WKDNWGVAY, MAMV4 I«. 1*1 ■ I PER52NXIL «S? LOCAL Successes We are interested in you and your success, because our success depends upon you and your success, and the success of the community de pends upon all of us. Our interests are mutual. Call and see us. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK s I > '1 OF HOITHERN ORUGON HERE TODAY THE SHOW YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR When a Crook turns Cop Let the Crooks watch out! —And when Bill Hart plays this virile role in this big ] u watch out for some smash I Bill Hart IN The Cradle of Courage” See the terrific battle between Bill Hart and Tom Santschi—the hardest man to man fight in the history of Barbary Coast. NO RAISE IN PRICES FRIDAY Billie Burke KLENZO Liquid Antiseptic A Wonderful Antiseptic for Combatting G'rmi Treating Pyotriiea Throat Gargle CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS 2 reels to laugh at known as “B LONDES Hear "The Religion of laughter." March 17. and laugh. 34 R. C. Barclay, of Eugene, was a Tuesday visitor in Granta Pass. j "Klll-thesBluee" Cope. March 17, | high school. 34 .Mr. and Mrs H. C. Barr were hers I from Ain Francisco Tuesday. Hear "The Man Who Made an I Army Laugh," March 17. 24 Mr. and .Mrs E. F Kirkpatrick. of Seattle, arrived in the city Tuesday. Second number Lyceum course. March 17 M W. H. Wallingford aad wife were here from Portland Tuesday. Let Cope drive away your "blues," 34 March 17. Anyone wishing to communicate with the Grants Pass and Crescent 30 City Stage Co., cal! 315-R. J. W. Colvin, who spent tae early days of the week in this city. has re turned to his home al the Rand ranger station below Gallce. Come to the high school. March , 8:15 p. m . and hear Herbert 24 I.«on Cope, the humorist. Ed. Laney a civil war veterans, stopped off in Grants Pass last even ing to visit with friends while re turning to his home st Pullman. Wash., after having spent tha winter in California. Mrs W. R Swoapes dressmaking parlors over Kinney A Truax, Room i No. 3, across hall from open hot.se Call and get estimates. or phone 32 , 506. Rev. Henry G. Hanson will preach in the Applegate schoolhouse next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, or immediately following Sunday school. Agent Gives* Spray Artvic«»— County Agent Miller advises that •praying with the lime-sulphur mlx- tnre proceed without delay, but he states that it is better from now on not to add the oil to the spray The fruit buds are developing very rapid ly, and are now most too far ad vanced to risk using the oil mlx- •ure. Up to this time, however. Mr. Miller states that it haa been desir able to add the oil. Attend Tonight— The special service at the Presby terian church. Special music. Good Bring your rousing song service. friends Time. 7:45. 27 JUST RECEIVED— Some Hand Made Easirm star Tonight— There will be a regular meeting of the Eastern Star tonight. Initiation and bu» I nee of importance Blue Bird Blouses i cm 1*1« Wpddsd Vutsalay EN ruing— l<eon tel Rsunslls, of Eugene, and Miss Alta Gentry, daughter of .Mr and .Mr» R. A. Gentry ot thia city, were married Tuesday evening 7:30 o'clock, at the realdence Judge JDclua Pollock, Judge Pollock officiating. IDr$. Hellie Peas Ur do ll«tii»llt< King (llXtTHJCS THAT MAKE THE MAN AN INDIVID1 VI. Me Don't Nerxl Io Toll A <>u— How we can play, you know! Im portal orchestra at the Waldorf hall Thursday. March 17. UhiHhee you »re a ><>ung liuto or otto ut lite older men, instead of wearing a civilian "uniform" fit your ixvwoualltjr a» nell aa your persoti. » e lect th« right fashion ami lite right fabric—In Matinee Daily 2 p. m.— Rivoli Theater. Church of the Nasa ro ne Rogue River Church of the Naz- arene will hold full gospel services tonight in the 8. B. A. hall (over Smith's Racket Store! at 7:30 o'clock, Public cordially Invited to attend. U E Fenton, pastor. At tiw» «ign of Ye Jolly Utt le Tellur T.AIIXMIING GEO S. CALHOUN HI «tren Yean lax-al Itealer Oregon <'a»aimere Hull*— For 323.50 you can purchase one of these new spring suits—guaran teed all wool at Peerlees Clothing NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Prices at Dally .Matinee— Rivoli Theater 3 p. m Local Man May Ge« in Bad— At the Elk's big initiation in ford tomorrow night. While hesitate to give the gentleman's name we believe we will be doing him no wrong in stating that he waa formerly a big league ball player and at thia time owns and operates a bil liard parlor on G street In this city When Interviewed today by a local reporter he staled that while he may get in bad when the big thing comes off tomorrow night he feels sure that in the end everything will turn I out OK. He also stated that he was positive his big league training would stand him in hand when he faces this huge band of ferocious Elks tomorrow night, Watch your step Jud! 27 New Spring Goods Arrive— Peerless Clothing Co. Shoes for the Family « JUST RECEIVED— Shipment of Hats and Caps for Men and Boys at WOODWARD’S 103 North 6th \*eg[ good» at rock bottom prices at Peerlees Clothing Co. 12tf » Manley Uimanl lletui Stanley W. Leonard. son of W. H. Leonard, has arrived home after having bad an interesting experience of travel since he left here in De cember. 1817, to serve his country in the scrap with Germany. After leaving the service, in which h” v served with the medical corps, he FRIDAY1 went to Canada, and was with the Billie Burke Canadian wheat board unltl recent- ly. 'being located at Toronto, He e:t- pects to now remain In the Rogue to attend Mg initiation at Medford valley. tomorrow night, March pth. No excuses will go. Be there. As an !Togre»*>i»e Literary ttrclrs— added attraction Ralph Hand, wrest The progressive Literary Circle ler from Gold Hill, will be on hand held another entertaining meeting at to give an interesting exhibition. the home of Mrs. E. Lewman on Hand is now in training for a match, i West G street. Subjects considered i with Ted Thye of Portland, for the were American citizenship, the lnau-| middleweight championship of the I gural, congressional news, and late' world. His training partner will be current events of special Importance I there with him Thursday night at ’ Five new members were present. The the Elks. Number of 'ocal men will | next meeting will be at the home of be initiated. Let's go! 27 Mrs. Frank Wilmarth, 214 West H street. Wednesday afternoon. March Delayed Blast Injur»”----- Pete Call, foreman of the.powder ' 23. at 2 o’clock. The program on crew working on the Tokay anal be that occasion will be two chapters of low the Savage Rapid- dam. was se- American citizenship, the president's vesely bruised about the arms yes I cabinet and an old fashioned spell- terday by the explosion of a delayed { ing contest. All Circle ladies are blast. All the loads In the rock had urged to come and bring their fired except one, and Mr. Call was friends. Pencils and paper will be drilling thia one out when it explod I needed. ed, fortunately without more serious result« than bruising Mr. Call's arms Automatic press feeding at the and slightly bruising his helper. Courier office. If You D<> Not Care to Dan<t»— Come up and hear the music at the St. Patrick's dance Admission 10c. Isutislative «luti Meets Frhlay— J N. Johnston, representative from Josephine county will speak to the Josephine county Legislative club for women, in the G. A. R rooms of the courthouse, on Friday, March 18, at 3 p. m on the bills of the last legislature. The meeting 1» open to anyone Interested in this subject. USED CARS 2 Chevrolet, 1920 1 Chevrolet, 1919, Over hauled. 1 Republic Truck 2 Fords. W. S. Maxwell & Co It WUl Pay You— To see us for your new Easter suit —New goods arriving dally Quality and prices guaranteed right, Peer- less Clothing Co. Steam Shovel The steam shovel being operated by the Shattuck Construction com pany in the excavation of the Tokay canal, is making good progress now. It having been slow going through a stretch of rock lately excavated. The crew ahead of the shovel blasting the hard material 1s now In the iDry Dig ging». while the shovel is working on the Turner place just east "Diggings IMrvxtTANCE OF MAKING THE START Everything must have a beginning— and it is important to start saving early. Begin now—open an account with the Grants Pass and Josephine Bank. Four per cent interest paid on savings accounts. St. Patrick's Dane March 17 at the Waldorf hall Dance tickets 31.10. Spectators and extra ladles 10c. Imperial or hestra. G rants pass ,O regon » Elks' (ret New Goats ■ - It is reported that for tomorrow night's initiation in Medford the Elks have Imported two of the wild est and most ferocious goats to be found In the wilds of Africa or lie Jungles of Murphy. From a reliable source comes the startling Informa tion that these huge goata even have been known to eat alive little chil dren, Innocent little creatures, who happened to stray off Into the beau tiful forests where these monsters atound These monsters will bo in attendance tomorrow night when the time comes to ride goats. Beware, men! Watch your step! Remember, he who hesitates is lost. 27 E"Uw (Mcopcw From Asylum— Powder for Trail Building— ... P. DeWitt, of the forestry ser- «|ce pas gon- to the Rand ranger station with a truck load of TNT powder. The explosive, which will be used in building trails down the Rogue, will have to be packed from the Rand to Kelsey creek, where It Is to be employed. he will remove to southern Califor nia, while his daughter. Mrs Cleo Wlble. will remove to Portlund. Hold-up Man <bu» Nothing— While returning to his home Tues day evening, l^tRoy Heston aad an interesting experience with a hold up man, though the hold-up came out second beet In the conflict. At M<»rc Than One- near midnight Heston was passing a Will face those ferocious goats to hedge In front of a residence near morrow night Remember men, if the city hall when a man jumped out you don't stick together you will get from behind the hedge and struck stuck alone. Goats play no favors. Heaton a blow In the face. Heaton Those who are already Elks should went down with the man In a clinch, make it a point, before entering the but was aoon up and making good lodge rooms, to ask the secretary for use of time. He put the stranger a drop or two of lambaatus. Thia down two or three times, and then will at once make you Immune from the hold-up made his get away. Hea attack by these two goats. 27 ton had a bloody none, but otherwise was Intact and ready to go Into ac tion again If necessary. The Incen Buys Talmndge Residence— .Mrs. Charlotte Travers has pur- tive of the hold-up artist was not chased the residence property of W, known, though it was most probably A. Tai mad ge, at 322 Rogue River I robbery. Wld Estes, who was committed tn the state Insane asylum from this county a few weeks ago, escaped from the institution on Monday, and at-last accounts had not been appre hended. Estes was committed fol lowing a reign of terror which he created In the vicinity of the county ferry by entering farm homes and demanding that meals be cooked for avenue, and will take possession on May 1st. Mr. Talmadge states that him. Office stationery—Courier office.