Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1921)
Classified Advertising FOR HA 144 PAGE TURI GRANTH PAM DAILY COURIER Illi R h DAY, 11*1111, 7, HUI- l'IIYNI<|AN AND bl RGEON L. O. CLEMENT, M D., Practice limited to diseases of ays,«« ■nd throat, t'hune 62; Res. 239-4. 1*01 I,TRY A »I A I« IIIMJ ix.l.b ri ¡X1UGHRIDGE. M D. Physician BUASONED WOOD kX»R HALE Oak FOR SALE Purebred White Leg snd surgeon City or country calls horn eggs for setting. Call at 403 und laurel. »4.25; body fir, »3.50; .itiendei day or night Phones, West D »truel or phono 285-Y. 53 Split body fir. »4.00; pine, »3 25. Ile» 3U»; Offre, 182; 6th and H. C. W. Izambrechl, ltd I. Box II, or phon»» 38. 26lf FOR SALE 8 C. White laxhorn E J BILLICK, M. D Phyelclan, sur and Burred Rock hatching eggs, at geon. Schallhorn Blk. I’hone 54-J; FOR HAKE Aadelaild Eclipse ssed C. Hchnnfnrs poultry farm. 59 res. 1004 latwiiridge. pOone 54-L nata. recleuned. 3c per pound W Foli KALE S U White Leghorn W F RUTHERFORD- Manual the- / L. Hayes, Murphy, or C. N Culy. baby chicks, hutching egg» anti ruputle:« Office <>»er Barnea* Jew cooperative shipping manager. cockerel« Will do custom hutch elry. Ilnurs 9 30-1 2; 1.30-4. Granta Pass. 92tf ing. Mr». A. W. Bate», phone «03-F-3. 4'1 RALPH W STEARNS, M D, Xray CHOICE BALED ALFALFA huy, »2« equipment. Phones: Office, 21-J; ! delivered any placo In Grunt» Pasa. NI 14HERY HT<M K Residence, 21-L. »23 at ranch five mile» below town. Phone 606-F-12. C. II. Elt CDLD SNAP -Plenty time to plant WA ATEI» mann 87tf those trees yet, 1 have a fin» supply of applvs, peaches, pear», WANTED Three burrow» and pack FOR 8AIJC Strlptly fan y doddor prunes, cherries, strawberries, lo-: outfit». Price must be reasonable. fren aitali» mmk I; test» 99 »6% ganberrlea, rasi>4>erries, al»<> In or-1 Address Box 547, Roseburg, Ore- puro and 91% germlnallon No 53 namiuital and perrnlala, berry bear' gon. batter »«»«Mi waa e»»r offored you. Ing hollte«, dabllu». (bulb cactus. WANTED Man with truck to haul 124 00 per 100 Iba Wrlu for «am un<l pucony), sbaata daisies, corn-' lumbar from sawmill to Grant» pie Monarci» Heed A Feed Co., flower, asters, and can gel any-; Pi'.* Josephine Lumber Co. 48 Medford. Oro 45 thing you want! 1f not on hand) I FOR HALE Strictly fancy alfalfa In 5 days. F. E. Jordan, 860 N WANTED \1 Jersey cow that will freshen soon. Chas. D. Hlvely, 48 ■eed, I .'4 0*' per 100 lb» Mod. 7th St general delivery, Granta Pass. 4 8 Red Clover, »25.10 per 100 lbs. NURHHRY—Everything la up to White Bl Sweet Clover. »22.00 per WANTED by May I. furnished house. duL' nur»rry stock, al»u directions 100 lb». Alalke clever, »28 50. L. O. Reynold« at the Bonbonniere, for planting and soil culture, t'all Write for sample» Monarch Seed phone 160. 4 3tf on F E Jordan. 860 North 7th 4 Feed Co., Medford, Ore 48 street. Grants Pass. Ore. 4 3tf WANTED Mun and horse to sled FOR SA1A6 33 acre ranch. 6 ml lea 4-foot sood. Inquire al 523 West 1«■« «H STAAT south of Granta Puaa. lt> acres G street or 6 24 West G St. 49 cleared. 6-room bungalow, all good Al’lMTING — S>»l»uiatlxJng. Finan-' WANTED -One span of horses, good outbuildings, good well, 2 sires ulul and Income Tux »talemepta. I pullers, 4 to 7 years, weight 2 800 pear orchard, small borne orchard, S«w me about dally or monthly au or more. Phone 526-R. first clans water right. For »ale dit service Ivan Livingston, In- by owner, W U. White, 404 E UWT enrpumted .Accountant I'hone »80, I airwet 60 addrtMM. Granta Paua, Ore 64 I/1ST Tuesday between hours When LUMBER d'ommoa rough. »17 per • 30 and 12:00 o'clock In DltEMHM Mil NG Grandmother thousand, alsed. »20 per thousand county courthouse, two »1» bills. nt sawmill. Alt kinds of building MRS W. R 8WOAFE*8 dressmaklnx Finder jdease leave at Courier of Was a Girt and flume lumber al low price» HOOP skirts were parlors over Kinney A Truax.' fice. Josephine Lumber Co.. 107 Sixth Room 3. acroMS hall from opera worn by those who FOIt HUN I street, phone 158. 4 8 house Call and get estimate», or| first asked the druggist APARTMENT for ront. FOR SALE Vaughn drag »aw ui phone 506. 28tf| for, and insisted on «11% G street g. cd conditio». Price »50. 11 having, the genuine II McClung. Wonder. Ore . phone F»»R EXCHANGE Golden Medical Di. ■•overy put Wiltervllle cemtrul 4 8 E T McKINSTltY. «03 G St. pho»» TO TRADE FOR FORD CAR FOB BALE 10 acres on river, south 355-R. real estate. Best of «HK f»r| acre» near Kerby, good soil, all up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years ago. Dress has c) urged very ■Ido. 5 mile» from Graata Pa»». 2 fruit, hay or general farming. level, good location Address Clay milk cow», 2 heifer», about 100 much since then! But Dr. Ramsey, Takilma, Ore. 49 laying bona. 1 horao, 2 wagon» and ROY HIGGINS General real estate Pierae’s medicines contain the Office 111 South Sixth, Pheste «• Implement« Irrigated from dls- same dependable ingredients. OF OWNERSHIP, trict ditch, also private pumping HEB BALLINGER & HULL fer farni.| STATEMENT M \N IG1 MINI. CIRCULA They are standard today just as plant from river, and by pump TION, ETC. city and business property 10 and they were fifty years ago and frutn well Ao tank for houae and I 1 Flanagan Blds. I'lioae 284. Required by Act of August 24. 101». ne”er contained alcohoh garden Fal H. Allen, «Rd 4. 46 ¡Of the Grants Pass Daily Cearler, Dr. Pierce'a Golden Medical UllAYAGE %M> T H A MITER FOR KVI.E A one-ton tru< k, < a»h published dally at Grants Paas. Ore Discovery for the stomach and or term», at a bargalu. Will l>e In THE WORLD MOVES; m do we gon. for April 1, 1021. Average number of rople« of each blood cannot be surpasaed by any C.ranta Paiai April 6th. G. O (Mum, Hunch Transfer Co. Office phone 'Issue of this publication »old or dis Glendale, Ore 50 I 349; rvslden e phone 115-J tonic and alt«'rative today. tributed through th«» malls or other When you feel “all out of sorts” wise, to paid sube -ribers. during the EX»Itit TOUR ING. 1916. model good F G. IHHAM, drayage. traaater; pi-1 months preceding the date shown condition, for aale Phone 431-J. —your vitality nt a low ebb—the anon, aafea, furniture, moved, »hip- above, 1147. 18 blood becomes surcharged with lied. packed, stored Pkoae 124 Y. Publisher. A. E. Voorhlea. WISHING to clear my Jot I have a Editor, Wllford Allen poisons! The boat tonic is called Managing Editor. A. E. Voorhlea. »mall house tor wale Can be TA.X. Buslneaa Manager. A. E. Voorhles Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis either moved whole or turn duwn Owner. A. E Voorhlea. covery. Dr. Pierce manufactured SOONER TAXI i'boue 262-R for Addrew 115 North Fuurth Ht . or mortgagees and this “Discovery’” from roots and Bondholders. Jltnay Luke or Cutler. Calla an- phone 370-Y. 4.7 Other security holders, holding I per • wered »nv’vl’er». nn»llme »«iff cent or more of total amount of barks without alcohol—a cor FOR SALE Ono 5-tun Universal bonds None. rective remedy, the ingredients of trailer tor logging or hauling lum (Signed) W ILFORD ALLEN, which nature put in the fields and bar, baa been used three month«, sworn to before Subscribed and forests for keeping us healthy. as good as n«>w, ,1400. One l-ton[ HARPER £ SOÑ- Building contrac me this 1 st day of April. 1021. tor» Shop work, furniture crating.I CI-ARA E. TREFREN, 1020 model Chevrolet truck with It puts vim, vigor, vitality into Shop 510 II St. Rea. phone 14 2. Notary Public, two sets of wheel« for »olid and i My commission expires the blood. pneumatic tire». »1004. One »et of A J. GREEN—Gernral contractor Try it. All druggists. Liquid September 9. 1923.1 lumber roll», »100, Call H. AV. I Estlpiutc» and plans made Noth-i or tablets. Webber, phone 246-J. 50 I Ing too small or too large Shop Poor O'd Oa«l! 211 Sixth St. Phone 375-L. 92tf FOR SALE Five or six A-l Jersey And It has Justi about gotten «p In ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e ♦ dairy cows See M. Sine, 4 miles this country «hm »lien fattier refers AMUSEMENTS PIANO INSTRUCTION tn himself S» the b«,nd of the house If ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ west on lower river road, or ad dress Rd. 2. 50 MRS. JAMES M >*OWER8. Instruc- «ttirtw n Ifiiltflt < »:• I vhm I mi \»«v s WaJlac«' Reid Again tor on piano; studio over Bara-s’• There can be little doubt that if Jewelry Phone 265-J. at ,3.25 and ,3.50 per Wallace Reid should open up in any N. Htb St. L. F. Roat IVI’ULAlt MUSIC AND RAGTIME town the sort of a school which is 501 piano playing taught In 12 lessons, shown in his new Paramount»plcture. IN Ml SALE 2000 feet 1-lnch black guaranteed. Lessons given at your “The Charm S. hool," which is pra homo In Granta Pans. We hare •ron pipe. 200 feet 11-lnch hydrsu- sen ted with succoa« at tile Rivoli, he lie pipe for Irrigation. 200 fect throe teachers Mail us your name J would get more pupNs than he co.ild 15-lncb hydraulic pipe for irriga and address for free demonstra properly care for. tion. elbow» and fittings, price 1» tion ghen at yoilr home Water A world of romance e right. Ono 24-lnch mine blower man Plano School, 218 8. Holly no wonder, with handsome “Wally’* or fnn. complete, one 15-h. p. St Medford, Ore. 60 as the>al and fifty beauties as steam engine. H. W. AA’ebber, pupils. ThiY is one of the most de ATTORNEYS phone 246-J. 50 lightful light comedies that has been » ------ -------------------------------------- H. D. NORTON. Attorney-at-lau screened for some time. Lila l^M is Practice» In all State and Federal leading woman and an excellent east i Courts. First National Bank Bldg supports the star. SHOP—'Plumbing, PH'« REPAIR work, steam fitting, boiler and G. W. OOLVIG. \ttorney-at-law 50Ú pump work and Inslalllng Grants Pass Banking Co Bldg Aches, paina, nervousness, diffi Sreklng Hsr Prey Phone »06. G. South 6th street culty in urinating, often mean H. S VAN DYKE. Attorney. Practices Advertiser ••■tit n London Paper— Sltf A. Bryan In all courts First Natloual Bank serious disorders. The world's Mrs. Hawke would be glad to employ CARNKR GAYETTY IRON WORKS. standard remedy for kidney, liver, A wren for domestic work.—Boston Building General foundry and machine: bladder and uric acid troubles— Transcript. work; gray Iron and bruss cust-| < • S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-law. Golden Rule Bldg. Phono 270. Inga, any size and quantity. Deal- COLD MEDAL C. A. ER. Attorney-at-law. M era in second hand mine and saw-j •-»nie >.n de. Grants Pass, Ore mill machinery, boilers, engines, pipe fittings, etc. Booth and Fl GEO. H. DURHAM, Attoruey-ut-law streets, Grants Pass, Oro. 04tf| referee tn bankruptcy, Maaonlr quick relief and often ward off I Temple. Phone 135-J. y dieetisoa. Known ae the national G. A. I'RK E Fainter and decora remedy of Holland for more than 200 tor. 614 West B street. Grants' JAMES T CIIINNOCK. try our ready-to-serve, Come, Lawyer yeara. All druggista, in three eiaea. Pass, Ore. 24tfi First National Rank Building it lu cart lunch, 12 to 1:30 Look fer the nsme Gold Medal on ererr boa •ed accept so imilcticn CAI.I. (Hl \\ RITE Hurry Jonee, A. C. HOUGH —Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg We will serve n very Western Hotel, for estimates on — T I | Practice ia all courts. fine 75c tnble-de-hote painting, paporlng and kalsomln-j THE CAI,IF4>R\ll AND OKHGON dinner — Time 5:30 V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice In Ing. <'OAST li \1LROAD COMPANY’ to 8 p. nt. state and federal courts. Office Time Card LAND CLEARING CONTRACTS over National Drug Store wanted In tracts of 10 to 100 Effective Nov. 24, 1919. DENTISTS Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- acres, for steam plowing. Esti days and Fridays mate. »75.00 for complete clear B. C. M.ACY, D. M. D. Ffrst-el» Leave Grants Pass............... 1 P.M. ing or »50 per acres for plowing dentistry 109% 8 «th St 2 Arrive Waters Creek.... P -M. only. For particulars see H. T. læavo Waters Creek .... 2 30 PM. V ET EHI A A II Y SI RG EON McKinstry 48 Arrive Grants Pas«..... .....4 P.M. Information regarding freight PHONE 339-L If you have anything DR. R. J. RESTITI.. Veterinarian and For passenger rates call at the office Residence 83 8 Washington boule of the company, Lundburg building, > .omu Be.«. S.IW, to haul with 2-ton truck. L. F card, phone 308-R. SOIDBY MtLDUtSTS IVhRYWMf RE Ront. 60 or telephone 131. I — comet lubrication A Z erolene D isc is the identifying mark of high-grade lubri cants, the symbol of an efficiency in the manufactiye of fine lubr.2ants hard to duplicate elsewhere in the world. Zerolene /• Correct Imbrication. Follow the recommendations of our Board of Lubrication En gineers embodied in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Chart. There’s a grade of Zerolene for the Correct Lubrication of your engine. Ask for a Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY gradefir each type ofengine t MORA PUMPS to SLOW DEATH JOSEPHINE HOTEL . CAFE CHICTOT4&LL? THE WORLD’S GREATEST PUMP A IMailTIVE DELIVERY, SLOW SPEED PUMP FOR IRRIGATION MINING AND MARINE SERVICE MOKE W ATER WITH LESS POWER Means More Money to You SIMPLICITY, CAPACITY, ECONOMY AND DURABILITY COMBINED 4 Pacific Mora Pump Sales Company 1 » «11 G ST., GRANTS PASS, OREGON Write for literature and state your requirements We specialize Electric Equipment of Automobiles—there fore we claim that we can render better service than the concern that handles everything. Being specialists we take pride in our work—it is the kind of service that relieves you of all worries and doubts. We repair ANYTHING Electrical. ADAMS ELECTRIC AND BATTERY SHOP PrestO-ldte Battery Station Phone 66 50« So. 6th St AUTO TORS Replace the »haliby top with light. ea.-ci -to-haiiilW" woetlier- one now. Smart looking, serviceable top»— perfect Utting and improving the “nr'< lo<’ks—a »»ide choice In nu>- tertal« and colore. OUR PRICES LOWEST G. B. BERRY Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effect•’’<» Oct. 25, 1920 Daily and Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass GRANTS PASS MEDFORD Waiting Room 10:00 a- m. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. ni. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m 4.30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Phone 160 We connect tilth stages for A shland end Jacksonville Count’s Feed Store Grain, Flour, Feed and Seeds 514-610 J STREET GRANTS PASS ORE. — TEL.101 ALL KINDS OF FEEDS GRAIN SEEDS FIEIJ) HEEDS