Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1921)
PAGE FOCI» ”cR5?NdL TMK GATIU VI r<» wl <X F Mi lies through a savings bank ac count. Many a big successful man today owes his rise to that humble little dollar with which be first started to save It's never too early and never too late to begin this habit of thrift. Why not start today right here m thia bank? SV - . t *1 <>F HOITHKKN OREGON PAINTS REDUCED Price omACME QUALITY PAINTS has been reduced $1.00 per gallon YOU CAN NOW AFFORD TO PAINT Rogue River Hardware Company mt THNCfitSm rrosi« JUST RECEIVED Shipment of Hats and Caps for Men and Boys COUNTY WARRANTS—Bought market. Inquire No. 168 uAre Courier Office at FOR RENT—Six-room plastered bouse. Close in E L. Galbraith WOODWARD’S FOR SALE—One span work horses, harness and wagon All for 5275 cash. Also one fine July colt for 825. Inquire 5J8 West Bridge St. 2 4 WANTED—1920 Ford, will pay cash to right party If car is suitable, agent need not apply. Address No 166 care of Courier. 20 FOR THE GARDEN AND FIELD FOR SALE—-Mallable Steel ränge Would consider trade in 1920 Ford. Address No. 167 care of Courier. 20 ALFALFA — SWEET CLOVER — WHITE CLOVER PEAR-------- BEANS — CORN ONION SETS WANTED—100 chickens Wednes day, March 9th. and will pay 22c per lb.' Call at Burkhalter feed store on J street. 20 WANTED—Ten tie hacks. Inquire at Slate Creek Lumber Co., post office, Wonder. Ore 24 IZrST—-Hub cap marked Pope Hart ford. Return to Courier office. 24 FERTILIZERS POI LT RY SUPPLIES STRAWBERRY PLANTS for sale— Gold Dollar and New Oregon, at 85 per thousand, delivered in Grants Pass, also asparagus roots at 81 per 100. Address R. L. New man. Rd. 1. CARPENTER WORK—New and pair, pein ting, roof repairing, by experienced men. Care T. 0. Booth, 111 S 6th St. Phone Tl. 84 » “Form Fitting” Brassieres A new shipment—we know you will like them. The ASPIRIN Situation i Kinney ô Truax 101 and 105 N. 6th, Grants Pass, Oregon ■ TRESSPASS NOTICE Any ard all persona are hereby warned under penalty of prosecution accord In? to law against tresspass ing on that certain piece of placer mining ground on Powells creek. Jo sephine County, Oregon, known as the Powells Creek Placer Mine, us- "■ ' Splendid Assortment of Spring and Easter Apparel Now ready for making selections W e d»> lleni'tltchlng mrs. Hellie neas All IN A MI HIP »II thar ini | WWW I •(.Min ut ninseiirrnimla reflecta )<m fotti every view|»oiut In the flnlabwl <|<>t>Mw. Il eliminata-tbe chancee that make tr»-<m. ne». «»ary. TAIIX»RING t ut and ium I - to )uur individual nirvseum—in- »urea tertaint) of <taH«fn<Slon—at the right |>ri<* for lite right quality. Sixteen Year* I .oral Dealer QEO. S CALHOUN NEW SPRING GOODS At Rock Bottom Prices at Peerless Clothing Co. EVERYTHING INSURANCE— A- F. a A.M. Tuesday *W><— NOTICE To KXTERM IN 8TK Dependable companies and reas NOTH "K til TV’ ' M GROIN'D HQI IRRFI* onable rates. See T. M Stott. will hare a special meeting Tuesday i Buick Salesrooms. 102tf evening at 7 p m Residents of the city are request* the Work tn ths Every person, firm, co-partnership, E. L. OAI j BR-AITH— Real estate. In Fellowcreft degree Visiting mem- company or corporation, residing on. od to clean all rubbish or accumula surance and plate class liability. bers Invited 20.owning, leasing, occupying, possess- tion out of the street ruttar In front 609 S g street, phone 28. 40tf tag or having charge of or dominion of their homes at once. tn order that ¡over any land, building, wharves or the city trader mar corer the entire It Will Pay FOR SALE—-Young, gentle cow In To see us for your new Easter suit ditches infected with digger ground street quire of Isaac Beet. 20 n NUTT. —New goods arriving daily. Quality squirrels in Josephine County, Ore WANTED—To trade for light auto and prices guaranteed right, Peer- gon. is hereby notified to begin at 1» 8treet Superintendent truck: Have 2 lots In Portland lees Clothing Co. Ulf once to effectively exterminate and and 2 166-acre tracts in Illinois destroy all such digger ground squir valley Write Box 73. Kerby. Ore- Fancy Alfalfa Seed rels 24 gon. The price is right J. Pardee. Poisoned barley may be secured 21 Many women will profit by the fol —— y FOR SALE OR TRADE on city pro from the county agent. lowing statement of one of their mix perty—One 1920 490 model Chevro Daily .Matinee Notice Is published pursuant to •.! was afraid to eat on account of Risoli Theater 2 p. m let. in first class shape. No. 169 9itf the statute in such case made and stomach trouble Even rice did not I provided for two consecutive weeks agree After taking Adler-i-ka 1 <-an care of Courier. EOO ret anything " Adler-t-ka acta on COMING EVENTS or three issues and all persona des BOTH upper and lower bowel, FOR SALE—Mammoth Everbearing Mar 10. Thursday — -Lecture and erlbed therein are required to take moving foul matter which poisoned strawberry plants Also Everbear stomach EXCELI j DNT for gas on moving picture film on care of notice thereof ing red raspberries. Those that teeth, at the high school, at 8 p. m. Dated and flrat published this 3rd the stomach or wonr stomach Guards will bear for you this year, Also against appendicitis. * Il brings out No admission charged. day of March. 1921. purebred Rhode Island Red «n poisonous matter you never thought, Mar. 12. Saturday—Rummage sale ROY E MILLRft. was tn your system National Drdg for setting. W S. Ioonard, County Arent. Josephine Co Store for library fund 16. Rd. 1. Shoes for the Family 103 North 6th LOCAL J JI. and M J Dick, ot Eugene, IX> you know what dusters are visitors' In the city today. landa Gillette may be able to ex "Our Aunt From California” la plain Monday evening, at ^he high 1» coming Be sure to meet her when school she arrives at the high school at | I 8 o'clock Monday evening. Your ticket will be only 25c. • 19 Miss Evelyn Hart, of Glendale. I spent Sunday with Mias Hasel Wheeler. loam mechanloal drafting during your spare hours in the evenings. Fancy Alfalfa Homi— The price la right. J. Pardee For Information phone 159-L or 349. 23 New S|>rtng trtMMl« krrtv E L. Chuchill Is making excel- New goods at rock bottom prie*« lent procreea with the erection of his new bungalow on 1-awnridge ave at 1'eerie»* Clothing Co. nue. the house being built on the lot adjoining ths Swenk home on the < ►nylon CaMiturre !*«it For 823.50 you can purchase one south. Ninety-eight people will appear in of these new sprint sulta—gusran the program at the high school Mon teed all <ool at Peerlesa Clothlng 12tf day evening, and the tickets are only Oo. 25c. Honestly, that's a shame, they should be at least 8105 19 Farm Iturrwu t**n<-e— Murphy, March 19th, Notion or Mrs Gertrude Smith arrived In chestra, midnight supper and a bet the city last evening from Chico, 21 Cal., and will oversee the planting ter time than usual ot her farm of 40 acres just west of An object lesson on proposing will the city before returning, She has be given Monday evening at the high had the farm levelled and made school This special course will bo ready for irrigation during the wtn- oomplete in one lesson, for only l&c. ter, and will seed alfalfa, It Is the best prepared tract of such site un Children Not Forgotten— Something for the children to buv ' der the Irrigation project. Mr and Mrs Smith expect to leave soon for at the rummage eale hats for their dolls at the novelty booth Some-1 a visit in Honolulu Money to loan on good securities thing fox* the children's mothers to buy fascinating hats for the chil A C Ahlf dren at the millinery booth Toys of all aorta at the miscellaneous booth FIRST NATIONAL BANK * MOND4Y. MAIUW 7, IMt GRANTS r iM DAILY iV lUKlt j ii Ing or Interfering with the mining equlpmont and buildings on the ground. L. L. SHARP. J. E. SHARP. J. S. MOORE. I Owners. Granta Pasa. Oregon, March 4, 1*21. 1» DONT BE DECEIVED by Aspirin advertisements be ing run by those who seek to discredit all Aspirin Tablets except those made by them. THE FACT8 ARE That we handle, regularly, large quantities of Aspirin I'D Co. tablets that we know are PURE and GENUINE. Put up in packages of 12'1, 24’S and 100’s at moderate prices. CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS