Vaivtriílr of Or». Librar» ♦ tô rants pass Dailn Courier IHH4MÌATEI» l'REHM MK K VICK » Vol,. XL. No. ino. GRANTS l'AMN, JOKKHHIM« COUNTY. Oit BOOM. SATURDAY. ATRIL I«. 1*21 t WHOLE NUMBER :»M. CAPTAIN FOR IbMlty Mountain heUoiu Arc It««»» ering From the Worst Menus of I I mi M vmm UU _____________________________________ __ Storm Cuts Wide Swath Through States of Arkansas and Texas Leaving Death and Destruction in Its Wake; Alabama Towns Are Wiped Out Aberdeen. Wash., Apr. 16.—(A H. FOOTER BAIN NAMED DIREC p.,—The tug bear rank early this TOR BY PRESIDENT HARDIN« morning in the Pacific between Tilla TODAY mook Bay and the Columbia river, WW HEMPONMIBLE according to word received here. The ! vessel's »earns are reported to have Utile Hock. Ark , Apr. Hr—(A calooaa county, and SuIHgent, in LA- parted The crew was taken aboard P.J- A raiddly mounting death list mar county, are reported wiped out the salmon trawler C. J- Foster, which the Bear was convoying docena of in a cyclone early today Chicago. Apr.1 K.— (A. I'D—Tele that may exceed 50, and l>er*otis Injured and property dam Hattiesburg, Mies., Apr. 16.—(A. graphic communication In the west on the Itali«*» lalxv age yet uneetlmaled. are result«,of Admita Firing lite Shot That P.)—A woman was killed and 12 ANOTHER COMPANY CATS and south is practically paralyzed Board Filed by Appointments the tornado tbat cut a wide swath Officer at <a«np Lewis In FARM IMPLEMENT PRICE persons injured In the tornado which as a result of storms Announced by Executive serosa parts of Miller and Hempstead Year luis ■truck Son tag Ten houses* were counties, tn Arkansas and Cass coun Moline, Ill.. Apr. 1#.—(A. P.l— wrecked. ty. Texas. Apparently the heaviest Deere and Company today announc- Washington, Apr. 16.—(A. P.)— loss of life and property was In the Birmingham, Apr. 16.—(A. P.)—( i »d a 10 per cent reduction In the Tacoma, Apr K. — (A Pl- Ro Mary Anderson was nominated by two Arkansas counties. In the rural Ten persons were killed apd over 100; land I*. Pothier, charged with slay | prices of farm Implements. the president as director of the wom- Washlugton, Apr. Id.—(A. P.)— section of upper Miller county, near Injured, with scores of homes des ing Major Alexander Cronklille at i en's bureau, department of labor. i Texarkana, lh t-erwons are known to troyed in storms in northern Ala-; Camp !>ewls In October, KI 8, con- Peter A. Jay. of Rhode Island, now H. Foster Bain, of California, waa IMMIGRATION RESOLUTION feesod to the federal authorities that minister to Calvador baa been select- have been killed and a large num bama today. nominated director of the bureau of 1H DI E OUT NEXT WEEK ber Injured ‘ Near Hope. In Hemp he was ordered t»y hl* su|»erior offl- ed by President Harding lo serve as Iguirel, Misa., Apr. K.—(A. P.)—1 mine«. stead county. 15 to 23 were killed, .«er. Captain Robert Hosenbluth. to: minister to Rumania and scores Injured, say press dis One man was killed, and several per Washington. Apr. 1«.— (A. P.) — The senate confirmed the nomina bring out a loaded gun and "get" patch«« sons injured when a Southern rail After the passage of the emergency tion of George Harvey as ambassador • Cron kh Ile, Il was announced today ' bere DAN I Elz« TO HI*KNI> road train plunged into a creek south tariff and the anti-dumping bill late to Great Britain and of Myron T. by Prosecutor J. W. Salden. who i Ml ’N DAY IM THE J Ml. congressional leaders : Herrick, ambassador to France. of here following a heavy rain wash yesterday nirmington, Alabama. Apr. K. — disclosed five alleged confessions ! planned to report on the immigration I A. P> The towu of Ralph, tn Tns- ing out the roadbed. Three vacancies on the railway from Pothier. resolution bill next week. Santa Ana. Cal . Apr. 16.— (A. P. > labor board were filed by the preet- •Bebe Duniel*. motion picture ac- ' dent, who nominated Walter L. Mc- Malay Mlroiouarj H er o-- treM. surrendered to the sheriff last Menimen, Massachusetts, represent The Rev. Harrabelllo A. Maran- ing the labor group; Samuel Hig geo pa. a Malay missionary. who night and tiegan serving ten days tn gins, New York, representing man etatee that since th* 26th day of Au Jail for speeding agement group, god Ben W. Hooper, gust. 190'. he has walked 119.1'81 ' former governor of Tenneeeee, rep- miles, arrived In the city yesterday. Astoria. Ore., Apr. 16.—(A. P.)—' I Denver. Apr. K.—(A. P.J—Judge F' resenting the public. He announced a speech from the | Ben B. Lindsey, of the juvenile court, Astoria today was host to rwo con-| streets this afternoon, and will speak _____________ today made oral plea for remission ventious. the tristate convention of at the llpatlst church Sunday even ) the Northwest Waterfront Employer» ■ JUAD of the fine or suspension of the sen- The gentleman carries volumes New York, Apr. 16,— (A. IP.)—A Ifnll teh • imposed on him for contempt asaoclallo^, and the meeting of the; •*■- «paper dipping* to show the bronze tablet denoting the site of the of court in refusing to divulge con officer and dlrectori of the Oregon old John Street theater, one of the >jf new. •- travels and the many i fidential Information given In 1915 Chamber of Commerce. course of bk. '■•Id In the varied first playhouses In New York, often for Other conventions scheduled There In the Juvenile court by a boy whose meet in«« he has'u«. Rome. Apr 16.— (A p I- f frequented by George Washington was tried for murder MrttllJ this city are: The State-Bankers’ As- and other Colonial notables was ded-^ ___ mother ... no longer any doubt tllal Italy experience t.n ha* had: ■ plea, - I soctatlon at Seaside June 3 and 4, -ernaln solvent even though her 'ears ago. Following tbq tea ted here today by the Maiden Laae ’•D... -tlerrlbly undermined | Lindsey's attorneys wars graited with a day in Astoria; United Ar- Historical society. •>« war. says thsltlire* days'* In which tc m« motion tisans July 2. 3, 4; United Spanish The dedication ceremonies took j Some time ago Fred Roper’s tail •«•— ... thet »»king for «u«p*naPjn Of the »en- War Veterans. July 16. 17. 18; Ore- place at a luncheon at the Bankers oring establishment was entered and gan Retail Jewelers’ association, Club and were attended by leaders in a couple of snits of clothing taken by -««nt n»’!w,W Marquis de Johav'11*'’- some time in month of June, and linpu. f-Tcoiiuuilsta, the ma ><l the theatrical profession and prom the burglars Yesterday when Fred The on.., VllvD’ey H D Norton Is In Med- the Pacific Coast Association of Nor inent business men. John Drew, was sitting in the court room at the uncial weekly here. ’‘’•Macón» leew’ b"’ine,,,’ wegian Singers, September 3. David Belasco and Daniel Frohman , courthouse, he saw a man sitting in ¡>olni«e| out that it th* Italian gov- , ford today ». the audience wearing what he recog- were the chief speakers. «rninent could avoid *<14 ng to the create as one of the suits that had The old playhouse whose name is (nlzed I ;m. cr currency, this would Budapest. Apr 1« (A. I’D e the disappeared The man was invited confidence which woul<i lmpr<w» •■ated 1> V •^im was acces- Aeeirian« »h<> did not see service tn or which ^86 / down to the sheriff’s office where he rates aud that if the newt two ' perpe.- mw T through en alley the war nre to be compelled to pay was asked regarding the »ult, and he three aeusona were favorable tfc». <nce been blotted out by a sl^ lnl tax. the proceeds ot wlil.n S> _ i readily told how It came into his Italiun treasury might hope tor an t now tower over where long ». Is to be devoted to the care of dis . possession. He had bought the suit, early return of annual surpluses powdered wigs, ‘ S abled Hungarian soldiers or the de scrapers tti„ - gaudies. he said, for *20. of a second hand The necessity for further etui salons pendents of those who wort* killed lu early actqjs. wu_ Br A. E. VOORH1ES store in Medford . , ( of paper money has been eliminated the war acting by the light ot 'I tD* (I*? Ma »lie had called his Hungary has atmut 250,000 dis by the new law authorizing an in- entertained the city's theate.. ‘V mb fp g raost excellent SUjt |n abled fighting men and. Including crease in the price of bread. This al-! During the British occupation O. (The dally MM*» tO ,h<’ ‘ o,,rler filled so full of books and papem as th« orphan*, widows and refugees, so has reduced the annual deficit In atteB '•*»*! establishment at New York City, the inscription re to leave little room for the occupant. ‘ the government Im* to provide for the state budget to less than 4.000.- from Florida wvre *>(ME cords the house was called The Thea the second . tMjW i« a Litter cluttered the desks and chairs ter Royal, and In It the British offi- mor« than 1,000,000 person* This of lire, Instead of Vie 14.- tiniKid owing t<* Che the modest price, *** and dust and debris was ever present. strenuous Souther» hoepii’altf» " number is aJ>out one-eighth of th«- 000.000.000 of last year. <*”» gave entertainments. There, mediately put up the twent? Montgomery is a city ot memories Many new taxes also will be ap-1 continued from early inomhshli entire population of Hungary. also. Major Andre, the famous spy.. .More than 4.000 families who fled I ! piled this year and throe are expect-: late at night day after day. TWev notwithstanding it is a city of mo- and other talented Englishmen acted the tailor cut dff what of the trou. ere dragged on the ground. The suit from Transylvania when that section »d to provide a continued increase, will now lie resumed with more or ^■n business. A group of editorial in play« they wrote. ¡.was a nifty one. and the man. whose of Hungary was annexed to Ru In the national receipts, since the lee* regularity, with comment« on people aten<i’’d services at the Epis On the surrender of Cornwallis home Is in Jacksonville, got a real mania by th» peace treaty still are ItuilIan tax payer seems Inexhaustible1 the high points of the trip nf Pub- copal chn.'ch and the rector after a and the evacuation ot New York, the living in railway cars In the various In hl* contributions to the restore- ■ Usher Voorhles through tliw sunny masterly *ermon referred to the visit house once more fell under Ameri- bargain. There was a mate to th« said the man, in the secand of tlwv newspape’’ people and paid a ean management, and on September suit, south, i yards In tills city. When one fnmlb’ tion of his country’s finances. I hand store, and this was purchased touching tribute to the man Lincoln manages to find rooms in Budapest.' Other numerous signs of economic; What would you feel like to see 20, 1787. was produced T _ !by _ a weI1 kno,"rn citizen of Medford. the vacated car is Immediately revival in Italy are pointed out by 100 automobiles bring more thaw 400 whom the people pt the south were lz«n," the first dramatic perform- Acting on "the" tip.' Mr" • and claimed by newly arrived refugees. | Italian economists. Those'fticliide a hungry tourists to your door at 7 learning to apreciated and the ance given In New York after the Deputy Sheriff Lister are today in Through the efforts ot American ; decrease in the number and extent o’clock on Sunday morning? Wtdl, rector hoped the people of the north Revolution. __ Medford, and will interview the welfare missions about 75,000 chil of strikes. Increased railway earnings this Is what happened at Montgom- would some time learn to recognize Over the box George Washington wearer of the second suit Both men ------------------------ dren arc being fed in Budapest alone. I and an Increase In the amount of ery, Ala., soon after the special train the ability and revere the memory of occupied was the r " - - - - . were innocent Mwb' devised purchasers of the Complete outfits of clothing have capital Invested in hydro-electric of 14 Pullmans had arrived in the Jefferson Davis, who had been a United States coat of ‘ " arms. ' ____ —— _When suits, ___ and the second ___ hand dealer member and officer as well been distributed to them many times P'anta- city. To be sure Col. Crampton and the house was thus honored. Thomas toid the Jacksonville patron that be imports of manufactured articles his wife had prepared for the guests as a devout worshiper in that church. U ignell, the master of the theater. knew the man< wh(} go)d him the from abroad are slowly decreasing, and with the aid of a few friend» The Davis j>ew was marked by an in full dress of black, with hair elab-|9uttg r So the mystery seems about to while Italian export«, chiefly to Med- Mrs. Crampton appeased the appe- American flag. «irately powdered in the fashion of b« solved — The man from Jackson llerranean countries and South Am- tltes of the whole company tn true In strolling through the old city the time, and holding two wax can-i ville said he would go to the man erica are Increasing. Southern hospitality. Automobiles one eomes upon a tablet In front of dies in silver candlesticks, was ac who made him the sale and ask for The national savings now ewceed then conveyed the editorial party to the Planters hotel bearing the an-, customed to receive the president at a refund of his money. He did not 17,000,000.000 of lire, as compared points of Interest about the city, and nounemment that "in the rooms the box door and conduct him and his want to be wearing stolen clothing. to about before the! they were'many, for Montgomery Is above were the first offices of the party to their seats. war. the capital of the state and was the confederacy,’ and a few doors further Joseph Jefferson, grandfather of Observers say that even the most headquarters of the confederate gov down tbn street was a tablet with the the Joseph Jefferson. who many, Theo. P. Cramer, Jr., arrived yes terday from Portland traveling by excitablo and ignorant of the Italian ernment when the confederacy was announcement that "on this site, years later achieved fame as "Rip Ford and will make the Old home people have finally come to realize organized. Inserted in the marble stood the building tn which l>afayette Van Winkle.” made his first appear town hla place ot business, having the impossibility of Instituting the floor of the front entrance to the was entertained and in which a ance at this house. February 10. been appointed the general agent to soviet system In Italy. The recent state house i^a bronze star inscrlb- dance wa* given in his honor.” 1796, as Richard in "The Provoked represent the Reliance Life Insur deliberations of the Italian socialist ed. "On this spot Jefferson Davis Montgomery is a home city with' Husband." ance company of Pittsburg. Mr. party and of the general confedera stood while taking the oath of office many beautiful, modern homes as Cramer will have four counties— tion of labor decided in favor of revo as president of the confederate states well as mansions dating back to the Josephine, Jackson, Curry and Klam lutionary action and excluded the of America." days before the war. In the older Paris, Apr. 1«.—(A. P.)—A mov ath. Mr. Cramer has spent the past possibility of a revolution by vto- There are many referncro to the section are wide streets, beautiful i ing sidewalk to relieve congestion, is lence. two years or more In the banking confederacy In and about the state spreading trees, and parking strips j being considered by the city of Paris. business, both In New York City and house. Jn the senate chamber is a along the curbs but in front of The chances for adoption may not be In Portland. , home is a garbage can with a 'bronze tablet placed there by the greet but the idea is being seriously The company he represent* In Daughters of the Confederacy un worn path leading from the discussed for Parisians have pleasant writing of Mr. Cramer say*. "Be door. However the garbage Douncing that "In this hall the vote memories of the aerial sidewalk that fore appointing a man as general | of cessation was taken " On the are expected to be removed by 10 Portland. Ore., Apr. K.—(A. P.) wns a feature of the 1900 World’s gent, the Reliance Life Insists on. a walls hang many portraits of men o’clock each morning. Kindness to Animal week at Portland Exposition here thorough investigation of the man’s Lunch was served at the modern is being featured by demonstrations and women prominent In the Civil The proposal is to build such a character, past and present, as well war. and in the archives are thou- ■nd up to date hotel by the Chamber, by the Oregon Humane society. Talks rolling sidewalk under the principal as his reputation for hustle; and we sands of books and other documents jf Commerce ot the city, following; have been delivered before various are eipnclally pleased to tell you that Washington, Apr. 111.—(A. P.)— that refer to the civil strife. A peep which about 300 of the editorial clubs outlining work of the humane boulevards, from the Madeleine to from ouV Investigation of Mr. Cra Voicing opposition to the sales tax. Into some of the private offices re party made the trip by train to Tus society, Members of the Portland the Place de la République. A pe mer we are led to expect that Grants Representative Mondell, republlcan veal scenes which tock mo back in kogee. to learn trom first hand more Ministerial Association have agreed destrian not only would avoid dan Pass has furnished us a representa leader, predicted no law taxing »aies fancy several generations to the old about the institute which Booker T. to give addresses on humane work gerous, delaying crossing and not be impeded by cross and counter cur tive of whom we will be very proud." would pass this session. time "buay" lawyer. Each office was Washington established for his race. Sunday. rents of tratfic. Denver, Colo., Apr. 16.—(A. F.) The Rocky mountain »ectlon» arel ■ lowly recovering from the worsl' •torm of the winter, which yesterdayi covered the district with snow 11 to 14 Inches deep, blockaded railroads, I ■ nd paralysed wire* SUE OF OLD THEATER w fikds sm SUIT IN COURT «1 STRIAN NON-SERVICE MEN MUST PAY A FAX' HIGH LIGHTS IN THE TOUR WITH THE ' RATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION TFI1 PDA MFR iPPniNTFn