Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1921)
Till RHD4Y, MAH« Il », mai. GItANTH PAM DA 11.Y COI KIEK Classified Advertising poll HALE « XI ItNEltY HTOCK KHAHONKD WOOD FOR HA I AC-Oak NtKHERY Highest grade fruit, and laurel. 84 l*| body Hr. 83 75; shade, nut tress—also berries and split body fir. 84 50. ('. W. lam- ornamental In variety. Albany brecht. Rd. I, Box 11. 26tf Nuraerlsa (Branch) 860 North Seventh strest. Granta Paas. 7ltf . FOR RASH Uhadsland Eclipse seed oats, rec lea usd. 3c per pound W. .MihtELLANEOlb L. Hayes. Murphy, or C. N Gulp, Pipe SHOP—Plumbing, cooperative shipping manager. REPAIR work, st«am fitting, boiler and Granta Paa*. B2tf 505 pump work and Installing. CHOICE BALED ALFALFA hay. 826 South «th strest. Phone 366. fl. delivered any place In Uranta Pass A Bryaa. 6ltf 823 at ranch five miles below OAItX'KH-GAYHTTY IRON WORKS town. Phone 606-F-12. C. II. Eis General foundry and machine mann 87tf work; gray Iron and brass cast FOR SALE Fino farm of 412.25 ings, sny slse and quantity. Deal acres for general purposes Oppor ers In secund band mine and saw tunity for cranberries. Port Orford mill machinery, boilers, engines, cedar and sporting facilities Nine pipe fittings, etc Booth and F miles south of Bandon, four miles streets, Orsnts Pass, Ore. »4tf north of Langlois. New building*. Wild. TAKB IRONING to do at my Woven wire fencing. Courtesy to home. Call 2 2» E street. 16 agents. Edmund Craft, Craft Lake f Ranch, Randon, Coos County. Ore ANYONE wanting plowing done or gon Phone M-5011 Bandon. 29 any t«ani work, please call 250-R 17 FOR SAIJ0 -Strictly fancy dodder free alfalfa seed;: tests 99 96% No pure and »1% germination, better seed was ever offered you. FOR 8AIJC Hatching eggs, from heavy laying strain of Hoganlxed 824 00 per 100 iba. Write for urn- stock 8 O. White and Brown Leg pie. Monarch Seed A Feed Co., 31.50 horns and Barred Rocks, 22 Medford. Ore. Special per setting of 15 eggs, 1919 REPUBLIC TRUCK SPECIAL price per hundred lot. Also few —New Royal Cord tires, electric fine 8. C. White Ixvghom cockerels. lighted, oak express body and farm 28 Con Schaefers. Rd 2. body Machin« throughout like new with many extras. Must be FOR SAI j E- -Hatching egga from Sheppard's famous Anconas. They aeon to be appreciated for work, sure shell out th« eggs. Jas Eads. farm or traveling use Will con 33 306 West I street. sider 1st» model Ford as part pay ment. Write for appointment and FOR BALE Barred Rock eggs for see for yourself Byrd Farlelgh. hatching, from heavy laying strain, Leland. Ore. 16 Ill-a-llee atrain. 81.50 for setting of 15. Carriage prepaid In Jose FOR RAIK- - *4 acre with large mo phine Co. L. E. Wilson. Merlin, dern house with new furnace, barn, Oreg A. 18 garage and chicken house, Good well and city water. Call at 830 WANTED 3« Olive Ave. Phone 253. WANTED—4 or 6 h. p. gaaoilne en FOR HALE—% sere with five-room gine In good order and reasonable. house, barn, chicken house, pump State price Wm W. Dry. Holland. ing house and engine, good family Ore.. Box 45. 17 orchard and strawberries Call at DRESSMAKING 830 Olive Ave Phone 268. 36 FOR RALE Htrlctly fancy alfalfa DRESSMAKING, box, knife, inverted panel and frill pleatings, a spe seed, 824 00 per 100 lbs Med cialty, also accordion pleating by Red Clover. 828.50 per 100 lbs. special orders. Satisfaction guar White Bl Sweet Clover. 822.00 per anteed. Prices reasonable. Esti 1»» lbs Aleike clover. 828.50. mates cheerfully given. Phone Write for samples. Monarch Seed 506 or call on Mrs. W. R. Swcape, A Feed Co.. Medford, Ore. 22 661 North Third street. 32 MILK fur sale, delivered, prl< e right. W/ II Carville, fins« bouse acrons RAMO INSTRUCTION brdlge on left. 17 MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, Instruc FOR SA I Ji-—A saw mill. Inquire at I tor on piano; studio over Barn»«’ 72« N 5th St . Grants Pass, Ore jewelry. Phone 265-J. 1» CIVIL ENGINEER PAGB ' REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF<HE FIRMT NATIONAL BANK OF HOt THERA OREGON al Grants Pass, In the Stale ot (Tregon. at the close of business on Februsry 21, 1921, Rosoureen 1. a Ixtans «nd discounts, Including redis counts .............................................. 8 «12,7»«.24 612.796.24 •Total loans ......................................... 599.65 ......... 2. Overdrafts, unsecured, 8699 65 4 U. H. Government ««u uritiea owned: Deposited to secure circulation ( U. 8. bonds par value) .......................... 60,000.00 c Pledged to secure postal savings de- »,000.00 posits (par value) ........................ d Pledged as collateral for State or other 21,000.00 deposits or bills payable.......... .. 42,500.00 f Owned and unpledged . ............................ h War Savings Certificates and Thrift 29.15 Stamps actually owned ............ 1 Deposited with State authorities In ac cordance with provisions of Sec. 10,000.00 11-K. Federal Reserve Act___ 132,529.15 Total U. 8. Government securities ... ». Other tiond*. Mwurithw, etc.i C Bunds and securities (other than V. 8. securities) pledged as collateral for State or other deposits (postal excluded) or bills pay 2,729.84 able .......................................... ..... Securities, other than U. 8. bonds( not Including stocks), owned and unpledged ..................................... 73,357.5» g Deposited with State authorities In ac cordance with provisions of See. IS.000.00 11-K, Federal Reserve Act ...... Total bonds, securities, etc., other »1,087.43 then II. 8.......................................... 7. ■lock of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per 2,700.00 cent of subscription) ............... ~ 8. a Value of banking house, owned and un 20,000.00 incumbered .............................. 3,500.00 ». Furniture and fixture« ............................ — banking 10. Real estate owned other than 1,500.00 house . 51,502.25 11. lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 13. Cash In vault and net amounts due from 93,334.72 national banks „............................ 14. Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust companies In the Unit ed Stalest other than Included 837.17 . Items 11, 12 or 13) .... ................ 1,900 69 15. Exchanges for clearing house ..................... »«,072.58 Total of Items 12. 13, 14. 15. aDd 16 17. Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting buk and 297.32 other cash items .....................«... 18. Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer and 2,500.00 due from U. 8. Treasurer ____ 1,195.20 20. 'Gold dust ....................................................... ■■ 31.016,279.82 I Total 21. Capital stock paid in ................... -....... — 22. Surplus fund ..............«.«................ «........... — 13,359.69 23. a Undivided profits ..„...... -........ —............ « b Less current expenses, interest and taxes 3,955.77 paid ...............................-............... 24. Interest and discount collected or credited In advance ot maturity and not earned — (approximate) ........ 27. Circulating notes outstanding ................ «... 80. Net amounts due to tranks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States and foreign countries (other than included In Items 28 or 29) .............. -...................... 31. Certified checks outstanding ....................... 499.14 Total of Items 28. 29. 30. 31 and 32 Demand de|>o«ita (other than bank de posit«) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 dflys): 33. Individual deposits subject to check«........ 34. Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days (other than for money bor rowed) ............................................ 35 State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank ...... —.................. Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) pubject to re serve. Items 33. 34, 35. 36, 37 581,424.05 and 38 ....... ,.................................. Time d<-|>o«it« subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): 39. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) ........................ 41 Postal savings deposits ................................. 12 Other time deposits . ...................................... Totsl of time deposits subject to Re- . serve. Items 39. 40, 41, and 43 284,605.81 FOR 8AJJC Second-hand motorcy cle. cheap. Donkey drums, gyp-! GEO. M ABH FORD. C. E. Ixtnd sub division, mine and Irrigation sur stes, pulley blocks, hooks. etc. veys. «14 N. 6th 8t. Phone 48-R. 19> Ament's Auto Repair Shop. __ | 178,597.02 E F WANN, mining and civil engi 1,160.41 FOR SALE—White oats and com-, neering. Mine examinations and 104,848.38 mon barley for seed. 2*4 cents! reports. Underground and surface per lb. each. B. 8. Watts, Mur-, surveying, mapping, mill design ;>h>, Ore. 16 and construction, land surveys and 31,016,279.82 Total FOR SALE—Three thoroughbred sub division. Phons 249-R. 28 Berkshire 'brood sows, ten months ■■Mt. Aggregate amount of salaries or <<>ni|»eii'ution |ud<l .by this hank to VETERINARY Hl ItGEON Chairman of Board (If any). I’rcehlent, Vice-Pfwidente. Cashier, and old. weight about 300 lbs. each. ' Assistant Cashiers for month of January, 1921, $560; Annual |>ay of , Beat blood In Oregon. Will Sco DR. R. J BESTUL. Veterinarian all U mw officer»» at January . 1»»> ratej.f pay, $6,720; number of these ville. 16 Residence 838 Washington boule officer* on date of this report wax 4. ,1». Aggc-gate amount of salaric* or conqu-nsaUon paid to all other em IX MT I va rd. phone X98-R. ployees of this Iwnk for month of January, 1921, $4:40; Annual |>ay of those employe»» on basis of the January, 1921, rate of pay, $5160; PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON LOST—-Roll of dimes, amounting to number of these employee on date of this report was 5. »5. "Was lost either between the I L. O. CLEMENT. M D.. Practice State of Oregon. County of Josephine, ss: ■ First National Bank and the post- I I. R K Hackett, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear limited to diseases of eye, ear.nose of my knowledge and belief. office or the postoffice and the 8. and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. that the above statement is true to the best R. K. HACKETT. Cashier, P. depot. Jteward for return to to before me this 28th day of February, 1921. Subscribed and sworn 8. LOUGH RIDGE, M. D. Physician the Courier or to the depot. 16 EDWARD S. VAN DYKE, Notary Public, and surgeon. City or country' call» My commission expires Nov. 29, 1924. j ACCOUNTANT attended day or night. Phones. Correct—Attest: Rea. 369; Office. 182; 6th and H AUDITING, Systematizing. Financial | H. D. NORTON. L. B. HALL. E. J Bl!JACK. M. D. Physician, sur- Statements. Ivan Livingston, In-1 J. T. FRY. geon, Schallhorn Blk. Phone 54-J; coniorate Accountant, Grants Pass. Directors res 1004 Iziwnridge. phone 5 4-L. 507 E St. Phone 147 ‘The Wardrobe Cleaners WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO FIRST CLASS WORK CLEANING------ PRESSING — REPAIRING Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effect»”'! Oct. 25, 1920 Daily and Sunday- LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass MEDFORD GRANTS PASH Waiting Room 10:00 19:00 a. m. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. ni. 4:30 p. m. 4.30 p. Phone 160 We connect with stage« for Ashland and Jacksonville Do you want to increase the life of your car, save g*n and get more mileage from your tires? Marvel Shock Absorbers will do thia for you W. S. Maxwell & Co. N.ASH CHEVROLET LOW PRICE Is in the Long Wear, Not in the Price Tag Tailor Sho Granta Clothing is an inift»tment. It should be an carefully selected as buying a bond- Our product represent« good value always—The choicest ALL- WOOL fabrics, beautifully hand-tail ored to your personal spedfeations, at a most reasonable price. Gust Coorin, Proprietor 108 8. 6th St. Phone 72 Health Bran MADE FROM CAREFULLY CLEANED AND SCOURED WHEAT, SPECIALLY' FOR TABLE USE. EQUAL TO ANI' ON THE MAR KET. HOLD IN BI LK AT .ABOUT ONE-THIRD THE PRICE OF THAT USUALLY PI T UP IN PASTE-BOARD CARTONS. MADE BY JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. BUILDING CONTRACTORS W F RUTHERFORD—Manual the- Zero In Fascination. Salt Weeks Fsvsr Preventive. raputlcs. Office over Barnes’ jew Personally we don't know any klm Workmen attending ihe puns In salt works are never known to have if merchandise that looks less fasci elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. intlng than a hair switch In a sho' RALPH W STEARNS. M. D. Xray cholera, smallpox, scarlet fever or In vlndow.—Dallas News. fluenza A. J. GREEN—General contractor. equipment. Phones: Office, 21-J: Estimate« and plans made. Noth- Residence, 21-L, Ing too small or too large Shop ¡1 Regardless of whether we represent DENTISTS 211 Sixth St. Phone 375-L. 9 2tf your make of battery or not. WE Flrst-eia. c \ 1; I ■ I S I HR WORK New and re E. C. MACY. D. M. D. have the parts, equipment, and skill dentistry. 10914 S flth St pair, painting, roof repairing, by ed experience necessary to properly experienced men. Care J. C. Booth. ATTORNEYS rebuild it. Ill 8. 6th St. Phone 71. 17 If von want your old battery restor H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. REAL ESTATE ed to a dependable, first class condi Practices In al) State and Federal tion at reasonable cost, bring It to Courts First National Rank Bldg e . t . mckinstry , «03 o st., phone this SERVICE STATION... We have U’.orney-at-law. 355-R, real estate. Rest of soils for O. W. COLVIO, a service battery to fit your car. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. fruit, hay or general farming. ADAMS ELECTRIC AND BATTER! E. 8. VAN DY1¿E, Attorney. Practices ROY HIGGINS—General real estate, i SHOP Office ill South Sixth, Phone 69. | In all courts. First National Bank ."»(HI So. Sixth Street Building SEE HAUANGER A HULL for farm, O. 3. IIIAWIIAItn. Attorney-at-law. city and bininone property^. 10 and Golden Rule Bldg. Phone 270. 11 Flanagan Bldg. Phone 284, C. A. S’DI j ER, Attorney-at-law Ma- TAX. soaie l''m?le. Grants Pass, Ore. SOONER TAXI — Phone 262-R for GEO. H. DURHAM, Attorney-at-law Jitney Luke nr Cutler. Calls an referee In bankruptcy. Masonic swered anywhere, anytime R6tf 1 Temple Phone 135-J. HARPER A SON—Building contrac tor«. Shop work, furniture crating. Shop 510 H 8t. Res. phone 142. ynUR MAKE REBUILT USED CARS FOR SALE Dodge. 1918. Ford truck, one ton. Scripps-Booth, 1920, first class shape. Overland model 90. guaranteed first class shape. Maxwell, Forti 191S, just overhauled. Ford 1914, new tires. mix. Chevrolet, 1919, fine shape. HERE z j \ MBS T OH INNOCK Lawyer DRAYAGE AND TRANSFER First National Rank Building. THE WORLD MOVES; so do we. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg. 349; residence phone 315-J. Practice In all courts. 18HA.M, dragage. transfer; pl- V. A. C. AHLF, lawyer, practice tn anon. safe«, furniture, moved, ship stats «.id federal courts. Office ped, packed, stored. Phone 124 Y over Natlensl Drug Store. LEARN TO DRAW voun HAM AHO ADOaiM W1 WILL MAIL TOD 0</(l ILU3TBATW AST SOOKLCT AMO TXSMS WITHOUT AMY COST TO YOU SCHOOL SV TMUUKSXT ISW MAGAZBISS Count’s Feed Store M4-S16 J STREET GRANTS P.ASS ORE. — TEL.161 GRAIN, FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS Z -ALI. KINDS OF FEED GRAIN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS R. E. MORTON, Proprietor CALL IN AND SEE VS AND GO OVER ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS IN SOUTHERN OREGON i