Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1921)
GRANTS PAM DAILY COURIER PAGE TWO UI.DNIXItAY. MARCH —— ranging of stock upon the foreata the coming season Supervisor McDaniels states that about the name number of stock «ill be ranged aa last year according to present Indications. More could be cared for. aa some portions of the summer range are not yet covered with permits Mr. Mc Daniels says that the range shows Improvement where proper control is kept over the number of head permitted to use It. ▲. K. Voorhlss, Pub. and Propr.1 Bntered at post office, Grants Pana, Ora., as second-class mail matter.' ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per inch.................. 25c Imeal-personal column, per Una... 10c Baaders. per line—....................... . 5c DAILY COURIER By mail or carrier, per year-----16.00 By mall or carrier, per month., .50 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year_____________82.00 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ consumers at the lowest possible ■ rates consistent with economy. For! ♦ ♦ ♦ Beginning today,Enid Bennett's latest picture, "Silk Hoelory.“ will be the feature at the Rivoli theater for two days This is an admirable photoplay which we do not hesitate to recommend to you as one of the most attractive we have shown at our playhouse this season. PIANO Convenient Payments cArranged New Ferch fer the Fisherman. falling water of the Pacific slope will A new sp-rt followed to some extent send light, heat and power to every J »long the Pacific coast Is thst of fish farm and village in every fertile val ing from airships of the '’Blimp” typo. The fishermen ascend to a bright ley of the three coast states. Prac where they can readily spot a school tically all machinery will be driven sf fish and then they descend and drift by hydroelectric power and the lamp l «long with tbe fish. Hovering over tbe water they pull In tbe fish as fast as of the humblest cottage will be they can throw over their line* lighted and the cook stove heated by falling water. "It is of the utmost importance that this power—wbicb will be a New Mattresses and Furniture E. W. CHILES 401 G STREET Hats and Caps Received A NEW SHIPMENT OF MEN’S AND ROYS' HATS AND CAPS RECEIVED YESTERDAY. CALL IN AND SEE THE WONDERFUL VALUES WE ARE OFFERING IN THIS BE AITITI L I OLDRS AND PATTERNS ST I M SI ALLY LOW PRICES. Golden Ku le Store FOR THE GARDEN AND FIELD ALFALFA — SWEET CLOVER — WHITE CLOVER PEAS-------- BEANS — CORM ONION SETH FERTILIZER!! POI L/TRY HITPI.IEH The Music & Photo House Nt«nl<m Itowcll, Proprietor Grants Pass, Ore. e (Continued from Page One) AÎ RIVOLI FRI. AND SAI. DEPARTMENT. There is one safe place to buy your ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ this reason every fact regarding the appointment of Mr Clark’s life, He ♦ OREGON WEATHER development of waterpower in Amer . refused nomination as vlee-presldent 4 I and told the house on tbe eve of bis ica should be eagerly sought and 4 Tonight and Thursday rain; defeat that he preferred to remain ♦ warmer tonight iu east portion. studied by the .American people, par as speaker. 4 Strong easterly winds. South ticularly by the people of Oregon. His election to the speakership 4 east storm warnings displayed "A report made to the department of the house came in the 6 2nd con Keen Interest Is being manifested 4 along Oregon and northern Cal gress. prior to the Baltimore con In the showing of the first local root- of agriculture In 1916 showed that a ifornia coast 4 vention, and It was by a united de ing pictures ever taken In Grants total of 30.44S.000 horsepower for mocracy in recognition of the con- Pass at the Rivoli theater next Fri all primary purposes was in use in I i test Mr Clark had made against the day and Saturday. Our own boys WATER POWER DEVELOPMENT the United States, of which 80 per1 rule of Speaker Joseph Cannon. Mr. and girls have enacted the leading Industrial development centers cent was raised by steam, and only Clark had servo! In every congress roles and the play Is entitled ”A about those districts that offer the since and including the 53rd In 1893 Grants Rasa Romance.** 4,870,000 by falling water. inducements in the way ot natural except the 54th when he was beaten The principal players are Harold "The same report showed resources, the resource that makes , Physically he was a giant of a man ( Lundburg. Dorothy Howard, Stove while steam-raised power increased : standing over alx feet two inches in Woodin and Eunice Hillis. The its influence felt just at the partie Fl— more Grants Pass high school Is in support between 1903 and 1912 to the extent' ’ height and weighing ~ a a-I trifle ular time being the one that ran be of these well known young people, of 96 per cent, waterpower increased! than 200 pounds. of service in the industry, Thus Mr. 8chwenk, manager of the Speaker Clark and Mrs. Chanvp 187 per cent, the increase in the lat early settlement and development Rivoli run the film off and says It Clark, a familiar figure in the speak followed the water courses down ter being much greater in the Moun er’s bench In the gallery entertained is going to be an agteeable surprise which could flow the commerce as tain and Pacific states than in other not only at an annual New Year's to Granta Pass that we have so much house and at other functions but real talent In our own little city. No it developed. Then came the rail- parts of the country. gave informal weekly luncheons at doubt caikaclty crowds will hold forth "Waterpower Is the key to a lower road, and railroad centers attracted the capital to which members and during the run of "A Grants Pass population and industry, The era cost and a higher standard of living. Genevieve Romance.” others were invited. into which we are now entering is The waterpower problem, therefore, Clark, whose engagement to James NEW TODAY an era of water power development, is one of the greatest of industrial M. Thompson, a New Orleans news in which the southern Oregon dis problems, and surpassingly so on the paper editor, was announced In the EVERYTHING IN INSURANCE— waning days of the 63rd congress, trict,’ with its millions of potential Pacific coast.” Dependable companies and reas and Bennett Clark, parliamentarian onable rates. See T. M. Stott. -horsepower beating itself into fury of tbe house at the speaker's appoint Buick Salesrooms. lOîtf \pon the rocks, will profit most. The To Writs Well. ment, whom the speaker hoped to For a man to write well there aro WANTED — Four-horse logging Portland TelegTam speaks of this In I have succeed to his seat in congress required three necessaries: to read the truck. Woodcock Bros. Kerby. comprised the rest of the Immedi fluence. tbe following being quoted best authors, observe tbe best speak Ore. 15 ate family. from an editorial in that paper: ers. and much exercise of bls own FOR BALE—Will sacrifice on the "Nor will power and population be style. In style; to consider what ought price. 6 room house, 1 S acres fine wholly confij-d to power producing io be written, and after what manner ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ be must first think and excogitate his garden land. Other Improvements ADDITIONAL LOCAL centers There will be a distribution matter, then choose bls words and ex ♦ J. P. Wilson, owner N. 12 st. 17 of power within a reasonable radius amine the weight of either, then take ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ BUT FROM OWNER— The Wheeler care In placing and ranking both mat of the waterfall that produces It. residence. 507 A street, furnished ter and words that the composition be Mr. Timmons at Homo Anyone wishing to see iMr. R . Tim- Within the working lifetime of the, comely; and to do this wltb diligence or unfurnished. See Mrs. Cyrus mons call at his residence, 1084 N. Wheeler at home from Ha. m to present younger generation, it is and often.—Ben Jonson. 6th Btreet. 17 6 p. m. 17 most reasonable to suppose that the ' large and vital factor of the life en- joyment, tbe fortune, the physical comment, the fortune, the physical comfort of the people of these states IMIi. AMl'HKMENTN MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or all otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news pub lished herein. Al! rights of republication of spe . that will indeed In large measure de cial dispatches herein are also re termine the density of population ot served. the Pacific Coast- be furnished toj WEDNESDAY. MARCH 2. IMI y. Coming-3 Nights Only-Coming Grants Pass Opera House DON’T FAIL TO SEE COURTNEY’S BIG FUN SHOW THE REAL BLUE8 CURE 2 HOURS----- 2 HOURS of real fun, laughter, mirth, sensation, comedy, sing ing and dancing—Something new and different—A new and entire change of program each night—A complete stock of laughing material NO SEATS RESERVED Come early and avoid the crowd Doors Open at 7 p. m.—Curtain at 8 p. m Music Starts at 7:30 P. M ADMISSION PRICES Adults 50c, war tax 5c, total 55c Children 25c, war tax 3c, total 28c I A 16-INCH PLOW wanted Will rent Tax M«-n Here Tomorrow— or buy if price is right. Sam Stlne- The representatives of the Inter baugh. phone 51I«R. 15 nal revenue department who are here are finding a large volume of bus FRESH FRITTS and vegetables In season, fresh bread will be car iness in Grants Pass, and most of ried in stock at all times, at the the time have a full house. They Public Market. M. McQueen, Prop. will be here till Thursday night, 15 when Mr. Hewett will go to Riddle i and Mr. Earle to Glendale to tell the WANTED--Janitor for the Presby I citfxens of those communities how terian church. Call Mrs. Mary much they owe their Uncle Samuel Van Dyke. Phone 164-R. 14tf on their last year's earnings. E. L. GALBRAITH—Real estate, in surance and plate glass liability. Public Demonstration— 609H G street, phone 28. 40tf m, Mora pump, Friday, 2 p. March 4th, at Knox ranch on lower FOR BALE—White oats and com mon barley for seed. 2% cents river road. Come and see a 6-!nch , per lb. each. B. 8. Watts, Mur pump that will Irrigate over 200 j phy, Ore. 16 acres with 2H acre feet of water In 90-day period. Pacific Mora Pump FN)R SAW—Three thoroughbred Berkshire brood sows, ten months Sales Co. 16 I old. weight about 300 lbs. each. Heat blood in Oregon. Will Sco ••Arizona Cowhoy” Repeated— ville. 16 On Saturday, March 5, the play "An Arizona Cowboy,’’ which was I j OST —Roll of dimes, amounting to given a short time ago at Merlin. Is $5. Was lost either between the to be repeated at Rogue River, Ore. First National Bank and the post There -were 250 present when the office or the postoffice and the S. play was given at Merlin, completely P. depot. Reward for return to filling the hall in which It was given, the Courier or to the depot and everyone was pleased with the performance. The play Is staged by WHAT’S THE PLUMBING the Merlin Dramatic Club, and they are expecting as successful an ap VOU’VE PLANNED F pearance at Rogue River as the one WE ARE YOURS of two weeks ago. TO COMM AN Dj Attractive Articles nt Runiamgr Sale The committees in charge of the library benefit of March 12th, are working hard and many novel andi attractive articles will be found In i the various booths when the sale | opens, For your ixirches there will ! be hand-woven rustic hanging and I wall baskets of native willow, at the ■ plant and shrubbery booth. A novel-j ty booth will offer a great variety of ! fancy articles, suitable for Easter i gifts, There will be bags and has- kets of all kinds. Every booth will be well equipped with its specialty There will be cooked food and coun try produce—last but not least, •■rummage." of every sort. It will be a sale no one ran afford to miss. There will be something to please | every taste. Remember the time, the place, the object. 18 Maldn« Out Ranne Permito— The local forestry office is now busy making out permits for the All performances under the personal direction of B. A. Courtney LOW PRICE Is in the Long Wear, Not in the Price Tag 4^^ Tailor'Shop'. Grants P llothlng is an investment. It «lioubi be tut carefully selected ns buying n lx>nd. Our insilici representa good value always—The choicest Al.l.- WOOL fabrics, beautifully liand-iall- ored to your personal w | mmí I< allons, at a most reasonable price. Gust Coorin, Proprietor Phone 72 I OH H. »th M. Regardless of whether we represent your make of battery or not, WE have the parts, equipment, and skill ed experience necessary to properly rebuild It. If you want your old battery restor ed to a dependable, first class condi tion at reasonable cost, bring It to this SERVICE STATION. Wo have a service battery to fit your car. ADAMS ELECTRIC AND BATTERY SHOP BOB Ho. Sixth Street What’s the plximblng you’ve been planning? Don’t make a secret of It—tell us about It, because we are sure we can be of service to you. Ask some what they folks you know know about our prices and our work. We know that what they tel) you about us will send you to this shop. B. S. Dedrick »14 P Otree« PHONR MB-J AUTO TOPS Replace the shabby top with a light. eaay-to-bandle weather proof one now. s Smart looking, serviceable tops— (>ei*fect fitting and Improving the car’s looks—a wide choice In ma terials and colors. OCR PRICER LOWEST G. B. BERRY