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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1921)
Tilt ll*l>lY, WIUI. II, lililí. Go After Rheumatism Classified Advertising NIRNKRY HTIM’K EOH HALL HHAHONHD WOOD FOR HALE Oak NI’RHMHY Everything In and laurel. 11 - . I«>d> fir. I date nursery stock, also direction* ■plit body Hr, 44 00; pin», 66.36. for planting and anil culture. Call C W laimbrecht. Rd I, Box 11, on F. E Jordan. «60 North 7th or phon« 36. 26tf sirs«!, Granta Paes, Ore. 43tf A Man is just a« Young and Strong a* his Blood FOR KAME Shadeland Eclipse *eed MIMCKLLA.NKOI N oat*, recleaned. 3c per pound W. L. Hayes. Murphy, or C. N. Cuiy. REPAIR HHOP— Plumbing. pip« cooperative «hipping manager, work, ■team fitting, bollar and Granta Ps*s t»Ztf 506 puinp work and Inatalllng Phone 306 (I. South 6th street CHOICE BALED ALFALFA hay, »26 51tf A Bryan delivered any place In Grunt* Pa** 123 at ranch five mile* below town. Phone 6O6-F-I2. C. II El«- CARNER-GAYETTY IRON WORKS General foundry and machine msnn X7lf work; gray iron and bra»* cast FOR HALE Funi louring car. 63*5. ing*. any size and quantity. Deal-1 er« In second hand mine and *«w-| N. E. Hoger«, Rivoli theater 52 mill machinery, boiler«, engine«, | mR HA1AC -Ono to four good log pipe fitting«, etc. Booth and F ging horse* Welter A Son. Won ■treat*. Grant* Pas*. Ore 94tf der. Ora 5* Dearing G A PRK'JC Painter and decora- mil HALE Like new. 1 tor 614 West H afreet. Grants mower, 5-foot out. 4 knives, 24tf Pass, Ore. and I ten-tool rako, can lie aven at Thrasher pla e north of town DRENHMAKING on Merlin road If taken soon price 4135. Ell Garner 51 MltH W. R. BWOAPE’8 dressmaking parlor« over Kinney A Truax. Room 3, aero«« hall from opera house Call and get estimates, or phone 506. 2Ktf FOR 8AI4C One good team, harness and hack, 1240. lx»e Raymond, 3 mH*« above Rogue River on I**-, clflc highway 54 , 0*11 at' FOR RA14C Fresh cow. 54 12 th and A aireóla. Fl >R EXCHANGE at A. J. GREEN—General contractor. 4 4 tf Eallmates and plana made. Noth-1 Ing too small or too large. Shop FURNIHHED apartment* for rent at 211 Sixth St Phone 375-L. 92tf 614 F street 55 PIANO INSTICI CHON Call MIST WOULD FERTILIZE THE AIR Scientist See* Immense Possibilities In Scheme Which He Claims la Quit* Feasible. Itecently men tune undertaken to mine nitrates, or some ef the mate rial for nitrates, from the air. There I d nitrogen enough In the ulr. no doubt, to blow civilisation off the earth— wire that nitrogen concocted Into ex plosive«. Now come« ii hopeful German sci entist named Riedel, who believe* that the air Itself may be fertilized to such nn extent that plant* will bound forth from their seeds like ten nis bulls. He would Uli the air where [tuntH uro Imbedded with carbon di oxide (carbonic acid gas). Planta love this g«« a« a fresh-air crank loves the out of doors. They use It aiubl- tli.U’lv. hut could use more. Man expel* It with hl« breath. Plants take It tip and ex|iel oxygen, which man can use. Thus men nnd plants nre mutually helpful. But more «a rtw»n dioxide 1« always a good thing for the vegetable world, nnd Doctor Riedel pl o[Htse« to suppl,« more. lie would get Ills iii[qdles from the blast furnace«, whose great lungs ex pel this ga*. An Industry which uses 4.MNI ton« of coke |>er dny ex[>el* 3o.- taxHXMl meters of gn«. of which about 'JU per cent Is cartion dioxide. IXie- tor llledel has tried fertilizing the air In tld- wuy. and his happy plant* have flourished nmaxlngly. LOST—Two bay mare*, biased faced, PIANO FOR HAI4C at a bargain in barefooted, one with halter on.j quire at 103% N. 6th street, or & phono 265-J. 52 Phone Guy Weatherby, Applegate- Hatchery or writ« L. F. I^nnoye, | I'OPULAR .Ml SIC AND HAGT1.ME Rd 4. piano playing taught In 12 lesaonsj — ■* j guaranteed lawaous given at your WASTKIl home In Grant« Paa*. We have AV A »TEI» Three burrow* and pack three teachers. Mall us your name outfit* Prien must bo reasonable and address for free demonstra Address Box 547. Roeeburg, Ore- tion given at your home Water 53 gon. man Plano School. 218 8 Holly St.. Medford. Ore. 60 WANTED -Regular customer* for butter, egg*, skimmed milk. Will PHYHICIAN AMI SI RGKON deliver .Mr* Edna II. Linendoll, Merchant sales books at Courier Rd. 1. Box 7. &S I O. CLEMENT. M D, Practice office. limited to diseases of eye.»> WANTED Housekeeper to cook and j keep dining room and kitchen und throat. Phone 62; Re«. 239-J. only. No laundry. Call at Mr«. parlors « IXH'GIIRIDGE. M. D. Physician Hwoap«'» dressmaking ■ml surgeon. City or country calls l across the hall from opera house. attended day or night Phom*«. 54 Ros 369; Office. 1X2; 6th and H. POI ETICA A HAT« HING EGGS E J BILL1CK, M. D. Physician. sur-| Kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid FOR SALE Purebrod White Leg geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; troubles are most dangerous be horn eggs for Mlllng Cull at 403 rea. 1004 Isiwnridge, phono 54-L. cause of their insidious attacks. West I» streot or phon« SI6-Y. 53 ------------------------------------------------------- Heed the first warning they givy W F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- that they need attention by taking FOR SALE 8. C. White Leghorn raputlcs. Office over Barnea' Jew and Barrett Rock hatchlug esjs. at elry. Hours 9:30-12;, 1:30-4. C. Schnefers poultry farm 59 RALPH W STEARNS. M. D, Xray mil SALE Trap-neat eggs from equipment. Phones: Office, 21-J; Sheppard'» famous Anconas. 11.50 C APSULES^ Residence, 21-L. per 15. Jas Eads. 30« W. I St. 54 Th* world's standard remedy for the«« VICTIMS RESCUED GOLD MEDAL DENTISTS FOR SALE -Golden egge. My 23 An Flr*t-cU cona pullets laid 410 eggs In Jan E. C. MACY, D. M. D. dentistry 109 1» S t>tl, St uary; 404 eggs In February, and llalsed on a back 52 2 In March VETERINARY SURGEON lot. Jas. Eads, 306 West I Si. 54 WANTED We nre paying 24c for DR. R. J. BESTUL. Veterinarian. Reaidenco 838 Washington boule heavy hons this week at Burkhal vard. phono X9X-R ter’s feed store. Phone 296-R or 363. If you have hogs that arc fat let its quote you prices. 5k ATTORNI A S li. K. T. .M c K instry , hos g at.. phon« 365-R. real estate. Beat of soils for fruit, hay or general farming D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law Practices In all State and Federal Courts First National Bank Bldg. W COLVIG, \ttorney-at-law. Granta Paas Banking Co. Bldg. ROY HIGGINS Generiti real estate E. 8 VAN DYKE. Attorney. I'ra tlces in all courts First National Bank Office 111 South Sixth. Phono «!'. Building SEE HULL FOR FARM, city I. O. S BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law buslnes* property. 10 and Golden Rule Bldg Phone 170 Flanagan Bldg . phon» 2X4 '. A. .P'>i,KR. Attorney-at-law. Ma \< < OI N I' ANT mma l'unis, Grants Pass, Ore AUDITING Hysteinallzlng. Mine GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law nnd Sawmill Accounting. See me rnferee In bankruptcy. Masonic about dally or monthly audit ser Temple Phone 135-J vici. Ivnn Livingston, Incorporat Lawyer ati Accountant. Phone 3S9. Ali IAMES T. CHLNNOCK First National Bunk Building tili dress, tirants Pass, Ore. A. C. HOUGH—lawyer, Tuffs Bldg I A A Practice In all courts SoONEIt TAXI Phone 262-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Call* an swered anywhere, anytime voi V A. C. AHI.F, lawyer, practice In •tat« federal courts. Office over National Drug Store. First of all, rheumatlam must be treated Internally The blood should be purified and the stomach and kld-i neys made to du their work properly.: Massage the sore and swollen parts' at least twice daily with an oil that- will not irritate or Inflame the akin J Keep the bowels open to help the treatment. You can get everything necessary In the complete Anti-t'rlc outfit. If >our urine Is dlsculored or hat- a bad odor, the effect of Antl-Urlc Tonic will give you an early confidence In the treatment. The Jar of Anti-Uric oil will help proper massage of the painful surfaces. A supply of the tu rnout Pullman Pills will furnish the correct laxative These three preparation* contain only vegetable Ingredient*. All are In one generous, compact package The price complete Is 61-50 and there I* a money back guarantee with every package. Gel the Anti-Uric outfit to day from S YBI.N'S IHtl <• STOKE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Daily and Sunday Effective Oct. 25, 1920 LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass MEDFORD GRANT» PAJ4H Waiting Room 10:00 10:00 a. ni Bonbonniere 1:04» p. m 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m 4.30 p. m. Phone 160 We connect with stage* for Ashland and JioksonvtUe 1 If w E L disorders, will often ward off these dis ease* and strengthen the body against further attack*. Three sires. *11 druggists. Look far the same Gold Medal a* everr baa and accept no anitatioa A New Style HI1 For your old car will make it »eem like a new machine—now I* the time to have it built for you In our modern shop and to your idea* Best of materials Beat of workmanahip. Moderate coat. 1 G. B. BERRY O lympia , W ash —’My huslmnd always uses Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery us a stomach medicine and tonic, and declares that it is the best medicine in the world M ks . J. E. F oster , Cor. Pear and Spring Streets. WILL TRADE- My half Interest in I FOR 8AJ-E 10 or 20 acre tract* of paying restaurant for good auto I river bottom land, leveled and Addrees No. 176 care of (Courier. I planted In alfalfa and trees, under 54 ' ditch at 6325 par aera Addrm»« C. H. Paterson. Granta Paas. Ore. IIIIIVV.I: ANI» Tilt AHO Ell 54 I THE WORLD MOVES: so do we FOU SALE One new *tove-rauge. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone u*ed une month, also two bed- 349; residence phone 315-J. ■ i < mi <I*. kitchen table and chair*. Phone 341-J. 54 F. G ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship FOR HALE <»ll TRADE Ranch on ped. [tacked, stored Phone 124 Y. Applegate. 5 acre* in grape*, 2 In Will peuche*, house and barn IH ILI»! NO I ONTRAt TORS ----------------------- conalder automobile In trade See HARPER * 8ON Building contrae-' 54 •’Mitch” at Murphy tors. Shop work, furniture crating Shop 510 H St. Res phone 142. i FOR WENT APARTMENT for rent 611 fe Q street No man can light the battles of life anti hold hi* own if hiablood is not pure, for rich, red blood ix wlmt strength ia Imsed upon. When you see a strong, vigorous man, who never known when he is licked, you may wager that such u man has coursing through his veins rich, red blood. Many people have thin, pale blood. They are weak, tire easily, be come discouraged quickly, and sometimes f < i like giving up the struggle. Such folks need I>r. Fierce’-. Golden Medical Discov ery, which is w»ld by drugguts in liquid or tablet form. It is made up of Blood root, Oregon (¡rape root, Queen’s root, Stone root, Cherry B irk, without alcohol. Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce’s Invuii i.v' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., fur a trial package of Die tablets. Grants Pass-Medford STAGE MORA PUMPS Mlhlh EINE SA.NDWK HES THE WORLD’S GREATEST PUMP for the boys and girls, and dar.dy toast too. Our bread is the kind the kiddies cry for. It Is so >good that children think it Is like cake. Serve it on your table and watch It disappear is if by magic. A POSITIVE DELIVERY, SLOW SPEED Pl MP FOR IRRIGATION MINING AND MARINE SERVICE MOKE WATER WITH LESS POWER Ask your Grocer for Breed talked by Ibe GRANTS PASS Means More Money to You SIMPLICITY, CAPACITY. ECONOMY AND DI RABILITY COMBINED BAKERY 503 G Str*« Pacific Mora Pump Sales Company till G ST., GRANTS PAES, OREGON JOSEPHINE HOTEL Write tor literature and state your requirement* CAFE Comc, try our ready-to-serve, a la cart lunch, 12 to 1:30 We will serve a very fine "Ac table-de-hote dinner — Time &:80 to H p. ni. HI mm tal Sunday IXnncr PLANET DESTROYED BY HEAT Possibility That Our Own World May Meet the Same Fate Through the Rays of the Sun. Worlds. with probably millions of human beings Ilk« ourselves, have been destroyed and turned Into glow- Ing gas by n stupendous conflagration In the heaven«. The sun to which these worlds be longed must have rushed Into a zone of heated gas and have had Ils a tin os- [there set on Are. It was toward the end of Inst sun:- mer that the vast outbreak was first «een. but It was only lately that as tronomers realized Its awful signifi cance. Now It Is known that the star which caught tire had Its heat In creased by no less an nmount than five hundred thousand times In the course of a few days. Can anyone imagine our own «tin filling the sky with Its blaze and send Ing forth a heat hundreds of thou sands of times greater than It does nt present. Humanity would be withered as a leaf dropped Into a white hot furnace, and the earth Itself would melt with fervent heat. Yet there are those who predict such a fate ns that for our planet. We still have some very good I Seed Barley and Wheat ALSO OATS AND RYE HANSEN AND BEARDLESS BARLEY Bluestem, Marquis and Early Baart Wheat. JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. USED CARS 1»IN IbHlge. good shape. IU19 Buick Six- 1913 Ford, good shape. 191H Chevrolet. 1914 Ford, just overhauled. 1918 Maxwell. 1917 Ford, one ton truck. 1910, lOOO-lb. truck. 1920 Baby Overland, like new. Good terms to reliable parties. Glass-Covered Electric Meter*. The use of the glass-covered meter Is Increasing, mid many central sta tion men and manufacturers believe that they will lie orderei! In greater number« when deliveries become eas ier. Companies which are using th» «« * meters tlud that they fucllltnte the set tlement of complaints, especially when a meter 1« suspected of creeping. Cus tomers [Aefer n meter that can be seen riiK ih * mono urani » a working, The objections to glass cov- l.adlr-af Vsw four for A\ < hl-<’tx«m-I«T • ilium.old Drami/fYN ers have for the most part been PHU It. Med Bn. I ll.ltl n. ttlilAV/ hot«*, sex I » i I «1 oi ercome. Unevenness of the edge Take a* other Um of »onr “ A I «4 III < inCA-TFKF of the cover which might cause a poor NV1ONI» URANI» 1*11.1% 6« »A years kn v* n n« Best, Safest. Always Rellal*to tit ha« been taken care of by n felt SOLD BY DRLÛùlSISLVLRYWHLtt gasket, consequently no trouble from this source ha« been ex|»erience<I. I Condensation, which sometime« ap TIIE CALIFORNIA ANI» OREGON pears on the outside of the gins« could C4> IST RAILItoAl» (N)MPANY be present on the Inslile of metal cov er« without being noticed upon Inspec Tinte ( arti tion of the outside. Electrical World. Effettive Nov. 24, 1919. Trains will run Mondays, Wedues- days and Fridays Apples Baked by Lightning Leave Grants Pass. P.M. .1 When an apple ire« near South Arrive Waters Creek- P.M. .3 Norwalk Conn had been «'ruck bj Leave Waters Creek.. .2:30 P.M. lightning the apples left banging 00 Arri ve Grants Pass.... P.M. .4 For Intormatlon regarding freight the tree were found te -« baked and passenger rates call at the office Automatic press feeding at the of the company, Lundburg building, Courier office. I or telephone 131. CHICHESTER S PÎLLS KIDNEYS WEAKENING? BETTER LOOK OUT! Kidney and bladder troubles don't disappear of themselves. They grow upon you, slowly but stesdily, under mining your health with deadly cer tainty, until you fall a victim to in curable disease. Stop your troubles while there is time. Don't wait until little pains be come big aebes. I‘ou t tritle w ith dis ease. To avoid future s ufferi'ig begin treetr..cut with GOLD MEDAL Haar lem Oil t’apsides now. Take three or four every ilty until yon feel that you are entirely free from pnln. This well-known preparation has been one of the national remedies of Hol land for centuries. In llHHJ the govern- ment of the Netherlands granted a spe cial charter authorizing its sale. The good housewife of Holland would almost as soon be without food as with out her “Real Ihitch Drops,” as she quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. Their use restore* strength and is responsible in a great measure for the sturdy, robust health of the Hollanders, Do not delny. Go to your druggist nnd Insist on his supplying you with e box of GOLD MEDAIi Haarlem Oil Capsules. Take »' m ts mrected, and if you are n t rttisfied with results your druggist wl'l gladly refund your money. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on the box and accept xw other. In sealed boxes» three sixes.