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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1921)
GRANIR I*ASS DAILY iVUUO PAGE TWO IMIS PASS DAILY COURIY Published Daily Except Sunday A. E. A’oorhtee. Pub. and Propr. Entered at poatofflce. Granta Pasa. Ore . aa second-class mail matter. ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch................... 25c Local-personal column, per line....10c Readers, per line—.......................... 5c DAILY COURIER Ry mall or carrier, per year $6,00 By mall or carrier, per month .50 Easter Neckwear and Novelties Just Received Organdy flowers, Vestings, collar and cuff sets. Vests with collar and cling to match. Points by the vard, etc. _ FOR SALE Work lion-«'. one drl» ing horse, and wood. 16-In Phone Jack Casady, 103. at th«» Rig Barn. 36 FOR HIM FOR RENT A furnished apart with mis and wood stoves nt I» strei't lniHiir«' at 7 «'s K St W A\ Il I » aa ANTED Girl to »».lit table and d « <«'tierul work in restaurant, good wage». experience unn»« ««»««ary For further particulars write Del Norte Restaurant. Crescent City. Cal. 33 WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per »ear............................. $2.00 ( MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Asso :nted press !s exclusively : DRY GOOD« AND GROCERIES •nt 1 tied to the use for republication I of all news dispatches credited to It or all otherwise credited in thl»| TYPEWRITING WORK AA ANTED paper .end also the local new» Call at Postal Telegraph office or liahed herein. phon.« .lit .1 3 5 All rights of republication of spe- eial dispatches herein are also re- move the danger of having to appear AVANTED Young dog Phone 600- •ervaj. before the bar of justice one of these F-4 35 days Pedestrians use the pavement WEDNESDAY, MARCH SS, 1081 FOR HALE i * oi etra a il in him ; egg * often instead of the sidwalks. thus ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ endangering their own 11» es am! in 8BA8ONED WOOD FOR SALE Oak FOR SALE Hatching eggs from ♦ terfering with traffic. Cutting cor OREGON WEATHER ♦ and laurel. $4 50; body fir. $3.75; Sheppard's famous Anconas They ♦ ners and crossing the street wher split body fir. $4.50 C. W lam- sure shell out the eggs Jas Ead». ever It happens are also complaints Tonight and Thursday fair ♦ brecht. Rd. 1, Box 11. 26tf 306 West I street. 33 Grants Pass is developing a large ♦ east, occasional rain west por- FOR BAIaE Shadeland Eclipse seed FOR SALE Purebred White Leg class of jay walkers tion. oats, recleaned. 3c per pound W horn eggs for setting. Call at 403 ♦ ♦ L. Hayes, Murphy, or C. N. Culy. L. Reynolds, of the Bonbonniere, West D street or phone 285-Y. 53 cooperative shipping manager.« will leave this evening for Salem and Aged Woman 111 anti Newly— WANTED -Chickens for Easter Sun Grants Pass 92tf' other points in the northern part of The Salvation Army is making a the state day trade at 23c for hens,.15c for CHOICE BALED ALFA1.FA hay. $26 request of the citizens for articles old roosters Phone 2S6-R or 363. delivered any place in Granta Pass of furniture for use in the home of ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ We pay caah. Can use small veal $23 at ranch five miles below an aged woman who is ill and needy. and hogs. 35 AMU8EMENTS town. Phone 606-F-12. C. H. Ets- The woman is one of the oldest resi ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ BRING YOl ’ R CHICKENS to Burk mann. 87tf dents and is now suffering with Maurice Tourneurs latest Para halters Feed store and go away pneumonia. In her meagre home mount production. "The Bait” in FOR SALE—A» acre with large mo smiling with the price you receive dern house with new furnace, barn, she has but little furniture, the bed which Hope Hampton, a beautiful Phone 2 63. 35 garage and chicken bouse, Good being only old springs set on blocks. screen player is featured, and which MISCELLANEOI H well and city water. Call at 830 Bed clothing and furniture are needs comes to the Rivoli theater today for 3« REPAIR Olive Ave Phone 253 SHOP Plumbing, . pipe now, and later, when the woman is a two days showing, is said to be ex work, steam fitting, boiler and recovered from her illness, articles ceedingly worth while. The story Is FOR SALE \ acre with five-room 506 pump work and installing of food will be required. Notify the a powerful one and the situations bouse, barn, chicken house, pump South 6tb street. Phone 306. G. Salvation Army if you can assist, are said to be dramatic to a decree. ing house and engine, good family, A. Bryan 51tf I The assistance from the county is not The supporting cast is excellent. orchard and strawberries Call at, sufficient for the present need. 830 Olive Ave. Phone 253. 36 CARNEIt-GAYETTY IRON AA»">RKS General foundry and machine FOR SAUD—Strictly fancy dodder WE HAVE WONX------- Obey the Traffi«- Lws—. work; gray iron and brass cast free alfalfa seed; tests 99 96% FIRST-PRIZE -s Chief McLane states that the ings. any size and quantity. Deal pure and 91% germination No; troubles of the autoist and of the WITH OUR- ers In second hand mine and saw better seed was ever offered you.j pedestrian will be greatly relieved if mill machinery, boilers, engines, BATHROOM $24 00 per 100 lbs Write for »am-, both will give better observance of pipe fitting», etc. Booth and F pie Monarch Seed ft Feed Co.. I «SUP PLIES < traffic laws, and that they will re- streets. Grants Pass. Ore. 94tf Medford, Ore. 4s FOR S.ALB—Strictly fancy alfalfa G A PRICE—«Painter and d«ora tor 614 West B street, Granta seed. $24 00 per 100 lbs Med. Pas». Ore I«tf Red Clover. $28.50 per 100 lbs. f’uBlic White Bl. Sweet Clover. $22.00 per GET Ol’R PRICES -On lumber be 100 lbe. Alsike clover, $28.50. fore buying They are right. Slate Write for samples Monarch Seed Creek Lumber Co , Wonder. Ore. & Feed Co.. Medford, Ore. 4 8 35 Bl’Y YOl’R AA’OOD NOW Body fir IX »ST $3.75 per tier;; pine. $3 50; two- TXtST- About the 1st of March, a tier load, pine and fir. $7; oak, We have won a great big joy brown pony with light blaze , in $4.25. Let us have your order ful prize. It’s called Public forehead, weigh about 80e !b». ANY bed-riddea suffered from Houser Bro». Ixick box No. 93. or Approval. It was given to us bscksche sad rheumatic pain« owe shod all around, foretop cut off phone 3 26-J. 50 their condition to the fact that they neg in recognition of the dependa Known as the Marion Griffin lected the first warning of kidney trouble. FOR SALE — -Cne 5 -horse Alamo~gas bility of our bathroom supplies. pony Please notify me at Takil Prompt action at the first sign of die engine, cheap. Inquire Warren D. j And by the wav, we took the ordered kidneys will prevent much suf ma. Ore . Mr W. L. Montgomery ? Mee, Applegate, Ore. 3h lies out of supplies and charge fering. Keep the blood stream pure by _____ 36 keeping the kidneys healthy and the you just exa« tly what they’re NEW HATS for sale Also White Or- j IS »ST I ’ ' : ear-old girl, a fo m poitonoua waste matter that causes pain worth—that’s all. pington chickens, See Mrs Bur-' and misery will be eliminated from the tain pen. between 3rd anti 6th ton. 407 North 6th street. 33 . eystem. and A and J streets Finder please FOR SALE -One-ton Ford trick. fn| return to Courier office good condition, detachable rack DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER 514 F Street si'l« s, canopy top and si I« c irtain» have brought relief to thousands of auf- THE WORLD MOVES; »o do we Pr!c S-Tl L. P. Brit . i. Ilu«.o, PHONE 308-J fering men and women wbo were af- Buncl» Transfer Co Office phone Ore. 33 fined « th backache, rheumatic paiaa. ttif or •woiien ¡oint«. »ore mu»c!ea, dixxieeta. 7 Acer» 349; residence phone 315-J. asder eyet, float’.rsf »pecks. biUoueacM. □adder FOR SALE at a bargain, if taken at weaker* ■ low ot appetite or other «ymptotM oi FG ISHAM. dravage. transfer; pi once, nice home, and 1 2-10 acres' ludney i. jub!«. NOTICE TO EXTERMINATE anos. safes, furniture, moved, ship of ground and orchard. rr ■ ■ GROUND SQUIRRELS Mrs Sam C. Small Claytne. N- M . write». ped. parked, stored Phone 124 Y ’’In January I wm taken rad with my kidneys etc. Easy terms. 1111 East A Every person, firm, co-partnership, and biadder I bad been in bed two mootba. street. Grants Pass. Ore. bet kept gett’cl worae Then I fint ao bad »«fflW company or corporation, residing on. ItEAl, ESTATE thtrf had to be dor.e. We coticed an advertise* roent in tae Cloyton Newt tor Foley K dr.ey owning, leasing, occupying, possess FOR MALE CHEAP—20 acres, on e t M c K instry , «03 a st., phone Pilia and we aent f**? tome. They have do e me rural route. Near school. For ing or having charge of or dominion more than all the medicine 1 bare taken. 355-R, real estate Best of soils for 1 am oetter tbao I bare bees tor years. particular* write or see B. F. Cox. over any land, bulldiDg, wharves or fruit, hay or general farming Rd. 2, Box 93. 34 ditches Infested with digger ground ROY HI (KI INS--General real estate THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON squirrels in Josephine County, Ore- FOR SALE—Cow manue, $2.25 per Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 69. | gon, is hereby notified to begin at COAST RAILROAD COMPANY load delivered anywhere in (own. SEE BAIJJNGER * HI’LL for farm, once to effectively exterminate and l^ave orders at AV. J. Teal’s lunch Time Card city and business property. 10 and destroy all such digger ground squir wagon ■ 34 Effective Nov. 24, 1919 11 Flanagan Bldg. Phone 284 rels Trains will run Mondays, Wednes- FOR SALE On«- Pianist Junior sell Poisoned barley may be secured AtX’OI NT.ANT days and Fridays er, cultivator complete with all at Leave Grants Pass................. 1 P.M. from the county agent tachments. including plows, etc. Al’DITING, Systematizing, Financial 2 PM. Arrive Waters Creek. Notice Is published pursuant to Practically new. $15, J. L. John- Statements Ivan Livingston. In-« Leave Waters Creek. .2:30 P.M. the statute in such case made and son. Rd. 1, Box 57. corporate Accountant, Granta Pass P.M. 2 >4 miles Arrive Grants Pass.............. 4 provided for two consecutive weeks For information regarding freight north, on Louse creek road. 34 DRESHMAKINft and passenger rates call at the office or three issue» and all persons des FORD —Jgite model, will »ell or DfiHHSAkTNG -Plain and fancy, of the company, Lundburg building, cribed therein are required to take trade for horses or cattle. See R. or telephone 131. notice thereof. tailoring, remodeling and hand E. Richmond at Rogue River, Dated and first published this 3rd work. Phone 128-R, or call at Ore. 35 day of March. 1921. 249 W. I St. 33 FOR SALE One mare seven years ROY E. MILLER. MRS. W. R. SWOAPE’S dressmaking old, weight about 1150 lbs. and 16tf County Agent, Josephine Co. parlor» over Kinney & Truax. single buggy and harness or will Room 3. acrons hall from o;«era trade for heavier horse. Must be house. Call and get estimates, or good to pull and not over ten phone 506. years old. W. J. Evans, Murphy, \Vh«*n Will Grants Poss People l.-arn OOME TRY OCR 75c TALLE Ore. NURHERY STOCK ______________________ 36 the Importance of It? DF. HOTE LUNCH AND DIN Backache is only a simple thing at FOR SALE—Half-ton truck, engine Nl’RflERY Highest grade fruit, NERS. first; in good shape. This is a snap, shade, nut trees—also berries and But If -oil find ’til from the kid look It over Address W. Atte- ornamental In variety. Albany neys; 12 to 1 :30 Lundi. berry, Rd 1, Box 4, on Merlin Nurseries (Branch) 860 North That serious kidney troubles may follow; road.____________________________ 35 Seventh street. Grants Pass 5:30 to H Dinner That dropsy or Bright’» disease SEED WHEAT ’ for sale. Bl ILD1NG CONTRAtTORH may be the fatal end. Inquire of Warren D Mee, Apple You will be glad to know the fol HARPER ft SON—Building contrac gate, Ore. 35 lowing experience. tors. Shop work, furniture crating. ’Tis the Maiement of a Grant» Pass FOR SALE BY dffXKH 4«i acre Xin%’ AND SIKXIM, HXNh BAK* Shop 510 H St. Ren phone 14 2. GAINS—’.New. Simmon*» Be<l*, lu-lb. citizen. ranch. 25 acres under ditch with Mrs. Anna Orme, 200 S. 3rd St A. J GREEN—-General contractor. cotton m.’ittresM*«. oak ini ng < hairs, say»- "I used Doan'» Kidney Pills water right. 6 acres in alfalfa, Estimates and plan» made Noth- bed eprinxs traveling ba«s several times when my kidneys good Improvements, close to school or too large. Shop i Ing too small troubled me and they always helped at lower pric«*«*. *Jnd also 5% mile, to town Address Rd. 211 Sixth St. Phone 375-L 92tf at bargain prices». Something to cover me. I had attacks of kidney com ___ 1, ____ Box 7 2B. Rogue River. Ore i plaint and felt tired out and run that rough floor. A 9x12 fl<M>r cov down. J had no energy and often FOR SALE— 33-acre ranch? P! ANO INSTHI < T ION mllo» erings new. S1O.MO. Phone 71. ha«l dizzy spells. My kidneys didn't south of Grants Pass. 15 acres MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, instruc act right at all and my limbs and an- rleared. 6-room bungalow, all good tor on piano; studio over Barn«*«’ kies were swollen. I used Doan’» outbuildings, good well, 2 acres Jewelry Phone 265-.T Kidney Pills from Slover’B Durg pear orchard, small home orchard, Store and they were what I needed first class water right. For sale tin State Road Work — Doan's soon relieved all signs of the by owner, W. G. White, 404 E trouble.” County Commissioner McFadden Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t street 50 is now employed with the state high simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that FOR SALE Everbearing strawberry way, work north of town, directing plants, cheap G. W Jones. 340 the grading upon the Pacific hlgh- Mrs. Orme had Foster-Milburn Co., 401 G STREET Mfrs., Buffalo, N Y. 10th and J streets KU 101 & 105 N. 6th Í Here’s Help M pieyjgdney pills B. S. Dedrick & KIT lût») to Plat Lae) to Pay i in: mi sic i moro mu si JoMi'pliln*', and l><*l Nori«» < «Hint I«--* **♦»!<' nui m .llU Nationally Prk ad Th« pries« us th* a a tn • to cvsryhody, • varywhara in the U.S. Th»», modal« i Grants Pass, Ore . m , «*> S.U.I • ho>. <»• •» ». am «Uu «a«r U« P«4T •»•»«* —wUb iipitMl.'i riu LB 11 AN SEN Player-Piano MORA PUMPS THE WORLD’S GREATEST PUMP Means More Money to You Do You Want to Save $70.00 III • If mi li-t ui ««how you the new < tn-v • miet I*ro|Me*UI«>n. W. S. Maxwell & Co CHEVROLET CARS NASH Count’s Feed Store Grain, Flour, Feed and Seeds KI 4-510 J HTREET GRANTS PASH ORE. — TEL.IOI ALL KINDS OF FEED« GRAIN SEEDS FIELD HEEDS Come In and look over one of the largcet »lock» In Houtliem Oregon Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effective Oct. 25, 1920 Daily anti .Sunday LEAVE L Grants Pass GRANTS PASS MEI Waiting Room 10:00 a. m. 10:01 a. m. Bonbonniere ni t:OO p. DI. 1:0* p. 4.80 p. m. 4:8< P« n>. Phone 160 We connect with stage« for Ashland nn<l Jacksonville JOSEPHINE HOTEL CAFE New Mattresses and furniture E. W. C HI LES Prove We specialize on the Ei«»ctrlc of Automobile» there SPECIALISTS: Equipment fore we claim that wo enn rondor better Korvlco than the concern that □N THESE handles everything Being specialists wo taka pride In our work It 1» the kind of service that relieves you of all worries and doubts. Wo repair ANYTHING Electrical. ADAMS ELECTRIC AND IIATTERY SHOP ProM-O-Lito Battery Station Phono «Ml 500 So. Oth St Replace the shabby top with a light. ea»>-to-handle »«»«atticr- proof one now. Kmart looking, serve entile t«i|m— perfect fitting an«l ln«|«r«*v i»»g llu« car’« ha«ks- n wide choice In ma terials a ii«I colors. OUR PRICER LOWEST