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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1921)
I V*iv«t»»’» ot Of«- ubt* ♦ raute JJ äöö Dailn Courier F z AWMM'IATED PREKH HKKVICK G KAN TH PAM, JOHKPHINK COUNTY, ORJ8OON, WEDNESDAY', APRIL IS, I»21 -------- ag WHOLE NIMBER 32.11 RESOLUTION TO Idaho Senat«ir Intrtxiuo* Resolution to Have Harding Negotiate for Lea* Naval Construction ItlanUc AMM'lation Rejects II«lu lion ITotHMMwl by the Hleamsbip Owners » New Y^rk, Apr 13.— (A. P.)— lollMEIt HEAD OF JACKSON* STATE DEPARTMENT IN'IHC VT ES ^lipriKH MINERS ANII MINE Washington, Apr. 13.—(A. P.l—• The marine engineers beneficial as Senator Borah Introduced a resolu OWNERS FAIL IN ATTEMIT VILLE BANK BIMM G HT FROM THAT GOVERNMENT WILL sociation of the Atlantic and Gulf tion today authorizing the president AT SETTLEMENT PENITENTIARY BY Of ARD MAINTAIN INJHITION SYMPATHIZERS TO QUIT WORK Four Million» of IsÜH.rvrs Will lie Affect««! If Adjuauncut la»«. Not t'orne 1 4 SOUTHERNREPUBUCINPROTEST <5 1 HO AMNESTY TILL PEACE COMES New Building I nder Way— Action 1« By Hunk Superintendent Eight la Also laMin.lMxl Against the The cement foundation for L. W. in Attempt to Recover Alleged Paymeot of •2>1,OtMi,<iOO Colom Richardson's new building on South Overdraft bian Award Sixth street Js now being put in and PflKlKlCPT A DPCKJTIklC AKIitNIint AklH PLIII I DV HAU MORATORIUM TO AID xiirsx LIST OF NEW GENERALS 4 to open negotiations with Great Britain and Japan looking to a reduc- tlon of naval building. PARKED BY LA.MT SESSION BIT VETOED P.)— Seattle, Apr. 13.—<A Mr. Richardson expects the new Charges of conspiracy to smuggle . I structure to be ready for occupancy si inns was dismissed In the cases of, ixtudon, Apr 13 (A P.l—Thei seven ot 12 Japan»«» on trial tn the I W. H. Johnson, former president Washington, Apr. 13.—(A. P.)— by June 1st. The building will be Washington, Apr. 13.—(A. P.) — triple alliaix e ot labor baa called a I federal court here today. Five re I of the Jacksonville bank, but who The state department indicated that 50x100 feet in size and ot frame and Senator Knox today Introduced a •trike for Friday night, at 10 o'clock, I main on trini. 1 »11« taken to Salem last week to com the American government was dis Iron construction, the front to have resolution to end the state of war following Inability of (he miners to mence serving a sentence of ten years posed to insist upon it* original po plate glass and to be a building of with Germany. The measure is sim- Mr. agree with the mine owners and upon his plea of guilty to the charge sition that Panama settle its boun moat creditable appearance. 1lar to that passed by the last con- B1G LEAGl EH <X»MMENCE government for settlement of the of bank wrecking, arrived in Grants dary dispute with Costa Rica on the Richardson wilL occupy the building gross and vetoed by President Wll- PENNANT RAVES TODAY miner’s strike which began April 1st. Pass this morning in charge of Guard basis of the White award despite the with his candy factory and Ice cream son. If the »trike amir». «jHHi.iHHi per Hazelwood, from the penitentiary, protest contained in Panama’s reply, parlors in the front, and a skating The Knox resolution, which would Chicago, Apr. 13.—(A. P.l- The sons will bo Idle. i (wing brought here as a witness in received today, to Secretary Hughes’ rink in the rear portion. also end the state of war with Aus league base lx 11 season opened major The miners decided there can be cases to be called in the circuit court note of last month tria, was referred to the foreign ro no renewal of strike settlement nego today. The National and American thia week. The case for which he tations committee without discus teams, fortified with new re- league tiations >*reml»r Lloyd George told was particularly brought here la the Washington. Apr. 13.—(A. P.) — Campfire Girls Organize— sion. It would provide that Ameri began the 1*31 pennant race. crulta. the commons the situation was In-1 one against Hen Collins, being sued Launching a fight against the 325.- The organization of Campfire can rights under the Versailles trea | by the state bank superintendent for 000,000 Colombian treaty. Senator girls was perfected at the home of ty should be preserved. creeslngly grave, but hoped wiser ; Bank llotzberw Are Foil««!— t counsels might prevail. the amount of an alleged overdraft Kellogg, of Mlnesota, told the senate Mrs. C. A. Thomas, at 664 North An attempt was made to rob the I held due the Jacksonville bank when that ratification of the pact would 1 Third street, last night, with Mrs. Washington. Apr. 13.—(lA. P.) — bank at Gold Hill last night, accord-I R failed “place of stain upon the name of the Thomas as guardian. Miss Anderson The president told a delegation which Ing to a telephone message received Mr. Johnson expresses considerable older Roosevelt and acknowledge the is assitant guardian. The Indian called on him to urge the release of by Chief .Mdlxne this morning. Two regret at what he termed the alli- United States bad wronged Colombia, name of Chiatonga has been adopted Eugene V. Debs and all other pria- Mexico city, Apr. 13.—(A (P.)—, men made an attack, but were fright-Hude of those whom he had conslder- violated her rights and Is now will- , tor the organization. The following , oners convicted under the espionage Complete reorganization of the Muu-1 ened away before they could get ln-|ed his friends In other days, "I find Ing to make repartions.” young ladles were present: Eliza act, that be would take no action leali consular system has been order to the vault, the bank maintaining a ¡that It is a case ot having to do your beth Blanchard, Ruth Flint, Dorothy looking to general amnesty until a ed with Ramon I* Denigri. former guard on the Institution during the ¡friends before they do you,” said Mr. New Standard Oil Station— Barnes. Leia Feldmaler, Maria Wil state of peace had been declared. A consul general in New York. iu night. A good description la given Johnson, ixraphrazlng our old friend The Standard Oil service station son, Virginia Ringstorff. Dorothy , delegation of over 200 representa charge of the work, Senor Denegrl i of She two men. who were apparently David Hnrum. and there seemed being constructed on South Sixth Lundburg and Dorothy Zimmerman. tives of organized labor and political told newspaper men that at least 35 known to the guard much biterneas In the soul ot the street is now near completion, and and civil organizations was here to per cent of the consular body will be bauker who has ten years of servi will be one of the most convenient present to congress a petition signed removed for Inetficiency tude ahead ot him He also indicat and modern stations in Southern Ore by citizens of 41 states asking am ed that there would be some mighty gon. nesty for such prisoners. Interesting developments growing ‘out ot the Jacksonville bank cases Barnard-Gale <" hm < Near (lone— H. L. Reed Passed Away— I before the final chapter had been The taking of testimony in the Henry L. Reed, aged 81 years, died I written. case of Mrs Castella Barnard against Constantinople, Apr 13.—(A. >’. * ■ at the Soldiers Home at Roseburg, | While In this city, Mr. Johnson Is H E. Gale was completed in the cir — The appearance recently of a num-1 Monday, and the funeral services will i In charge of Sheriff Geo. Ix>wis, but cuit court and the arguing ot the ac her of Turkish women on the stage be held in this city, at Hall's Chapel, has resulted in an order by the Shel-| New York. Apr 13— (A Tokio, Apr. 13.-*-(A. P.l—Japan's at 1 o'clock Thursday, under the aus Pl— “ “ Prisoner he is a model of de- tion has been under way by the at P.) kh-ul-lslam. the religious chief, to I’rehlstorlc Indians of South Amer- Portment, taking his sentence phllo- torneys for the contestants today telephone system which is not con- pices of the Grand Army ot the Re the police to forbid women of the' I a had crude medicine men who re sophlcally and evidently determined The amount of damages sought by | ! sidered good. has. to the (dismay ot public. The burial will be in the .Moslem faith from appearing on the moved splinters of arrow-beads and to ™ake the best of his time and re Mrs. Barnard, who alleges injuries the telephone authorities, been sud cemetery at Missouri Flat, at 3 boards stone bludgeons from wounded »ar- trieve hie fortunes and his reputation received in a collision with the Gale denly disturbed by the marriage of-a I o'clock. The deceased came to Jose auto last summer, is 35000. , large number of telephone girls in phine county in 1889 and had many 1 rlors by cutting through the skull when he is again at liberty. the Tokio exchange. The cause of " ______ throughout southern Oregon. ____ INVKTPONE III ILDING WIRELENH with knives of stone or obsidian and friends the sudden w eddings really springs ! He is survived by Two sons, Leroy FROM SWEDEN TO AMERICA other simple instruments wrought I from copper and bronze. Sometimes ---------- from the old Japanese tradition. U. of Grants Dass, and George H., Stockholm. Apr 13. — (A P. >•—I the patient lived; frequently he went which in its turn comes from China wh08e address is not known, as so many Japanese things did, and _____________ The building by the Swedish govern- to the happy hunting grounds meat of the contemplated high power These uncomfortable treatments of is a result of giving to each year the Excavating Irrigation < —-t__ wireless station In Sweden for wire-1 serious casualties from tribal sklr- name of some animal or bird ; Messrs Wolke and Schroeder have less »ommunlcatlon with America tnlshes still coutlnue in remote areas The year 1920 was tnown as the the contract for the building of the has been postponed owing to the gen of Bolivia. Evidence of this has been year of the monkey and the monkey ; extension of the Tokay canal for the June 6th Grants Pass ¡will have ford. ¡Crescent iClty, Kerby. Riddle eral economic depression. gathered by field workers from the year is proverbially regarded by the Grant» p*»» irrigation district, and the honor ot entertaining the largest and Myrtle Creek camps will be pres --------- — — ■ - American Museum of Natural His- Japanese as being distinctly-unlucky have started upon the work. ■ gathering of lodge men In the history ent. The committee in charge is for marriages. One reason for this____________ Altorney Gue Newberry, of Med- tory ford, was here yesterday attending to j Of nearly 1.200 skulls collected in ot the city. The axemen from all the planning to make this the biggest is that the Japnese word for monkey legal businees.-------------------------------- ¡South iAmerica by the late Dr ’ camps ot the Woodmen ot the World fraternal event ever held in the which is "saru" also signifies "to go in Southern Oregon will be the hon J Adolph Dandeller for exhibition in an ,aphprehen81*t,n bUPHiLbl ored guests of Grants ;I’uss and the Rogue River valley. Mrs. Boak will hZTiri. has arisen that brides of the monkey the museum, about 5 per cent have accompany her husband to our city. I 400 local members will give the To surgeons been operated upon. year are apt to abandon their hus- Mr. Boak is a real western man bands. Moreover, the children born | the practice Is known as _ ____ trephining. ______ 1 many visitors a real fraternal wel ! It consists ot removing a disk or but- come. The head of the order, Hon. and the head ot a western order, he I of the year's marriage are apt to be | I. I. It oak. in company with other is one of America's foremost fratern too wise, or “monkey | tou ot bone from the skull with a wise.” as the , head camp officers, will arrive in our al leaders. He has built up a society- Japanese put it. Now ¡saw called n trephine the following city June 5th. Mr. Boak will be the in the nine western states from a 1 ' year is the happy and glorious year,The first rail has just been placed on Complex fracture of the skull with depression of the bony plates must guest of the Chamber of Commerce handfull to nearly 140,000 men. of the birds. For this is the Jap- the new international railway that Is The following members of tbs anese word “tori” which also means eventually to connect the Argentine ixvndon. Apr 13.— (A. P.l—-Con have ¡been common occurrences dur at their uoon-day luncheon Monday, servative Scotland Yard Is finding Ing the ancient tribal wars when June 6th. He Is the president ot the camp have been appointed on com "to take" or "to gather in.” Hence, city of Salta with the seacoast ot women of decided value on its detec clubs headed with stone and copper commercial body in Denver, Colo., mittees to make June 6th a red let the telephone girls of Toklo like Chile, thus realizing to a certain ex- tive force, especially In ferreting out along with slings, the "bolo" and the and few men know the great west ter day in Grants Pass and put the many other of the land are gathering tent the trade routes of Argentina the Intricacies ot certain sorts of "lliul” were offensive weapons, said better than he. In the evening the city on the map as one of the big to themselves husbands. and Chile. The Argentine section ot crime. The talent of these feminine the reports of the museum's investi Woodmen and the public in general fraternal towns in Oregon: ■" ■■■ the road ts being built from Salta to will partake ot a basket dinner in slouths, it la said, is due largely be gators. Executive Committee: E. W. Madi linniTAlMllli to _._ I Huatlquina. a place in the'Andes on Riverside ¡xrk A musical program cause of their greater success at son, Geo. S. Calhoun, N. E. Bohall. A natural procedure, they opined, practicing deception. And it has with victims who survived skull frac will lie rendered and Mr. Boak will S. 8. Jewell, Henry Hiller. Geo. H. been found that they can keep a sec tures must have been attempts to re Slover. Iirurnnm structed either to Antofogasta or Me- ret. move the splinters of bone that UCMEil EM DDfini PCDQ JiHones In Argentina, construction Reception Committee: O. S. Blan Many of the women detectives pricked the brain, or to cut out frag IILIlLUULll InULlUULlu) 18 being done by the state railways. chard, la M. Applegate. E. A. Adams, cover assignments at social events ments pressing upon it. *•______ Construction tn Chile is not yet defl- C. D. Ament, A. 3. Barnes, Isaac where It is necessary for them to Warlike clans fight Intermittently , nltely provided for. Best, Elmer Balsiger. R. E. Bratton. wear evening gowns and jewels and I oven today In the wilds of Bolivia Merida. Yucatan, Apr. 13—(A. P. 11 The Argentine half ot the road is Elmer J. Billick, Sam H. Baker, F. to display the social graces. L. Coon, J. (L. Calvert, E. V. Smith. | Merchants here have entered vigor-|approximately 475 kilometers long, | and skull fractures are common. Women detectives were employed Other heads are perforated T. B. Cornell, Mike Clemens. Geo. ous protest against the recent estab- Aa a part of the work 6000 meters ot first In Ixvndon. but now their activ now and then in the bacchanales R. Riddle. C. E. Roy, R. W Stearns. lishment of a state-wide moratorium hard rock tunneling will have to be ities have extended to the provinces. and festivals whooped up occasional J. A. Slover. J. N. Johnston. A. Letch by the Yucatan congress. The Mora- done. ly with great quantities of Intoxi er. Alfred I^etcher Jr., W. H. Leon torium is to last until March, 1922. ■ - * cants, the investigators reported. ard. E. H. Uster. I^wis M. Mitchell. and is designed to relieve the acute -w,Anl| ... olln I Whon the laughter and the free-for- E. C. Macy. AV. T. Miller, James Mar business conditions within the state DD \| M M P |D|( U/AC jalls quiet down, the medicine men tin, Robert Neilson. E. (Pollock, Joe due to the low price of henequen. I lYIOUI 1 111 UUIll\ "HO ¡get out their sharp pocket knives and MdAUMW, C M Culy. Fred N Col There are now more than 800,000 ■ inr aiiAirv made incisions Into the Injured lins. H E Gale. A <’ Hough. G \ bales of henequen stored within the AIIA PUL I AVI M PUT I skulls of the sufferers, frequently Hamilton. Elmer F. Heath. Wm. R. state, the market price of which is HI I HU h LU LHO I lllull I covering the aperture with gourd. Harper, A. K. Cass. T. C. Booth, P. 1 ■% cents per pound, whereas pro- ______ During the operation they scrape 'A. IDeGeaault, W. tH. Flanagan. W. duction cost is said to be between 6 Washington. Apr. 13.—(A, P.)— around the ¡wound with a chisel. I) Fry. C. D VlM. Hov K Hackett. and 7 cents per pound. Ixindon. Apr. 13.—(A. P.)—Arm The president approved a list of 12 Modern anaesthetics are unknown J. T. Chinnock. Geo. W. Winetrout. ed men attacked the eastern wing of new major generals and 26 new brig to the medicine men They putjthelr PORTLAND MARKETS C. A. AVinetrout. F. E. Wood. Samuel the prison in Cork last night, says a adiers prepared by Secretary Weeks. patient Into insensibility hy constant Stinobaugh. Dr. J. C. Smith, Gladwyn dispatch. The military guard sent up Clarence R. Edwnrds, who com use of the “coca” plant. This also Smith. J. P. Duncan. Ixxter Ixvrd, R. Portland, Apr. 13.—(A. P.)—Cat lights to illuminate the vision and 1. 1. Bonk mantled the New England national is employed for healing purposes, and M. Robinson. H L. Stonaker. J. C. tle. steady; hogs, 50c lower, prime soldiers on the ramparts used ma- guard division in France, heads the is commonly applied to wounds, speak from the bandstand Big dele Williams, Joseph F. Harper Sr.. Wil light. 310.50 to 311; sheep, slow; chine guns on the assailants who list of major generals. bruises and contusions. eggs, firm; butter, steady. gations front Ashland, Phoenix, Med- bur Carnahan. Ixvuls Sauer. withdrew after ten minutes. WOMEN DETECTIVES ARE V coasts, claiming a membership of 15,- 000. today rejected the wage reduc tion averaging 25 to 30 per cent pro- I posed by the American Steamship ¡Owners association __________ - M easure similar to the O ne