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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1921)
GRANTS PISS DAILY COURIER GltANTO PASH AND JOSI I tllM IIINK, at Grant* Pass, in the Stats of Ore gon. at the close of business Febru ary 21st. 1921. Rfwourvni leians and discounts I 719,410.34 Overdrafts. aotntrod alul 704.33 unsecured .............. .... Bond* and warrant« ... 334,121 «8 Stocks, securities, judg 17.443.3« ments. etc..................... «,000.00 Banking house ....... ...... 7.500.00 Furniture and fixtures Other real estate own- 3.755 00 el .................. ................. Due from banks (not reserve banks) ..... . 4.111.»« I »ue from approved re J1.756 06 serve banks .............. Checks and other cash 841 44 Items Exchanges for clearing 3.3»7. «7 house .......... 53.973.93 Cash on hand ................ 543 31 Other resources ........... I'llE Published Dolly Except Sunday ▲. E. VoorhfOs, Pub and Propr. Entered at poet office. Granta Puao, Oro . as s«cond-<laas mail mattar.. ADVERTISING R.ATES Display space, per tncb.............. 25c Local-uersonal column, per line .10c Roadera. per lina—.......................... 5c DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier. per year...... 04.00 By laall or carrier, per month- .50 WEEKLY COURIER By mail, per year............................. 02.00 MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively •■titled to the use for. republication of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news pub- Bated herein. All rights of republlcatlon of spo- cribed therein are required to take clal dispatches herein are also re- notice thereof. served Dated and first published this 3rd day of March. 1931. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, IMI ROY E. MILLER. 444444444444O* 4 4 4 l«tf County Agent. Josephine Co 4 OREGON WEATHER 4 NEW TODA» 4 4 4 Tonight and Friday, fair. 4 EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— 4O«>>«e44444444 4 4 4 Dependable companies and reas 4444444*444*444 4 ♦ ♦ onable rates. See T. Buick Salesrooms. M Stott. 102tf 4 4 ♦ ♦ FOR SALE—Will sacrifice on the price. 6 room house. 1 S acres fine I 6prtial Eriilsy and Saturday— garden land. Other improvements. Small, uweet. juicy navel oranges J. P Wilson, owner N. 13 st. 17 at the bargain price of 25c per doz., 3 dox. for 45c. Kinney 4 Trtiax BUY FROM OWNER—The Wheeler 1« Grocery residence. 507 A street, furnished or unfurnished. See Mrs. Cyrus To Play Basketball— Wheeler at home from 8 a. m to The girl's basketball team is to 6 p. m 17 play the Roseburg team Friday WANTED^Janltor-Tor the Presby night, at 7:30 o'clock, at the junior terian church. Call Mre. Mary high school. VanDyke. Phone» 184-R. 14tf ♦ UH II n DAV, MMU Il II, IIMil. GIUNTO PARS DAILY COI RIER FAGE TWO ADDITIONAL LOCAL Fancy Alfalfa Seed— The price is right J. Pardee. 31 FOR SALE:—3-year-old Guernsey cow. purebred River Banks Farms. 31 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY toasted LUCKY STRIKE I Washington, Mar. 3 (A. P.) »!. 132,681 09 CIGARETTE I.labilitl,-. ¡The president vetoml the Fordney 75.000 00 i emergency tariff bill today. Capital «lock paid In 1 30.000.00 Sundus fund Undivided profits, less Office stationery -Courier office expenses and taxes Outdoor and indoor workers, sub 33.943 31 paid ject to exposure or heavy toll. And and Due to banka relief in Sloan's Liniment bankers ANNOI Nt EMENT KXTRAORMÄ 1RY deposits Individual EEN at work all day, standing on «13.«95.73 subject to check Nl'M IAL RALE OF your feet, lifting heavy weight»? l»emand certificates of And now you're all tir«xl out. 1.141 35 deposit ..... .. ................ Never mind, if you are wise you have Cashier checks out a bottle of Sloan's on the shelf, at homo 27.48« 50 standing ..................... or in the shop. Put a little on, «nUo«4 Certified checks ... .... 438.55 Stmiilnnl t'olunitiia Blue 1 j »I w 'I Urt imi» Ihuice, s«>iig sud I unde He mMisr, and quickly Comes grateful Time and Sievings De li- Ilona warmtn and relief. 343.384.12 posits GtxxJ for rheumatic pains, neuralgia, Notes and bills redis- 59.500 00 sciatica, lunitugo and the bo«t of ex counted ternal pains that ore all the time coax mils payable for 130 Retired Popular Bwonls on ttelo «4 .MN E». Ii f«»r a limited Um« ing. Help« break up colds, tool 58.500 00 money borrowe«! I ! llriv I* y«mr diane«' io get the twonl» you've always lutentJed to It’s comforting to ><•<£» it handy. Imy and to g»w tlutti at BBc «luring llil* »air of standard Columbia Total 01.122.581.0» Three size«—A5c, 70c, $1.40. Blue lotw-1 record«—MAI»K WITHIN THE LAST IN MONTH«! STiTE OF OREGON ) I County of Josephine) Sudi urtisi« an Al Jolsou, T«xl Ixiwia* Jess lleud, tn lllrkniaa's Or- ■a. i rhrttrt, Harry E'«»x, str., aiming these 130 I olumMa rvtlrtsl rtt-onls I. Sam H. Baker. Cashier of the I •¿«io M-ltx lions—al flfiy-nln«' «-«til» enrh rv«-ord. solemnly above-name«! bank, do Please note that the««' are NOT seconds nor record« that have been swear that the above atatement I« I true to the bwt of my knowledge! • played nor other than ABSOLUTELY NEW records of standard and belief. i Columbia quality 59c prie« applies only to 130 num tiers to be re 8AM H. BAKER tired. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn Io before! me this 1st day of March. 1921. SEAL A. K. CASS. i Notary Public t SIAUloti Itow «dl. Proprirtur (My commission oxplres February 13. 1933 ) CORR ECT — A ttest G P JESTER. CHAS BURKHALTER OLAFS SCHMIDT KNIGHTS OF Directors We don't <<>n«l<lrr life * grind— PYTHIAS Real Interest In our work we find. ITEMING EVENTS IX1DGE NO. SO A man must show a real Interest In Mar. 3-4-5, Thursday, Friday. Sat his work before anyone else will take Thermopylae urday—Courtney's Big Fun show an Interest In it. You pay us the two at Opera House. Played MEETS proper price for paying the proper weeks In Salt Lake. TONIGHT amount of attention to the job you Mar. 12. Saturday—Rummage Mie ■end us. Our repair work proves it Visiting Mem- for library fund. self out- out on the road, and you Invited can prove you are money In In our THE CALIFORNIA AND OREGON 4 <>»sr b \ii iu>st» compami Shop. ess Time Cacti AMENT'S At To REPAIR AND .MACHINE SHOP Effective Nov. 34, 1919 MACHINE WORK Trains will run Mondays. Wedneo- WELDING , days and Fridays PM Leave Granta Pass. .............1 PM. Arrive Water« Creek ........ 2 Leave Waters Creek.......... 2:30 P M P M A Man is just as Young Arrive Granta Paas.......... 4 For Information regarding freight and Strong as his and passenger rate« call at the office Bep hue the shaliby top with « of the company, Lundbnrg building, Blood light. <wui)-to-han«1le w «wilier- or telephone 131. No man can fight the battles of proof «me now. life and hold his own if his blood NOT SELLING OUT—Jl NT Ol T ( Kmart hoiking, serviceable to; is not pure, for rich, red blood SELLING—Goods iisml Imt not abu*>- (rrfr-ct fitting and improving tlic car's lieiks—n wide choice In ma is what strength is based upon. • n L Let m«- furnish your house. A lt-rials nnd col«»». When you see a strong, vigorous v«ry complete stork to pick from at OUR PRKTCH VOWENT man, who never knows when he rcnsonnbl«- prices. New lilxnkrts, is licked, you may wa#er that comforts and maur«-sscs nt r<Mluc«vl ! such a man has coursing through prices, solid oak dining table and his veins rich, red blood. Many chairs to match, $32. Phone 71. Total B COLUMBIA RECORDS • $*i)e Sloan» Liniment (SS? WERE G lad .. to SERVE YOU i AUTO TOPS CHICHESTERSPILLS HAVE YOU SEEN THE BEAUTIFUL LINE OF GING- HAMS we : are : SHOWING THIS SPRING AT io «-, 2O c AND 25c? THE GINGHAM »HESSES AT $2.4« ARE. BIG SELLERS. EMERGENCY TlltlEI BILL No olgarotto has th« samo dsllclous flavor as Luoky Strike. Bacauas— Grants Pass, Ore. First showing of Spring and Sum- FTVB-ROOM MODERN BUNG.AIA3W for rent. Nicely finished on inter aner millinery at the Hat Shop Sat ior. Call at 1103 East A St. 17 urday. March Sth. FURNITURE FOR SALE—Cail Fancy Alfalfa Seed— 326 W Burgees St. The price is right. J. Pardee. 31 WANTED—-House and small place in Grants Pass. Have 6 acres, fie i s ice Station ErertM— house, good well. 100 fruit tree«, Harper 4 Son. the contractors, are beautiful location. 7 miles from making rapid progress in the erec town, irrigation. Also 10 acres tion of the new service station at pears, etc., irrigated, 10 years old. Sixth and L streets for Al Lemon, 6 miles from Medford, small the frame work now being entirely house, bard, chicken house Salt in place. or trade. Address Box 91, Rd. 4 Grants Pass. No agents. II NOTICE TO EXTERMINATE GROUND SQUIRREIZk Every person, firm, co-partnership, company or corporation, residing on. c o black owning. leasing, occupying, possess C & CAPSULES ing or haring charge of or dominion over any land, building, wharves or ditches infested with digger ground squirrels in Josephine County, Ore gon. is hereby notified to begin at once to effectively exterminate and destroy all such digger ground squir rels. Poisoned barley may be secured PtlU 5 - from the county agent. botti, «eased with Blue RiUxm. Notice is published pursuant -ir««*« •iò~,Tr'» « ItBAM» Pf LI.*4. It* St the statute in such case made ymntoown as Best, Safest. Always RelUb« provided for two consecutive weeks SOLD M MUGÜ6TS EVERYWHE tt or three issues and all persons des- Ginghams and Gingham U II --ox VETOES FORDNEV Flavor! The Music & Photo House Will Can for M4o ' SECOND HAND GOODS—Bought The county court in Sbssfon today and sold. Southeast corner of 6th Is preparing bids for the construction and M streets. 17 of two bridges, one over the Hlinols FOR SALE — One library table. 2 between Waldo and Takilma and the beds, one airtight heater, 3 Bar other over Grave creek at Leland. red Rock roosters. Call at 731 8th ____ St., ____ or phone 267-L 18 Spring Millinery Display— _ South __________ r P l NIECS « EASE THOSE TIRED, ACHING MUSCLES Istndowiiors within th« proposed Fort Vannoy Irrigation district, which is now In process of organisa tion. mot Inst night at th« Cecil Wes ton plac« and discussed the engineer- Ing plans with the project engineer, Mr (Mubbloflald The figures pro <luced by th« engineer made lhe es timated coot of th« Installation of the rumi»« and motors and the building of the ditches at about 025.000. There are 800 acre« within th« pro posed district. No definite action was taken at last night's meetin«, but s «ertimi meeting will be held Io take up the question of Issuing bonds <o cover the work. G. B. BERRY I people have thin, pale blood. They are weak, tire easily, be come discouraged quickly, and sometimes feel like giving up the struggle. Such folks need Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov ery, which is sold by druggi ts in liquid or tablet form. It is made up of Blood root, Oregon Grape root. Queen’s root, Stone root, Cherry Bark, without alcohol. Send 10c. to Dr. Pierce’s Invalids’ Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., for a trial package of the tablets. O lympia , W ash .—"My husba I always uses Dr. Pierce’s Gold n Medical Discovery as a 3tor. ■. di medicine and tohic. and _ decla: -s i that it is the best medicine in the world."—M rs . J. E. F oster , Cor. Pear and Spring Streets. “EVERYBODY’S SERVING ’EM NOW VS A R DEPARTMENT CANNED M E A1 S Wherever women congregate, you are likely to hear them telling each other what delicious, appetizing dishes are being prepared with War Department Canned Corned Beef and Corned Beef I lash, ami how The Whole Family Can DINE FOR A DAY FOR A DOLLAR Your dealer has—or should have—a supply of these meats. Be sure and get your share. Insist, if lie hasn’t them, that he get you a supply of War Department ('aimed Corned Beef and Corned Beef Hash. Toll him you know there’s a legitimate profit in them for him (at the wholesale prices shown below) and that you and your neighbors can make big savings by purchasing these nourishing foods. the : wholesale : prices Golden Rule Store COFFEE FREE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY GOLDEN GATE COFFEE FROM OUR OVEN comes a continuous supply finest bread, cakes and pastry. Every day more women are Teaming how much better our baking is than their own. That, you have not yet learned this fact is a misfortune which you can remedy by giving our oven pro ducts a trial today. Ask your Grocer for Breed hskrd by the GRANTS PASS BAKERY 503 G Street are printed below. They will give you some Idea of what you will save on your purchases. tYIRNED BEEF HASH CORNED BEEF 1 lb. cans, 15c per can No. 1 cans, 15c per can 2 lb. cans, 30c per can No. 2 cans, 27c per can 1 lb. cahs, 18c per can 6 lb. cans, 0t. per can TABLE OF DINCOl NTS Discounts to apply on all purchases of surplus canned meats on and after November 15, 1920, are as follows: « 250 to »1,000................................ - 1,001 to 2,500.................... 5 per cent - . 2,501 to 4,000.................. 10 per i cent 4 4,001 and over.................. 20 per cent < The Government will pay freight on carload lote to any point in the United States located more than twenty miles from ship- ping point. CUMULATIVE PURI MAKES COUNT When purchases reach 050,001, 24% net to prevail ; when pur chaMn reach 3100,001, 28% net to prevail; when purchases reach 0500,001, 32% net to prevail; when purchases reach 01,000,001 and over, 35% net to prevail. MINIMI M ORDER AtX'EPTED $2.50 Dealers’ orders should be sent to Depot Quartermaster at the following addresses: Brooklyn, N. Y., 59th st. and First Ave. Boston, Mass., Army Sup- Ply Base CtHeogo, III., 1819 w. 39th ^Âidï- Tr,n’por,‘• San Antonio, Tex. San Francisco, Calif. SI Ill'Ll 'N I’BOI'EliTY HRANCH Office of the Quartermaster General, Munitions Bldg. WftMhington J) 0 BUY IT BY THE CASE WAR DEPARTMENT CANNED MEATS b