Till lisi* U. APRII I I. 11*21. GRANTS r u» DAILY COU HIER PAGE TWO GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER Pabllab«d Daily Eacept Sunday A. E Voorhlaa. Pub. and Propr. Entered at poetoffice. Grant« Van«. Ora., aa aacond-clau mail mattar. ADVERTISING RATES ■Nepiay apace, per inch.. 2Bc Vocal-personal column, per line....10c Beaders, per line—. ... >C| it Is cooperative effort that is now 1 being called for Every land owner! whether he tills his acres or not.• mast go after the digger. Otherwise j his land becomes the breeding ground for the hordes that flock over the line and eat up the neighbor's crops. The battle is now on. Go af ter the digger this week. They are all doing it. DAILY COURIER Ry mall or carrier, per year .... 16 00 Bj mall or carrier, per month.. .50 j Big tripe for Si|4ion— The big pipes for siphouing the' WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year......... —........ ....»2.00 water across a bad piece of ground I in Dry Diggin's district Of the Tokay' MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS canal, tor the Irrigation district, is The Associated press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication now being delivered on the ground of all news dispatches credited to It by trucks. The district has arrang-J or all otherwise credited in this ed for the purchase of the old Tokay paper and also the local news pub canal through the Irrigation and lished herein. Power company property near the All rights of republication of spe Golden Drift dam. and as soon as the cial ¿{«patches herein are also re-, steam shovel reaches this ditch it will served be put upon other work, this corn-) pleting the Tokay canal from the ’ TMl RbDAY, APRIL 14, 1M1. Savage Rapidsd am to Sixth street in Grants Pass. The extension from ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Sixth street westward is now being ♦ OREGON WEATHER ♦ excavated by Wolke A Schroeder. ♦ ----------- ♦ ♦ Tonight and Friday, fair, ♦ Lost Sunday Dinner by Mistake. ♦ with heavy frost in the morn- ♦ Changing cars In nildseason euded ♦ Ing. * as disastrously for a real estate dealer ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ as changing horses in midstream. The dealer has ridden for several years tn EXTERMINATE THE ••DIGGER" a car of rather ancient vintage. Re Success in agriculture requires a cently he bought a new car of the same make. constant vigilance. There is soil Saturday night he drove his new fertility to watch, for always taking car to the city market. He parked it from and returning nothing to a soil beside an old car. He bought a bushel will sooner or later impoverish it to of apples, a big roast and a week's supply of vegetables. the point where a paying crop can Probably It was force of habit, his not be obtained. Then there are friends say in explaining the conse various Insects and fungus pests that j quences. He placed his purchases In ; the old car. Then he returned to the must be guarded against, calling for stall to add further tn his supply. On ! spraying at the proper season and in returning he discovered his mistake. 1 the proper manner. When soils were The old car had been driven away, carrylug his Sun lay dinner ami his new and costs low the farmer was week'« supply of vegetables.—Kansas prone to neglect many of these little City Star. things that reduced profits, but when Engraved cards—Courier office. profit is reduced to near the van Merchant Printers—Courier. ishing point the little leaks have to Typewriting paper—Courier office. be stopped. Today in Josephine county there is a campaign on to rid the lands of the gray digger squirrel pest. This little animal destroys crops every year that would total thousands of dollars of value if al- lowed to go to the harvest. The' gray digger can be absolutely con- j trolled with cooperative effort. And REDUCED PRICES on Neu Furniture and tresses This Week Mat- E. W. CHILES 403 G «St. Extra Special $1 Dollar Sale $1 Real Bargains For You! The More You Buy The More You Save ! Friday and Saturday These Goods Are All Guaranteed 20 bars Royal White Soap .._ 4 lbs. English Breakfast Tea 3 lbs. Ground Chocolate 12 lbs. Dried Prunes 5 lbs. 25c Coffee 3 lbs. 39c Coffee 4 cans IXL Jam 5 packages Cluster Raisins 3 lbs. Gunpowder Tea 12 bars Lava Soap 5 lbs. Salted Peanuts 5 cans Veal Loaf 4 cans Kippered Sardines 13 packages Soda 3 lbs. New Crop Brazils 4 large cans Plums 5 large cans Apples 3 large cans Pears 5 medium cans Beets 4 small cans Pears 2 medium cans Raspberries 3 medium cans Asparagus 6 lbs. Whole Peanuts 60 lbs. Potatoes $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $100 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 TWO POUNDS Shasta Valley Butter, 80c Pittsburghers Will Bor«. After hnvlmi tried. for a number of year«, to get over hiii I nround the lulls Kurrouudlng their city, the real dent« of Plttuburgli have decided to ■trike nt the heart of the difficulty nnd go through them. Accordingly tunneling <qH>rittlons have been got ten under wny which, when com pleted, win result in u double-tube bore thnt will necuminodnte pedes trial«, street car and vehicular traffic. «ay« Popular Mechanic« Magazine. The eMImiited cost of the undertaking Is between f'-’.txto.tkst nnd *>1.000,000, nnd It 1» expected Hint two yenm will bo required for It« com pletlou It eatabllshe« no precedent, aa another bore, made several year» ago, has given satisfactory service, al though reserved for the use of «treet cur* only. Cigarette No cigarette has the same delicious flavor aa Lucky Strike. Because Lucky Strike lathe toasted cigarette. Gymnastic Dancing Passing. * The units of our grandmother's dnyn - tint with n fascinating touch of "hes itation" lilts come buck to our J h *«- wenry ballrooms. It became all the rage after much opposition — when the t'xnr Alexander danced It nt Al mack's in 1H14; nnd slue« Hie Prince of Wales like* It nnd dances It today n new logue for the waits I n assured. Dancing evidently In to be lex« gym nastic and more "titlinenliil Anxious mother« will not repine. The dreamy waits was n match maker In their day and perhupH II will la* In ours.—Lou don Dally Mall. « r Courlar. Merchant Printers KLENZO 1 • TMt BEST MUSK Of ALL TIME Dental Creme ÎTiTÜTOTÏTOIÏïïâTTl For WHITE TEETH HEALTHY GUMS A CLEAN MOUTH THE BEST EVER 25c AND 50c . Drt//a Souvenir • • Dtvrnk Hunior’Mju© . Of frit hath llartarole Ututtiltuiiit Flatterer • Ita verte • blyat .Salut iTAniitur Hei« cuee. hum Jocelyn Crtig 1*0 Sprinti • IhnM largo • • ihtytltt Gyn«y Kondo • Luk iodio ___ - ^taflkiwrll Scotch . l*uem Wrdthiig Mar« h Mendflssnhn Mtnurl - /‘«itìfrZcu»*Al Prelude Hi (. sharp Minor Huthniuninoff Song ut ludo» gl frteÀy A o/saio* Traumcrri • S«hwr»»«i/iw Simple Aveu • • TAu/ne CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS 7A. ^xrcaJLL SH uh K NIGHTS OF PYTHIAN Lu/ulugu* ■"* LODGE NO. AU Thermopylae I HE Ml MT AMI I’ltOTO HtH >E Manion IDmrll MENTA TONIGHT Special Dollar Bargains VIMtlng Mem- tiers Invited If it la Inxjr air we nwk la that we fakr your car to (aek. We are auto Npeclaliata and If your car I m not Nerving you in the manner that it should you'd better have us put it in good running order again Upon inquiry you will find that our prices are absolutely fair and that our work la dependable In every re* »pert. AMENT’S Al TO ItEPAIIC ANI> MAf’IIINK SHOP SERVICE ( Alt HAY oil NIGHT Night 2.V2-IC MACHINE WORK Dry Goods Department PETERS CLASSIC Friday and Saturday Two Days Only Always New in Style— Always the Same in Ouality Our “Classics”—the finest “Diamond Brand” styles—are now ready and you will find them extra fine. Everything that goes to make footwear is embodied in each pair. KINNEY & TRUAX Grants Pass, Oregon • 101-105 N. 6th good The patterns are new and attractive; The lasts up-to-the minute and splen did fitting; The materials carefully selected and the shoemaking the very best. You will like them and you will find them elegant boots moderately priced. NOTICE To .Members of the (¿adle« Auxiliary and women of Grant« Paaa: A special meeting of the Ladies ! Auxiliary will be held in the Cham-' her of Commerce rooms at 3 o'clock 1 p. m. Saturday, April 16, 1921, for the purpose of general disciission of certain measures of vital Interest to' women. The Auxiliary extends an WHY NOT COME TODAY Whih We Have Your Style and Size? ACHES AND PAINS- SI-OAN’S GETS ’EM! Golden Rule Store Famous pain and aclie I.lnimcnt- kept handy, brings warming, gratifying relief heumatic twinges case up R sunn. So do stiff joints, lame • back, neuralgia, overtaxed mus cles, and those pains from weather ex posure, too—tney don’t fight long against the counter-irritation that i Sloan’« Liniment produces. Ahvay» keep this old family friend handy for instant use—a little prne- ( ¡rates without rubbing, leaving no skin stains, muss, or clogged pores. Its very odor—healthy and stimulating—* i «uggests the good it will do. All druggists. Three sizes—35c,70c, 31.40. Largest size is most economical. Sloan» Liniment urgent request that every member be present as well as a special invi tation to all women who are not members. .MRS. C. L. CLEVENGER, President. V. A. C. lAULF, Chairman Ix-Klslatlve Committee 53 HAVE II« REGISTERED? All electors who were registered but did not vote nt either the Pri mary or General Election In 1920, and those who have changed their residence, must re-reglster. Electors not registered must do so ¡on or before May 7th, 1921, at 5 . o'clock p. m. F. IL. COON, ' *»2tf County Clerk USED FORDS MOST ALL MODELS ALL FAILS ARE PI T IN FIRST FLASH MECHANICAL TION BEFORE BEING OFFERED FOR SALE. CONDI PRICES AND TERMS TO Hl IT JAMES K. MANUEL AT COLLINS GARAGE Used Cars We have an assortment of various makes, all of which are honestly priced and are as represented--It will pay you to look them over. W. S. Maxwell & Co. CHEVROLET NASH ' BUICK Viewpoint. It take« the eyes of the rich to sea the blessings of poverty mon light criiluTs mid 47 fewer destroyers. Japan I h , however, de-' voting heraelf to HiibmarineH and It Engraved cards —Courier office I h exacted that by 1 927 «he will beat the United Staten In HtibtnarliPH to the number of 32. If the United State« doen not Htart I a new program after 1923 (either re-1 placing old nhlpa transferred to the "second line” or augmenting her; (Continued from Page One) fleet) Japan, it I h held here, after i three, iliy the end of 1927 Japan big expenditure* and c.ontlniioiiK will have two fewer big ships, three building at her maximum capacity JAPANESE 10 COMPLETE will In 1 927 only be In practically the name relative position aa ahe In today, 1921. If. on the other hand, the United Staton after 1923 adopt« a new building program of only replacing the ships going Into the "second line, which I h regarded a« not only a reasonable asHumptlon, but almost a certainty, then. It In the contention here that Japan In 1927, will occupy the name relatively weak poaltlon that nhe will have In 1923.