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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1921)
i jJnss ümlg Courier AH84XTATKD PREMM SERVICE VOL. XL, No. 180. THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1021. WHOLE NUMBER 3218. I 4 ama Army UtUVtKtU IU UtKIWANY , - I . «' < •'wipronil mj A gHvtnent for 158.000 Mea During the Next Fiscal Year Pasees Congress ATTHECAPITAL 10 TAKE OFFICE Fundamental Principles of Demands of Tbe Allied Coun cil Must be Accepted Without Further Delay on . The Part of Defeated Nation Panama. Mar. 3.—(A. P) —Costal Washington, Mar. 3.—(A. P.)— PRESIDE NT-ELECT ARRIA' ES AT Rican forces are being rushed to the The army appropriation bill was WASHINGTON- READY TO BE Coto district, where Panaman and! completed today and sent to the SWORN IN TOMORROW Coata Itlcan troops have been en president. The house accepted the gaged in hostilities. A steamer is compromise agreed to by the senate reported preparing to land troops at for an army of 155,000 during the Ixtndon. Mar. 4.—(A. P.)—Oer- second, eash allied country will next fiscal year. a point where they can cut commu nications off from the Panatnans who many has been given until Monday i place a tax on German merchandise, recently captured Costa Rican noon to accept the fundamental con and third, a customs boundary along Washington, Mar. 3.—(A. P.)— , the Rhine under ths allies' control Hope of passing the naval appropria forces ditions laid down by the supreme al I will be established. Replying, Dr. tion bill at this session was abandon- Makra Definite Announcement of Se- lied council at iParis. The tierman ■Unions for the Germans said, Ger- lection of Jame» J. I>avte as la 1 ed today by Senator Poindexter, who delegates were informed by the al Í many's Intentions had been quite has been In charge of It. The sen bor Secretary Dr. J. F. Ready Here Dr. J F. Ready is in the city (yom lied representatives that if Germany I misunderstood. The German reply, ate proceeded to other business. be sadd, would be delivered Monday. Medford, and is a. optimistic as In not “>e •»“* Salem. Mar. 3—(A Pl- The days of yore Ho usd let« that all 'immediate steps. First will be the “In our opinion,” he added, “no oc Fifty-Fifty dub to fiance—— Washington, Mar. 3.—(A. P.)—- public service commission yesterday ths good things Gran’s Pass hopes| occupation by the allied troops of casion will arise far sanctions set The regular dancing party of the President-elect Harding arrived at | 50-50 club will be held tomorrow the capital this afternoon and went ’ll coms granted an Increase In rates to the for ror w wii rom* in due uus limo, i:mo, and ana that tnai »rulsberg. Ihieeaeldorf and Ruhror; tofth by the pilled power».” evening, and each lady is requested into conference with inaugural offi Pacific Telephone and Telegraph i every little while there Is a new rip- to bring a lunch for two, and also cials on the details of tomorrow's company, averaging 30 per cent, as pi« affecting the railroad altuatloh. to bring cups and spoons. The dance ceremonies against an average at 45 per cent and that the ripple will some^dayT A crowd greeted him will be held at the Waldorf, but is at the station. break into a real wav« that will lay' petitioned for. The new rates are made effective flea and rails and put steam in the for members of the club only. He definitely announced the selec as of March let, and the bills for boilers ot the locomotives that will tion of James J. Davis, of Pittsburg, the current month will be baaed upon ¡supplant old No. 1. Mr. Reddy is as secretary of labor. postal Tolegrajih Moves— — • ... - — , a now Interacted In a highway eontnu-t the new rate. The Postal Telegraph office has The new chargee as they apply to in the state of California where he London, Mar. 3.—(A. PA—Pro-, London, Mar. 3.—(A. PA —Lack been moved from its old quarters to Washington, Mar. 3.—(A. P.)— Granta Pass effect rates as follows: waa tbe successful bidder for tbe prletors of fashionable West End ho- of locomotives and freight cars to the corner of the Josephine hotel President-elect Harding and wife late Business phones. *3 75 for wall building of eight miles between Ce- tels and restaurants are bewailing transport food and other supplies is block, where it now occupies desk today will visit the White House and and 3 4 for desk, one party line; two I darvHle and Alturas at a coat of the slump In their receipts which j one of tbe worst features of the dls- room tn the corner lobby. will also cafl on Mrs. Champ Clark. party. 33.M and >33.50. 3110,000. W. W. Harmon, formerly they declare has h.. taken place, tressing situation which prevails in Residence phonss, one party, 33 engineer for the Grants Paas rail- “We have the same number of eastern and southern Europe, says M. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, who for wall and 33.25 for desk; two road, ia engineer In charge of the people dining each night," said the Hotovec. the Czecboslavak minister were called to Cottage Grove Mon party. 32.50 and 33-75; tour party. road work. manager of one of the beet known for foreign trade, who has been visit day by the death of Mr. Smith’s 32 25 and 32.50. . i restaurants, “but our receipts are ing In London. brother, returned today. The funer Suburban phones. 32.50 and »2.75. I al services were held at Cottage 150 per cent below those of a year The minister said that there were Grove Tuesday. _ ago. The difference.“ he added, “is tens of thousands of freight cars in * i chiefly a matter of wines During those parts of Europe which were in Plenty of slid™— 8>1<les and plenty of them rolled Iftif ’h*1 w,r- *nd ''«fore the war. It was need of repairs but could not be re IVV! customary for a small party here to stored to use because of lack of ne-. L It is the aim of the Ladies Aux- down upon the grade which John Ju I have a magnum of champagne. Now ceasary material and technical ex | lllary to keep abreast of the proces Hampshire has been making between sion of important events, but it will they are satisfied with a bottle of perts to do the work. Camas Valley and Remote, on the ' fall one day behind in celebrating Chablis or some other w^ne which' Roaebura-fToos Bay highway. Mr He asserted that the peace treaty .Washington. Mar 3.—(A. P.>— costs much less than champagne." Inauguration day. However, this Hampshire, who arrived at the HotM had laid down the proposition that “Apart from the greater expense." great event will be observed in a fit Portland yesterday from the state Propagation of plants for production the reparations commission would highway office at 8alem. says that of vegetable oils used In the fight said a famous bon vivant. “Jt must distribute all railway rolling stock ting manner, at the regular meeting Dublin. Mar. 3.—(A. P.)—Many about 30,000 yards of slide will have against leprosy has 'been unaertaken be admitted that dining out is not and locomotives which had belonged of the club on Saturday. March 5’h, The when Mrs. R. E. Miller will read a of the auxiliary cadets of the -Royal to be removed In the 14-mrte section by the department of agriculture IM pleasant as it used to be. to ¡Austria-Hungary and those which which he has under contract. As to ifseds of the hydnocarpus anthelmln- restaurants where there used to be were surrendered by Germany, but timely paper on inaugural customs. Irish constabulary are finding life tlca tree, forwarded fro® Bangkok, refinement and charm not only 1n Of added interest to the program in Ireland altogether too strenuous this job, Mr Hampshire says that it that virtually nothing had been done should be -finished and all equipment Slam. by Dr. J. F. Rock of the Uni- the surroundings but tn the people In this direction, although more than j will be the dramatization of "The and exciting, filled as their existence removed not later then June 15. He varsity of Hawaii .will be sent to themselves have been invaded by a three years had elapsed since the Little Pig Brother.” -by the 1st grade- is with possibilities of ambush and children of the Riverside school, and i sudden death. says that the grade can now be let Florida. Porto -Rico and Hawaii for new type of diner, treaty. M. Hotovec declared thatj A letter written by one of the ca a song and dance, by the 2nd grade 'The conversation and behavior of for rocking, as the contractors can be1 the purpose. this was the cause of non-devetop-1 Recent progress In the antl-lep-: these new clients have rather vul- ment of trade and the consequent, of the same school. IA piano solo dets to his mother in Scotland and getting their blns and other equip will be rendered by Iris Ray. The captured by the Sinn Feinere in a ment ready while the Hampshire rosy crusade through use of chaul -I garized some of the best restaurants good prices in Central Europe. hour of the meeting is 2:30 p. m.! raid on the mails emphasises this «row is cleaning -up.—Oregonian. moogra oil, obtained from a tree and the old frequenters prefer to Chechoslovakia, he said, had been and a good attendance is desired. i tact. grown In Burma, prompted the new dine at home or at their clubs. Two supplying coal and sugar to Austria "It is the hardest life I ever effort. Experts of the department, nights ago I saw a man in what used Pouring <k>ncrv<c Today- . struck,” the cadet wrote. “We wort Ing since 1904. have succeeded to be one of the most fashionable conveyed in her own railway cars. ___ wouldn't be overpaid at 5 pounds a Work Is going forward at a lively Jb prod||c)n(t a g1mnar « hj from geR!« and refined of London i restaurants They had. however, never been re PETRtXIRAD REVOLT SUPPRESSED BY SOVIET day .. The writer went on to say rate today on the new Carnegie li of three other trees Including the dining with his serviette tucked all turned. There were at present 8.000 brary building on the courthouse variety received from Bangkok and around his collar. That sort of such cars in Austria which Czchoslo- — i that he had made his will and then London. Mar 3.—(A. P a —The t<jld hig mother of the compensation grounds, concrete being poured n hope to supply the doctors with an thing rather spoils 'the charm of dln- vakia could not get back. There were the forms for the basement walls. members of the auxiliary forces additional weapon In their fight ! Ing out for patrons of the old also about 1.000 each in Jugoslavia | latest official reports indicate that, and Rumania. Czechoslovakia had' Russian soviet troops have supprea- fo, death or lnJury „A menj ! against the disease. i school." ™- a revolt at Petrograd and Mos- wound „ paW 250 pounds." he stat- “As far as the beet brands of purchased 100,000 tons of grain and sed SIXTEEN BROTHERHOODS | ed, "and so on up to 5.080 pounds to champagne are concerned the sale Is flour in ¡Rumania and Jugoslavia I cow- HANiTION R. R. STRIKE ------------------- , a man's widow." dead,” said the head of a large firm but was unable to obtain delivery. v> of wine merchants In Pall Mall, “We Trout Fishing H legal— As a matter of fact, recent awards Chicago, Mar. 3.—(A. P.)—Six th* fi.hi.. to the relative« of members of the are selling very little champagne to Return From the Oriole— teen railroad brotherhoods sanction our private customers who are in W. H. Dana and Tom | Gilmore, lind„ , - in length will Royal Ir,sh con,til>uI*ry killed on ed a strike on the Atlanta-Birming Notwlth-1 duty have been “ h,gh as stead drinking port, sherry, Mar- who have been at Galice for the past ham and Atlantic railway. ' ... pounds to 12.000 pounds. sala and claret, People cannot af- two months working on the Oriole Wine, have returned to this city. aUndln« tb,s' ma"y trout ar* aUn ______ ford champagne. They could when They have been opening up the tun- being caught, and have been all win- • Washington, Mar. 3.—(A. <P.) — It could be had at from eight to nine The house and senate finally passed shillings a bottle. but what with In the bill providing 115.000.000 for 1 creased taxes and hl s^i prices gener- propertv In shape that the ore bodies , n’n ana eame la ’ m ln<? alstnct additional hospital facilities for dis I ally, they naturally fight shy of pay ing from 15 to 20 shillings for a abled service men. The bill is de “r “•P“1 * — signed to Improve the service given bottle of champagne, which is now 1 demanded of them." I Evans Defense Testifies— soldiers by the war risk bureau. It Funeral of Harry Randall Friday— Buffalo. Mar , 3—(A. PA—The provides 31,000,000 for establish-J The defense of Lark Evans, charg The body of Harry Randall, who ed with the robbery of W. G. White With the object of cleaning up finding of the wrecks of 17 automo ment of 14 regional offices through-, FORMER MILLIONAIRE GRAIN DEALER SUICIDES died in Portland yesterday, has ar in September, 1919. was occupying every claim possible against the gov biles at the foot of a cliff on the out the country where soldiers can rived from the north, and the funeral the attention of the Jackson county ernment held by ex-service men tn south shore of lake Erie, a few make compensation and Insurance1 miles west of Buffalo, has convinced claims for direct adjudication The Omaha, Mar. 3.—(A. PA—1 Emil »ervtces will be held Friday, at two court yesterday. The evidence in the Grants Pass district, the "Flying the police that companies insuring bill has now gone to the president. Rothschild, former millionaire grain o’clock, from Hall's chapel. Inter troduced is very conflicting, the wit Squadron" will arrive here tomor against theft have been systematic 1 dealer who lost heavily in grain ment will be In the Granite Hill nesses from Grants Pass being posi row afternoon ready to meet the ex- ally cheated. -Insurance companies, speculation during the past eight cemetery, The services will be tn tive that Evans was here on the day service men and hear their claims. in self defense, are carefully exam The various governmental repre- R. Jipson, of Wlnnepeg, Is in the months, was found ashphyxlated In charge of the Woodmen of the tn question, while Medford witness«» ining candidates for Insurance of city. his kitchen, gas pouring from the World, of which organisation Mr. are equally positive that he was at sentativea in the “Flying Squadron" Randall was a member. this kind. work In a Medford garage at the are each the head of his department Cart A. Dames is a Eugene citizen stove burners. In this lake shore graveyard of who was looking over Orante Paes time the robbery was being commit in Oregon. The members of the automobiles are makes of msny sorts ted. The case is expected to end to “squadron" are Edward J. Elvers, yesterday. from the plain runabout up to the service officer of the American Le day or tomorrow. M. fNorden and wlfe are 1n the pretentious limousine. Marks on gion In Oregon; Dr. F. W. White, U. the edge of the 85-foot cliff and the city. Mr. Norden is manager of the S. public health Service; Kenneth Petit Ions Before the Council— condition of the machines Indicate company that is developing the Bos L. Cooper, federal board; Cliff The city council will meet in regu Wood, bureau of war risk Insurance, that the automobiles were set afire well mine. Joe Wendel and wife, of Melville. lar session tonight. Among other and either Major Sloan or Captain before being sent over. The theory of the ipolfce Is that Sask.. Canada, are visitors In Granta turiness to come before the body will Hathaway and • field clerk of the Waahlngton. Mar. 3.—(A. P.)— the machines were stolon from their Pass enjoying the sunny southern 'Washington, Mar. 3.—(A. P.)— be a generously signed petition pro- u. s. «rmy. owners, insured against theft- under clime. Any ex-service men bavin«: claims President Wilson formally announc William B. Wilson, retiring secretary testing the permitting of a livery John Hampshire has returned ed that he would “resume the prac of labor, appointed today by Presi stable In certain portions of the bus- to present to the government repre- fictitious names, reported stolen so dent Wilson as a member of the in iness and residence districts and also sentativea should endeavor to do co that the Insurance could be collected from a business trip to Pprtland and Work tice of law" in a partnership with ternational joint commission. suc against the maintaining of junk es-1 |n the afternoon before the general and then destroyed to prevent detec other points tn the north. upon the highway contracts in which Bainbridge Colby, retiring secretar)' ceeding Obadiah Gardiner, .of Maine, tabttehments along Sixth i street J mass meeting of former service men tion for theft. where they are not housed in. The in the evening at the Chamber of Police records show that In three Mr. Hampshire is interested is again of state. The firm will maintain of resigned. the winter fices in New York and Washington. city employes are anticipating the Commerce rooms. Applications for months, 484 cars were stolen. 41 of progressing, though The president graduated in law meeting tonight as the ghost will Victory Medals will be taken for all which were found burned or des proved rather disastrous In some In PORTLAND MARKETS troyed nnd 108 are still listed as stances In causing heavy slides to from the University of Virginia tn Portland. Mar. 3.—(A. P i- Llve- walk'tomorrow and the depleted ex-! who bring their discharge certlfl- come down upon the grade. 1381, later practicing in Atlanta. Ìstock, eggs and butter are steady. chequers will be replenished. eatea. missing. INCREASE EFFECTIVE MARCH I GREETED ÍF CROWD AT DEPOT RECEIPTS OF LONDON TRANSPORTATION 1$ RESTAURANTS DROP PROBLEM IN EUROPE FLYING SQUADRON TO BE HERE TOMORROW