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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1921)
t’olverslty ut Or*. Librar» raids pass Oath Courier «j>>> « r * > lbK4M'IATHI> irtiL'ua l’KEMM o HEKVICK luu/M <r t mt?!! wj GRAN TH I'AHH. JOHEl’HINE BOUNTY, ORMO», Tl END AY, MAI« OIL WELL AT EL DORADO MRS. MAUD WOOD PARK IRRHnTED IN RIO DE J INTERO AND BROUGHT BACK FOR IN- YHsTIGATlON TARIFF lin|Htrt«iit Qumticxis for <'otishb-rii- lion by the Xi w lilinhili>lrnU< n Are Notivi M'ashlnxton. Mar 22 (A. P. I The proclomatlon cAnvonlng eon- •rr*'»» In special session at noon on today by April 11 th wus l»»i tariff and President Harding principal tat revision will tie congress. subjects Imfor» the but many other Important subjects l>r<»b including the transportation 1am. regulation of packing und coal Industries, and immigration restric tion are expected to bo taken up. None of the subjects to lie considered were mentioned in the president's call, which said public Interest» re quire that congress I m < convened "to rw-elve such communications as may be made by the executive " Z" H'sa l*ciiutn<l<vl by the Entonte i First Payment on tin- Rtqmratlon < ibligntion One <»f Fleet of Elevon Aulhorizml in ll»IO Will Carry Eight Mvteen- Im h Gun* Berlin, Mar P.j—Ger Camden, N J., Mar. 22.—(A. P ) many's reply to the entente demand The superdreadnaught Colorado for payment before March 23rd of | was launched at the New York Ship 1,000,000,000 gold marks, to apply I building Corporation yard here on the reparation obligation, will be day. negative, it was unofficially stated i The Colorado is the second of the today. (Continued on Page 2) Wall Street Explosion of I-ast Year Is Being Probed by the Depart ment of Justice New Orleans. Mar. 22.—(A. P.) — Five men, shackled hand and foot, were brought here today from Rio de Janerio on the steamer Rushville. They are said to be wanted in connec* tion with the Wall street bomb ex plosion of last year. They were ar The various organizations of women rested on the steamer City of Alton In this country are preparing to see while working as members of the that national legislation in which ¿hey crew and put in prison at Rio de Jan are Interested is kept in the fore eiro where the Rushville picked them ground. Mrs. Maud Wood Park of the up. National League of Woman Voters has El Ikirndo, Ark., la attracting a been elected chairman of the woman’s great deal of attention becauae of the joint congressional committee organ- big oil And there, following the dls- Washington, Mar 22.—(A. P.) — iced for that purpose by representa- «•every of gn« In great quantities, The 1 of six national organizations of Chief Flynn of the department of lives pliotognfph shows the first of the sue- • -ex The committee that Is arranging] Eugene, Ore., Mar. 22.—(A. P.) — women. cessful »ill wells, which Is now pr>e for the exhibit of minerals from Jo justice bureau of investigation, said Plans are being made for entertain during 23.00U barrels a day the five men at New Orleans are be sephine county at the international ment of hundreds of ‘delegates ex ing investigated in conection with mining convention to be held at Port pected to attend the annual conven PoRTl.tND 'I lllhl TN the Wall street explosion, but no land next month has obtained the tion of the department of Oregon, evidence has yet been found connect quarters formerly used by the Grants American Legion, which will be Portland. Mar 22 «API 4'at ing them with it. Pass Banking company In which to held here July 1 and 2. Ben F. Dor 11 tin, steady, hogs, firm; shenp, assemble the display. \H the heav ris. commander of the local post has lower, east of mountain lambs 17 50 ier sumples of the base ores should . been namer committee chairman, Southern Pacific Agent Isham has to |8 25. eggs demoralised, butter be delivered at this point. the high and hag worked out a program along returned from Salem where he visit ■toady. grad« ores and nuggets to be given with the executive committee of the ed over the week end. He states Into the < are of the committee or I-ane County post and directors of End of Slump in the Price of Eggs that busines in the north is showing turned over to a bank some improvement, and that tAere is the Eugene Chamber of Commerce. Is Thought to Be Not Yet in Sight riveli ll'-l-'l M’-li MIN Resist In- One of the Interesting exhibits There will be a fishing trip up the a more optimistic spirit among the in Portland <rMM> of lint«-* .nui Mill Tomlcr brought in yesterday was that of the McKenzie river, a musical show, • business men I’aynient nt OI<1 Rate lime stones and »hale from the Cha- boxing matches, parade and automo- ney creek and M'illiams deposfts. bile drives. The fun is scheduled to Portlapd. Mar. 22.—(A. P.)—The These were brought in by C. C W , start the evening of June 30. An In- larger buyers are offering 18c for Courtney From Chaney creek the ( Portland, Mar. 22. — I A. P I The itlation of the "Forty-eighth" the Portland city coun II late yesterday llnte stone and shale sire found in highest degree of legionism will be eggs, and predicted 15c before the Honolulu. Mar. 2 2. t A P. > end of the week, owing to the heav asked the governor to instruct the tho same mountain. In Inexhaustible I held that night. Differences of opinion have been de iest supplies of years with no ship- attorney generaFto take steps for a quantity, making it an Ideal location1 veloped between the leaders of the ¡ping outlet, The public market is I rehearing of the telephone rate case for a cement plant, and the lime ' EXPECT PACKERS' DISPUTE Japanese community in Hawaii and selling eggs at 2 6c. It is reported and Invited other cities to Join Port- from there, as from Williams. Is of! MTI.I. SOON RE ADJUSTED I that storage operators cannot the territorial department of public get land In the flght Oregon hotel men almost chemical purity. The report Instruction over administering the financial assistance The directors of the Chamber of of the United States geological sur decided to tender payment for ser Washington. Mar. 22.—(A. P.l — new foreign language school law Commerce met last night and organ vice at old râtes and fight through vey states that there Is ore limestone ] Agreement between the packers and Tile law, which was passed last ized for the work of the year, this other coun tho courts any attempt of the com In Josephine than in any —................. ....... employes through which the present AIIJV November and which was expected to 4 IQ being the initial meeting of the re- pany to cut off service until final ty in the state, and perhaps In the and other disputes will be antic- end the sometimes bitter discussion ably adjusted was forecast todav a ••Ul’lnll UULl 10 cently elected board Included in settlement before tho public service entire of the Japanese language s hool the projects which the board will commission. They also adopted a short time before the second confer-. | nir All] --------------------- question provides that teachers In give immediate attention will be the resolution asking the commission I lyr 11 |M I Dr <’ D Clark, of Portland, is In once of spokesmen for both sides such schools shall be examined In highway to the cavee. the county fair for a rehearing of the case with Secretary of Labor Davis LITL will the city today the English language as to their and the display at the international qualifications for the tusk mining convention. With the assur- EN«.I NEER KILLED M HEX Around this point centers the pres TRAIN Iti NN INTO SLIDE Tokio. Mar. 22.—(A. P.l Com anc® of th® state highway commis- ent argument The territory I., Issu men ting on the movement to give > sion that it stood ready to cooperate ing temporary certificate« to all Jap Portland. Mar 22. < A. 1’1 — I women the right to attend political with the bureau of public roads of anese language school teachers, but Patrick B Coyne, engineer, was kill-] , meetings the Yorodzu says it has the agricultural department in the insists that they come up for exami od last night when a Spokane-Port-] been frequently asked how long the , 1 building of the road to the caves, the nation again In a year, at which I land-Senttle train for Bend ran Into' Japanese are going to treat half board instituted a campaign to bring time they will lie held to the letter a slide near Lyle. M'ash., caused by heartedly those questions haring for . this matter to a focus, the bureau of the law The Japanese contend a cloud burst. The engine toppled ' their object the elevation of the so having agreed last year to its part that this is not "liberally construct New York. Mar. 22.—(A. p ■ cause of his medical training. Every cial and political position of women of the program. A committee was over and Coyne was crushed to Ing" the law as Is specified shall be Claiming virtually to have broken wing of the metropolitan police de There are some who argue that the appointed to bring this to the atten death The fireman escaped by done. Jumping. No cars left the track and the back of the illicit drug trade in partment was coordinated, working enfranchisement of women in Japan tion of the proper authorities in Japanese circles assert that carry New York City, in a four months' in conjunction with the federal no passengers were hurt is premature, considering that even Portland and see that there is no ing out of the present program of drive Special Deputy Police Commis- agents. In consequence, "the fear" manhood suffrage has not yet become hitch in the plan now that both have tho department of public Instruction agreed At the instance of the board, E L Davis, representing the Ham i «loner Carleton Simon today declar has been spread through the army an accomplished fact. will mean killing the Japanese lang telegrams were sent last night to the llton Beach carpet washer, is In the. ed war on an International ring of venders It should be remembered, however, uage nchools by cutting off their city from Medford, and will remain which he charges Is responsible for Before he assumed his job. Dr. that the withholding of manhood suf Portland business men who had teachers. 99 per cent of whom either here for several days In his line of illegal distribution of dope through Simon said traffic In drugs in New frage is as unreasonable as denying pledged support to the road to use will fall to -pass the examinations or out the United States. their influence toward the getting of - work York had reached an amazing stage. it to women. ■will refuse to be examined to avoid immediate action. In the anti-narcotic drive here His first move was to seek to clean The newspaper continues: "There tho humiliation of being rejected. The board also made arrange ' more than 1,000 arrests have been up New York then aid In solving the are a large number of women in this On tho basis of this nrgument the made and millions of dollars worth drug vending problem in other cities country who as the heads of business ments for the reestablishment of the Japanese contend tho teachers should ' of drugs seized. —a resultant evil of the situation houses, employ many men and wom weekly luncheon that had previous be given five year certificate«. -Although the illegal drug trade here. en and pay a large share of the ly been so popular in creating ln- On tho question of teachers' cer has been broken Dr. Simon asserted Squads of special men were spread taxes: bnt suffrage is withheld from i terest in the work of the chamber. tificates tho law says, "The depart i the work of his bureau is not only to to all parts of the greater city, ex them simply because they are wom | It is expected that the first luncheon ment shall satisfy Itself that such a continue here but is to be enlarged pert mon being picked to patrol the en This Is especially nnfalr in a ' will be held next Monday noon, when tonchor Is possessed of the Ideals of to meet the problems In other big lower East Side where vendors were country like Japan, where the quali i the subject for discussion will be the democracy, knowledge of American Constantinople, Mar. 22.— (A. P.) cities In America and abroad even using school children as "go- fications of voters are determined work of the chamber and the per history and Institutions and how to fecting of the program for the work The Russian bolsheviki occupied by the amount of taxes paid. By means of an international between" to supply addicts. read, write «nd «penk tho English of the season. language; provided, however, that Batum after the Turks had evacuated bureau of criminal records now be Constant watch was kept on In-j “That all the bills regarding wom President Blanchard last night an pillaged ing establlnhed. all data concerning coming ships where alleged smug- en meet with indifferent treatment In tho provision concerning knowledge tho city. The bolsheviki nounced committees to have charge drug crooks is to be ready for cities glers were resorting to all manner of of English ehnll be Ilhornlly con the town, (Continued on pane 2.1 of phases of the work now pressing. whore "loads" pointing to New York tricks to "sneak" the narcotics Into strued during tho two years after The highway comtttee will be In this act goes Into effect; and pro-1 might be uncovered, the commission this country. Arrests of persons on charge of F. S. Bramwell, as chair er said. Recently he added. Ant- the docks revealed drugs hidden in vlded. further that the object of this man. he to name his own committee. i werp pollco had requested Informa- artificial arms and limbs: In sau set Is to regulate and not to prohib The caves road comrwttee will be it the conducting of foreign language I tlon concerning an alleged leader of sages and clothing. Once the antl- Geo. Sabin. Wllford Alien and Sam the international ring. It was shown narcotk’ forces were working syste schools nnd tho teaching of foreign Baker. A civic improvement com by moans of Information furnished matically and arrests became fre- languages. mittee was provided for, and Amoi j by New York that the man had police qnent. the situation soon gave evl- ’ Williams will head this, to select his ¡records in I«ondon, Paris, Brussels dence of being cleared up. I, titoli lTOUT F.NPLONION aides from the chamber membership. and Now Orleans nnd had served | IN II RES COLLEGE PROFESSOR The almost daily aids in the city El Paso. Texas. Mar. 22.—(A. P.) prison sentences at various places' reach d a climax recently in Brook Federal Prob hition \gents S E aggregating 20 years lyn w! . ,n agents entered an ni mrt- Beckett and trch Woods wore hot Fonemi of M inford Bocock— "We made mont, arr ■sted several persons nnd to death early today when prol The body of Winford Bocock ar four months ■s worth thousands of dol- seized rived th mornin .r from Montana, HI ranch heretofore." lerma lars. great majority arrt and fun tl services were held at near I curbstone" vendors. el. st 2'30 o'clock. W MAN R 1 M 1 te X