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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1921)
ut *^re kibrwy V AMOC1ATED PKKMH SERVICE (J HA NTH PAH«, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. VOL. XI., No. 112 MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1021 WHOLE NUMBER 821». ------ r T I LORD STRABOLGI . ■ .5 - ' SIR HARCOURT BUTLER REPORTED IO Bï THE ESPEE «fr 2 III H- INHMH HM TIONS OF 111 HSIAN CITY AKE HI RN I NG MANY HEBIDENTIAL AND % Teuton Government Fails to Meet Conditions imposed and Supreme Council Orders Occupation to Enforce Reparation Demand of The Allied Nations A fl INSKILLED LABOR IS FIRST TO FEEL THE DOWNWARD TREND OF THE MARKET I la SOVIET LEADERS ARE TERRIFIED Ixuilno luul Tr<><*k) Prnwrr fori Flight as Resolution Against Them Gains Force Ixmdon. Mar. 7.—(A. P.l- Many residential and business quarters of l%trograd arn In flames, says a Hel- aiugforv dispatch The soviet gov-1 •rnment Is sending a large number of troops from Moscow to Petro grad. The rebels are planning to extend a friendly reception in the hopes of winning them over. rl r< ZH * Lord Strabolgl haa boon called to ths ancient barony of Strabolgl by King Georgs after the peerage had boon hold In abeyance for 319 year«. Hla wife le an American, daughter of George Buchanan Cooper of Sacra- mento. Cal. Lord Strabolgl la Cuth- bort Kenworthy of Yorkshire Ho la the ninth holder of the peerage ere. »tod nearly 700 years ago. Ixindon, Mar. 7 —Allied troops suit their government if they were «111 march Into Germany tomorrow required to make a proposal covering I in accordance with the decision of total reparations. : the allies to Indict penalties for non- Lloyd George informed the Ger I fulfillment of reparations obligations mans that not only were the propo ! it was officially announced. sals by Simons today unacceptable, Ixindon, Mar. 7,—Application of but that notwithstanding the Inter iMinaltlea to Germany for non-ful val since last week’« conference the fillment of reparations requirements Germans had not made such an ad- I was decided upon by the allies this I vance in their propositions as would■ afternoon. This followed presenta- justify postponement of imposition ' i tlon of the new German proposals i of ths penalties. Dr. Walter Simon, head of the Ger Under the ultimatum delivered man delegation, had told the allies last Thursday, the penalties to be In I the Germans rejected the proposals flicted upon Germany are as follows: formulated at Paris, and had decided First will be the occupation by the to revert to the 1<lea of the provi allied troops of Drulsberg. Duessel- sional arrangement they had advanc dorf and Ruhror; second, each aJlied ed calling for payment of fixed an , country will place a tax on German nuities for the first five years. The merchandise and third, a customs Germans said they would have to , boundary along the Rhine under the ask a week's adjournment to con- allle«' control will be established r < • A Cut 1« to Be Effective Throughout the System on Iprii tilth, is .An nouncement The recent widespread rioting in the United provinces of Agra and Oudh, In India, resulted In heavy cas- ualtiee, according to the reports from London. The riots resulted from the establishing of soviets In the villages. The photograph shows 8lr Harcourt Butler, K. C. 8. I., K. C. I. E., new governor of the United provinces. San Francisco, Mar. 7.—(A. P.) — The Southern Pacific railroad com pany announced a reduction In wages of unskilled labor throughout its sys tem on April 16th. The minimum la from 30c per hour in the southern division, and somewhat higher tn other zones. DISCUSS POLICIES OF NEW Purls. Mar 7.—(A. P.)—The Rus ADMINISTRATION TOMORROW sian bolnherik force« have been driv en from Oranienbaum. 19 mllea west Washington, Mar. 7.—(A. P.)— of Petrograd, by naval units from, Legislative policies of the new ad Kronstadt, «aya a Viborg dispatch 1 ministration will be discussed with Warships have gone up the Neva republican congressional leaders at river and landed sailor» In Petrograd., dinner at the White House tonight. where i>art of the garrison has Join Tomorrow Harding will preside at ed the revolutionaries, the rest of the Toklo, Mar. 7.—»(A. P.)—Baron his first cabinet meeting. garrison retreated 30 miles south port Just submitted to the legists- Sakatanl, ex-mayor of Toklo declares _____ I west. where I«eon Trotsky has head his opinion that American advocacy Hire, recommends the reduction of Dublin, Mar. 7.—(A \P.) —George Washington. Mar. 7.—(A. P.) — of the restriction of naval armaments BRUNO CONFESSES THAT quarter». Soviet leader» are terrl-l the personal exemption tax from 93,- nancy, mayor of Limerick, was klll- The supreme court* sustained the HE KILLED PAWIATK fled, and Premier Jjanlne and War 000 for married i>er»ons or heads of ln hlg home <n(1 hl> was lower courts in refusal ot a man-| is most welcome. Minister Trotsky are preparing for Speaking through the newspaper families, which the present Income wounded At about the same time dam us requiring the postmaster gen flight say Reral dispatches Portland, Mar. 7.—(A. P.)—John Ux law provides, to 92.000 and In Michael O'Callaghan, former mayor, eral to restore second-class mailing Chugal Shogyo he said: “The posi Kawacinckl, alias John Bruno, ar tion of those Americans who advo the case of unmarried itersons, from was killed at hla home. privileges to the Milwaukee leader. cate naval expansion seems to have rested in Beetle on Saturday, has ad 92.000 to 91.000. Victor Berger's newspaper. been that the United States had to mitted killing Harry Pawluk. how The effect of the recommendations PORTLAND MARKETS have the largest fleet 1fi the world ever, he insisted that it was In self if embodied In a law, would be for RAILROAD EMPIX1YES Portland, Mar. ?—(A. P.)—Cat every married penion or bead of a STRIKE AT REDUCTION because America would join the defense, said the district attorney. tle, 25c to 50q higher, choice steers, I league of nations This they said, family and for every unmarried per Atlanta, Ga.. Mar. 7.—(A. !P.) — was not only for the sake of the l'inerì for Fighting— son earning an annual Income of I $7.75 to *8.25; hogs. 15c higher, i Harry Jonee and John Proscko more than these amounts, to pay to I prime light, 111 to 111.50; lambs, Fifteen hundred employes of the At Americans but also for that of the 50c to 11.50 higher, east of moun lanta, Birmingham and Atlantic R. whole world in case the league of were fined 35 each in the police the government a tax equivalent to An Interested audience was pres 3 per cent of the amounts over and tain lambs, 17.50 to 19.25; butter, R struck today against the wage re nations proved a failure. The Am court lor being engaged in an alter ent at the 1-adtes Auxiliary on Satur above the 92,000 and the 91.000 ex- steady; eggs, unsettled. duction. ericans have now realized that such cation Saturday evening. day afternoon and an i apjiroprlate ompt|on for married and unmarried an attitude only encourages naval paper on “Inaugural Customs," by persona respectively. constructton in other lands and that The report Mrs. Miller, two exceedingly well slates that if the present Income tax this race for armaments Is c gainst rendered numbers, musical and dra-' law la amended as recommenced by the spirit of peace. America's self matlc. by the first and second grades the commission, an additional reve awakening in this respect, though of the Riverside school, and a piano I nue of 9250.000 to the government yet limited only to a portion of the solo which brought an encore, by lit-j would result annually. people, inspires the rest of the world tie Mies Iris Ray. comprised the pro with confidence and promises to The commission, commenting on gram the Income tax as a source of reve I Saint Blalsen, Baden, Mar. 7.— i airplanes will become a great men bring the day of real International An unusual amount of business nue eays: | (A. P I—Admiral Alfred Von Tlr- ace to the warships, as. he pointed peace nearer. James Daniel Stinebaugh. aged 58 came before the club and several re "The income tax although annoy pitz, German naval authority, in an out, the latter will develop devices | "One regret about all this is that years, 10 months and 27 days, passed ports from the various committees ing as are all new taxes and public on account of the proposal to go on were listened to with keen attention. ImiMista is unquestionably both emi interview today gave his views on for defense while heavily loaded air-, with the present scheme of expansion away at his home in this city Sunday evening. March 6th, after suffering Mrs Mason, the new chairman of the nently equitable tn principle and as the influence of aircraft upon future planee will alwawys be in danger of of the American navy, the proposed j for many weeks past from a disease wars. He discounted the Zeppelin counter attacks from lighter ma child welfare committee gave the an economic measure fully In ac naval holiday of all the powers seems affecting the heart. club much frosh Information regard cord with the trend of political de I airship as too much subject to wind chines. impracticable as an Ideal. If the The deceased was born in Carrol and too vulnerable for ordinary re "In comparison »rith ship«." he! ing the placing of milk stations In velopments in all stable popular connoitering. The airplane, In his said, "airplanes will always have a Americans really desire restriction of county, Indiana, on April 9th. 1892. the schools The work has been governments. opinion, has a much greater future fundamental disadvantage in their armaments as a means to promote He resided in his native state dur greatly enlarged and all the grades "The annoying and so-called In peace. It is time for them to set the of bis boyhood and young are now being served with milk. The quisitorial features necessary to the a« it haa an economic importance tor small loading capacity especially example, because the geographical manhood, coming west in 1889. and traffic which will tend to perfect it when they are to be used on a wide children are weighed and measured efficient administration of the In position of the United States makes locating in Josephine county. For expanse of ocean. From a study of It from time to time. The results are come tax law are found to be far for war purposes. easiest for her to do so.” a time the young man made hla home While the airplane has taken a the history of naval warfare, the gratifying and It is expected that as more than com pen sated by the better Dr. Egl, M. P., writing in the same on the Applegate, later coming to •oc>n as the benefit to the children administration of private enter high place in land fighting as a sub greatest exponent of which was an paper, observes that Japan’s naval Grants Pass where he established from the regular use of milk Is bet prises resulting from the require stitute for cavalry. Admiral Von Tir- American. I am persuaded that the expansion program is on a scale1 himself in business, being married pitz said It had not developed its use nature of naval force« will not ter understood, the movement will ment of systematic and true records which is the minimum for the de- in 1890 to Miss Anna Mooney, whose fulness to the same degree In sea change with a jerk but will develop become practically self-supporting of Income and outlay by individuals fense of these shores. “Its altera- father had homesteaded on the Ap- During this flrat experimental stage, as well as by corporations, partner reconnoitering, but that was prob organically, for development takes tion. therefore, with a view to re-,piegate river adjoining the Carsoa ably due to the newness of the air- J some time which only in imagination the American legion has promised ships, etc.” striction. is next to Impossible. If place. plane, which waterplanea of the fu- 1 «nd fancies can be skipped In this to cooperate with the Auxiliary in ¡Japan agree« to the proposed naval in 1897 Mr. Stinebaugh joined ture might conceivably overcome. __ i ___ ' respect, the later war has not effect- movement on helping to establlah the Power Company Rueincwe Grows— holiday, ft must be in the sense that with the great numbers of gold seek- The admiral reserved his opinion ( ed any fundamental alteration. al-| a firm basis. Activities and business In general Japanese naval expansion will I be ers going into the new-found fields Mrs. E A Murphy In reporting for appear to have increased consider I on the possibility of effective attacks though, of course, the rate of tech- spread over a longer period of yean of Alaska, and for several years re ____ _______ development is much faster the civics committee stated that ably at Granta Paas, and vicinity, if by airplanes upon battleships but nlcal than designed at the present time." sided in the far north, returning to 99 plana are on foot for the beautifying Company business is a true gauge. clearly showed that he doubts that' than formerly. Granta Pass in 1910, making his of the high school grounds, by the It has been found necessary to in Hying Squadron Wn> Here— home here since that time. planting of shrubbery and the ter crease our organization here, an<l Low Bridge Although the entire “Flying Five children were born to Mr. racing of the front lawn. the local force has been augmented I Squadron” of government and Amer and Mrs. Stinebangh, four of whom This will add greatly to the attrac-Jby (he transfer from Medford of S. ican Legion officials making the trip with the wife, survive to mourn the tlvcnoaa of these grounds, which foriO c|Brk, who haa been made district adjusting claims of exservice men death of a kind and considerate hue natural beanty of location would be manager at Grants Pass. Before his through the Willamette valley and band and father. The children, all hard to excel, but whldh. so far, have appointment to this new position, Southern Oregon did not complete of whom reside in this city, are two had little artlfioial aid In enhancing Mr. Clark served In our commercial the trip, yet there was a large num daughters. Mrs. Fay Johnson and this beauty. The Auxiliary believes department at Medford. The force ber of local ex-eervlce men who pre Mrs. Goldie Hull, and two sone, it will be money well »pent to assist as now organized will give District sented their claims to the officers I.ewl8 and Sam. The aged mother. tn this cause and heartily endorses Agent C. L. Clevenger more oppor that did reach Grants Pass Friday Mrs. S. A. Brewer, aleo survives. the plans suggested by Its efficient tunity to attend to operating condi ' According to Mr. T^wtson he issued1 He was a member of the Elks, the civics committee. tions, and. the company believes, more Victory Medals while In Grants i Maccabees and the Woodmen of the will result in better service through Pass than at any city during their World lodges, being three times COLOMBIAN TREATY IN out the whole territory as well as trip and the service officer was kept elected exalted ruler of the Skag AGAIN IN THE SENATE locally. —The Volt, official paper of ' busy from the time of their arrival way lodge of Elks, the “furtheet Washington. Mar. 7.— (A. IP.) — the California Oregon Power Co. Friday afternoon until their depar north” of any Elks lodge in the The Colombian treaty was reported ture at 2 p.m Saturday hearing and world. He leaves a host of friend« formally to the senate by the for MAJOR WOOD WILL adjusting claims presented by local who appreciate his whole-souled eign relations committee. The ac STI DY PHILIPPINE SITUATION i ex-service men. character and kindly disposition. tion again placed the treaty on the The funeral services will be held senate calendar. Washington, Mar. 7.— (A. P.) — Mrs. G. M. Savage died In Port Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, Major General Wood has been as- land Sunday evening, and the body Is at Hall’s chapel. The body will llo The Geographical Society of raris slgned, nt Harding's roquent, to go expected to arrived In Grants Pass In state at the chapel from 12 till 2 In 182R gave a prize of 16,000 francs to the Philippines to study éondl- Tuesday morning. The funeral will previous to the funeral services Wed to Rene Callie ns the first traveler to tlons there In the llght of Philippine be held Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock, at nesday that the remains may be aspirations for Indépendance, reach Tlmhuctoo. Haifa chapel. I viewed for the last time. MlLtU IN Hid VICTOR BERGER’S PAPER HUWIt MUSTSTAYOUTOFMAIL ZEPPELIN NOT EFFECTIVE IN Will IS THE STATEMENT OE ffl TIRPITZ ÌD