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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1921)
GRANT* I*AM DAILY (XHrAJKB W Kl» \EMDAY, U'lUli IH, 1IAI1 Classified Advertising FOB HALM DKNTIHTN E. C. MACY, D. M. D. First-elk dentistry 109 Kb 8. 6th St. VETERINARY Hl RGKON Dn. R. J. BE8TUL, Veterinarian SEASONED W(M>1> FOR HAiJC Oak FOR HA1J6 -Purebred White leg Residence 616 Washington boule horn eggs for setting. Cell at 403 and laurel, |4 Blj i>ody fir, »3.50; vard. phone 39M-R. West D street or phone 266-Y. 63 Split body fir, »4.00; pins, »3.36. <J. W laimbrecht, Rd. 1. Box 11, ATTOHNEYH or phone 36. 26tf FOR HALE 8 C. White Leghorn and Barred llock hatching eggs, at H D NORTON, Attorney-at-law. C. Schaefers poultry farm. 59 FOll SAItE Shadeland Eclipse seed Practices In all State and Federal oats, recleaned. 3c per pound. W. FOR SALE Trap-nest eggs from Courts. First National Bank Bldg L Hayes. Murphy, or C. N. Only, Sheppard's famous Anconas, fl.50 U W OOLV1O, Attorney-at-law. cooperative shipping munagor. per 16. Jas Eads. 306 W. I St. 54 Grants Paas Banking Co. Bldg. Grants Paas. 92tf FOR SALE Golden eggs. My 23 An E. 8. VAN DYKE, Attorney Practices cona pullets laid 410 eggs in Jan CHOICE BALED ALFALFA hay, »26 In all courts. First National Bank uary; 404 eggs in February, and delivered any place In Grants Pass Building 622 in March. Raised on a back »23 at ranch five miles below lot. Jas. Eads, 306 West 1 St. 64 O 8 BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law. i town. Phons 606-F-12. C. II. Eis Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. mann. 87tf - - - -.............. -...... - I WANTED—Wo are paying 25c tor C. A. o' OLER, Attorney-at-law. Ma- heavy hens this week at Burkhal FOR HALE UY OWNER 640 acres aoaie ■ -ui.ile, Graut» Pass. Ore. ter'! feed store. Phone 286-R or 3 miles west of Granta Paes on 363. It you have bogs that are fat IBO H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law upper river road. 130 acron under let ua quote you prices. 64 cultivation, balance good range referee In bankruptcy. Masonic land Thia property Will come un Temple Phone 125-J. Mil IINKKY STOCK der the new Irrigation system JAMES T. CHINNOCK. lawyer - Ownir Is a DM 11,111 " 111 Nl IlSKRY Everything in up to First National Bank Building sell al a sacrifice Deal direct with date nursery stock, also direction» A. C. HOUGH Lawyer, Tuff» Bldg j owner and save commission. If in- for planting and soil culture. Call Practico la all courts tereeted nee Frank 8. Bramwell. on F. E. Jordan. 660 North 7th Granta Pass 51 street, Granta rasa, Oro. 43tf V. A. C. AHLF. lawyer, practice In state and federal courts, Office FOR HAl-K <»oo 8-h p wood saw. over National Drug Store AtXOl NTANT on new Iron truck; one Wade grain drill. 6 feet; one hay rake; one 6- AUDITING • Systematizing. Mine fool dlec harrow Hoe Frank H nnd Sawmill Accounting See me ' Bramwell, Granta l*aas 51 about dally or monthly audit ser _________ vice. Ivan Uvlngston. Incorporat FORDHON TRACTOR for »al« To ed (Accountant Phone 389, Ad gether with 2-buttom tractor plow dress, Grant» Pa»s, Ore. <61 Make IJfo Hartl to Bear for Many and extention rims. S»« Frank S. Bramwell, Grunts Paas 51 MIS< ELLANKOI N Mysterious Pains and Aches FX»I< HAI-E Ford touring car, »265. Too many women mistake their SHOP—Plumbing, pipe pain» REPAIR and aches for troubles peculiar N. E. Itogere, Rivoli theater. 52 work, »team fitting, boiler and to the sex. More often disordered 605 kidneys are causing the aching back, pump work and Installing. Foil HALE Ono to four good log South 6th street. Phone 306. G. dlxxy spells, headaches and Irregu ging hors«». Welter A Son, Won 5 lit lar urination. Kidney weakness be- A. Bryan. der, Ore. 52 0O8M8 dangerous If neglected. Use .............. - » - .......... a time-tried kidney remedy—Doan's Dearing CAHNER-G AYETTY IRON WORKS I Kidney Pills Hosts of people testify FOR HALE Like now, 1 General foundry aad machine to their merit. Rend a Grants Pass mower, 5-toot cut. 4 knives, work; gray Iron and brass cast case: seen lw and 1 ten-foot rake, can Mrs. Mary E. Jones, 103 W. G St., ing», any site and quantity. Deal says: “I am glad to recommend at Thrasher place north of town ers In second hand mine and saw Doan's Kidney Pills. About a year on Merlin road. If taken soon price mill machinery, boilers, engines, ago my kidneys were out of order. 52 (135. Ell Garner. pipe fittings, etc. Booth and F The 'flu' weakened my kidneys. 1 had dull nagging backaches and felt FOR RA1X One good team, harness streets, Grants Pass. Ore. 94tf so tired anil dull mornings I could and hack, »240, I-ee Raymond. hardly get started at my housework. 2 miles above Rogue River on Pa G. A. PRICE-"Painter and decora My kidneys didn't act right, either tor. 614 AV eat B street. Grsnts I read of Doan's Kidney Pills and cific highway. 54 I' l's. Orc '-'4tf used them as directed. They helped I me wonderfully, strengthening my FOR HAJJC Frosh cow. Call at kidneys and relieving the aches and DREKHMAKING 54 12lh and A streets. pains. I felt better In every way and give the credit to Doan's Kidney FOR HAIJI 10 or 20 aero tracts of MRS. W. R SAVOAPE'S dressmaking Pills - • r . river bottom land, leveled and Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t parlors over Kinney & Truax, planted In alfalfa and trees, under Room 3. across hall from opera simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Kidney Pills the same that ditch at *225 per acre Addrees house. Call and get eatlmatea. or Doan's Mrs. Jones had. Foster-Milburn C. H. Peterson, Grants Pass, Oro. phone 506. 28tf Co . Mfrs., Buffalo. N. Y. 54 FOB EXCHANGE Kilt KENT APARTMENT for rent «IHíO street. Call at 44If 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE for rent, furnished, garage, »25 per month.! Call at 250 West J street. 51 FURNISHED apartments for rent al 614 F street. 55 FOUND FOUND Small white dog. call 375-J In afternoons. WILL TRADE- My half interest In l>aylng restaurant for good auto, Address No. 178 care of Courier. 54 DRAYAGE ANI» TRANSFER THE WORLD MOVES; so do we Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone 349; residence phone 315-J. F. 0. ISHAM, drayage, transfer; pi anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship Owner ped. packed, stored. Phone 124.Y. 51 RITI,DING CONTRACTORS 14 »ST HARPER A SON—Buildlag contrac tors. Shop work, furniture crating LOST Tuesday between hours of Shop 610 H St. Res. phone 142. 9:30 and 12:00 o'clock in the oounty courthouse, two »10 bills. A. J. GREEN—General contractor. Finder please leave at Courier of Estimates and plans made. Noth- fice. Reward. Mrs. Gonieve Fradd. Ing too small or too large. Shop 50 211 Sixth St. Phone 3 75-L. 9 2tf 1 LOST—Two bay mares, blazed faced, PIANO INSTKl 4TION barefooted, one with halter on. Phono Guy AVeatherby, Applegate PIANO FOR KALE at a bargain. In Hatchery or write L. F. Lannoye, quire at 102 Mt N. 6th street, or Rd. 4. 50tf phone 265-J. 62 WANTED WANTED Threo burrows and pack outfits. Price must bo reasonable. Address Box 5 47, Roseburg, Ore- 53 gon. WANTED Regular customers for butter, eggs, skimmed mila. Will deliver. Mrs. Edna B. Unendoli, Rd. 1. Box 7. »2 POPULAR (MUSIC AND RAGTIME piAno playing taught in 12 lessons, guaranteed. I>essons given at your home In Grants Pass. We have threo teachers. Mail us your name and address for free demonstra tion given at your home. Water man Plano School. 218 S. Holly St., Medford, Ore. 60 TAX. MARRIED MAN with sales exper SOONER TAXI—Phone 262-R tor ience, wishes to connect with Jltnoy Luke or Cutler. Calls an firm as salesman, deliveryman, or swered snywhore anytime si'.tf collector. Address 179 care of Courier. 51 BALES MANAGER with ten years L. O. CLEMENT. M. D„ Practice experience In handling employes limited to diseases of eye. ear.nose and goneral store work. Qualified and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. for taking full chargo of business Wants position. What have you to 3. LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. Physician offor. Address 178 care Courier. and surgeon. City or country calls 51 attended day or night Phones. R m . 369; Office, 182; 6th and H HI II, ESTATE E J. BIDLICK, M. D. Physician, sur e T mckinstry . «03 g st., phone geon. Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; 355-It. real estate. Rest of soils for res. 1004 laiwnridge, phone 54-L. fr it, hay or general farming. AV F. RUTHERFORD- Manual the ROY HIGGINS General real estate. rapiitlcs office over Barnes' jew Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 89. elry. Hours 9:19-12; 1:30-4. SEE HULL FOR FARM, city business property, 10 and Flanagan Bldg., phone 284. LATINS FAVOR THE AIRPLANE •outh America Wild Over Flying, Ac cording to Opera Singer Just Returned From Tour. South America has caught the aerial I fever buril, according to Sladum Grace , FJorile. Just returned from u grand I opera circuit of the Latin-American republic». “In Lima, where I sang In the palace at ii concert arranged by President Legula, I leu rued the rich young men of Peru all own airplane» In which they dally fly out and back from the capital city to their hacienda«,” »lie said. "Tlie President's »on told me he shortly Intended to make a flight to the United .States, crossing Ecuador, the Panama cantil, tlie Central Ameri can republics and Mexico. Events like the opera and bull tights, und even | offerings of the shops, are advertised j by ■lodgers dropped from llylng ma chines.” Madam FJorde I» the first woman to fly over Lima. She went up with Cap tain Moore, an American, who I» the head of the Curtiss Flying school there. The slater continent Brazil comes naturally to the art of flying and I» the home of Santos Dumont, tlie plo neer aviator, tn a few weeks Fred Lewlsohn. New York banker, who owns extensive platinum properties in the upper mountain ranges beyond Benueventurn. In the republic of Co lonibla. expects to lend an expedition In n severgd thotiMind mile flight over the And««. TbI» aerial excursion will «turf from Panama mid use a plans equlppol for nine passengers. Engi neers. photographers und writers will I m * I ii the party. Inn can’t tell—|>crlia|»< It I»! Tlie mow" "•hares yon have in the American I re gion Ml,mio S<slan, the inoro pioppi st» yon have of «in ning it Every «hare you bay helps I iiflil an American l-c- gioii Building. Grants Pass-Medford 8TAQE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effecti’"1 Oct. 5, 1920 Daily and Sunday LEAVE LKAVK Grants Pass G HA N TS F.AHH MEDFORD Waiting Room 10:00 a- m. 10:00 a. m. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m 4.80 p. m. 4:80 p. n>. Phone 160 AA'e connect Ith stages for A siili id and Jacksonville A New Style For your old car will make It seem like a new machine—now la the time to have it built for you in our modern shop and to your ideas. Beat of materials. Beet of workmanship. Moderate cost. G. B. BERRY PART OF BUILDING STANDING Famous Colonnade Row. in New York, Erected in 1833, Has Not En tirely Disappeared. Op the menu can! of a restaurant In New York this Is printed: “With in these historic walls were sheltered Did.<-■>». Bryant, Wawhington Irving, a President of tlie United States (John Tyler) and many other distinguished patrons.” The statement Is not ex aggerated. Part of Colonnade row, a beautiful structure erected nearly a century ago. still stands, and Joseph Conte's restuurant occupies the greater part of It. Colonnade row mid the building oc cupied for years by tile Author's League of America, at Seventeenth street and Irving place, are all that remain of •Washington Irving’s resi dence In Manhattan, for long ago passed the bouse on William street w here be was born, and the house near tlie Battery, where he lived Im mediately after Ills return In 1832 frtim seventeen years of wandering In Eu rope. Colonnade row, originally known as La Grunge terrace, was built In 1838. The buildings earned their sobriquet on account th the facade pillars, archi Pueblo-Type Cottages Are Cement. All the quaint ■'limili of tlie old | n tecturally most attractive, that adorn eblo style of architecture Is preserie! ;he structures. Paulding, llnlleck. Cooper mid other In ■•olierete In a series of tittle cot- luges now under construction In Sinn writers of tlie ¡terlod frequented the rovla. Cal. The one-story build I:.- place. Poe was too |HM>r to be ill tie are most remarkable for their complete then fashionable neighborhood. John use of cement, woodwork being prue Tyler lived nt 430 Lafayette street. In tlcnlly eliminateli. E'en the roofs nre- “the row.” anil events attending his concrete, and the «hairs lire made of wedding took place there.—New York magnesite, according to an Illustrat' d Sun. article In (he January Popular Me 8 ehnnlcs Magazine. Tlie poltre I walls Not Easily Discouraged. five Inches thick. Inclose a web of The prize-winner, so far as hopeful waterproofing iniitcrinl. while the ce ness Is concerntsl. Ims been discovered ment Hours me stained in Spanish- down on Broad street. New York, leather effect, wuxisl und polished. The where a large office is maintained by little structures are wholly tirepnaif. a company which quite openly admits mid easy cleaning 1« assured by the ab that they have not done a single bit of sence of moldings, casing mid base business in three years. boards. Inclosed courts off the kiteh The tirtu is an importing nnd export en mid sleeping chambers, partly ing one. whose sole commerce before roofed and partly screened, provide 1917 was with Russia, and since the outdoor protection mid privacy. defection of that country the office has been maintained, and the wages paid to the force in hopes of some Jud Tunkins on Economy. airangement being made so tlmt trade Jud Timkins says economy Is like relations can be reopened. So far 4 piece of music. It may turn out nothing has happened, and the head of Hue, but tlie person who practices It the firm has gone to Russia to try and . iiii t be veiy entertaining for the time help things along. Meanwhile the of he1 ng. fice Is opened each day and the force sits around reading the pais-rs nnd, like Dickens' famous Mr. Micawber, “waiting for something to turn up.” Is It Yours ? PAGE Prospects of Medical Study in China. Recent reports state that In all China there are found to be fewer than 2.1X81 physicians. What a small proportion of the population of 4(X).- (881,(88» Chinese imople can receive sci entific treatment in case of illness or Injury. In nn effort to ascertain the exact number of students looking to ward medicine, a survey has recently been made of the middle seltfKtls of Chinn. In 15.3 of the Institutions re porting. there are 3(1,006 students, nml of these 1.153 stated that they were planning to study medicine. Since this Is only about 21» per cent of all middle schools, the total number who may en 1 ter on the study of medicine will be I considerably larger. New Rembrandt Found. An early Rembrandt, the authentici ty of which Is vouched for by several THE UALIFORMA AND OREGON well-known experts, has been discov ered In a little town in the Harz. Tlie <OAST RAILROAD COMPANY picture, which is said to have been Timo (aril painted In the year ItKMI or 1031, Is Effective Nov. 24, 1919. executed upon mi octagonal oak panel Trains will run Mondays, Wednes measuring twenty-two Inches In height days and Fridays by sixteen Inches In width. The sub Leave Grants Pass............... 1 P.M. ject Is an old man of distinguished Arrive Waters Creek......... 2 P.M. Leave Waters Creek......... 2:30 P.M. appeurance. Tlie picture Is still in its Arrive Grants Pass............ 4 P.M. oiiuiniil pinewood frame overlaid with For information regarding freight liuiii. which Is declared by one expert and RALPH W STEARNS. M 1» . Xray to have been s|>eclally made according equipment. Phones: Office, 21-.1; and passenger rates call at the office 11. of the company. Lundburg building, to Rembrandt's instructions.—Berlin Residence, 21-L. or telephone 131. Correspondence of London Times. Spring Suits in Great Variety EW models in suits for spring rounded panels, t>elow the waist lln«, style features that have proved popu lar during the past winter. Embroid eries are retained and braids are fea tured. Skirts vary in width from me dium to wide—that is. wide by com parison with those that have been pop ular with very young women, and in the displays so far extremely short skirts are conspicuous by their ab sence. There are many straight coats, varying greatly In length. Some of them barely cover the waist line and others are finger-tip length, with many gradations between. As a rule, skirts an- plain. Belts are made of tlie ma terials and nre narrow and Incon spicuous. If one's ambition Is to acquire a suit that Is unlike anything that has been owned before, the suit at the left of the two shown above, will prove interesting. The body of the Ingeni ously cut coat appears to be merely a slashed cape, the slashes forming he the most popular type In spring suits and the skirt carries out the panel arrangement suggested by the coat. Soutache and other braids com mand admiration by the exquisite ex actness in workmanship with which they nre applied. The suit at the right Is typical of the box-coat model, straight In front, with a slight flare at the back, where It Is a little longer than In front. The skirt Is nn extreme In length nnd width—more ample than the average. Silk embroidery in two colors and soft shades finishes this handsome model. In the matter of decoration. It re ninins to be proven which will be best liked, but embroideries have the lead just no”- yU much ingenuity in design that overlap. They are trimmed with N ing reveal narrow braid. The collar promises to as well as some departures from I h i> corruoNt rv vnnw arrw« umcm -- --- ---------- J£M> US voua NAMZ AMD ADOOXM. WI WILL MAIL YOU OU« s nxusraATtD ATT aooxxrt am » txkms wmaxrr amt cost to ‘ *TOU SCHOOL DVOaSUD ST T»*4JUK*ST (MWAZMLS UAGAZMtl torroes and ,* > mous attuti Correspondence lo.truction and l-ocal SSStSinÍáW.I’í® a a CI amc » ££ ¿S' if ___