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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1921)
eouner (fronts 4 <»l '■“esralty of Or« Librar, I III iLSDiy, IPICIh 7, H>JI GRANTH l’AMH, JOHEI’IIIXi: < Ot XTY, OREGON, XI , X««. I 12 I EAKL OF CRAVEN MRS. CORA ORTHWEIN 9 IS SÌOLEN IN '1 — * I * TO GET FONDS V* I I I X & .z 4} 44 I I II l ol < II s I V I I J 1X1« lull- III«.1144 44 Ixil.K } r m : i 'll XI mi io rito* 1.1 h I oil Ml«»«.|< «X i Xi m i » i COMMISSION 4!»OI’TS <H 411« T<> Till IS WARNED Bï ATTORNEY J GENERAL DAIGH TERY SAYS TRADE PROEL TEERI.NG Ml sT STOP A i ) I < Ktn»i I n I at a Il, «I hv « «ni- of ilo- < oiiipaiilolt III Ih«* I pH. I lllgllWM} W III Ite I oil-J Ibsly 4l»o I Ive* Houle Which The Halle»-! aliforuia Highway 44 ill »Irin (>«| Half 44 al to < livi'ni» Follow 'rill'. •MUIMIII ItoblH'rs I V- « ll<'iii«*iil Hr I’ I Chic«« Utili s err IWtMIII $ th«* I >.-ar atol«*n Iti bora etti day ìli l»ers in ih» <llscar«l"<l mali l»< coverlii.- that am«> itit tuken story *.u that thè tour r<>‘» >ers v playlug .»Il in a lot ne.irl » I sud'leuly rusl««si to ili«* station, up thè muli trm k eiiiplo}»*« ami luatuliMl a |>art I■■ uIn es<'.iped In an aut minute and a lialf a shot. mi¡)|»<»»«*<H» at luws, uilntaketi tur H exeltrnietlt Ö» Portland, Apr. 7 -(A. P.) The t «iliiplel«' agreement between thè the statu highway <-omuiis«ion at stai»» hlghway commlaaion ami thè es- ¡¡«■•"tills' which ended last night fori-tri department of thè federai each . «ivernmetit for thè imni"<llate under- tabilshcd the policy of allowing Mra Cora Orthwcln, divorced wife ■ unity in the state $150,000 for the of 3 wealthy resident of St. Louis, tal.Ili-- of thè building of thè hlghwav tU'Xt two years from the |5,000,000 to thè Jose, Itine Cave* ls reported by thot and killed Herbert P Zeigler, fund available to the commission for a Ch i< ago bustnes. man, In her apart G<*<>. C*. Sabin, who returned from It fixed the northern Mr. Sabin the biennium ment in Chicago alter an evening ot Portland this afternoon drinking and quarreling In a cabaret. wetll to Portland to represent the ¡»art ot The Dalles-«'allfornia higb- w.i. from The Dalles via Dufur, Tygh immunity at the meeting at which valley. Maupin, Criterion to Madras, the av«w road matter ««» to be de and also laid out the road from Crit termined. and he states that Isith the erion via Shaniko and Moro to con- hlghwav commission and the bureau n«st with the Columbia highway at f public roads are supporting the aves road to the fullest extent, and at Hie meeting held yesterday after- Man I rom Merlin Talk»— n<Hin agn*ed upon the appropriation Merlin is a small town of several mstructlon . <>f the funds for the hundred population situated in south Polli 14X11 M 4ltlxl I * The state has all of its ¡sirtion of I .4 Pi Cat Prviniet 4iiii<»iin« «■» < <>in|»l«*le llrt' ik- th* mon»-} ready, but the federal ern Oregon, a few miles north of Portland 4|»r 7 Grants Pass. Pears grow in that vi ui« of < «oifereiu <•» 44 I i <* îi Pump tie »low Ilog-, Weak . -llvep. »te.uly ,vut boriti«** are having to div ert from cinity better than any other fruit and XI« u *b» X«»t Return eggs firm, butter 3r higher allot ti er project to enable th*m to naturally take front rank in produc This Is commence til»' work now. 'lining I \hibit a Wonder— tion. although ¡»caches and grapes are the fol agreotl upon, however, and Geo Sabin, who returned todiy also grown Indications are that thj \ < om- low Ing ■ \ 1" . laindoll, \ !■ . published 11» th»» basis of from Portland t- Is the Courier that I«lele . »r«*uk up of Cíinferenv«'» ar •t- p.-ar crop will be unusually fine this th«' .!of»«*phin«* «llsplay nt th«* miniti • llenient of th<‘ coal strike w a .» an the agreement year, but there is some apprehension offer made county will build that the late frosts may have injured cunv«mtlon Is the best of th«- whole nounced by the pren«h*r lii i< >ii lead- standard road from a connection with the delicate ¡»each blooms C. J. El show anil Is going far in telling the ers had refusisi to order ■ men, the Grants Pass-Cre*eut City high don. contractor, is registered at the mining world «inm»»ih1ng of the mav in tho mini's to resume (end way to th«* forest boundary Forest Multnomah from Merlin, “The out- Dtlude <»f th«* min«*ral wealth of the Ing n«»go<latl<»ns department offers to pay half cost look for work in and about Merlin is count'- He sa's that It Is attr.i tin • from the boundary to the marble good." said Mr Eldon. "I am in a u «nd» rful amo ml of nf- nth’’, caves State agrees to pay remain charge of a section of road work be- and I.»* on«* of th«* best ad'ertHm*- fea The ing half \,»r ." ( V To start this work this ing done by the state on its highway tun ■ ever adviinr«*d t>y southern < »r today iniuti of railway year th«» forest department will have Mines in the Galice district are open- gon the to divert funds from th»» McKenzie sly decided to » ing up. giving employment to some road project and the skate will do the By the end of the 192 -r »• same This will delay completion of expect to have the new highway in of th«* rv Henry G th«> M Ken "' on«> vear and will re good shape and ready for surfacing, pri’ui h h t bvii rmn < luir sult in the McKenzie ami < >regon which will not be done, however, for house ot tallirei Grevi» cavi's read being finfshe«! at the same another year Oregonian \pplevate it next Sun time." afternoon Mr Sabin carried with him to < ; Domerque district luperln Portland a letter from the county nothing apparently in the way of the for ths Metropolitan life in court ugreelng to do the county end starting of the work upon the road, »arance cotnpanv. I* In th" <'ltv from of the work, and this was filed with though 1t Is not probable that it can Mod forti going over the local field the commission, so that now there is’ l»e completed till another season. Tok to. \pr wilh \. «nt C II Ernst <l<*lils of Vladivostok have ¡ l»'tlty to los Wolke who was in Potland out und pb'Uty of clothes but no attendlng thè meetings of th«» stat»' money, uccordltig to a corresi»on<l«'nt hlghwav commli Ion .ind bidding on of the Kokusal News agency who has som«* of Ilio work. returmsl homi» lo Just returned from that city. da' Ile re|M»rts that \ J (ìiws, "Good lux'f can bo purchased for frmu Ibis city, wiuv onlv $15 hlgher 20c u poutiil." says the <'orres¡H)H- In bis bill fluiti Ilio successi iti fimi A good suit of dent, and continues for Ilio conslruelloti of thè Deer ‘ clothes costs about one* t bird u hat cris'k bridge they do in America and other things in proportion. The only thing the p«w»ple lack is money to ap«'nd Cotti Cleveland. Ohio. Apr 7 (A P. I reserve board. Afternoon session bus virtually disappeared from cir ■Existing foreign trade conditions ""Value of Icong Credits to the Ex culation and nobody will accept the and the many complex problems they porting Manufacturer." George K l«a|w»r notes. Wages, «'ven of gov have provided for the Vmerican ex Mev orcord. Illinois Manufacturers ernment employes, are p.iid iti food, porter will be discussed in exhaus \ssociation clothes and tickets for use with the tive detail at the eighth annual con- Thursday, May 5. 10;00 a. m.: public utilities. , vention of the national foreign trade Government Serv ice to Foreign "Tho plentituilo of these necessi-l j|. (l, |„. held here May 4 to 7. River Banks Sunny Jim was born Trade,” J. Walter Drake. Detroit. at River Banks Farms Vpril 2. 1920. tlixv Is explained by th<v fact that the partial program for which was Friday. May 6, 10:00 a m.: "Am of royal Guernsey parentage, his huge stores have been lmi»orted into announced today. In addition to the erican Maritime Policy," James A Vladlv «»stok for shipment into the in Imposing array of American foreign Farrell, ¡»resident of the United dam. Red Iguly of Sunnyside Farm.I holding highest official r«»coril for the terior and are being held theru in trade ex|x»rts there will be a number States Steel Corporation and chair TI iom ' stores are being of speakers from abroad who will production of milk and butterfat definitely. man of tho National Foreign Trade discuss conditions from the foreign Council over made In Josephln«' county, 10. drawn upon. " A few miles out of Vladivostok to viewpoint .lames A. Farrell. of 600 ¡xiiinds of milk and 590 pounds Preliminary announcements for of butterfat, and hl » Hire. Nolla Girl's the north conditions are very differ New York, ¡»resident ot the Unite«! tho group sessions follow Diamond of I’oncoyd. being a son of ent. There the ¡»opulatton has neith State« Steel corporation and chair- Wednesday, 8:00 p. m.: Funda Nella Girl of I’encoyd, tho cow that er money nor supplies, and hunger man of tho council, will preside, Morn completely to solve tho par mentals in Foreign Trade Educa at one time hold tho world's Guern and cold have taken liberal tolls of aey record for milk production In tite Russians. The Chita authoritles|Hcular problem the average delegate tion.” ,1 A DeHaas. New York Uni have been sending clamorous de- will desire answered, an efficient versity; "Means of Getting an Inter Class FF. mands thnt Vladivostok share her staff of trade advisors, approximately national View|H»int in Foreign Trade Nella Girl of I’encoyd Is a 7»ths Education. Walter S Tower. Con sister of Nella Jay of I’encoyd. the supplies with tile rest of Siberia, a 100 in all. will be rtxTuited from aolldated Steel Corporation; "The call to which th«' local authorities the ranks of tho l«>a«ling American cow that now has the world’s Guern sey roeord in the two anti one-half have shown no dls|»ositi<in to respond foreign trade experts under the di Foreign Credit Department Its Or year old class, having made It'«.325 tl even if tho JapatieHo would lot them rection of A E. Ashburner. of Cleve ganization. Position. Equipment and ■ "These latter have been taking the land, and will devote an entire even Attitude." F l> Rock. Chicago; "The pounds of milk and xltt «¡3 ¡»minds of land that until it is certain that ing to the solution ot individual Foreign Credit Risk. Its Problem Un butterfat In one year der Existing Conditions." .1 G. Ged The dam of Nella Girl of I’encoyd Japan w ill not have to fight Chita |tmdo questions, No convention ses des. Cleveland. Is a three-quarter sister of Nella Jay they will not ipermit the ex|H»rtation sions will bo hold on that night. This Thursday. 2 30 p m "'A Prac of anything Unit may later l»e list'd promises to become one of the most 1th, tin» Guernsey cow that stands important and Instructive features of tical Method of Tests for Export. fourth in the Gtiernsey bre<xl with against the Japanese forces S. W Stratton, r s bureau of stand- " rhe lack of a, ci'ptable money in Iho program. an official record of 20,709 9 pound» For the general sessions these a rd«. of mill« and 1019.25 ¡»minds of but Vladivostok Is resulting in business Friday. 2:30 P. in "Practical I’e- I stagnation Xnyonrt'wlth gooil money sixuikers and topics ar«' announ od terfat in one year Wednesday, May 4, 10:00 a. m. volo|»ments of Edge l,aw Banking," Sunnv Jim was purchased recently can buy anything he wants ami Foreign by M. M Bryans of Sand Point, Ida., cheaply hut In Us absence nothing "Financing Foreign Trade.” Fred I Philip n Kennedy. First Banking Association; ‘Federal Incor- to head tlm herds of the l«airvmen's can bo sold Business houses ar«» fast Kent, New York; 1 Frozen Credits J. Fl. Assot InHon of that district anti was closing their doors and factories are What They \ro and How to Thaw ■»oration for China Trade, Them," W I’. G. Harding, federal Powell. Shanghai. shipped to his new home last wet'k. shutting down." ENGLISH STRIKE SETTLEMENT OFF PLENIY Of FOOD BUI NO EXPORT PBÜBLLMS WILL 8E BEFORE RIVER BANKS SUNNY IIM MOVES 10 IDAHO Will Proceed I nder Sherman And« Trust Ac t Though Honed Indus try' Will Not JU* Hampered Washington, Apr. 7.— (A. P— 4 general warning to business that the government intended to counten willliim George lloliert Craven, ance no violations ot the law was fourth earl of Craven, is visiting the sounded by Attorney General Daugh- He declare that those United States. He married in 1893. tery today. Corm-lla «laughter of the late Bradley guilty of illegal practices should Martin of New York. not close their eyes." He did not intend to hamper business, but in- I tended to enforce the law and though the profiteering section of the Lever act was held unconstitutional, the de partment of justice still can proceed under the Sherman Anti-trust law. tttomey Daughtery announced an investigation of illegal practices ia the building material trades would ( onuniltee of Seventeen Continue* be undertaken thoroughly through out the country. to squubble Over Marketing Sys tem for Wheat I Udi road Men in T out — STILL UNSETTLED Chicago. Apr. 7.— (A. P.)—The fight over compulsory j>ooling of farmers’ grain which began y ester day over the committee of aeven- teen’s report on the national cooper- alive grain marketing sywfem con tinued today on reconvention of the farmer s ratification conference The Kansas organization insisted that at least one-third pooling be compul sory The committee of seventeen stood 12 for optional pooling. 4 for compulsory, and one. a government employe, not voting AMERICANS ARE NCI MOSI THRIFÎY PEOPLE A group of Southern Pacific rail road men was in town yesterday in terviewing the patrons of the road and looking after company affair* Included fn the part}- were A. T Mer cier. superintendent ot the Portland division; H. A. Hinshaw, general freleM agent, and I. T. Sparks, dis trict freight and passenger agent. FOR SOLBIERS RELIEF PI — Washington. Apr 7.— (A. Chairman Dawes, of the soldier re- re- lief investigation commission commended to the ¡»resident the or- ganization of a veterans" service ad- ministration, consolidating existing bureaus for caring for disabled men. New York. Apr. 7.— (A. P i—Des S|M*cial l/cgion XI<s'tmg— pite the fact that 2k.9 ¡»er cent of the There will be a special meeting world s savings aro in this country of the American Legion tonight for and that the average depositor in | the purpose of furthering plans for the United States has a greater sum tha increased sale of shares in the to his credit than his European1 American Legion sedan and other neighbor, only 8 per cent of the total, matters of importance to come be number of the world’s savers are fore the meeting All members are Americans. urged to be present and report the Authority for this statement in the ; progress on the sale of shares. Savings Banks Association of the State of New York, which has made an extensive investigation of savings banks throughout the world. In pro portion to population, said a state ment issued today, a number of for eign countries exceed the United States in numbers ot depositors. "Euroi'ean people, through cen turies of struggle for mere exis tence." said Dr. H H Wheaton, ex Portland. Ore., Apr. 7.— (A. P.) ecutive manger of the association, —An address on the mining indus "have been trained to the most rigid try in relation to business prosperity t'conomy. while Americans have .featured the program this morning found life a comparatively easy niat- of the third international mining tor. Tho average American family, convention in session here. Edwin until quite recently, made its expen Ludlow, of New York, president of dí tun»s on the plan: ’Pay expenses the American Institute ot mining and first and save what's left -if there metallurgical engineers, wraa the is anything.” speaker. Kirby Thomas, had a talk Dr. Wheaton said that in Frame, I on low temperature distillation of one out of every five inhabitants has coal The afternoon program wae In his opinion. devoted to discussion of mining of a savings account. the economy of the French people British Columbia and the Snake river has been their protection against the canyon. The speakers included Ro- death thrusts of centuries." !»ert N Nell, former Idaho state min TELL INFLUENCE OF Bridge Contracts Are— The state highway commission at its meeting just held In Portland awarded contracts for two bridges In Josephine county, one on the Pa cific highway at Wolf (Took and the other over Deer creek on the Cres cent t’itv highway. The contract for the former was awarded to J. Elmer Nelson at $14:15. the l«eer creek bridge going to the I^ee Dock com pany of Rainier at |1.*»,(8<>. In each instance the contract was under the estimate. ing inspector and D. C. Livingston, of the school of mines of Oregon Ag ricultural college. Tonight’s pro- grant included an address on proa- pecting by T. A. Rickard, of San Francisco. LAHOR Botiti« DECLIN F-S TO >4N<TI«>N WAGE IX»44I RIXG Chicago. Apr. 7.—I A. P.4—The railroad labor board refused the New York Central permission to make provisional reduction of wages of unskilled labor.