V*K*r*>ty Or«-UfcrV) Slmili Courier tante ■lATVIl ’V AMMMTATKD PIUCHH Ml/UUfi HEKVIUK S’ «RANTH 1’AHH, JOHKI'HINE OOUWTY, OREGON. VOL. X!., No. 1 IN JAPANESE 10 10 0. S. STAND > No Fragra** Slade Toward Adjust­ ment of British Mtualion ■»artment of ;mrlod of eight years makes substi- 1 Ernst, Dr. Stearns. C. E. Mol-ane and leged to have served six years in the or dig or harvest whichever it is that I tution necessary Hence, adherence happens to a spud, within six week* commerce or the department of the (to the "eight and eight" plan means W. P. Quinlan. The county is asked ' Oregon penitentiary, and Frank < after they are put in the ground. Interior and effective suffrage for i constant building and constant big I to raise >2000 as Its quota for the dat, a bridgeworkqy. The men . There was only one potato to a friend ¡civilian American citizens residing about 4 5 years old. year, of which amount >1500 will be and now there will be warm rivalry j in the Canal Zone are two of the ob­ I expenditure It is this continuing William Wiseman of the Gold Hill returned to the county in relief outlay to which ex-minister Yukio to see whose crop threshes out th* jects sought by the newly formed bank, who had a one-sided gtln bat- work, the balance to go toward the ' biggest yield. ¡"Civilian la-ague of the Canal Zone.” (Ozaki takes objection in his cam­ support of the Rescue and Maternity tie with the burglar*, positively iden­ — The zone Is now a military reserva- paign for an international agreement home at Portland. Adjutant Cooke tified Lester and Kodat as the in-! for naval restriction on the ground tlon. traders. In addition the Medford Portland, Apr. 14 (A. 1’. I ! that the budget Involved will prove states that the home has received "The league has been keeping In disastrous for his country. John Kawaclnskl, alias John Bruno, 106 girls during the past year, of police and Deputy Sheriff McMahon j was convicted today of murder In touch with proposed legislation by which number two came from Jose-1 declared they had positive evideqee i A comparison of the strength of as to their guilt. the second degree for killing Harry congress affecting the Canal Zone." pbine county. the navies of Japan and the United 1 Pawluka. whose body was found said II J. 'White, president, "and it Deputy Sheriff McMahon and P*-| . States shows, according to the view has discovered that parties not con­ near the city February 22 trolman Adams arrested Dutch Petej Fr«xl Cheshire a laiwyer — ¡held here, that in 1921 Japan will The verdict carries life Imprison- nected with the zone have attempted The city commission today extend­ in the business district yesterday Af­ have one fewer major ships, two to secure the enactment of bills sub- tnent ed congratulations to S. F. Cheshire, ternoon. A short time later McMa-i Olympia, Wash., Apr. 14.— (A. P.) mitted by them which would not ' more light cruiser*. 220 fewer dee- deputy city assessor and revenue hon found Kodat and arrested him. | troyers and 11 fewer submarines The state supreme court today upheld prove appll able or beneficial to the , than the United States By the end clerk on having been admitted to the conviction of seven alleged I. W. zone." Apple* Am Blooming— the liar. Mr. Cheshire pursued his W. members convicted of second de­ 'A statement Issued l>v the league i of 1923. if the programs of the re­ legal studies evenings for the last The apple orchards of the \ulley spective countries are carried out, cree murder in connection with the are Just now coming Imo bloom, atyl i declares that "the military branch of the I'nlted States will lead Japan by four years. He recently took the Centralia Armistice day killings, and are giving promise of a heavy crop our government la using Its Influ­ 1« In major warshlim. She will have bar examinations before the state refused to grant a new trial. The The apple* were not tar enough ad­ ence to have the canal considered I 231 more destroyers and ¡4 more supreme court, passing with high I men will be transferred from the vanced during the recent frost to primarily as a military project" and marks. — "Pasadena Star-News. submarines, but on the other hand Montesano county jail to the state suffer injury. Th«- bloom ha« now adds: the American light cruiser* will fall i‘prison to begin sentences of from 25 position "The league takes the fallen from Ibu pears, and examine F. E. Black, g>f Roseburg, is regis ­ behind Japan's to the number of ' to 40 year*. tlon shows that In most districts that the business interests of the tered at a local hotel while in the fullest United State« demand the Lisbon. Apr. 14.— (A. P.)—At-, there are < nough pears on th<> trees ( Continued -in Pane 2) city on business. tempts to assassinate the judges and to make a full crop. In many or­ commercial development of the canal: member* of the tribunal of public' C. H Shellhorn, a citizen of Klam­ chards there will havo to be further that, ns far as possible, the same I form of government that exists In’ defense continue. Several of the! ath Falls, arrived in the city yester­ thinning ! the United States should apply inI members of the court already have' day for a business visit. j the Canal Zone; that the civilian clt-l been killed or wounded. The latest attempt was made on the life of Dr. | II sen* of the United States residing’ i in the zone should have a voice in Ferreira de Sousa, one of the judges, the affairs of the zone; that the zone who was shot three times as he en­ : should be thrown open to Americans tered the gate of his own garden. i who want to own property and settle His life was saved by the fact that Spokane, Wash., Apr. 14.—(A. P.) holds good in the state. That means one of the bullets aimed at his heart ( ' in it, the same as in the District of I Columbia; that the army and navy, —'Washington’s new divorce code, its that parties who start divorce pro­ pierced a pocketbook and was stop­ while permlted to do any and all amended by the last legislature, sit­ ceedings can not hope to marry ped by - his fountain pen. the bullet lxvndon. Apr. 14.— (A. P.)—The necessary defensive work for the ting at Olympia, is declared by 8. A. again in the state until at least 13 falling harmlessly into his pocket i The Jury in the case of Castell* prospects of the coming world’s protection of the canal, should be Mann, of Spokane, one of the com­ months had elapsed from the time where it Barnard against H. E. Gale for dam­ I was found. In most wheat crop are favorable and the entirely separate and distinct from mittee which framed the amend­ of filing the complaint. age« claimed to have been suffered The police attribute these attacks | ments. to be about as strict as those cases it will be more nearly 18 harvest 1» likely to produce enough the government of the Canal Zone. to members of the Young Syndics- ' when the automobiles driven by Mr. to meet the world’s demand, says 1 Specific demand is made that In force in any state in the country. months than 13 months.” Barnard and Gale collided on the list's Association. "After June 1 it will be no longer Sir Jam«* Wilson, chairman of the "congress grant the right of suffrage In short the new divorce rules are Pacific highway last summer, gave Dr. Ramos Preto. formerly of the central agricultural wages commit­ to civilian Americans residing in the possible to obtain an absolute decree as follows: cabinet and author of the law creat­ a verdict last night for the plaintiff tee ¡for Scotland, an authority on zone, authorizing them to elect a of divorce following the trial of the in the amount of >1000. The Jury Interlocutory decrees signed at that subject resident commissioner to represent case.” Judge Mann said. "The new conclusion of trial; final decree of ing the tribunal of public defense has was given the case at about 4 received a letter threatening him He declared In an address he de- j them at Washington, in the same I amendments provide that the court, divorce not signed until six months; o’clock, and after deliberating for llvered the other day on "The1 manner as the present resident com- after hearing the case, shall either after entering the interlocutory de-’ with death and signed by "The Red two hours, announced that it had Committee." World’s Wheat" that the world’s missloners of the Philippine Islands deny the application for divorce, or cree. arrived at Its verdict, giving Mrs. enter an Interlocutory decree. In supply for the current cereal year Is 1 and Porto Rico." Barnard Judgment for the amount Final decree of divorce can not the interlocutory decree settlement more than equal to the demand, and named. be obtained in less than seven j of property rights and of the cus- he predicted that on August 1 next Today the second case against Mr. I tody, care and education of children' months after the filing of the divorce there would be a surplus of export­ H Gale growing out of the same acci­ complaint. is made and appeal from the inter- able wheat left in the exporting dent was taken up in the court. In | locutory decree may be made at any' The court, in his discretion, may! countries. IBut, he said, this surplus, the present case B. Barnard, who direct prosecution for violation of j time within 90 day* after it is en- outside of Russia and India, would was driving the car that was In the the "lazy husband" act before enter-1 ltered. not be large nnd if the world’s fu­ collision with Gale’s, is seeking dam­ ing interlocutory decree. "At any time after six months has ture weather proved unfavorable, the ages. The Jury was selected this elapsed from the date of entering fall In the world's price of wheat The creation of a divorce proctori morning, its personnel being as fol­ the interlocutory decree, the trial, in the prosecuting attorney office might be checked and the price Dublin. Apr. 14.—(A. Pl— Sir lows: Geo M. Stidham. Luther N. Eugene. Ore., Apr. 14.—(A.