Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1921)
» FOUR (HU.Vffl P, WBDNHNDAÌ, Afilli, li». IMI. IUIIÌ (IHRIK1I I PER52NÆL "Í L0Q1L Night and Day 4 ÇIMd you ever stop to think that money I wit at i«tere>t works for you night and «lay—it never sleoffn. After you have earned money tot it work for you—not you for II. UDIRAI RESERO THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK st s i ► *1 OF SOUTHERN OREGON Time to Make Things New Again With Paints and Varnish A E ARE all ready with the best sorts of Paints and Brushes—Varnishes, Stains, Floor Wax, and all kinds of Paint Removers and Cleaners. W Then a whole special collection of Paints, Cleaners and Polishes for Automobiles. Ccnie in and let us help you select the best kinds for your requirements. Rogue River Hardware Co r/ie W inchester store NEW SHOW TODA} ci« >M THE FAMOUS NOVEL BY JOHN FOX J II. Kerrtuckians WM MONTE BLUE <Z&ammoaitg>idun It Is a romance of stout hearts and love, anil sac rifice. The novel that made the author famous staged in the beautiful hills of Kentucky. ------- AMO------- THE VSl’AL GOOD RIVOLI SHORT REELS TOO —COMING FRIDAY— ‘»VNSEEN FOI« ES" RIVOLI USED FORDS MOT ALI, MODHLS ALL CARS ARE PVT IN FIRST CLASS -HEX HANK AL TION BEFORE BEING OFFERED FOR BADE. CONDI PRICES AND TERMS TO SLIT JAMES K. MANUEL AT COLLINS OARAGE Hear "Rip Van Winkl«," by Green Kxtru S|*eciai— 519 50 and y«ur oíd salí «111 «ur leaf at high school Wodnsedxy. 8 p. 51 chas« a new one of all wool mater in Students 35e, adults, 50c. Mr. and Mrs U. D. Mihllls left ial at tho l'werleaa Clothlag Co SOtf yesterday for Tudor. Cal., where they Mrs. Baxter Will Visit— will make their home Mrs II H Ilasler and son. Vellon. Greenl««af has given "Rip" more than 1700 times Hear him Wed- of Bremerton. Wash . together with 51 Mrs Basler's mother. Mrs. Elisabeth nesday night at high school. H. W. Christy, of Klamath Falla. Igo. of Indianola. Iowa, wlll arrive U attending to business affairs in this In Granta Paas Thursday evening, Kprll It. on No 16. and will atop off city. Carl L. Uptuan. of Hollywoo«!. for a few days' visit. They wlll make Cal , arrived in the city yesterday their h«»«dquarters at the Josephine hotel. for a brief stay. Wm I^ee Greenleaf rwads •R1P Van Winkle" at the high school New shipuuuil Giitghani 51 At Kinney & Truax 51 Wednesday. 8 p. m G. A. Webb, one of the well know n citizens of the ooaal country, is here Y<*ur Old Sull price of la worth 5 from Crescent City today. Clothing If you are in need of plumbing new one at SOtf or plumbing supplies. It wlll pay you Co. to look up 505 South Sixth street ori phone 306. G. A Bryau. 33tf Iloy Is NeM H«me— Contractor A. J. Green Is now ' Raymond gehender, the 13-year placing the roof on the new library old lad who was taken from the train building being erected upon the here several days ago while attempi Ing to b«-at his way south, has been courthouse grounds. Mrs Alice Bacon. superintendent sent back to Portland by the local of county schools, is In the Illinois authorities. Ills father la a realdent valley vlsitiug the various districts of Portland, but the boy has made a anil vising the work of the teachers. dosen or more attempts to run away Greenleaf, the monologtst give« from home, and this time he Is going •Rip Van Winkle” at high school baek at the order of the Juvenile Wednesday night, April 13. Admis court and Into tho charge of the Ju venile officer. The lad said thal his sion 25c snd 50c. B. F. Bru german and wife, of parents had separated, aud he asked Juneau. Alaska, stopped over in that he might be allowed to remain Grants Pass last night while touring here and become permanently a mem ber of Chief Melaine's household as over the Pacific highway W. Bradford, accompanied by .Mrs. he had formed quite an attachment Bradford and their sou and daugh- for the wearer of tho star ter, were in Grants Paas last night, continuing their way southward this 11 tention. Mtwiilwr* of S. II. A.— There will be a picnic supper ami morning over the Pacific Highway. social good time Friday at 7 p. m Big surprise. Everyone come 53 Irrigation l*ipe Arrives— A car load of wood pipe for the use of the irrigation district and of Worth »3.00— We will allow you *5 for your old a number of the landowners has ar- 1 rived from the north and is l now be- suit to apply on new one at tho Peer SOtf ‘ ing unloaded and transported to po- loss Clothing Co ■ sition A quantity of six-inch pipe in the shipment will be used by land- Pen liilliorltirs Hunt Turpin— Guard Hazelwood, who arrived owners in place of flumes. here this morning In charge of W. H. Johnson, former head of the 'Lr. Sabin Tell- Cortland— "No road is more of a commercial Jacksonville bank, states that the , road than one which is scenic,” de prison authorities are hot after Ralph clares George C. Sabin, of Gran/ Turpin, who escaped from the peni Pass. .Mr. Sabin is interested in the tentiary about a year ago. Turpin building of a road to the Oregon had been sent up for life for the mur- caves in Josephine county. 'These der of Wm McAllister. In this co | marble halls of Oregon are marvel ty He became a trusty at the prison ous.” des ribes Mr Sabin, "yet very and when he had gained the confl- few people have visited them It is dence of the guards, mude his get now a Idng. hard trip to reach them, away. and was not again heard from and many people after they have Hazelwood says that It is now only a hiked there over the trail are too matter of time, however, when Tur tired to enter the caves. If there pin will be again Iwthlnd the bars ! was a good automobile road scores of [ tourists would be willing to make Save »3.00— By bringing in your old suit to the trip. Oregon should develop Its | scenic features We have a large apply on the price of a new one at 30tf number, but we have never capital the Peerless Clothing Co ized them like Europe, or e«en like California. A scenic road brings in American l«egton to ,M«s-t— The regular bi-monthly meeting of visitors and visitors leave money. Colorado gathers about 110.000.000 the local post of the American le a year from its tourist trade, and Cal gion will be held tomorrow- night In ifornia probably does twice as much. the G A. R. room of the county It is time for Oregon to get some of courthouse An Interesting meeting is anticipated on account of the num this outside money.”—Oregonian. her of Important matter« to be taken up. Application blanks for obtaining Office stationery’, all weights the Oregon state bronze modal wlll grades of paper—Courier office. be on hand and those who have not already received this medal should Merchant sales books at Courier present their discharge certificates ifflce for this purfiose Every member of the American legion who has been selling shares In the American le Power In Palm Oil We have thought of palm oil In gion sedan should be present at this such Iieaceful connections as soap meeting prepared to make a report stock and massage creams, but had on the number of shares sold In order never associated It with those devilish that a check may be made for the stuffs, gasoline, benzol and the Joyride. purpose of fixing a date for the final But oil Is of! and chemistry plays disposition of the sedan strange tricks, and the time may be near when not only the fatty Juice of Al-Inch rnhliwhel Art Muslin— the palm kernel, but even the oil of Just received, Just the thing for the succulent peanut may speed the luncheon sets, houses dresses, etc. flivver in the place of ¡.etrol. 51 "May be near?” What do we say? Kinney & Truax. That time Is actually here, and today off in darkest Africa automobiles are Barring AccldraM — being operated successfully and cheap We expect to meet you at Murphy ly with their tanks filled with palm the 23rd. Don't sit on the railroad oil. And also In Belgium the same track, you'll need your hands and fluid Is tielug used, in an experimental «feet. 53 way, and Is proving even more succes- ful than its first udvocates imugined. —New Orleans Tlmes-I’lcayune. Gets Power Without Coal. A largo pnper mill at Vargo, Sweden, was recently rebuilt on fhe most Im proved lines. Formerly 20.000 tons of coal were consumed annually, and the problem of maintaining this supply was a very serious one, but at the present time no coal whatever is con sumed at the plant. The boilerhouse contains seven “electric" boilers, each AND BATTERIES of 3,000 horsepower, and the current enters the hollers nt a pressure of 10.000 volts, without having to he A good assortment stepped down. Each of the boilers Is provided with three electrodes, and the coupling arrangements are such that ALL PRICES steam generation can be regulated within 5 per cent. It Is stated that full steam pressure can he raised In from five to ten minutes after switch Ing on the current, and considerable economy In attendance is obtained, as SELLS DRUGS compared with coal firing. Fbsh Lights CLEMENS Automatic presa Courier office. Thomson's Glove Fitting Corsets Hüll TY IN DllENN DMPMNIW THE FIT OF YtH R CORNET. I ININ mr$. Hellie Reas We do llenisUti-hlag At the sign of Ye Jolly SMMFNTI 114,Y tlieu ever before—Como in an«l see them NOW. QEO. 8. CALHOUN UUle Tailor Over Sixteen Yeart l.oral Dealer NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Price» at Peerless Clothing Co. eoM New Neckwear for Spring’ in Silk and Wash Ties MEN'S KH AKI AND CORIH lit H LICE KNEE NKW HTOCK—NEW PRICE» 103 North 6th FANTS. WOODWARD’S SHOES FOR THE FAMILY Three C’s Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, boors. Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors. Window Screens, CiipInMird Doors, etc. ESTIMATES OX REQCEST FOUNDRY AND WENT G Whale B^nee for Buildings. Th«» senrrily of building infterlai 1» not worrying Avalon, Calif.. residents. For twenty years several huge whale rth< have been bleaching In th«» sun In front of th«» Aválon Tuna club. An enterprising contractor sought the owner of the historic bones, lie didn't want th. in for a museum, but the) would make the supports for a “whale of a bungalette," he explained. Canvaa, wallboard und flooring have lieen added to the bones and the pop ular little Catalina Island city has ac quired u new shelter for Ha many vis itors. Mayflower Rriic to America, Jonlah hostel, an old Friends' meet ing house near Chalfont. St. Gllea, In Buckinghamshire, England, In the >nrd of which is the grnve of William Penn and his family, was the acene of the presentation to two Americana of a piece of timber of the Pilgrim ship Mayflower. The timber was dis co« ered In the barn of the house last year Samuel Hill and Frank Terri« of Senttle. acting in behalf of the Amerl can Society of Friend«, received the timber from A. Cotterell, representing the British Society of Friends, and wlll take It to the. United States, w lie re It will be placed In the peace portal to he dedicated nt Blaine, Wnsh., next October.—London Times, WAR ON THE GRAY DIGGER IS WAGED The rodent meetings, which are being carried on In the various rt»m- munlties over the county under the direction of the county agent and the government rodent man, Ira N. Ga- brielaon, promise great result». The first of them» meetings was held Sat urday evening. April 9th, In the Hogue River Valley community -with feeding at the an attendance of 30 farmers, and a second meeting was held In the Win GRANTS I'.VM, OREGON ona community .Monday «-veiling with an attendance of 37. A moving picture show with thre«» good pictures has proved a very In terestlng feature. Those shows are made possible by the courtesy of Paul's Electric stores, who are fur nishing a W « mi tern Electric imwer and light plant for the moving pic ture machine, and by C. A. Wine trout of the Ford sales agency, who has loaned a truck for conveying the plant to tho various communities. The pictures uro cl«»ar and the sub ject« Interesting, and tho success of the gatherings are the object of much praise from the audiences. Th«we evening meetings are fol lowed by a gray digger drive and trapping demonstration the next morning. All tho territory not al ready treated with i>olson 1« covered l at this time. Mr. Gabrlelson will be In Josephine county until April 23rd. and. Judging from the good attend ance at the drives, It looks as though Mr Gray Digger hasn't much chance to survive the next two weeks 2 Is It Yours ? You can't tell—perhaps it I»! Th«« more shares you hove in th«- Ameritan le gion »l,<MKI Sedan, the more |«roe|Hwtn yon have of win ning It INrry share you buy helps Imlld an 1 meri« an I.I-- gion Building. GET VOI R SHAKEN NOW!