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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1921)
NEW TODAY 6RANTS PASS DAILÏ COURIER1 _ Published Dally Except Sunday ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch—........ 25c ' Voeal-personal column, per line__10c Readers, per line—................. 5c WKDNkXDAY, *I%IM II I«. Ilfilt GRANTS PASS DAILY COURIER PAGE TWO Trimming Beads All Kinds and Colors DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, per year----- $6.00 By mail or carrier, per month.. .50 EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— Dei>endsble companies and reas onable ratee. Bee T. M. Stott. Buick Salesrooms lOltf HOY WANTED One finishing high school this {ear. to learn printing. Work after school hours and Sat urdays until school is out, than steady employment. Good oppor tunity for right boy to earn money while learning trade Apply to foreman at Courier office. 35tf FOR SALE—One Cadillac bug good condition $150. Call SIC I Street In ■ at Ml Talking Machines at Special Prices Always desirous of giving ths people benefit ot lower prices aa quick ly as such can be brought about. we hasten to announce, EFFKU- TIVK TODAY, on several standard talking machines the following NEW U)WH1< I'RICES which go t>a< k to a pre-war basis on the»«» famous muaic-reproductng instruments Th» price» of our ENTIRE LTNE of s«tv»ral have bean readjusted tu these pre-war levels. Was Was Was Was Was Was NOTE THE REDUCTIONS Save Now $85 $12.5 $14(1 Save Now $100 $15() Save Now $125 Save $165 Now $140 Save Now $150 $225 $275 Now $175 Save $40 $40 TRHHLA. the new strawberry, good ! canner, and outylelds all others.* $25 Choice. Inspected plants, any quan-, $25 Postpaid, $1.35 per hun-| tity. $75 •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ dred; 17.50 per thousand; Mar-■ ♦ ADDITIONAL LOCAL $100 shall», 96.50. Check or money ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ order. Other varieties al lowest | Thia ia the most radical readjustment ever made In ths phonograph Organise Friday Ev cadute— prices. Send for descriptive list. | industry. And thane new prices are tor much Improved models ' A great deal of interest is being Ward K. Richardton. 3363 Front •quipped with the latest devices. Come In today and see for your I shown in the homes ot American le Street. Salem, Oregon F self what big valúan thana new prices giva, WEDNESDAY, MUUH Id, 1*21 gion members in regard to the com THE MURK’ « PHOTO HOUSE ing meeting Friday evening for the CHOICE WH1.I. llEVEUXM’HD lo i Medicine Hat, Alta. March 19.— ganberry tip plants. Write tor ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■♦•■♦■♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ (A. P.)—’’Rainmaker” Charles M. organisation of a women's auxiliary Stanton Rowell, Proprietor Grant» Pana, Ore. prices on quantity wanted. Inter OREGON WEATHER ♦ I Hatfield, who baa • contract with to the local post ot the American esting. Reliable cultural Infor-. ---------- ♦ the United State» Agricultural asso Legion. The mothers, wives, sisters mation free. 25 or over, 5c each, and daughters of Legion members Tonight and Thursday, rain. ♦ ciation to produce rain has come to ♦ postpaid. Ward K. Richardson. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ this district from Loe Angeles, Cal , I are becoming more and more inter 2161 Front St , Salem. Ore. F ested In the activities of the Legion and according to arrangement» made as it is becoming more and more a FOR RENT- Six room modern by the agricultural association i» WORK FOR THE TOURIST The house Inquire ot Isaac Beet. 29 about to begin work on hu new pro factor in community affairs meeting Friday evening will be held COMMISSION ject. in the court room on the second E. L. GALBRAITH —Real estate. In Speaking of the work before the Hatfield, according to the term» surance and plate glass liability. floor of the courthouse at 8 p. m Scripps Booth. good aa Bow. Hodge, fine <on<lltl<m Buick Ml, commlaaion created by the state tor of this contract, agree» to construct 609 H G street, phone 19. 40tf fine shape. Three good < ’hevrolrs» and throe good Fbrda. Ford and bund a rain precipitation and the handling of the tourist situation, I attraction plant at a favorable Pte ■Hidilen A mc C s " I s Subject— One Too Truck. Come in and look th«-m over. Tho Prices are FOR SA.I4E — 1917 Ford In good the tourist commission, the Porland to be chosen by him for Its opera-i Right. Dean J. A. Bexell. of the school shape Price $350. C. C. Bell. Telegram makes the following eom- tions. of commerce. Oregon Agricultural 1111 East A street. S3 In outlining plans to a meeting of. college, arrived in the city this the United Agricultural association. | morning from Corvallis, and this af FOR SALE—1 cot. »4. Will trade "Summarised, briefly, the commu used car in good condition for 2 F. S. Ratliff, secretary, announced ternoon appeared In the high school nion’s duties will be to preserve the that the ‘rainmaker" has been of-' Jersey cows Phone 501-J. 39 where he addressed the pupils on the Rate's scenic wonders, interest cap fered inducements to visit the dis subject of "Hidden Assets " The FOR SALE—Three-quarter iron bed ital in providing them with first class trict of Nobleford, in southern Al talk was full of interest, and detailed and springs. Call at *111» East 'A hotels, secure the construction of berta. and Foremost, Saskatchewan. to the > young people the many dlrec- street. 38 good highways to them, and furnish Farmers, in general, are highly en tions frona which benefits came to thusiastic over the prospects. them other 1 than from the more ob- information concerning them to tour The main rain precipitation plant, vious ones This afternoon Dean Porcupine Na Moan Foo. ists according to the plan announced, Bexell Is visiting the Riverbanks Dog» have to be well used to the will be located at Chappice Lake, "Tears ago California. Florida. farms, the guest of Clyde E. Niles, work of hunting porcupine« or they Maine and Colorado began develop about 20 miles from this city. The and this evening will go to Medford. have no ebinc*. A porcupine will »top matter of financing the project was suddenly tn full flight and a» It were. HI4-5IS J STREET ing their scenic wealth along these referred to the executive committee i where he will speak tomorrow. Inatantaneoualy reverie engines. and GRANTS PAHS ORE. — TEL. 101 identical lines with ths result that as was also the selection of locations come charging full backward» The — best dog I ever had. ■ bull terrier, waa they have been harvesting millions for the rain gauges, which Hatfield ALL KINDS OF FEEDS killed by this trick. He was absolute ot dollars annually from the tourist is expected to bring with him. What GRAIN REEIM4 Fl KI Ji HEEDS ly without fear and simply threw hlm- methods the rainmaker intends to trade. aelf upon the advancing avalanche of Cotne tn and look over one of the largrot »tork» ia Houlhrrn Oregon pursue in producing the rain have »pikes, »nd waa In conseqnebce spear- “Oregon, however, has done vir not been disclosed. m l ed right through the heart. I can ae- tually nothing towards the develop The contract between the United ! ! sure you huutlng porcupine» la not at and »Hat-j ment of its matchless scenery, with Agricultural association all a »port to be despised.—Exchange the result that the tourists that flock field »et forth that his "plant is to MISSOURI FLIT A telegram was received in the, to the West each year pay the state be kept in constant operation from the first day of May. 1921, to the city this morning from 4 town ,n' Mr. and Mr». Vernon Bailey m<>- only a transitory visit, and the funds first day of August. 1921, in the en- Montana announcing the finding )'tored to Granta Peas Monday. depended by the Pacific Northwest deavor to bring about the largest the body of Winfred Bocock. son ot MI m Eelher Cook la vialtlng Mr tourist Association in attracting possible increased precipitation over A. It. Bocock. of this city, in a freight ' I and Mrs Zero KibH. and about that portion of Alberta. car in Montana, the young man being them are to a large extent wasted. FOR THE GARDEN AND FIELD Mr». Ike Vincent gave a party Sal- Canada, and a section of territory at reportd to have suffocated in the' "Crater Lake, the most beautiful ¡urday night which waa well attended. least 100 miles radius with the City closed and sealed car. The meagre' and picturesque body of water tn the of Medicine Hat, .Alberta, as a cen 1IJ''AL$’A — HWEET <’LOVER, — WHITE CLOVER Mr» Sorenson la vialtlng Mrs Jim word indicated that Winfred was In world, has been exploited far and ter.” PEAR-------- BRANS — CORN a car containing a shipment of ap Cook. “And it is hereby understood and ples, and it is supposed that he may wide, but it is without adequate hotel Mr. and .Mrs. Herman McFadden ONION SETS and tourist accommodations, and in agreed." the contract read, "that all have been auffocnted by the fumes are home vialtlng hla folks. rain falling from the first day of from the charcoal heatet used in FERTILIZERS accessible most of the season for W. 8. Bailey, who la recuperating May, 1921. to the first day of Au cars with apple shipments. The from a prolonged lllneas 1» visiting want of a good highway. POULTRY Hl'PPLIEH gust. 1921, in the above described young man was about 25 years of hi* aon, Victor Bailey, of Granta "Snow-capped Mount Hood, fa- district, said Hatfield, through the age. and had only recently left : Pa»». mous the world over, and the score efforts of his operations upon the Grants Pass to seek employment | Mrs. Chas Burkhalter and Mr and of jgher scenic attractions in the atmosphere, shall be given credit for elsewhere. He was a youth of ex- I Mra. Ed Swtnden were vlaltora at the, one half of the precipitation that cellent character, and his friends | state, are at a similar disadvantage, j Kubll home Sunday. falls at the uniform rate of $4,000 "In fact Oregon's sole stock in per inch dp to four inches or frac were shocked at the receipt of the i Eugene A. Carla made a business 1 sad news, Further report of the dis-* trade for recreation seekers has been tion thereof. The maximum con tressing incident Is awaited and Is trip to Foot» creek Saturday. Mias Anna Steinmetz, teacher of | the Columbia River highway, and af sideration of the contract being $8,- expected momentarily. The body Is .Missouri Flat, »pent the week end j 000. for a four-inch rainfall. ter enjoying a ride over this pictur expected to ________ arrive _____________ here Saturday. with her folk« at Rogue River. four "All rainfall in excees at The deceased leaves a mother and esque route tourists have journeyed whatso- inches: No axtra charges father and three sisters and a broth on to California, Colorado and Wash ever." er in Grants Pass, and two bothers ington for their vacations. in the eat*. DIAMOND FLOUR (HARD- "California derives approximately Marciente«» of Famous Men. Why suffer from a bad back, from . WHBAT).....S2.M) PER HK. John Bunyan’s chair, tv« II anthen $365,000,000 each year from the sharp, shooting twinges, headaches. I tleated. is kept at the Banyan Meeting dizziness and distressing urinary ' SNOWY BI TTE FLOUR......... tourist industry, Florida approxi- houx*. Bedford, and Nelson’s favorite ills? Grants Paas people recommend .................. S2.HO PER HK. mately $260,000,000, Maine approxi- chair Is to be seen in the Norfolk am: Doan’s Kidney Pills. Could you ask for stronger proof of merit? stately $60,000,000, Colorado ap- Norwich museum. HNOWFKIK E FIX H R ............ Mr» Wm Harvey, 621 N. 8th St., I proximately 330,000,000, and Rai- ............................ »2.40 PER 8K. Grants Pass, gave the following COMING EVENTS statement March 20, 1916: "Words nier Park in Washington alone ap Mar. 17, Thursday—Second number BY THE BARREL, 2<>c OFF’ cannot express the great consdlera- proximately $6,000,000. on Lyceum course. Cope the hu tlon I have for Doan's Kidney Pllto. ON HAI’H, Butte. Mont., Mar. 16.—(A. P.)— In fact, I don't believe I would be. "Ail told Oregon, it is estimated morist. 27 living today had it not been for thia I paltry , .War. 18, Friday—Women’« Legisla After a service of 21 years In the in wonderful kidney medicine derives approximately the Some, ternal revenue office in Butte. Clin tive club meets at courthouse. years ago I waa at death's door and 1 sum of $3,000,000. ton H. Moore, stamp clerk, has an for six long months suffered with a JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS "With its unrivaled scenery devel Oak Dining Chairs, SI each: otherw nounced his retirement, Mr. Moore complication of kidney trouble. My , Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. oped and made available, Oregon new for 92.75 «u h. Some KtKMl 2nd is 73 years old and has been a resi back nearly killed me it ached so < badly. I screamed when anyone tried would soon outdistance Washington, hand rocker«. Remington standard dent of Montana aince 1877, coming; to move me and was aa helpless as a here from Nevada. In 1879 he went! child and waa confined to my bod Colorado and Maine, and before typewriter. *25. Range, *85; an to Boise, Idaho, to be superinten moat of the time. My kidneys were other, *45; still another for many years rival Florida and Cali I was a nervous wreck Lota of other bargains. Phone 71- dent ot schools there. Returning to congested. fornia." Montana in 1881, Mr. Moore was ap and was so melancholy at time I pointed deputy revenue collector for couldn't keep from crying. It just seemed as though every inch of my Montana, Utah and Idaho on May 1, 7ody was" affected and'l ‘ached 1 »11 Doan's Pills pulled me 1*»1- < over. ___ ~ ‘ Kidney ’ During his tenure of office In the through, . I stuck to Doan’s for. sev and waa finally able to federal department, Mr Moore esti- eral months ----- get around as well aa ever and eon- mated, he ha» collected more than ¡uder "myself' cured of kidney $4,000,000 In taxes. — Born of poor trouble." parents he worked his way through On March 24. 1920, Mr», Harvey Dartmouth college, where he was en-id ":My faith in Doan's Kidney graduated in 1874. Mr. Moore wag | Pills is as strong as when I first en dorsed them. I have had very little boro in New Hampshire in 1847. ALL WOOL JERSEY »PORT OOATS, TUXEDO STYLE, trouble with my kidneys since and ASSORTED STY 1ER AND SIZER, SPBCKAfe, »M. give the credit to Doan's Kidney Pill«.” Liked ts Hear It 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Little Rulh was pnt to bed for her ALL WOOL JERSEY SL ITS, SOME WITH WHITE Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. T.______ dally nap, and during the afternoon a SKIRTS. OTHERS WITH SKIRTS AND COATS TO « severe thunderstorm arose. Her moth MATCH, ASSORTED COLORS AND SIZES, SPECIAL CIS. | er, 1 thinking _ that _ Ruth would be frightened she awake and and _ _ should ——— — ,-t awake hear ths thunder, started upstairs, and on reaci Ing the top was astonished to And tho child sitting upright on the bed clapping her hands, and at each pe»l of thunder shouting: ’’Bang It An Egyptian beauty crossing the Habar» deaeri In style, •«•ated comfort- 401 G STREET •gain, God bung it again." ably In the »wayfng sedan clmlr, carried by Hghly-decorated camela MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication ot all news dispatches credited to tt or all otherwise credited in thia paper and also the local news pub lished herein All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re served. USED CARS FOR SALE C. L. Hobart Co. Count's Feed Store Grain, Flour, Feed and Seeds Fresh Seeds J. Pardee Why Suffer So? REVENUE OFFICER QUITS AFTER 21 YEARS ON JOB Crossing the Sahara Desert Jersey Coats and Golden Rule Store New Mattresses and Furniture E. W. CHILES