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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1921)
GR.ANTN l’.UH DAILY VOI TWO and thia is macadamised and in good condition. GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Published Dally Except Sunday A. E. Voorklea, Pub. and I'ropr Entered at poatofftca, Gtanta Paas. Ora., aa second-class mail matter Just Received ADVERTISING RATES Another Lot of Attractive Dtaplay apace, per inch............. —25e Loeel-personal column, per line.... 10c Readers, per line—..... —........ — 5« HOUSE DRESSES DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year—$«.uO; By mail or carrier, per month ..'>0 j WEEKl.Y COURIER By mall, par year I- 1 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press Is exclusively; mi dai , Armi, la, imi . I KIJ We've got it. It cost a lot of money but It la going to bo worth It "The Kid," the. to us and to you first six-rveler that Charlie Chaplin has ever made und the greatest comedy ever fileted is to be the at- tractton at the ; Rivoli theater for a three days* engagement beginning Sunday matinee. For a year we have all been hear-i tng about this picture, siH>culating when it was to reach the public and ’ Well. In how good It really was this latter connection we are willing to make a "money back" offer “I anyone thinks "The Kill" isn't the best picture that Charlie ever made, I and that's going some when such fun makers as "A Dog's tjfe" and “Shoulder Arms" are considered, we will hand him buck his admission money and a bonus. "The Kid" «eta a new atandard In picture niaklug and also Introduces a tjew child play er who Is a wonder Utile .Mr. Coo gan. who 1s the "kid." is entitled to be co-starred with even the great Chaplin. To tell you what to expect would spoil half your tun All we want to impress on you Is that this is a picture of a million with more laughs than hate even been crowded into one film entitled to Oi* the use for rwnuhlicatlon republication I of all news dispatches credited to It' or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub- listed herein. All rights »t republication of •pe- Front Cottage Grove to Drain, a elal dispatches herein are also re thoroughfare through the state is served nqw in excellent shape. The condi distance of 18 miles, the highway Is tion of the roadway from Portland well macadamized and is in good con- FR1DAY, APRIL 15, HM1» to the California line is summarized ditlon throughout From Drain to a point south of by the highway department as fol 4 4444444444444 4 4 ♦ ♦ Y'oncolla. a distance of eight miles, io ww: 4 OREGON WEATHER 4 to the beginning of the pavement, the Leaviug Portland, it is better to Tonight and Saturday fair, 4 take the Thirty-second street pave roadbed Is solid, but is under Con 4 4 with heavy to killing frosts in 4 ment to Oregon City and then follow struction and rather rough. From 4 4 the morning. this pqint to Oakland, a distance of 44444 4 4 4444444 4 4 4 the main east side highway through to Salem, a distance of 52 miles All 11 miles, the road Is paved From CLEAN-l P DAY AND CHRISTMAS of this stretch is paved, with the ex Oakland to Sutherlin the road is ma The great difference between the ception of four miles between Canby cadamized or paved and Is In excel annual Clean-up day and Christmas and Aurora. The macadam over this, lent condition. The distance Is three or the Fourth of July is that if you stretch, however, is in good condi-1 miles From Sutherlin to RoeebuA. 13 tail to celebrate the first one you can tton. miles, the road is under construction, do your duty tomorrow. The trucks From Salem, the east side high- j and. while it Is in fair condition, the have been busy today carting away way should be followed to Albany, a travel will be slob. From Roseburg the tons of tin cans and rubbish that distance of 26 <nilee. The road is I south, for a distance of seven miles, Conti >l<M<e> Hays Hill Work— has been accumulating in many in graveled to a point eight tulles south I the road is macadamized and fast. [of Salem and is tn excellent eondi- Harry Webber announces that he stances since a year ago. Some of us , and at that point it counects with the has just completed his contract for think we ought to save up the trash ; lion. The rest of this section is paved 'Dillard-Myrtle Creek paving and is the gra»oiling of the roadway over| for the year so that we can duly ob to Albany. paved for a distance of 13 miles to Haya hill, and will now move his serve the occasion, just as we hang From Albany the best route is camp to Crescent City where he has Myrtle Creek. . _ • up our sock at Christmas time and through an extensive contract for road work Corvallis and over the west From Myrtle Creek tl is necessary with IX Norte county. The Hays touch off the sky rocket on the side highway to Eugene, a distance of Fourth. But every day ought to be 51 miles, all of this stretch being to detour Via Riddle to Canyon» illas. Hill work is reported bv those who hate traveled It as an excellent piece Clean-up day. Don't let the stuff ac well macadamized or hard-surfaced. a distance of 13 railed The road Is of work. the condition is very graveled, and « cumulate. Now you have got rid of No detours are required at this time. I Canyonville to Wolf good From it. keep the place spick and span. THREE DIE OX THE GALIzDUS From Eugene south to Cottage open Creek the main trunk line is FOR Ml IlDER OF <XH STRI MAN Civic pride goes a long way in com Grove, 22 mile«, the road is hard- munity building, and a dollar spent surfaced and macadamized the entire throughout and well macadamized or Chicago. Apr 15 (A. P.i Sam in making our surroundings more In distance and is in excellent condition. grateled Thia stretcl^of 25 miles Cardinella. master mind of a robber is fast, and good time can be mude viting is(a dollar added to our capi gang and oJseph Costanzo and Sal through Canyon Creek canyon. In tal. It is a good investment and will vatore Ferrarra. convicted of murder ' fact, it is an easy matter to drive It ing a fellow countryman, were hang pay the biggest dividends. in one hour. ed today. on New Furniture and Mat- j From Wolf Creek over the divide, PACIFIC HIGHWAY CONDITION treeMW This Week a distance of five miles, the road is TINPLATE Wil J. NOW A report just made from Salem BE BOLD IT M»WEIt I’lili I | paved. From this point to the top of aa to the condition of the Pacific New Y'ork, Apr 15.—(A. P i 403 G St. Sexton mountain, the road is macad highway indicates that the principal The American Sheet and Tinplate amized. but from the top of Sexton Company, a subsidiary of the i nlied mountain to Pleasant Valley there is States Steel Cor|>oration today an one short detour of approximately nounced reduction of from 17 to $14 two miles over the old Sexton moun- per ton on various products. tain road and thence over the main line into Grants Pass, which has not yet been surfaced, and the condition is only fair. The distance from the end of the pavement fiv« miles south Young men's all wool suit- come in the new ■»hades of of Wolf Creek to Grants Pass is 18 brown and green Made up in the latest models and the Come, try our ready-to-serve, miles. l«*t of all they come with two pair of trousers. a la cart lunch, 12 to 1:30 From Grants Pass to Rogue River, Marked at the very low price of $24.75. We will servo a very- nine miles, the highway is surfaced, fine 75c table-de-hote but from Rogue River to Gold Hill, dinner — Time 5:30 ten miles, it will be necessary to de- to H p. m. tour over the old highway, the con- Special Sunday Dinner $1.00 dition of which is only fair. From Gold Hill to Ashland, a dis tance of 27 miles, the road ts hard- surfaced. T From Ashland to the California line, a distance of 24 miles, the road is hard-surfaced excepting five miles, mam REDUCED PRICES Nationally Priced Ths prim art tht same to everybody, tvtrywhsrs in Ihr ILS. Three model». QULBRANSEN '—J Player-Piano IltHtSl si \S| “If M t«»wn limi a mi vouhl ninfea k « hm I fÄ*i| out of tern In urown l»> my writ or my iioiMtitMMl. I Mould not ino •»omc cimier to *liip in f«MMl nutdr jn a fnr an ay city from icraitt itronn in aiiotimr state. I’er hn|»*» our town <I< mv » hav«« a mill which inafem the bent Kradv of standard rol Irci barley ami nell» it for only 91. ho |M*r Midi.” JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 ’ Cor. 3rd and G Sts » USED FORDS MONT ALL MollKIN ILL CAUS ARE I’l T IN FIRST ( LASH MECHANICAL TION BEFORE BEIMI OFFERED Fl Ht HALE. CONDI PRICES AND TERMS TO SI IT JAMES K. MANUEL AT COLLINS OARAGE E. W. CHILES Here is What You Have Been Wanting JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE Golden Rule »Store Count’s Feed Store R. E. MORTON, PROP. .->14 J STREET MR-HAPPY PARTY GRANTS PASS, OREGON The Home of Snow Drift Hour WE ALWAYS HAVE ON HAND A large st < m k of Grain, Flour, Feed and Seeds NO DINNER BELL* YOU’LL NEED MY MAN- V/HEN THIS CHOICE MEAT IS IN THE PAN BABY « HICK SCRATCH WIT Il GREEN PELS BABY CHICK MASH WITH B I TTERMILK EGG PRODI ( ER WITH BI TTERMILK POI LTRY GROATS SCRATCH FEED BONE MEAL <TIAI<<OAL GRIT. LI.MESlYy.NE E ASTERN OYSTER SHELL CALF MEAL ( HOP FEED DAIRY FEED HOG FEED ROLLED BARLEY GROI ND BARLEY' SHELLED CORN CRA< k43> < ORN CORN FEED MEAL WHITE OATS ROLLED OATS GROI ND OATS W HEAT •MILL RIN ALFALFA MEAL BEET FT’LP <TMOANTT MEAL LINSEED Oil, MEAL 1IXIKE <T»VER SEED ALFALFA SEED and STANDARD ALFALF «2» PER TON. If you buy meats »tore you won't need' the “tinkle tinkle’’ of the dinner bell to let folks know that dinner's ready. And you'd better keep the kitchen door shut, too, or they will all want to help you cook it. Watch for Mr. Happy HAY CITY Process Rolled Barley-Special 60t G Street —With bearti'» cot off, a good clean feed. I » Used Cars We have an assortment of various makes, all of which are honestly priced and are as represented -It will pay you to look them over. W. S. Maxwell & Co CHEVROLET NASH BUICK