Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1921)
PAGE Fill B PERSONAL — LOQflL Cotton, Silk and Lisle GET THE SIX ING HABIT and thus insure yourself com fort and independance. Start an account here and add to it regularly. It Is the man who saves regularly who is surest of success THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK MFMIU U FEDÌ HAX. RFSER ie Sì « TI M OF SOUTHERN OREGON Time to Milke Things New Again—With Paints and Varnish all ready with the best sorts of Paints and Brushes—Varnishes, Stains, Floor Wax, and all kinds of Paint Removers and Cleaners. Then a whole special collection of Paints, Cleaners and Polishes for Automobiles. Come in and let us help you select the best L0 kinds for your requirements. Rogue River Hardware Co The winchester store D. H lllakolock left today by au tomobile for Portland, where he will be located for the immediate future Save money on tires at l.eMose Ser vice Just received a large shipment of tires. 46 Pho regular jury term of the cir cuit court will open next Monday, with Judge Calkins on the bench. .•»re. J. A. Johnsrud, who has been tn Portland and In Walla Walla, Wash.. for several weeks visiting, re turned this morning. Merchant Printing—Courier office. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Welnburg and Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Baker were Hora in the city from Seattle night. It you are In need of plumbing or plumbing supplies. It will pay you to look up 505 South Sixth street or phone 306. G. A. Bryan 33tf Messrs Al C. Meyers and Robert Warner, of Ashland, and Mr. and .Mrs. Leonard Svenson, of Oakland. Cal., are in the city today, I ha» ln< motored over from the city made famous by its Lithia springs, The three gentlemen are railway mall clerks, and came over to greet a for- mer member of the fraternity. , C. H. Ernst, of this city. Fbsh Lights AND BATTERIES A good assortment ALL PRICES CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS Underwear Melila Commamlery, K. T.— •Statisi session of the Commander; will bo hold Friday evening, April .» V good <Utendance Is desired C. E Niles, commander. 4. For Warm Days lour Old Suit- la worth |5 to apply on price of new one at the Peerless Clothing Co. SOtf IV. R. C. Sal unlay— General la»gan W. IR. C. will hohl their regular mooting Saturday af ternoon A full attendance la desired Extra Special— It9 50 and your old sail will pur chase a new one of all wool mater ial at the Peerless Clothing Co. SOtf P. N. G. Saturday Vftemoon— The Past Noble Grands club will meet In regular session Friday after noon at 3 30. In the I. O O. F hall All members are Invited to attend. I that constantly strives to render the very l>est service to its customers.. Are you one of our depositors? If not. we invite your account. • > Grants Pass and Josephine Bank G rants P ass ,O regon S <>N vol It Hllol LI »El IM The burdtet of true fit rests Just there. It <lo|mii<ls on your attitude. No two men »land alike- That 1» why ordinary tailoring nieaaurw iu«MitA mviNtithih« (r)-oti’». improved .»»tom of mtWHiHMiiottlM nt « »irately follow« mrry <urve of the leal) and mitfle <»f >our atUtiBda. That to why it to right the fir»t time. GEO 8 CALHOUN Over Sixteen Yean Loial Dealer Worth *5.00— We will allow you |5 for your old suit to apply on new one at the Peer less Clothing Co. I i»it in Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs. la F Mangerman. residents of Grant» Pas» are spend ing several days In this city visiting with relative» They are the guests of Mr and Mrs. J. F Barker while here -Roseburg News-Review NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Price* at Save *5.00— By bringing in your old suit apply on the price of a new one nt the Peerless Clothing Co Peerless Clothing Co. Monthly Meeting Hold— The Loyal Phllathean class of the Christian church met at the home of Mr and Mr» B. F Kenyon Tuesday evening for th<Sr monthly business and social meeting; refreshments were served. There were 35 present Preaent plan» are to have a welner roast at "White Rocks" for the next meeting, the first Tuesday In May. Shoes for the Family I seilen 12-liuh Moccasin, tamp Hiking ll«»H* In llrown and Pearl Gray. Mr»'» Bin klngtism A lic ht lire»» anil Work Shoes. Moat Evcrytawly Fat*— At the Granta Paas Cafe. why not TTStf KNIGHTS OF you' Dinner» 30c and up. PITH! IS LODGE NO. 50 Ixe V <mr Giri!— XT Would she burn all previous en gagements and help you wedge in MEETS where the W O. AV maul the key-| TONIGHT board and drag the horsehair? While Visiting Mrm- you hoe It down till you need sticks ber» Invited to pry your eyes ot»en at the Waldorf tomorrow night. 4 6 Thermopylae HERE IS A BANKING INSTITUTION mr$. nenie Deas W> do II cm «t 11 ch I eg Because ituidc to no orth 6th WOODWARD’S RIVOLI—APRIL 9th Ordering a Made-to-Measure Suit is Not An Expense—It is An Investment clothes «Dot 103 measure more than reedy made < lotlii-», and they near much longer and look well all the time, anil they fil becauae we »lip the ta|a- around you and make your your measurement. Three Is Lumber Company CARRY a complete line of lumber, all grades, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Wallboard, etc. WE MAKE all kinds of Cabinet Work, Screen Doors, Window Screens, Cupboard Doors, etc. ESTIMATES ON REQUEST RIVOLI Now Playing MR. .AND MRH. PIBLK': A fig for <ar<^—a fig for woe. Let the world slide—let the world go"—and Waliie in "The Charm School” »tart» the crowds Laughing their way to the heights of happtaeaa. “His Four Fathers” elevatiw the spirits. An Illiterate Digest and Katherine Calvert*» lively music Inten sify the gaiety. WÄLL ACE REID 9he Charm School" You select a las «»tiling teen from our new spring and turn' I udii Ideal ilotheu malic only for you. Any price you choose to pay from $23.50 Money buck if you arc plenm-d with style, fit and wear. WE CARRY A GOOD LINE OF MEN'S FIR.NISIIINGS, IIATS, SHOES. WORKING tTXKTHES, ETC. C. E. Roy © Co Pilli EH *2.00, *1.50 and *l,oo, plu» war tax. at Theater Box 1 UTIco— Mull orders now. WE CAN USED FORDS put » t T ogether A gain also MOOT ALL MODEI-S ALL CAIW ARE PI T IM FIRST CLASH Mix TION BEFORE BEING OFFERED FOR HALE. PRI< l.S INI» TERMS TO HI IT JAMES K. MANUEL AT (NN,LINS GARAGE HITCH” FROM THE AATVRDAY EVENING POST STORY. I Seats now on »ale leu we can take it nil apart In fat we know each car by heart. Don t be Ilka the little hoy who took the watch apart to see what made the wheels go 'round. Don’t tinker around your car and so disturb the mechanism that you don't give a tinker's tamo'ahanter what becomes of It Drive It around here. It it Is too »lek to navigate Just phone us and we ll throw out the llto line. AMENT'S Al TO REPAIR AND MACHINE SHOP 8ERVKB CAR DAV OR NIGHT Night 252-R MACHINE: WORK