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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1921)
♦ r amnociated iw»* GRANTH PAMH, JOHEPHI.NE COUNTY, OREGON, hkkvice MONDAY, APRII» IM, 1W2I- * MPS REPLY TO MP ISLAND NOTE PEACE STATE Irgues Tlmt United Stata« tai Main tain Ila Punition Must Have Hu- prema* t '<>uu< il liasord ASKS Poll GOVERNMENT toil MISSION ON ILL IMIllRTANT IDEIÌMIONH I Hay« Clear la»w» Hliould Hr l,a»«'d Controlling Organized Capital and Organized latlH'v Waahlngton, Apr. 18.—(A. p.) To maintain Its position regarding the Island of‘Yap. the American gov ernment would have "to prove not merely the fact” that President Wil son made reservations con'ernlng It, but also that the supreme council decided In favor of those vtews, the Japanese government says In a note dated February 26th, made public today by the state department with other correspondence regarding Yap. Japan In the note of November 19 declared Japan understood the su preme council had awarded Japan mandate for all German islands north of* the equator without any reservation regarding Yap and that they could not consent to the surren der ot Yap. Report States That <inasti of 'IH and '19 Are to Be Rallied to Meet German Refusal Paris, Apr. 18.—(A. Pl—Orders MINIMUM AMOUNT NEEDED TO GUATEMALA, HONDURAS AND «OMEN'S ORGANIZATIONS» TOLD calling to the colors the military .ARSURE NEW STRUCTURE PEACE MERE MUST BE HALVADOIC STAND WITH (AMI clases of 1918 and 1919 have been HAS BEEN RAISED METTLED FIRST TA RICA received in Ijille, says a report from there. This was forecast last week as a step to be taken in case Ger- many refused reparations payments. The minister of war declares the Lille report baseless and that no call 11 ' ■ for mobilization of troops for any Initiative Ix-ft to t onata Rica In tbe Was Asked to Use Influence to Bring reason had been issued. Will Be Used for Monday School and PfitSIBENT REPUES TO PLEAS I’ra-sent < 'entrai Am«-ri<an Boun- ditry I Maputo Recreational About an International IMs- artuanient l*urpo«en When Completed jUondon, Apr. 18.—(A. P.j—Re ports of drastic action contemplated against Germany to be taken May The minimum amount toward Washington, Apr. 18.—(A. P.) — Washington, Apr. 18.—(A. P.) — 1st, were characterized by British of New York. Apr. 18. (A. P. I El- Guatemala, Honduras and Salvador, The president contemplates no step ficials as highly speculative and hy which the finance committee has bert 11. Gary, chairman of the United members of the new Central Ameri toward an international disarmament pothetical. These reports were based been working to assure the construc Htatea Stool Corporation, told the. stockholders at the annual mooting! can union, are pledged to declare agreement until a technical state of on the assumption that Germany tion of an addition to the Newman war simultaneously with Costa Rica peace has been established according neither intends to pay adequate re Methodist Episcopal church to be here today that he favored “publi against Panama if Consta Rica to membere of the women's commit parations or to offer a new solution known aa Epworth Ha>l has been city, regulation and reasonable" con How reached, according to the statement deems such action necessary in view tee for world disarmament, who dis of the reparations problem. trol of busInoM through government of the present boundary dispute with cussed the subject with him today. ever, If Germany does not offer a so i made today. Thia minimum amount*, agencies as "a posslblo solution or Panama, official advices. Representatives of many women’s or lution before May 1st. the British i *3,500, will guarantee the immedi antidote to the labor union prob I ate construction of the hall, though ganizations presented pleas to tbe will act wholehearted with France. lem.” He suggested decisions be Aut»« In Collision — it will not furnish and equip it ac use president that the United States commissions made by government Automobiles driven by Geo. McCol Its Influence for a reduction of ar- cording to the plan until further sub subject to review by the highest! lum of this city and Mrs Dan Lyon maments. scriptions have been made. courts, andlhat clear laws be passed of Ashland were In collision this side Epworth Hall wilt be an addition applicable to both organized capital Portola. Cal , Apr. 18.- (A P> — of Rogue River, on the Pacific high to the east portion of the church and organized labor. He said labor BRITISH COAL SITI ATION building and will be about 50x100 •nlonlam produced "Inefficiency and Gold quartz once more Is beine taken way yesterday, the McCollum Ford To REST UNTIL FRIDAY feet In dimensions, and will be used high costa,” and that complete un from the Jupiter Mine, located in being badly wrecked by the heavier for Sunday school and recreational ionization of the country's Industry the Sierra Nevada mountains near Ashland machine Mr McCollum and purposes. The pledges are payable would be the beginning of Industrial here. According to recently-discov his wife and baby were in the Ford, Ixjndon. Apr. 18.—(A. P.)—There decay. He forecast shortening ot ered records the Jupiter was discov while the other car contained the is little probability of any new moves | Gus Newbury, of Medford, is not I to the church treasurer, Sam Baker, ered by missionaries year ago and driver. Mrs. Lyons. Mrs. Summers, only a rattling good lawyer, but he is I this week, when the building com hours for steel employes was operated tor some time before It Mrs. Peachie and Mr. Rice. None in the English coal strike until also something of a practical joker, mittee will proceed with construc was closed down of tbe occut>ants were seriously In day when the miners' leaders and no doubt he got huge delight tion. Owing to the size of the new meet After a long period of idUnesn. jured. | from that little comedy staged in structure the amount raised will put the payslreak in the mine was redis I Grants Pass Saturday evening. Gus It in a usable condition, but will not drives a classy appearing auto paint- complete and equip it, as that will Washington, Apr. 18.—(A. P. 1 j covered accidently about three years I ed a vivid red that marks it wherever require an ultimate expenditure of The house today adopted a resolution ' ago and a modern reduction plant The first cleanup of the it may be. Saturday all day long from *7,000 to *8,000. For that authorizing an Investigation of the, Installed the car stood in front of the court reason the campaign for subscrip escape ot Grover Cleveland Bergdoll new plant, which was made recently, showed the gold ore to be aa rich as house where Gus was expounding tions is still on. No debt is to be io Germany. it was when the mine was first oper- Blackstone in an endeavor to make incurred in the work. The interior sled. ( 12 men. good and true, see the legal finishing will be added from time to According to Superintendent J. light as he saw it. When he left the time as funds are available. Glllman, who has traced the history Indianapolis, Apr. 18.—(A. P.) — court room absorbed in thought he New York. Apr. 18.—(A. P.) — of the mine, a party of missionaries The American Legion has adopted * A bronze figure typifying tbe spirit walked down toward his car and Wins High Honor— < amped on the site In the early days the poppy as Its -Memorial Duy flow-, of the American doughboy is recom found attached to the steering wheel Miss Jeanette Cramer of this city of California and In enlarging a er. On May 30 thousands of tiny mended by the national memorials! a note telling him to report forth was one ot 15 students of O. A. C. spring to procure water discovered red silk flowers will -be distributed committee of the American Legion with at the police station. The Med to be elected to the Forum, the all the gold-bearing ledge throughout America by the I^egion to be erected in Centralia. Wash., to ford legal light strode up and down school honor society, recently, the the memory of the four legionnaires I the walk and dissertated to all who election having been announced and other patriotic organizations. Portland, Apr. 18. I A. P. >• Medford*» New Auto t iini|>— killed during the Armistice day pa-J would listen on the iniquites of April 15, when tbe new candidates The popples--exact replicas of Whan John Bruno was sentenced to assembly, convocation The auto camp grounds are being those which "blow on Flanders rade in 1919. The statue, the com-j Grants Pass in general and on cer attended life Imprisonment here today his at rapidly put into shape and when mittee ruled, would be a more fitting: tain Individuals in particular, ile marked by white roses and whits fields ” — were made by war orphans torney said that Bruno killed Harry completed will be one of the neatest monument than a *500,000 mem knew just why he had been cited to robbons. Forum mebers are elect Pawluk because of fear he *u a bol- | camp grounds In the state. The city of the American and French Chil orial building proposed by former ( the police court. The local police ed on a basis of scholarship, charac dren's league. They were brought ■hevik agent and that he knew llruno* Is doing the work under the super service men of Washington. force had it in tor him because in a ter and leadership, and election is had aided Polish officers to escape vision of Mayor Gates, which insures to America by Mme. Anna E. Guerin Granite headstones to insure per-. trtal one time he had put some pretty made yearly, of high honor students, who founded the league for the pur from the reds at Vladivostok. a good job. They'are building a rest pose of perpetuating the friendship mapent markers for the graves of sharp questions to the members of this being the highest honor obtain station 12x100 feet, with 10 rest between the nations which had its In American soldiers will be requested ■ the force. They were now getting able. t luiinlx-r Luncheon Tonight— rooms 10x12 inside. Each will be of the government to replace marble even even, and and Gug Gus gwore swore that iliai. lf if ever Judgment for - the fitted with a table and.wil be light ception on the battlefield. The pop The ladles are Invited to markers which are of poor quality, agajn he came t0 Grants py is the league's national emblem again he came to Grants Pass he The jury that heard the evidence Chamber of Commerce luncheon to ed by electricity and will make very and the children are the self-consti T. Semmes Walmsley of New Or i would leave his car across the river in the case of Frank Bramwell be served at 6:15 this evening. A Inviting rooms for campers. In tuted guardians of graves ot tbe leans, chairman of the memorials and walk in. against Ben Collins brought in a social session will follow the lunch- front of each will be a fireplace, ar committee, announced. American soldier dead in France. I Just at that stage Water Master verdict after being out a couple of eon. ranged for cooking and heating. Free I Opdycke, looking a heap more inno- hours this forenoon, the verdict giv wood, water and lights will be fur I cent than he felt, came out and loud ing judgment against the defendant Kali« Roon»« < onnectcd— nished Mayor Gates says an op por ly asked if anyone knew who that in the amount of *465.59. Action The sales rooms formerly occu- tunlty will he given ten firms to fur- big red car belonged to. The city was tn which Bramwell, as superin pled by the Buick and the Chevrolet ntsh the 10 rest rooms as an adver- hall is asking if it is Btill here. said tendent of banks, sought judgment agencies are being connected by the tisement for their business, There i i Opdycke. for an overdraft alleged to have making of an opening through the i is also considerable shade along the "You bet your sweet life it is been due from Collins to the Jack wall and hereafter they will be con river Inside the camp grounds. There | here.” said Newbury. “And you sonville bank when the bank closed ducted as a single establishment, Is a gas kitchen, tables, etc.. arrang-| By A. E. VOOItHIES its doors. (Continued on Page 1) Messrs. Maxwell and Kesterson hav ed for those who cannot find quar- ing some lime ago taken over the ters In the rest rooms. Mail-Trlb- Buick agency from C. A. Swope. une. In the fear that some of the 2000 cars of freight are handled ! Courier readers may have gained a daily at the terminal yards. The case now on the docket as Cotton was at one time the chief wrong impression of Montgomery next in order for trial In the circuit from my last article I will supple product, but with the advent ot the court Is that of Clinton Cook vs. boll weevil the farmers ot the south ment It with a few facts: - Topping A Knox. Montgomery is the capital of the were forced to diversify and live I / . state ot Alabama and has a resident stock production followed, which is population of 65,000, with a retail responsible tor many millions ot San Francisco, Apr. 18.—(A. P.) United States Public Health service trading zone of 526,000 within 50 wealth. The Union Stockyards of ' miles. There are eight banking in Montgomery, with *100,000 capitali —Calls for help from veterans of hospitals. Records in an average month show stitutions with deposits ot *13,500,- stock, completed two years ago. has a the World ¿War and their families 000. The total number ot civilian capacity of 2500 cattle, 5,000 hogs to the Red Cross are increasing con that in that time more than 2000 . wage earners residing in the city is and 5,000 sheep, while in the yards! stantly, said a statement issued by patients in the hospitals were treat the Pacific division of the Red Cross ed. The six hospitals are Arrow 35,000, with a monthly payroll ot are 2100 feet of railway trackage. Country life in Montgomery coun-- here today. The peak of the relief head hospital at Arrowhead. Ne *2,500,000. There are 167 factories Spokane. iWash., Apr. 18.—(A. P. 1 the voters a constitution for the pro of various kinds, the products of ty is considered ideal. No point in! work has not been reached. vada; Marine hospital at San Fran — Agitation for formation of a new posed new state of Idaho, After which amount to *7,500,000 annu the county is more than three miles Reviewing the work of the 160 , cisco; Kearney Hospital at San state from counties of northern Ida having inserted ' Washington'' for ally. and comprise among others the from a railroad and a superior high Red Cross chapters in California, Ne Diego; Palo Alto hospital at Palo ho and eastern Washington, to be "Idaho” In the bill, however, the manufacture ot men’s clothing, way touches every home, allowing vada and Arizona during the last, Alto, Cal; Tuscon hospital at Tuscon carried on for the next two years In legislature killed the measure shoes, chemicals, drugs, fertilizers, every farmer driving an automobile twelve months, the statement said j and Whipple Barracks hospital at the territory affected by a commis This was followed by the creation candy, crackers. engines. boil to reach the capital city in two hours 63,733 soldier cases were handled, j Prescott. Aris. In addition to the sion of Idaho citizens under author <>y congress of Idaho territory, giv ers. brick, tile, cotton products, ci even in the heaviest weather. During the period *341,016.48 was patients at the government hospitals. ity of the last Idaho legislature, has ing Washington territory the present gars, leather goods, lumber products 867 patients were treated In "con- The Chamber of Commerce of expended for relief work. existed In one form or another for eastern boundary of the state. Agi and many other articles. tract hospitals” in the divison's ter- Montgomery is an energetic organi Work of aiding the former soldiers ritory. more than half a century. tation for separation of the northern There are 82 churches represent zation and from its activities have Aa early as January. 1881, a mem counties of Idaho from the rest of ing 27 denominations. 14 public resulted an influx of farmers from is handled by Red Cross home ser "Hundreds of soldier cases are orial to congress, asking for the cre the state was soon precipitated with schools, 2 libraries, 5 parks. 9 pub many states of the north and weft, vice committees These same com brought to the attention of Red ation of the "territory of Walla in the new territory, however, when lic and private hospitals. 65 secret men of means and high intelligence mittees started their work during Cross chapters daily," the state- Walla" from parts of the territory the territorial legislature, in 1864. and benevolent organizations and 22 who are producing wealth for them the war and have continued it since. ment said. “Tn 1920 chapters deal east of the Cascade mountains, was permanently located the capital, patriotic and historical associations. selves and the state. In addition to the work conducted ing directly with the various govern brought up In the Washington terri which had been at I^ewlston, In the The city's water supply is drawn indirectly Montgomery, "the South's famous by the various chapters, the state ment departments or torial legislature, but was lost. Two northern part at Boise, in the south from 19 artesian wells. The railroad 1 Inland Winter Resort,” and "The | ment said, the Pacifc division has through national Red Cross head years later the legislature, In com ern section, and this has been con facilities are adequate, with 62 pas Birthplace of Dixie.” is a city gfrh the highest hospitilization task of quarters in Washington handled, pliance with |>etltions signed by the tinued intermittently to the present senger trains daily in and out of the I In memories and wealthy In fros- any of the Red Cross divisions. In throughout the nation, more than people considered a bill to submit to time. the western division, there are six 200,000 service claims.” Union passenger station. More than , pects. GUS NEWBURY Î0 WALK i THE SLAYER OF PAWLUK HIGH LIGHTS IN THE TOUR WITH THE NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION » «J