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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1921)
IHM* IATEI* PREMI* SERVICE VOL. XL, X<». 121*. GKA.XTH PAHH, JOHEITII.X'E COUNTY, OHWiOV, U EDXEHDA Y, MAIUII 23, 1091. WHOLE NUMBER 3'233. T MOVING ENTIRE CITY UNITED STATES ». 1 -■ DIE IN BATTLE ; -X 'Z ■ : j !•> » 3 *4* M « ■4L I q SEND DELEGATES FROM MOSCOW f/a BETMTI» l.<* XI II' AND ZIMMER ADMINISTRATION 111 ILDIXGS IX hexten « ed to terms ix »it x i M ».NY OF THE LEADING (ITI EH PRISON AKE SEIZED FROWN mitrEh ARE FIRED UP ON FROM A FARMHOl'M WHILE MAKING SEAIUH The glguntle task of moving an en tire city Is slowly nearing completion In Minnesota. The city of Hibbing which had reached 10.000 population with substantial brick buildings and a street car line. Is being moved to a < With "Illegal » «sumption Botili» unii hymuiiitc Are Used in new site to permit the mining of rich Eight Are Killed and Twenty Wound deposits of Iron ore upon wnlch it of Power" in Atu-nipt at Am*t W r» king < ourtlioUMv. and Police ed in Fight That laut» for stands. The photograph shows a of Itrnfc Evuder Il •■sul. i ilajU T* Eight Hours three-story hotel being moved on steel tractor rollers to New Hlhhlng. Mrs. C. J. McLeod Is ths attractive Mosbach, Baden, Mar 23. —(A. Berlin, Mar. 23.— (A. P.)—Com Cork. Mar. 23.—(A. P.)—Six d- wife of Representative C. J. McLeod vilians were killed in the Blarney of Michigan, youngest member of the P. >- -Oarl Neuf and Franz Zimmer. munist workers today seized the ad American detective* »er» sentenc«,-«! ministration buildings of Blohm and district, County Cork, this morning kouse of representatives. to prison toduy for "illegal assutn;>-| Voss shipyards in Hamburg, hoisting in a battle when the crown forces Bon of power" in attempting the ar the red flag, says a dispatch Work were fired upon from a farm house. rest and abduction of Grover Cleve ers from other shipyards quit work The military was searching for want land Bergdoll, American draft evad and organized demonstrations ed men when attacked. er, lh Mberbach, last January. Netif, Hamburg communists seized the who was charged with wounding a city administration buildings in Ro Dublin, Mar. 23.—(A. Pj—iA po young woman by firing a revolver dewisch. The city hall was wrecked1 Allien Must Sim IMvide on «' oui - m - to lice inspector and eight men were during the attempted abduction, was by a bomb. City administration I’urwue Following Germany’s Ac ambushed near Dingle yesterday and sentenced to 15 month*. Zimmer to buildings in Auerbach, Freiberg and. tion on Itcparwtion ' the ensuing fight lasting three hours six month* Dresden were damaged by dynamite Ml.-g.-i. Xew York Bank l'n»i<l«su ended disastrously for the attacking In Leipsic, Dresden, Rodewisch ; Tlmt Irulhui Guille I» Father of party, eight of whom were killed and and other cities In central Germany.’ tlilld of M If.- Paris, Mar. 23.—(A. P.»—Ger- 20 wounded. Three of the police communist* directed efforts against WiHxlini-n nt ll«>guc lUxcr— court bouses, city halls, public banks’ many is replying to the recent ulti- were slightly wounded, Quite a party of local Woodmen and police headquarters. A bomb matum of the allied reparations com « of th» World went to Rogue iRiver (A exploded in Leipsic courthouse today,; mission, refused to pay a billion gold, last evening where they entertained P Mrs blowing off the roof, breaking all marks due today, and disputes the; the Inhabitants with an entertain-, commission’s figures showing a bal-| windows and wrecking the lobby. Anna I’. Stillman, wife of Janie* a ment and social evening, the pur ance of twelve billion marks due May 1 ----------------------------------- Stillman, bunk president, was the pose of which was to advertise and 1st. The German note maintains the On Trnil of Auto Thieve*— mother of a child by an Indian guide, make friends for the local lodge | were made In the supreme court to The police officials are making twenty billion marks which the trea The Nielson family furnished much day by Stillman's counsel during pre headway in their investigations of ty provided should be handed over of the entertainment As a result of liminary argument* In the divorce recent auto thefts in the city, and a by May 1st is more than paid. th« evening a numiter of new applica Germany's refusal to pay is deem suit which Stillman brought I*e- group of boys that is being ques tion.* for membership In the order Berlin. Mar. 23.—(A. P.)—Mar laniey NT nil. Stillman's attorney, tioned has about cleared up the lat ed a violation of the peace treaty was received said Stillman m ist either acknow est theft of this kind >A confession and the allies must now determine, riage licenses are being utilized tor profiteering by Germans. The mar ledge the child as a member of hls( is said to have been made by a couple what measures will be taken. riage “profiteer” developed out of of the boys, and arrest of the ring fainlh or repudiate it as Illegitimate <<iv«-r Birthday l*inn<T— the situation which has made neces leader is expected as a development and felt It his duty to the family and Mr and Mrs Clarence Rice entetv of the day Th» officers are making sary the strict “rationing" of hous the children to press the matter to a ing space. A married couple or a tained w ith a birthday dinner In hon a strenuous effort to bring an end to conclusion I pair about to be married may obtain or of Mrs Fred C. Collins at their this kind of work, and the guilty par Mr* Stillman's counsel replied permission to occupy certain rooms that when the case is tried "she will home on D street last evening. Din tie* will no doubt be pretty severely by presentation of the marriage ner was serve«! at 7. after which all prove her denial of all allegations of dealt with I license to the housing office present enjoyed music and cards un Warsaw, Mar 23 i A P> -Po Infidelity made by Stillman " Mr. and Mrs J. W Mislin. who til a late hour Those present were: Jt has been discovered that many llsh statesmen are trying lo find a George Berry. Mr and Mrs James have been visiting their cousins. Mr. —ay, to build up a fleet of merchant A very unusual entertainment will marriage licenses have been issued K. Manuel. Mr and Mrs Frank L. J and and Mrs. Mr*. O. G. W. Gross. for the last vessels to ply the seven seas Pushed be given in Waldorf hall on Wednes to men and women who have no in Coleman. M and Mrs Fred C. Col-, four months, left this morning for day evening, March 30th, when the tention to marry but, having secured back from the salt water when Po line and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rice their home In Spokane. land lost her Independence and ff aa University of Oregon orchestra, of 25 the license: and the permission to membort will give a' concert' follow«! ‘’«’W th® number of rooms allotted laindon, Mar 23 -(A. P.)—Riga partitioned by Prussia. Russia and Austria, the new republic, by th» reports say that two soviet armies by a dance. The most unusual fea- i to married persons, sell the "permis treaty of Versailles, was granted an near Pakov are In disorder and t he ture of the entertainment will be; sion" to married folks or others who soldier* are deserting In crowds outlet to the Baltic. that the whole orchestra will play need rooms and cannot find them. The officials say some profitable The Polish government Is aiding for several of the dances, an almost business has been done, but that the the private concerns to finance the unheard of thing outside of I’ORTiaXI* M CRUETS practice is being stopped by keeping operation of several vessels plying city. chiefly betw.M'n English. French and The local management of the en- I a watch on those to whom marriage 1. *• Holland ports Other firms are ex Potland. Mar 23. -.A >•' ■ tertainment will be under L. L. 0ar. licenses are granted and withdraw- 9 wjU ing permission to occupy rooms un tending the service to America stock, steady; eggs, weak ; butter. Anchorage. Alaska. Mar. 23.—(A. with the temperature 40 below. A ter, a university alumnus, He less the marriage is performed. Poland’s ministry of war has Just steady. P.)— More than 1100 miles of Alas short distance from Nenana the’ direct the undertaking for the stu- Marriages, however, eclipsed all purchased four monitors as th« ka winter snow trails were covered driver met with an accident and Dr.( dent body of the university. previous records in the last year. foundation of the Vistula fleet, Six The concert given by the orchestra I recently by Dr J. B Beeeon, an An Beeson took his first lesson in mush The number has increased two-fold torpedo boats, assigned to Poland by chorage government railroad phy ing. Reaching a cabin 23 mile« on., before the dance will be the full pro fold the council of amba.sNador*. formerly sician, by dog team in what probably an Indian took him 58 miles to the gram given in the other tpwns in- °Ter over the marriages during the war, having been a part of Germany's I was one of the longest profe*sional next post. Here a horse was tried eluded in the Southern Oregon tour nor- naval forces, are now undergoing re 1 trip* ever made by a doctor In re but could make no time so dogs were which the organization is making. A which fell to less than half the mal number. pairs In England. program such as only an orchestra sponse to a call from a sick bed. It pressed into service. "Many young folks today are get- A navy bureau of the ministry of was a race to save the life of Claude Arriving at Tolovana. on the trail can give has been arranged. It will ting married here simply to get a trnde and Industry has been formed Baker, a banker of Iditarod. and Dr to the Yukon, late at night, the doc include several novelty instrumental room cheaply,” said a Berlin official. by the Polish government and a Th»> April term of the circuit court Beeson wo*. tor changed drivers and left at 11 numbers as well as a number of "The cost of the dwelling is cut in naval school has been established at will convene on the 11th day of the Once on the trip the temperature o'clock down the trail over the Ice full orchestra selections. Tchef, or Tczew (Polish spelling! on i month, and the following Jury list of the Tanana river. It was dark, The principal soloist will be Frank half by the marriage of a man and woman both of whom are working. the Vistula Just outside the limits of for senice at the term has been dropped to 50 degrees below zero and the wind was blowing a gale and the Jue, a Chinese lyric tenor He will the biting winds made going hard They also feel they can cooperate the free city of Danzi*. The course drawn dogs followed the trail by memory sing the same songs that caused him of the academy Is to lie conducted W. M. William*. Dryden, farmer; part of the way for the relays of Nearing Fort Gibbon, the driver went to be called back again and again at ■ to some advantage in the matter of "musher*" and dog teams who wait- food, which is a serious problem.” along linotx of modern English naxal H. W. Phillips, Grunts Pass, retired: 1 into water up to his knees and at a concert given last Friday evening schools, an English naval mission 1 J. F. Sargent. Seim*, farmer; H. B. i »d for Dr. Beeson every 30 to 50 Gibbon found he had frozen two in the Portland municipal audi-i having spent some time In .Poland Kitterman, Kerby, farmer; C. R. Wll- ' miles along the route. At one place toes. Dr Beeson gave tjim medical torium. assltlng the new government In In marth, Grants Pass, farnn-r; A. D. the doctor had to climb out of his attention and then took to a bed at A large jazz orchestra selected for] ' sleigh and change places with his dog auguratlng Its program. | Ijehntan, Golden, farmer; Glaus 8 o'clock at night Arising at four their "jazz" ability will furnish the 'driver, who had suffered an Injury, Schmidt, (¡rants Pats, merchant; W ; the next morning he was off, with a music for the dances not played for and. on another stretch the doctor It. York, Murphy, farmer; C. E. musher and 13 dogs, for Birches , by the whole orcheetra. covered 512 miles with but one 1 Wise, (Granta Pass, Rd. 1, farmer; From Birches another relay carried The orchestra toured the Coos bay J night's rest in bed. J, C Kincaid, Grants Pass, farmer; him 40 miles to Cockrinee. where an towns last spring and has received i Off on the long trail, Dr. Beeson Indian, sensing the spoting feature particularly Pete t'lrzer, Hugo, farmer; Daniel favorable comments ■ Rio de Janeiro. Mar. 23.—(A. P.) I Peterson, farmer; J. E. Peterson, loft Anchorage January 2 4. When of the race, piloted the doctor over wherever It has been heard. A con-! Grants Pass, retired: W. W. Penny, the call came that Baker was dying, the 30 miles to Ruby In four hours cert and dance similar to the one to —As a result of a number of bomb trip be given in Grants Pass was given in I explosions in various parts of the city Harper, a government train was given the Similar relays completed the Hugo, farmer; Harry F. Grants .Pa**, dork; A. iB. Reagan, right of way ao It could rush Dr. from Ruby to Iditarod. I Eugene last fall and the house was J during the last few months, the gov Going In It took five days and ten so crowded that there was hardly ernment is taking stem measures to Rerlin, Mar. 23.— (A. P.)—Once Selma. farmer; Charles A. Rose, Wil- Beeeon to the end of the railroad to the chief producer of radium, Ger llama. farmer; L. G. Patterson, start him on his way. On the train hours, On the way back the doctor room to dance, however, everyone curb the activities of alleged foreign anarchists and bolshevikl many now has barely enough to meet Grants Paas, laborer; Ed L. Schmidt. with him was Bill Corey, dog driver, made the trip In 14 days, He took a [ enjoyed themself. President Pessoa has just signed a the medical needs of the great uni Grants Paas, ltd. 2, farmer; A. D. with a racing team of setters and different route, part of which was decree providing for heavy punish Masons Initiate — malamutes. Across an 84-mlle gap glacier, and was piloted by across a Reed, Grants Paas, Rd. 2, farmer; versities. There is only one gram A large delegation of Masons from ment for persons propagating sub of radium In all Berlin, and propor II. F. Woodstock. Grants Pas*. Rd 4, in the railroad the dog team rushed taonard Seppala, noted racing dog Medford was in this city last evening versive doctrines as well as those tionately even less at Heidelberg and farmer; Joseph Wolke. Grants Pass, the doctor. A few miles out the mal- driver. Dr. Beeson, hack at his desk here, * to assist in the initiation of a number connected with or Inciting bomb out retired; Fred Roper, Grunts Pass, imutes gave out and the setters fin other university cities. said the trip was just what he need- . of candidates in the blue lodge. Sup rages. Tho shortage is said to bo due to ltd 4, Tailor; E. J. Spence, Kerby, ished tho run. Meetings held under false pre An engine and caboose were wait ed “ \rrangemonts were made ahead per was served at 6 o’clock, and the the fnct that karnothlt, used in the farmer; W. <’. Harmon. Grants Puss, followed tenses may be d'^solved and those re manufacture of radium. Is no longer farmer; James A. Syeferth, Kerby, ing nt Healy, where they met the of me along the line for drivers and work and social session illroad again. To Nenana the iloc- not a man failed. Tt'Xvas wonderful, The new club room recently equip-1 sponsible imprisoned. The govern Imported from America. The Ger-1 blacksmith; Jefferson Pence, Wil ir was nrrled by the locomotive and the spirit of the mushers an<T their ped by the local Masons on the sec-; ment is empowered to close up so mans -av the United Stntes could IlnniH, farmer; W. ,1. Russell, Grants ’ ft srameness.” bo said. “T now have n ond floor of Masonic Temple, was cieties and organizations whose ac Pirna, laborer; Luther N. Wyatt, supply plenty of karnothlt, hut In ened for the first time last tion is oppo-ed to the public good I 11 flue san . of pals nil along the line." also view of the low pur basin ; power . i Trants I’.-sa, chauffer; C. A. Packer, : on A ehnn 'o of climate was recommend night. Tho rooms are well equipped! and dissolution of such bodies may the mark the Germans cannot afford Grnnts Pass, laborer; Lewis Hostet [for th so ial use of the members. be ordered by the courts. ver. ed by the doctor for Mr. Baker. to buy It. lor, Grant* Pass, laborer. Washington. Mur 23 (A P > Early consideration Is to Im «Iven the relations between the United State* and sollet Russia, the state depart ment Indicated Certain moillfca- Iton* of the Wilson administration ruling* uro already considered or made In event of agreement by the Unit ed States to treat with the soviet government. It *•« Indicateli no technical bar* would be placed against entry Into the Unit»*! States of a delegation which u Mos ow wlrebms dispatch to Ixindon said the bolshevikl proposed sending here to negotiate a trad« agreement It al so <levlo|HHl u slightly broader view had been taken by the *tate depart ment regarding passport* Official confirmation of famine's '!>■ larntlon of hl* renunciation of tnanv prin ciples of bolshevism, which he said had proved failures, will be one of base* on which American official* will base a study of the Russian quest Ion REFUSAL TO PAY TREATY VIOLATION APRIL COURT TERM