Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1921)
rm «sou. irmi, 7. tinti. GRANTS PASS DAILY COI RIFU TAG K TWO Mies Steinmetz and Mrs Bailey motored to town tn u taxi Saturday to see Mrs. Alb• iBacoti on bu»liu'f Published Daily Except Sunday A few of the neighbor« siii^irlsed Mr mid Mrs. Herman McFadden A. E. Voorhies, Pub. and Propr Monday night Entered at post off! co, Grants Pass. Ore . as second-class mail matter The T. J. Cook family spent Mon duy evening with the Homer York* ADVERTISING RATES Vernon Halit" and Bob iLlndnay Display space, per Inch............... ....23c lie I ped W York and son brand oat th* Local-personal column, per Hue.10c Saturday. Readers, per line—.......................... 5c Evan Kuldl and Eugene t DAILY COURIER were visitor« at the Halley By mail or carrier, per year >6.00 Sunday By mail or carrier, per month Ivan York and Hob Lindsay * er WEEKLY COURIER ov er on the grunlte Sunday borditi By mail, per year ............................ 52.00 -4 cattle. Mrs R \. Jordan mid son spent miti » i: MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS DRV GOODS AND GROt ERIKS the w eek enu with her mother Mm The Associated press is exclusively ' • entitled to the use for republi atlon To soni In the Sealed proposals will be received C. T Davidson. of all news dispatches credited to it dellclou» Burley by the Board of Directors of Th» or all otherwise credited In this IKM.l E 141 N I II tobaoco flavor. paper and also the local news pub- Grants Pass Irrigation District until I » Itahed herein. 1:30 p. m . Saturday. April 9th. 1931. Rogue River waa favored with the All rights of republication of spe. _ district the land owners have met ty. Oregon, will consider bids for the sial dispatches herein are also re- th» situation in excellent spirit. The construction of a bridge across for the clearing of right of way and local county limtltuto of Jaikroii served. brush lands are being cleaned, houses Grave Creek, at Inland. Josephine: excavation of the Tokay Canal. Sta county held Saturday. April 2nd The A constructed, orchards and straw berry Couuty, Oregon. Plans aud specifi tion 4.'.'. to Station 350, and then program was moat intvri-slIiiK THURSDAY. APRIL 7, 102» cations for same are on file in the j publicly opened and the contract dinner was served under the super . beds set out. awarded to the lowest responsible vision of the «etilor .Ina», a It h the I “'Much land has changed hands re- office of the County Clerk for Jose-| The Board r«*orv«s the cooperation of the 1‘nrent Toucher bidder, phlne county. Oregon. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ eently at prices considerably in ex All bids must be filed on or before right to i reject any or all blds Plans association. ♦ cuss of their original appraised value OREGON WEATHER ♦ and specifications can be seen at the The Rogue River girl« iHilM'UUil ♦ .Vs the appraisal was made some time 10 o'clock a m. on the 9th day of I ♦ office of the Board. team defeated the t'entnil Point girls fur Jackson county championship la April, 1921. and a certified check tori ♦ Tonight, fair. Friday, fair ♦ sgo. when prices had not been eetab- 5 per cent of the amount of the bid i (Signed 4 WL1.FVRD VIXEN. last Friday nt Central Point by the to l»e played al the Tab-lit track meet ♦ and warmer. Heavy frost in the ♦ lished by actual sales and consider- must accompany the same, made pay-1 Secret» ry oioso score of 10-9. The xnme wo« April 29th Gamoe are Invited. ♦ morning. ♦ able land was omitted a reappraisal able to F. L. Coon. County Clerk. mnrkeil by plays both brilliant and The Rog'ii- River high school la to has been determined upon. ♦ ♦ i otherwise on the part of both teams. hold a carnival and vaudeville show The County Court reserves the •The outlook for the Grants Pass right to reject any or all blds, or EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— I'entnil Point Is to play a return on Friday. .April 22nd. at 8 p. m. district is encouraging and notwith award the contract according to the' Dependable companies and reas- ■ game nt Rogue River on Friday at Ileneflt to lie used for cnmmoncometit STATE ENGINEER'S «»PINION standing the adverse conditions The final game exercise« May 27th best Interests of the county. onable ratee See T. M Stott. lernoon, April 8th Following his recent visit to the which the project has encountered, By order of the County Court of | Buick Salesrooms 102tf Grants Pass irrigation project. Stale there seems no doubt now that it will Engineer Percy Cupper was quoted in be brought to a successful conclu Josephine County, Oregon. ENAMELED WARE Triple coated, F. L. COON. a newspaper interview as foUows: blue and white, marblelted mott sion.” County Clerk. “Construction work is in progress ling outside, pure white enamel In on both the Grants Pass and Medford side. heavy steel base. Improved NOTICE districts. Work on the multiple arch shapes, galvanized tubs, buckets, RESOLI T1ONS concrete dam across Rogue river for etc., lower prices. K. W. Childs, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the diversion of water from the 4$ 401 G street. Grants Pass district has been sus-| the County Court of Josephine Coun- Golden Rule Ixalge No. 7M, I. O. O. F. * FOR SAI a E- -Barred Rock eggs. *1 Grams Pass, <>r<-gon pended until the high water season per setting of 15 Mrs Anna Meier. has passed, and the water falls to a 130 1 East A St. 1-1’. I 11 WHEREAS. Death has entered our[ stage where it will not seriously in ranks and taken from us our beloved WANTED Nice Jersey heifer calf terfere with the construction of this Brother T. Y. Dean, a brother who dam. However, the steam shovel is ' about 3 or 4 days old. or u Holstein has served this lodge long and faith being operated on the high line ca if no Jersey avallalbe. If none al fully. ever being ready to sacrifice nal on the north side. While high present, anytime within two weeks personal interest for the Interests of; water of last fall caused considerable A. N'ale, Selma. Ore 401 G STREET the lodge. damage and delay to the Grants Pass WANTED -Bring your xhlckens THEREFORE, be it Resolved, that Burkhalter's and receive the top this lodge wish to give expression to price for them. Phone 286-lt or its deep sorrow, that our charter be I 363. t 45 draped tn mourning for a period of thirty days. FOR SALE Round Oak steel range BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, as good na new. only used a few that a copy of these resolutions be' months. Can be seen at Isham's spread on the minutes, that a copy ! Cost $i:5. Warehouse. G street be sent to the bereaved family, a irnr The Victrola brighten« the home foe the whole family— but moat ul all, make an offer. copy to the Pacific Odd Fellow, and perhap«, for Mother, [hiring the long hxir« of the day when »he it alone in the FOR AXLE -Alfalfa seed, alslkc a copy to the Rogue River Courier hou«e with no company save the monotonously-licking clock, a Victrola may clover, red clover anil bluestem R. R (MORRIS, rhangv her whole w.rlJ for her. It “make« friends easily,“ tinging, at any time, wheat seed at Count's Feed Store HAItRY CXYFGLE. the ton. » «hr loves, < r playing the tunes, olJ ami new, »lie cares ( r m >t. 46lf The »i rlj'i greatest artists help her to forget the weight of a thousanJ and one L. C. HUNTLEY, A WILL TRADE- My half Interest In tasks. 'There slioulJ l>c a Victrola in your huiuc. If you will drop in today Committee paying restaurant tor good auto. we shall be glad to uplaui uui easy terms. . • •«, - Address No. 176 care of Courier. NOTICE JI ST THE THING FOR 54 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that.! SFI.IJT ONI NOW XT the County Court of Josephine coun IX4ST -Bunch of keys on gilt key ring. Name engraved on keyring. ' ty, Oregon, will consider bids for the I 1RTHMOR Finder return to Courier and re- ■ «Muir» construction of a bridge across the cel vs $5 reward. 47 | Illinois river near Takilma. Jose- Stanton Rowell, Proprietor Grants Paas, Ore. Wirthmor Kilk Blouses that reached us this morning I phlne county, Oregon. Plans and I j OG-ANBERRIEB Plunt up to May have the tremendous style appeial in fabrics that arc most specifications for same are on file In 1st. Just now digging the I-year desirable, in the shades that are sulrtly appealing to the . ............... tips. Will sell you a whole acre discriminating. of them at 455. Make as high aa Tlie woman who wears a Wirthmor Silk Blouse can 41500 per acre. Remember an- feel sure that she has the newest and most serviceable neries take thls product. Over 60 blouse that will meet with most favorable comment in the known usee for the Juice. See F. social and business elements which she frequents. E. Jordan at 860, North 7th St . The four styles depicted here are just a few of them. Grants iPaas, Ore. 4 8 Outdoor and Indoor workers, sub Ask the sales-|»erson to show you other- in either < repe ject to exposure or heavy toil, find FOI R W HEEL TRAILER New, Meteor, Georgette or fancy Mignonette. relief in Sloan's Liniment just the thing for a farmer to haul The ever growing demand for new styles frequently truck tq town in. Will carry one has brought alxmt our association with a manufacturer EEN at work all day, standing on ton. new tires, equipped for tour your feet, lifting heavy weight»? who gives to us the privilege of displaying these garments And now you’re all tired out. ing. Make me ah offer. Call at as the- authorized style center of this city. If you have not Never mind, if you are wise you have 321 Burgess St. 48 worn a Wirthmor Silk Blouse, try one now and we are a bottle of Sloan's on the shelf, at home certain that you will want to add one to your warclrols- or in tlie shop. Put a little on, without FOR SALE ■Purebred. Rhode Island rubbing, and quickly comes grateful frequently. Red eggs. 75c per setting. W. II warmth and relief. Intonarti, Rd. 2, Box 16, Grants .Good for rheumatic pains, ,inS| neural neuralgia, 47 Pass. sciatica, lumbago and the host of Í ex- ternal j ains that are all tlie time com FOR 8A1LE BY OWNER tilo ncr<- ing. Helps break up colds, tool 3 miles west of Granta Pass on It’s comforting to keep it handy. upper river road. 120 acres under Three sizes—35c, 70c, $1.40. gooil range cultivation, balanm good land This property will come un der the new irrigation system Owner is a non-resident and will sell at a sacrifice. Deal direct with owner mid save commission. If in h terested see Frank 8. Bramwell, Grants Pass. 51 GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER New Shipment Cotton INDIAN BLANKETS r & kuax the office of the county clerk for Josephine county. Oregon. All bids must be filed on or before 10 o'clock a. m on the !>tk day of \prtl, 1921, and a certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bld must accompany the same, made pay able to F. L. Coon. County Clerk. reserve« the Tlie county court right to reject any or all bl<K or award th«« contract according to the beat interest of the county. By order of the Comity Court of Josephine County. Oregon F L. 000N, County Clerk LUC STRIKE Cigarette Grants Pass, Ore- It’s Toasted ---------------------- ,-------- New Mattresses and Furniture THE VICTROLA BRIGHT COLORS In the Most Desirable Styles is Mother’s Friend The Music & Photo House & EASE THOSE TIRED, ACHING MUSCLES Auction Sale! WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13TH, f 00 P. M. AT BIG BARN ON L STREET One Car Load of FINE DAIRY COWS B Some are purebred registered stock, others are very good grade- either fresh or coming fresh soon. Here is your opportunity to get your start in some real good dairy stock. This stock will go to Highest Bid der Terms, Cash. Remember, Sale will be held at the Big Barn on L Street, promptly at 1 o’clock, Wednesday, April 13th. i SloanS FOR HALE On« 6-h. 1». wood saw, on new Iron truck: one Wade grain drill, 8 feet; one hay rake; one 6- foot disc harrow. See Frank S. Bramwell, Grants Pass. r FORDSON TRACTOR for sale, gether with 2-bottom tra tor plow and extention rims. See Frank S Bramwell, Grants Pass. ^^1 USED CARS 1f»18 Dodge. good -liape. 1019 Bnick Six- 1OIM Ford, good sha|>e. lots Chevrolet. 1011 Ford, Just overhauled, lots Maxwell. 1017 Ford, one ton truck. lOlfl, lOOO-lb. truck. 1020 Baby Overland, like new. Good terms to reliable parties. A LIGHT AND FRESH LOAF with a crispy top to it. We ac complish that result with the assistance of the most modern oven, just the Gtht heat and the right flour. Not forgetting that our bakers understand their business. We get the same result with our cake, too. Ask your Grocer for Bread baked by the GRANTS PASS BAKERY HO3 G Street NEW TODAY—Just arrived, comforts, large size, $2.75 to $3.75. < 'amp mid -nildlo blankets at $3.25. Grey granite dish pans 75c to $1.50, Ladies oak dressing table plate glass, • tomorrow only, at *12.50. Large inir- ' ror for only $1.50. Cook stove, $12.- j 50. Baby buggy, go carts, lots of |other 2nd hand bargains. Phone 71. T. C. Booth. Consider This If you deni with us you gel prompt service, fair treat- ment, and Inest of all we s 41 tars that are manufactured by tlie strongest cont|M«nlcw In the Industry, W. S. Maxwell & Co. TIRI S LEARN TO DRAW MIHSOI III FLAT Mrs. T. H. Rolierts had an Easter l»arty Saturday. Eugene Carls and Ellis Davidson i have gone to Gold Hill to work. W. S. Bailey and O. C. Davidson made a business trip to Granta Pass Tuesday. I MJO US TOUS KAMI ANO AM>SMS Wt WU4 MAIL YOU OU« llJ.cnrs a rw ast sooklkt and ristu wrtnow any cosy to YOU SCHOOL YMDOSMD SY THt LASGXVT NYWWArV«« MAtuUlNLS torrosi ano yamous Asiurx comk QtrretpontieKC Instruction and Local Classes mu w»