WNDXHHDAY, MAIUYI IM. I»«i GRANTS PASS 1HI1.V IXM'RIKH PAGE FOUR I THE WOMAN WHO HAA F> .1 doesn't have to worry about where to get the money for her Easter outfit. She has it in the bank where she can get it any time. And she is both a maxed and delighted w hen she sees how her small but regular savings have accumu- lat«»d. Why don't you begin following her example* ft / A I \\ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK FEDERAL RESERVE s ri 'i OF SOUTHERN OREGON A Week With Jesus RAUM SI NDAV TO EASTER AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH Wednesday, March 23—"The Day ot Retirement." Thursday.' March Night of Agony." Friday. March Cross." 2 4—"The 25—'On the Saturday. March 26 Tomb." Sunday. March A P "In the •» “• ■> 4 ~ M — "The Empty Tomb.” M.—“The Appearances.” You are personally invited — C. M C line , Preacher PER52ML *2? LOCAL ¡ Oregon Made We are paying 2 4c l>er pound tor chickens, this week at the City Mar h 34 Phono 52. McNamara of Crescent City. was in the city this morning on hi» way to his coast home from a trip to San Francisco tie left on th«» stage today. Wo are paying 24- |>er pound for chickens, this week at the City Mar­ ket Phone Bl 34 H II and Mrs Allyn. Whitney Al Ivn. Ilal Tracey and Miss Fannie Abrams visited friends In Medford vesterday. autoIng over In th«' morn­ ing and returning last evening. If you are In nee«l ot plumbing or plumbing supplies. It will pay you to look up 505 South Sixth street or phone 306 G A Bryan. 3 2tf We ar«> paying 24c |»er pound for chickens, this week at the City Mar ket Phone 5.' 31 B W Wilson, public accountant, is in the city completing the work of making an ex|>ert examination of the county books Th«» bulk of the work was performed by Mr Wilson on the first of the year when tho new offi­ cers took office, anil he is Just now completing the task, his report to be completed within the next day or two. We ar«» paying 24 • per pouud for chickens, this week at the City Mar- 34 ket. Phone 5J. TODAY USED CARS Matinee Dall) 2 p. in. Rivoli Theater 9 ill V Hon Vol Sii|>|H>rtoil— Th«> action brought tn the Juatl< e court upon complaint A. G Fow 1er Churchwood, charging J. with assault with Intent to kill, was dismissed by Judge Holman upon hearing the evidence Th«« evidence did not Justify tho serious complaint hence th«> dismissal Ladies’ House Dresses and Aprons Children’s Dresses and Rompers Of w Prisoner In Returmxl— Tho man who la known officially as "John lh»e." charged with the theft of a gold watch and a pair of shoes from Geo Smith, la now In the counts Jail awaiting a hearing upon tho charge lie was arrested at .Med ford and was brought back from th«» Jackson county capital by I deputy Lister yesterday afternoon < mr$. nellle Deas AA «» do Hciii«Ht«hliig A FABRIC "ixt I IT" Is It twvomiug'.* That b» always tho <|iieati<>n In < lue "st ng Y’ oii have an almost unlimited »<•!«* lion when you secure Slttí'tM» h’rtrw I, am -a I Dealer cloth«"«. GEO S. CALHOUN A — 'OMAN WANTS WORK washing utlz«»d by the sheriff and will bring; Special at Kinney A Truax Gro- Kinney & Tr lax Grocery, fresh and cleaning, for 4oc per hour launont back with him from Moore Baker) 3 4 eery, 9-pound sack Nebraska corn Phone 243-L. 38 31 meal. 39c Another Problem Sojvisl— FOR SALE BY OWNER—Two lots. For the ladl«»s of Grants Pass The Save M.«M1 5-room modern bungalow in beet Rogue Valley Electric Cari>et Wash­ IXVMIXG FA FATH By bringing In your old suit to residence district. Grapes, fruit ( ing Co. is now here and will wash apply on the price of a new one at Mar 26. Saturday -Pomona Grange trees and berries One of th« best! your carpets and rugs on your own the Pnorlt’ss Clothing Co moots with Fruitdale Grange 36tf garden spots in the city. Address i floors with the famous Hamilton O. Andrews. 905 Lawnridge Beach Ele trie carpet washer. Phone .. Grants Pass. Ore. 38 I your orders to Haul's Electric Store. — FOR SAI j E Fordson tractor. Oliver No. 47 All work guaranteed plow, harrow Used only 10 days Terms to responsible party, or will Easier S|>w lai— trade Phone 71, Booth's Second 119 50 and your old stilt will pur­ hand store. 38 chase a new one of all wool mater­ R »it S V LE Tso he • r ial at the Peerless Clothing Co. suitable for brooders, small room ’ or bathroom Inquire at Cramer' Attention. la-gioniiairs-s! The regular bi-monthly meeting of Bros. 35. tho American legion will be held at WANTED TO BI T Two horse lever the courthouse Thursday evening. spike tooth harrow, wheelhoe with March 24th. Every member of the seeder attachment. Call Gunter at lost Is urged to he present as more Western Union before 8 In the detailed plans for the sale of shares :: 1 mornings. In the American Ixtgfon sedan will be WANTED TO RENT small house or made at that time and the coopera­ bedroom in west end of city. Must tlon of the entire post la necessary be cool and quiet. Call Gunter at Western Union before 8 in the mornings. 34 Or«" Samples Waiitcsl— All mine owners who wish to have FOR SALE At a bargain, 400 head samples of the ore from their mines of sheep with lambs, 2 milk «rows, one just freshened. Team of good exhibited at tho international mining sized farm horses If lnter«»st«"d convention at IPortland next month must get them in at once The heavy inquire of F S. Bramwell, Grants samples of the baser ores will have Pass, Ore. 3 8 to be forwarded by freight, an«i they ALL PARTIES who took home cakes, should be started northward by the pies or other food In plates, cake end of the present week. The high tins. etc., from Presbyterian ladies grade ores and dust and nuggets will sale, please leave Immediate­ be handled by the member H of the ly at Pardee’s grocery. 35 committee personally ami Tip(»-Booth run 6000 miles. IW m I xc Touring isr in fine shape, Buick Touring car. at a bargain. Overland WO. just like new. Ford Camp Car (Something new ) come in ami look it over. Shoes for the Family C. L. Hobart Co. 103 North 6th BRAND NEW SHOW TODAY “OUIJA DID IT a Selected Comed v 35 Per Cent Drop in Feed Prices Six months ago we were retailing rolled barley 63 per cent higher; Millrun 57 per cent higher; Scratch Food 50 per cent higher: Flour 36 per cent higher, than the present retail prices. We have followed the market down more closely than we ever followed it up. That is our policy. To always ive our custo- mers the biggest value possible for the money. You can sometimes do better on one or two things some­ where else, but take all of our prices and they will average lower than any others. WOODWARD’S RIVOLI From the "FOLLIES BERGERE” in Paris to New York's highest society and lowest underworld BAIT from the stage success, ‘‘The Tiger Lady,” featuring the lovely new star from Texas, about whose wonderful beauty national magazines have talked for months— JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. Quality Oregon-Made Brooms, 45c 11.75, all guaranteed I nnny Truax Grocery to A 1 34 , Long runa a specialty tn the Courier merchant printing depart- ment PRESERVE YO1 H FXXi.H WITH SILICATE OF SODA (WATER GLASS) Eggs are