Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1921)
GRANT* r FACE TWO MONDAY. M AM'M T. IMI MUT OTHIUFR FOR RENT P*R RENT —Two fnrnisbed rotate with bath Call aveaiagn. »01 D street 1» « orti' W ant W i Ñtadt» ¿<«4 n<>*»aaTor genera! housework Phone 1T3-Y 33 ANNOUNCEMENT COLUMBIA RECORDS Mamiard < .Juuild« l>lu«- l«twi »«wurde <taa«r. ••>«»« «»<1 ««wui« •<-!«>. liun» WANTED —Agente deem eg to eslab- Mab steady latineo» direct with eoaeumers oa now article, easily demonstrated quick seller. used Nt KSKKY HTiM'K NURSERY—H.ghrat grade fruit, ah. »da a at tree» air - berrtee and ornamental in variety Albany Nuraeriao (BranchI <<• North Seventh street. Granta Pae« *ltf Much I r Lrttl» htaakrto. MONDAY. MARCH 7, IMI FOR K.VLM SBASON'ED WOOD FOR BALE—Oak and laurel. *4 Sd; body Hr. 83 75; spilt body fir. I« 50 C. W lam- bracht. Rd. 1. Box 11. 2«U FOR SAME--Shadeland Edipee »eed oats, recleaned. Sc per pound W L. Hayes. Murphy, or C. N. C«ly. i eooporative shipping manager. Grants Pans »2« to dm to the NASH perfected Valve-to-tosad ma taw now gea- erally cotacedcd to be aa m.x«!» mgl- I W.S. Maxwell & Co I For three generations mothers have succemfully uaed Foley’« Honey and Tar a aafe remedy for the relief of cold, reegh. croup and whooping cxx<k. It is pur«, wbotoeom«, end children like k. Coataim no opiate». Eepecielly good lot croup end whooping eoegb— the two terran ef childhood. New Mattresses and Furniture E. W. CHILES 401 G STREET WO BV MUMSTS ran«» Large Shipment Received I TUO DRAY LOAD* OF FREIGHT AND ONE lo.AD OF EAfKEbb RECEIVED THIS MORNING. NEU GOODS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS—PMiaM VERT REASON ABLE. Golden Rule »Store I ydur make rebuilt HIE rii ' ssra •A ■ b ■ Regardless of whether we represent your make of battery or not. WE hare the part», equipment, and »kill ed experience necessary to properly rebuild it. If you want your old battery reetor- ed to a dependable, first claas condi tion at reasonable < out, bring it to this SERVICE STATION... We bare a service battery to fit your car. ADAMS ELECTRIC AND HATTERT CARXER-dATWTTY''IRON WORKS Genera! foundry and machine work, gray iron and brass cast lags. any atae aad quaatity Deal er» in second hand mine and saw mill machinery, boiler«, engines, plph Dttings, etc Booth and F streets. Granta Paas. Ore »4tf MECHANICAL DRAFTING tan git in the evening» For particular» phone 1»»-L or 34» 23 POULTRY A H AT« *341 NG ¡Htít.S mOlCE B4LED ALTALXA hay. 31« FDR SALE— Hatching egg» from delivered aay place ia Granta Pase heavy laying «train of Hoganlsed 321 at reach fl»» miles telo* »tock S C White sad Brown Leg town. Phone «04-F-12. C. H. El»- I arso horn* and Barred Rock» mann B7tf 8pe'tol per »ettlng of IS egg» FOR AALE—Fine farm of 412 25 price per hundred lot. Atoo few acraa for general purposes Oppor t fine S C. White laghorn cockerel« tunity for cranberries. Port Orford Con Schaefers Rd 2. 21 cedar aad sporting tacllltiee Nine miles south of Bandon, four miles FDR SALE—hiaRhlnc eggs from Sheppard*» famous Ancones They north of Itosglota New building» • ure »bell out the egg» Jaa Eads Woven wire fencing Oosrteey to 33 304 Weet I atreet agents Edmund Craft. Craft Lake FDR SALE— A saw mill. Inquire at 72« N. 5th St . Grants Pass, Ore DK. K. J. BLSTVL. Veter.naruu 1» Residens S3 8 Washington boule FDR SAJ»E- ^Second-hand motorcy-j vard, phone 3»8-R. cle, cheap. Donkey drums, gy ir IWN< IAN «ND SI HURON ■lea, pulley blocks, books. ate. t O ELEMENT. M D . Practice Ament’s Auto Repair Shop. 1» limited to dl»ea»e» of eye. »»- FOR SALE—3-year-old Guernsey and throat Phone «2; Re» 233-J cow, % pare bred River Banks Farms. 21 S. LOUGH k ID g IC. Ju. u. rny»ici«o and surgeon City or country calls FOR SAKE—15« acres on Slate attended day or night Phones. creek, Crescent City highway and Re« 3«»; Office. 182; «th and H railroad. 20 acres cleared. 7 al falfa. Ditch right. Living springs E. J. BILLIGE, M. D. Physician, »ur- geon, Schallhorn Bile. Phone 54-J; Outside range Improvements rea. 1004 lawn ridge. phone 54-L Immediate possession J. E. Hair 22 FOR SALE—Five good lota, cheap, free of incumbrances. Easy term». 12th street in Nelson’s Addition. For Information write owner. Mrs. Margaret McMillan. 1108 E 28th St. N., ¡Portland, Oregon. 22 FDR SALE—luarge house, close In. bath, toilets, 82500, small pay ment down. Address No. 185 rar Courier. 17tf ’ POR^SALE Horses“ See Tacjt <*'a«- ady at the Big Barn. 19 IS«» Ketirvwi l*<*|>utor R«*urd> on H«u<- tab 3a> h •<* “ iluiiuM lime Herr 1» )<vr . I m . ii « e to get the rr> r«U you*»» elwa»» Intrwdml |u tray »»I gw tf.wii »1 am- dun ng till» •»!•■ <»f »taratord < «dumbta lUue labd rw.wvl.—M IDE WITHIN THE LIAT 1H MONTWM! swh nrttet. m > Al Jotoua. Ted lx-wta' Ann* Hand. Art Hl.kmea*« VihrMm. Harry F«»x. Hr., among three IM Columbia «wired Re- nwurd» J«»o wSwtkuia—nt fifty-nine crate rmh record. ('lease note that these are NOT »evon<to nor record» that have been ¡«toyed nor other than .UiBOt. IT ELY NEW records of »tandard "olumbto quality 5»c price applies only to 130 number» to be ra- ired pip « Ranch. Bandon. Cbos County. Ore FOR BALE—Barred Rock egg». 11 gon. Phone M-5011 Bandoa 23 •ettlng of 15 Mrs Anna Meier, 1301 East A street 21 POP. BALE--Strictly fan’-y dodder free alfalfa seed;: teota »3 99% < IVIL ENGINEER pure and 91% germination No OBO M ABHFORD.'cT'Ë Land «ut better eeed was ever offered you diviato», atsne and irrigation sur 124 00 per 100 I ba. Write for »am vey«. <14 N. 4th St. Phone 48-R. pie. Monarch Seed A Feed CO . | Ë. F. WANN, mining and civil engi Medford. Ora ________ ____ ” neering. Mine examinations aad FOR BALB--% aere with large mo-• report» I ndergro »nd and surface dem house with new faraaee. barn, i surveying, mapping. mill design garage and ehlckea hooee Good and construction, land sarveys and well and city water Call at 830 sub division. Phone 243-R 23 OHve Ave. Phone 2*3. 34 tixr1---------- FOR SALE-—<«re with fire-room house, barn, chicken bouse, pump <XWEH TAX 1—U hone 4«2-R for Jitney Luke or Cutler. Call» an- ing bouse and engine, good family twered »nywher». anytime *«tf orchard and strawberries. Call at; 330 Olive Ave. Phone 253. 3« DRAYAGK IND TRANAFEK FOR SJ.LE—Strictly fancy alfalfa THE WORLD MOVES; »o do w» seed. 324.00 per 100 lba. Med. . Buncu Transfer Co. Office phone Red Clover. »2 4.50 per 100 lbs 340; realden e phone 315-J. White Bl Sweet Clover. 322.00 per EG. 1SHA.M. drayage, transfer; pi- TOO lb« Atolke elover, 323.50. ano«, »afea. furniture, moved, »hip- Write for samples Monareh Seed ped, packed, stored Phone 124 Y * Feed Co., Medford, Ore. 22 BE PREPARED m WbF—Plumbtar work, steam fitting, bailer and pump work aad laetalliag SOS South 4th street Phoas 30«. O. A. Bryaa Sltf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Passenger Cars 59c M1M F l I 4X1 «»« a KB pajr NASH EXTRAORDINARY MFB1VAL balk <•* W F RI.'THERFORD—Manual the- raputlcs Office over Barnes' Jew elry. Hour» 3:30-12; 1:30-4. RALPH W STEARNS. M. D. Xr»y equipment. Phones: Office. 21-J; Residence. 21-L. Phono 147 Ö07 E St. The Wardrobe Cleaners WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO FIRST CLASS WORK CLEANING------ PRE8SING - REPAIRING For the convenience of our patrons we are now carrying a limited stock of HAY « We have some very good seed wheat and barley JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. FREEZING OUTSIDE- COMFORTABLK INSIDE Such ia the situation when our •teem or hot water radiator system to I natal I rd in home, office, factory, or other building. The'true teat to In the thermometer. Hwplace your old hot air or oper «rate or coal stove mwthod with our naw, efficient heating system. W. It. ILAN XIE 417 <1 HTREET Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO Effective Oct. 25, 1920 Daily and Sund«y LEAVE LKAVk Granta Paas MEDFORD GRANTS PASS Waiting Room 10:00 10:00 a. m. Bonbonniere 1:00 1:00 p. m. p. 4:SO 1.30 p. m. Phone 160 We connect with «tage» for A»hlnn«l nn<! .lN<k«<>in tile DENTISTS E. C. MACY. D M. D Flr»t-cla dentistry 10»% S «th St iUifSSWAKiN'G DRESSMAKING, box. knife. Inverted panel and frill pleating», a »pe- cfalty, atoo accordion pleating by AOOOCNTANT ■pedal order». Satisfaction guar AUDITING, Systematizing, j^lnsri' anteed. .Price» reasonable. Esti Statement». Ivan Llving»ton, In mates cheerfully given Phone corporate Accountant, Granta Pax». 50« or call on Mr». W. R. Swoape. ««1 North Third atreet. 32 11 I T LI >1 NG < ONTRACTORA SHOP piano instri 7 tion N Building con’r • tore. Shop work, furniture eratin.- MRS JAMES M. POWERS, Instrue- Shop 510 H St. Ree phone 142, tor on piano; itudlo over Barn««’ Jewelry Phone 285-J. A. J. GREEN*—General contractor. Estimate« and plan» made Noth ing too »mall or too large. Shop THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON 211 Sixth St. Phone 375-L.*»2tf COAST RAILROAD COMPANT ■7ltl Ao. Sixth Street REAL ESTATE E. T. McKINHTRY, 803 O St , phone 355-R, real eetate. Best of soils for fruit, hay or general farming. ROY IliGGINB- General real eatate Office 111 South Sixth. Phone 89 I SEE HA [.LINGER H Hf’LL for farm, city and business property. 10 and 11 Flanagan Bldg. Phone 284. Time Card Effective Nov. 24, 131». Train» will run Monday», Wednee- day» and Friday» P.M Leave Grants Pa»s...............1 P.M Arrive Waters Creek......... 2 laave Water» Creek.........2:30 P.M P.M. Arrive Granta Pa»»........... 4 For information regarding freight and paeaenger rateagrall at the office of the company, Mindburg building, or telephone 131. Count’s Feed Store Grain, Flour, Feed and Seeds S14-A10 J STHKET GRANTS PAM ORB. — TEL.ldl ALL KINDS OF FEEDS GRAIN HEEDS FIELD HEEDS Come In and look over one of tlic largest stocks in Southern Oregon