Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1921)
GHA.NTH PAM DAIIA OOV1UKK Mo.NOAY. M.4lU'H 7, irai PAGE THREE . . ...1 = PH ! 10 GRANTS PASS SAMPLE STORE Starting Wednesday Morning MARCH 9th i HIS is not a mere reconstruction sale, not a reduction of merchandise that can be taken advantage of at any time, not an offering of so-called leaders only, but a real reduction and sacrifice that we are forced to make. This sale is for ten days only, because we want to take our loss quick and forget about it, and because we need the money. Remember we made reconstruction prices before the holidays, but these are extraordinary offerings; so come now, come to the Grants Pass Sample Store if you want to take advantage of our REAL BARGAINS T MEN'S DRESS SHOES MEN’S PANTS LADIES* SILK WAISTS Prices ^iven below are not ordinary reconstruc tion sale prices, they are not prices that can be had at any time from now on, but they are prices that are made to get you to come to our store during the next ten days. Men’s dress and semi-dress Munson last shoes, made to retail at as high as $11.50. These shoes are made by the Dost manufacturers in the land, Edmonds and Foot-Schultz._ $4.85 All go at _ Think of it, a $11..50 shoe at—--------------- $4.85 Men’s Dress and Semi-Dress Shoes, exceptional values at__________________________ $5.85 Edmonds Army Shoes, were $11.50. also Eng lish Dress Shoes, same values, at this sale for onlv $4.85 Men’s English Dress Shoes, values to $11.50, . at only $3.98 W’hcn your size is gone your chance is gone. Boys’ High Top Shoes $2.85 The Sample Store is able to offer Men’s Trousers more advantageous than any other ar ticle. A manufacturer needed the monev badly and we came to bis rescue and now we are ready to offer you some real bargains. Men's Fancy Worsted and Cassimere pants made to sell at $10.00 to $12.00, are of fered at this sale at onlv................... $4.95 Men’s Heavy Wool Pants, former' value $10.00, at this sale at onlv ....„ .......$3.98 The Sample Store is offering at this sale good serviceable Work and Dress pants at onlv ...................................... $2-98 One lot of Cordurov Pants at............ $3.98 Men’s Work Pants .... $1.98 Men’s Riding Breeches, a grand special, at onlv $2.98 Ladies’ Crepe de Chine Waists, ribbed silk, Georgette and others going at............... $3.49 Another lot at________ ......... .........................$2.49 One lot of Ladies’ Waists, values to $10,00 at only ________________ ;---------------------- $4-39 Ladies’ Handkerchiefs at money saving prices, each_________________________________ 3c Other Ladies’ Handkerchiefs at, each-------------- 7c MEN’S SHIRTS Men’s Flannel Shirts, shirts that we sold last year at $4.00, are to sell during the next ten days at_________ _____________ _ $2.45 Wilson Bros. Coat »Shirts in high grade flannel, for only $2.85 An extraordinary high grade flannel Coat Shirt, made to retail at $7.50, will be sold at this sale at only-------------------------- $3.95 Wilson Bros. Flannel Golf Shirts, a shirt made to sell at $4.00. sale price only------------ $165 Wilson Bros. French Flannelette Shirts, assort ed patterns, at this sale only------------------- $1.48 A National Shirt, a good dress shirt, for only 98c Men’s Beaver Silk »Shirts for dress, solid colors, former $6.50 values, at only $2.98 Boys’ Waists and Boys’ Shirts, in both dark and light patterns, the Honor Bright brands 79c to 98c MEN’S SUITS All kinds of prices have been made to you on men’s clothing, and all we ask you now is to cotoe in and examine the values we are offering at this sale. Remember, we have suits manufactured by the best tailors in the land. $18.50 $27.50 Suits offered at.... $19.85 $35.00 Suits offered at — $24.50 $45 Suits offered at...... — $31.50 $50 to $60 Suits offered at LADIES’ SHOES Ladies’ Shoes and Oxfords at--------------------- $4.85 These shoes sold formerly as high as $12.50. High and low heels, come and take your choice at_________________________ ....$4.85 LADIES’ HOSE UNDERWEAR AND SOX Indies White and Brown Hose, 2 pr. for One lot of Ladies’ Lisle Hose at--------- One lot of Ladies’ Lisle Hose at--------- Men’s extra heavy fleece lined Union Suits $3.00 values at onlv................. $1.48 Men’s heavy Cotton ftibbed Underwear, formerly priced at $2.75, for only__ _ $1.25 Men’s heavy all wool Union Suits, former £10.00 values, onlv $4.98 Men’s very fine Cashmere Sox, reduced from 75c to ........ ........ „ -• 45c Men’s Silk Sox. all colors, $2 values at 69c Men’s black and tan Hose, 12^c, or 3 pr. for 35c Men’s Cashmere Hose, 65c values_____ __ 25c 25c 49c .„35c CHILDREN’S DRESSES « .Children’s and Misses’ Dresses reduced from $2.50 to_____________________±--------- $1.45 Children’s Cordurov Dresses reduced from $5.00 to-____ _________ _ __ _________ $3.96 Children’s Cotton Plaid Serge Dresses reduced from $5.00 to ---- ----------------------------- $&25 Another lot at only_____________________ $1.19 ARMY BLANKETS LADIES’ APRONS All wool Never Used special at this sale $4.85 Ladies’ Bungalow Aprons reduced from $2 to.._.. 93c Ladies’ Outing Gowns priced from.... $1.45 to $1.98 36-inch heavy Outing Flannel, formerly priced at 60c, for the next ten days only---- -------- 21c MEN’S OVERALLS Blue .......................... $1.15 Stripe ................................... 98c MEN’S ARMY LEGGINGS Special at this sale-------------- ................ 49c BOYS’ SUITS And Men’s Sweaters Children’s Coveralls for the next 10 days 69c Boys’ Suits, one lot to close out at____ _____ $6-85 Sweaters that were $5.85 going at..... ............... $2.98 Men’s best knit Apple Hall Coal Sweaters only $4.85 Mackinaw Coats for Men, real values at-------- _____ ________ __ _______ __ $6.85 and $7.85 Men’s Stag Shirts, values to $8.50, going at----- $4.98 Children’s Hose, sizes to 61 £».......... 9c per pair A few Boys Hats are going at 25c. Limit 10 days Men’s Sultan Hose, Value 75c.......„ 35c per pair Barber Towels—Dozen Only 75c For 10 days we will sell workshirts for 59 cents COME EARLY-KEEP TO THE RIGHT—HOLD FAST TO YOUR BUNDLES AND COUNT YOUR CHANGE EVi:WY ARTICLE REDUCED Although only a few articles are mentioned here, everything in our enormous stock is included at special sale prices during this TEN DAYS SALE. GRANTS PASS SAMPLE STORE Sixth and H Street 1*1« *■>••** r % I