 71 at which five questions will be sub parents of defective mentality. WOOD FOR SALE—Fir 32 25. pine mitted to the voter», the principal Two other measures that will ap- 32. on ground. 4 miles west on up question, aad one upon which there - pear upon the ballot provide for a per river road Posts aad building can be Huie difference of opinion, poles Hively A Brxkell. General —“•. revision of the jury law in one la Delivery 43tf being tbe soldier s bonus bill go V- stance and the extending of the appears as a constitutional amend j error's power of veto la another Tbe FOR SALE—1917 Dodge tourtag ear ment. its purpose being to provide for ■ first would permit women to serve in good condition 1119 East A St the issuan e of bonds not to exceed upon junes in the state of Oregon. Phone 341-R. 73 3 per cent of the assessed valuation Tbe law would require that la all TOM ATOE. PEPPER and Cucumber of all property in tbe state to raise criminal cases Involving a minor un plants for aale 105 Central Ave money to be loaned In amounts of not der the age of 18 years one half of 49 more than 84.000 or paid as a bonus tbe .ury*should be composed of ONE HEAVY TEAM wagon and har of 315 for each month of attire ser- women. ness tor sale at Jack's Bare 73 rice, but not exceeding 3500. to each PHONE HOUSER BROS 324-Y for honorably discharged resident of dry wood Pine *1.33 ptr tier Avo.dmg -Coin- a«*d “Coop.- Oregon who served in th3 United “Quir.c'.dence' is the way a recent tier load. 34; fir. 33 50 per tier 73 State' army, nary or marine services writer speds it. Excellent ! Now If FOR SALJC—50 tier of 14-ineh dry during the late war, the period of authors and printers will qnaperats body fir wood. 31.50 per tier on well ret rid of m«>re of those •errice oeing between the date of de awkward looking words beginning with »round 2 ml!«« from railroad ela tion. For particulars wr.te or call claring war. April 4th. 1917. and the “ro.”—Boston Transcript at 209 Wast D tlnmt after 4pm •ignlng of the armistice. November 11th. 191 * Tbe adoption of this amendment is the real occasion for the calling of tbe special election, aad the purpose is applauded by the «itizens of the state The Courier will, previous to the date of election, give the arguments adran ed for tbe golf coure— -sr-B-nt thoatore. a I <%aataoqwa. tourist dob and worn 5 -as dub. For annual events Or lando baa a spring murt al festival aad »n «ansai subtropical midwinter fair For the eat-rtalamvat of th- wlator visitor» th« orlando ovalases lot-reste engaged th- Royal Scotch Highlanders band of 35 ploc-s a 315.«4« tor 1« «esha during Jan aary. February aad March of tbt year Orinado is going out tor n-w tusiaew» and also th- tourist bua- CotCTtu*'**! churvh ineos and with »real suerwes They May 3 at tbe Frewbytcr- boBove that whoa th-y lnt—r»»t a toarist they are intor-atiag a pro- May 4 poct «e new residen! Oeb—tra 7.30 p Tb« .Mtt of tn« Vocal sole. Percy è*-a I ton of tbe nation was an wont • bleb Rally «ones C E choir. cave the people of the citv an oppor* Address Lloyd Carrick tunity to abow thotr wouderful hos 8 45 p m Social hoar (stante■ pitality. and Orlando pooplo lived up Execatlvv committee to their opportunity Th- entire com Ashland Congregauonal aoiety pany was taken to th- country club Ashland Chrtsttaa socivsy. aad given an alatore’.- banquet, at I ’ rwbyteriaa society. lahland which Ir» lag Ite ch »1er the not—d au Medford Chrtellaa ux>ety thor an ! a raid«! of Orlando, wat Medford Pteebyterlaa society. The Orlando the principal spaahor Roc íe River Presbyterian society board of trade also had placad Phoenix Presbyterian society. aboard th- special editorial train 1« 3« p m Der ottonala 450 half-boxeo of cholee orangre »o May 3 the Individual raembere of the edl- 9 3« a. m Executive conference d send a aamt 12 00 m CE imchgoe the borne follt» Toastmaster. Rev C F Koehler R«-»;oa*ee. t'nioc officer» Mow Seder Spana Space. By a thread beh.nd him a ST 1er a able to drop fr-m any be ght to tbe grvdtd or any solid »ui-vraare. and retrace bls ««;« with a certainty to a particular Spot. Having oocw re traced has stepsk be can drop in aa- otter drectloe. returning al«xvg tbe thread spun oo tbe sr-vxxl trip This will continué tndrfin'iely. during which operation tbe spider is «vo ti.-. y » a «pac« with b-s web. Freedom. Freedom !» tbe -ord that sided There are tb«e*e wbo freedom of cvesc-.enew who interpret it simply as with other people. Tiere are th.«r who s»e~. to faery that their frhta as ett- ’ten» entltie them to tirq*>e*t1o«>ed trampling upon debts of anybody , im who rhan«ve to .'and in their way.— Montreal Herald I HAVE a fine 191i 7-passenger Studebaker car to trade for city property. Call at 200 Booth street, near box factory. «9 E. W. CHILES (Continued fron Rags Ose) WANTED—A party to take contract for cutting wood Good timber, mostly oak and fir. Addrees or encircled by a boulevard on which . fronts the homes of progressive cit- phone A. A. InzaUs. Wildemlle, , izens. is also a beautiful spot. Ore 48tf Orlando has many there POR SALE— 1-ton Chevrolet tri k are four banks with close to 89,000.-! in good condition. J. R. Rush. Rd oOO in deposits. Its building pro 1. 73 gram in 1920 represented more than 12,000.000 A 11.000.000 apartment house and 33.000.000 tourist hotel Votaries Attend to That History repeat« Itself bet <oe»!p are in the 1921 program There is a doesn't have to.—Borton Transcript. 3200.000 hospital and an 19-bole 401 G STREET New Today A New Shipment of Voile Dresses, prices 86.85, $7.50, $7.8.5 Golden Rule Store Danger Lurks — in — Dirty Carpets Have your floor «owing* wa-biil an«! «Irl «-«I by tin- II I Mil.TON BE It'll METHOD on your own floor*. You would not think of < leaning >our linen by a vacuum < lean- *-r or whisk broom. > ou’cl waeh lu How mu<h more n«r«*»n ft I m that )<mr rug» and carpets, into which are trample.! dirt and (Crime and gwmwe of the -trvete «jay af ter day, »hould ite thoroughly washed in order to lw «lean. N«»w, you may have them waahrel and dried. >»THCILIZEI> an«l «-ntirvly cleaned by the famous HAMILTON BE V H « ARPET W ASH ER. All the Ivrilliant colors, the lamutiful «le.ijgns, the gor- •noan patterns that pfnaMsd >«,u when y«ni punh-uosl y«mr mg- .«nd carpets will conn- lawk Io light, iou'll have NEW R| <,s fOH OLD. Fabric Cases guaranteed 6ÍKJ0 miles Cord Cases guaranteed 8000 miles JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE GARAGE tome, try our ready-Ue-aerte, a in cart lunch, 12 to I: SO Wr will MMTn a very Tim* 76c tnbl<vale-li<>l. dinner — Time 3:30 to H p. m. S|»r< hd Suinta) IHnnrr ffl.oo TER a baking falls— A becomes tough or soggy, you can’t make it tender ar.d tempting. It can’t be “fixed.” It is like spilled milk— “wasted.” P ia . n ! e £ s 0R black CAPSULES But, there is a way to pre <j<* vent this waste —every woman should use it be cause a bake day loss these days is a real loss. Calumet Baking Powder pos itively prevents failure. It Wednesday—.May breakfast Preabyterlan indies 8S 12-13, Wednesday and Thurs day. eighth grade examinations. Office Rtntlonery Courier office. has bv«m doing it for millions of housewives for a third of a century. I LmLhm y Satujartion CALUMET BEST BYTEST BAKING POWDER Makes most palatable and sweetest of foods The biggest selling Baking Powder in the world. Pro duced in the largest, most modern, sanitary Baking Powder Factories. Possesses only such ingredi ents as have been officially approved by U. S. Food Authorities. Most economical in cost and use. You save when you E. L DAVIS Pound can of Calumet contains full 16 ox Some bak i ng powders come in 12 <it. instewl of 16 «/«- can« Be sure you get a p«uin«i *h«n you want it. 3*0 JL Bartlett St. Goodrich TIRES Reduced 512-514 I) St J’h«»ne <r write us H, will gladly give you «wlfmatew and prices. Will la* in («rants I’as. f<M. a «lays at Paul's Electric, Phone 17, or Wardrobe (leaner., phone 147. Phone i»WH, Mxlfortl, Ore. cigarette Effective today, Good rich Tires and Tubes have been reduced BUYS FOR CASH New aad Used Good.» SEE ME L ucky S trike buy it You save when you use it. Calumet J.Dr Roll Recnpa —3 eggs b-atea separately, 1 cup sugar, 11$ cups flour, 2 teasp«x>n« Calumet Baking F-w«!«-r, h cup warm water— flavor. Then mil in the regular DON’T BE MISLED by extravagant claims Reliable Cars Sell Every Year Everywhere We sell them in Josephine County ■i CHEVROLET & Company