Tí L Dmln Courier ,,u.dö ♦ ♦ AMHM'IATED PKEHK HICK VICE VOL. XL, No. LIN GRANTS l’AMH, JOMEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNENDAY, -MARCH 2, 1U2I WHOLE MEMBER 3213. I CHAMP CLARK Marion Tells the President -elect Houw Judiciary Committee Hays Po­ sition as Baseball Arbitrator Is Inconsistent * Good Bye and Prvwent» Him Willi Ml ver Plaque Marlon, Mar 2.—(A. P.)— -Pres-( WOULD determine what re . THREE NATIONS AKE TO BE IN DEATH OCCURRED AT NATIONAL Washington, Mar. 2.—(A. T.) — HUN WILL BE TOLD THE CONSE­ ld«nt-«lect (Harding's neighbor» bad« Acceptance by Judge Landis of the CAPITAL TODAY AT THE AGE HTRKTIONH AKE PLACED ON VTTBD TO CONSIDER THE QUENCES SHOULD HE FAIL TO him God»i>eed today in a formal fare­ ; position of supreme baseball arbitra- OF 71 YEARN AMERICANS IN ORIENT WORLD QUESTION I COME THROUGH wall which brought to the famous front porch one of Its largest gather-, Ings The city presented a silver plaque Inscribed “God's blessing to you." ■ tor Is inconsistent with the adequate performance of his duties as judge and constitutes a serious Impro­ priety, the house judiciary commit­ tee held in recommending a full in­ vestigation at the noxt session of congress of impeachment chargee Would Hava Completed His lami Death of Marry Randall— Pnwidci.t GompeTi» Directed by Ex­ Amendment Is Attached to th« Naval against the federal official. Will Occupy German Territory If died Harry Randall, of this city, Twm as a Mesnlxw on the Fourth ecutive Council to Make Thor­ Api>rof>riaUon Bill Directing the Demand for Reparation» thia forenoon, at Portland, where he Deg of Tills Month ough Investigation the Call -------------------- Is Not Met had been taken dunday by hla broth ­ F er Chas Randall, for treatment by Senator .Smith in Portland— Dr. J. C. Smith, state senator from Washington. Mar 2.—(A. Fl- »reciallalf. The deceased has suf­ W'aahlngton, Mar. 2.—(A. P.)— Washington, Mar. 2. (A. T.) London, Mar. 2.—(A. P.)—The Josephine county, was in Portland fered for some time from boils and Champ Clark died this afternoon In carbuncles, which later developed a The executive council of the Ameri­ The senate last night unanimously yeBterday. He accompanied a friend allies have reached a complete agree­ his 7lit year and within two days I blood poisoning, this causing bis can Federation of labor directed voted for an amendment to the naval | from the Pass to a local hospital. ment upon the answer to the Ger­ of retirement from the house of rep­ death today. The body will be President Goni per» to investigata the appropriation bill calling on the’ . and, having performed his mission, mans on reparations and upon conse­ resentative» after 26 yeara of »ervlce brought to Grants Pass by Chas Japanese and Oriental Industrial and president to call a conference of the i returned 0" ‘he night train to the quence« that will follow Germany’s Although Champ Clark was known ' Japan and Great river town. The doctor is the failure to accept their terms. Lloyd Randall tomorrow morning, arriving labor conditions with a view t4 de­ United States. •a a Missourian he wa» born In An­ George consented to the employment here on train No. 13. Funeral ar- termining whether reatrictlons . im­ Britain to consider naval d’.sarma- dean of the Mnate—Oregonian. derson. Ky., on March 7, 1850. He of armed forces in event of non-com­ angemenis have not yet been made. posed upon American workers and meat. was christened James Beauchamp pliance, to the extent of occupation -------------------- I --------- The deceased is survived by his capital in the Fai; East are not more Clark, but early In lite he reduced of Mannheim by the British, French ‘ mother. Mrs. Libbie Dodge, of this severe than those imposed in this CHINA JAPANESE EVACUATION ln this to Champ Clark. His first work and Belgian troops, and also of Ruhr city, and by two brother». Chas., of country on Orientals. "We do not Peking, Mar. I.-CA. P.)-De- J"™“ tre* a” budd1“8 rapidly ports on the Rhine where coal is was as a farm hand, clerk in a gc n- feel that Japan is justified tn mak ­ this city, and Ed . of Portland There sunshine . .7 . , .. . j., with the warm days and eral store, and on a country news­ a definite date ... , . la also one half brother. Freddie ing such an outcry against our law» , mands that Japan , fix .. . -i and almonds are already in full handled. paper for evacuation of the Siberian ter-1 „ , . when she has more restrictive regu ­ Dodge, now at Sacramento . . . . _ . . . .. bloom. Many other varieties will He was educated at Kentucky uni­ . lations at home,” said one official ritory have been sent to Tokio by the i. , O1 . . , . . , be in bloom within the next week versity and Bethany College, and the Siberian minister of fqgeign affairs _ .. of the federation. __________ with a continuance of the weather. Cincinnati law school. For a short Wages at Box Factory— Snow is rapidly melting off in the Warna at the box factory, now the time he was president of Marshall college, and. at 22. held the record most Important local Industry that hi,,s-and ther® *• ®rid®n<‘® thatth® of being the youngest college presi­ Is in operation, were started In on late frosts The prospect at this dent in the United Ktates in 1875 a basis of 33 <10 for a nine-hour day he moved to Missouri where he took Help la said to be plentiful. < up the study and practice of law, and Moscow, Mar. 2. — (A. P.) — The became prosecuting attorney in Pike — Idaho state board for vocational * A* county His next step was into the Sacramento., Cal., Mar. 2.— (A. Washington. Mar. 2.—(A. P.)— training, in cooperation with the Missouri legislature where he framed ¡PI—Chinese tong mdh marked for Hope of enactment of a soldier’s bo- Qi I I h| i school of forestry at the University • he Missouri primary law, an anti­ death >by gunmen of the Bing Kong nus bill this session was abandoned nnl [I 0 of Idaho here, la conducting a course trust statute, and an Australian bal­ >r Hop Sing tongs, following by proponents of the measure today. J i in log scaling at a Coear d’Alene lot law He was permanent chalr- >11 (¡breaks In 1»« Angeles. San | lumber mill. The class was organ­ man of tha democratic national'con- cisco and Stockton, left Sacramento PORTLAND MARKETS ized by Mlles S. Lewis, state voca­ vention at St lattila in 190 4 and In trunks, it was seemingly Indicat­ tional director, and is being conduct­ headed the committee that notified » Medford, Mar. 2—The second trial ed by the »ale of an unusually large ed by P. E. Knout, log scaling ex- Portland. Mar. 2.—(A. !P.)—Live­ Alton B Parker of his presidential of lark Evan» for the holding up and number of big wardrobe trunks by New York. Mar. 2.—(A. ,P.)— pert of thp United States forest ser- nomination. > stock. steady: egg», weak; butter,) robbing of W. O. White of Grants local dealers Baseball players. veterans and rice. four cents lower. He was first sent to the national Paas. 1» now in progress at Jackson-1 The buyers were not concerned rookies, representing 16 major; “The training at Coeur d’Alene forum ln 1893 Although then re­ ville The jury was completed Mon­ with the interior decorations or fit­ garded as “green," his strength in day evening, and is composed of the tings of the trunks they Inspected ; PORTLAND NEWSPAPER MAN I league clubs will be training under will thoroughly cover the subject of the southern sun for the 1921 pen- log scaling.” said Dean F. G. Miller, the house developed rapidly. When following men: Their only inquiry was as to whether j DIED IN SHANGHAI TODAY nant races before the close of the head of the Idaho school of fores- John Sharp Williams left the house Fort Hubbard. Medford, merchant. the trunk was big enough. If there present week. Already the mlgra- try "and excellent practical results for the senate, .Representative Clark Portland. Mar. 2.—(A. P.)—David Samuel .Coy. Eagle Point, farmer. anJ doubt, the Chinese either tion of the National and American may be expected. The course is of was made minority leadar by virtue Thomas H. Simpson. Ashland, squatted alongside the trunk or got F. Morrison, editorial writer of the league squads is under way and six weeks' duration and takes up six of his seniority on the ways and inside to see if it was large enough Portland Telegram, died at Shanghai some of the older stars have indulged hours work per day The study will means committee which drafted the merchant. F. L. Hopptns. Medford, farmer. to conceal a man. The buyer» tnvar- today, of pneumonia, while on a tour in a week or two of preliminary include the various types of defects Tayne-Aldrlch tariff act. Hla ser­ lably refused to stale their object studying Oriental markets, according» Herbert Alford. Medford, musician. work at the various mineral baths for which allowance must be made vice on that committee in trying to to a message to the Telegram. J. W. Snider, Medford, dairyman In purchasing such large trunks. before undertaking the more stren- In the woods practice 'Practical tim- keep duties down won him the re L. IH. Gregory. Central Point, far­ uous training of the southland bermen as well as vocational men atnrd of the democrats and his speech In the selection of the training are taking advantage of the course." of five hours against the bill was on« mer. T. L. Farlow, Lake Creek, farmer camps, the various managers have --------- --------- i of the notable address of that con- Ralph Jennings. Ruch, stockman. shown the same wide difference of HARDING ADMINISTRATION gress opinion regarding the choice of In the democratic national con-^ W. E Iamb, Medford, farmer. TO GET REPLIES TO NOTE Silas Fleming. Gold Hill, farmer. quarters that has prevailed in the vention In Baltimore in 1912, Champ Reames. Central Point, far- past. Divided into states, the list Clark led on 27 ballots for the noml-i *E. E Washington. Mar. 2.—(A. P.) — shows that Texas is favored by seven Replies to American notes regarding nation as candidate for president mer. ' Evans was once convicted and sen-1 clubs; Louisiana named by four; and had a clear majority on nine bal­ Beuthen, Upper Silesia, Mar. 2.— j nation. Polish money selling then at Florida and Arkansas by two each | ! mandates will be left to the Harding lots, prior to the final naming of fenced to the «fate penitentiary for administration, the state department Woodrow Wilson. The two-thirds the crime, but was granted a new (A. P. >—The campaign into which j ten to one in favor of the German and California one. announced today. trial by the supreme court upon the haa entered to gain control Poland I mark, and reports of unemployment rule of the convention atone prevent­ Nine of the clubs have selected showing that new and essential evi ­ of the rich Upper Silesian industrial ; and financial distress in Poland, sites different from those need in ed Mr. Clark’s nomination. The hon- DISABLED VETERANS IN er which his [tarty thus paid him was dence had been foifnd. Several wit­ centers through a plebiscite victory. Korfanty was asked what benefits 1920. while seven will return to the BOZEMAN ORGANIZE POST nesses are called to testify at the I probably in the middle of March, is ' the working population of Upper same parks or quarters used 12 the most notable of hie public life. In new trial. The attorney for the de ­ | being directed from a rickety, three- I Silesia could expect from a union American political history Martin months ago for the conditioning of Bozeman. Mont.. Mar. 2.—(A. P.) Van Buren was the only other man fendant in outlining the case stated i story hotel here w hich has been pur- with Poland. the players. Of the 16 clubs, the Chi­ | —The first post of the “National that he would prove by witnesses and i chased by Wojciec Korfanty. director ; “ This Upper Silesian question is cago Nationals will be the only squad who failed of the democratic nomi­ Disabled Veterans of the World nation for the presidency after hav-| by records that Evan.v was employed of Polish propaganda, plastered with ! not a problem in economy, but in to return to the same camp for the War” to be organized in Montana has Ing received a majority of the votes in a Medford garage at the time it antl-German placards, filled with i nationality.” he said. “The tnapor- third consecutive season: Pasadena. 'teen started here with 10 members. was claimed he was In Grants Pass propagandists and organizers and ity of these people are Poles and; Cal., having the call. in the national convention, hut Headquarters are in Cincinnati, with his wife robbing White, the new guarded outside and inside, day and their sympathies are with Poland. enjoyed the unique distinction of Ohio. Any man bearing a would evidence tending to prove thia alle ­ l night, by armed men. Poland ’ s situation will improve. In Ing elected subsequently. stripe is eligible, whether actually Korfanty himself, who formerly the meantime we will break up this MANY OlT OF WORK IN The failure of his candidacy nt gation of the defense. disabled or not. The defense will endeavor, accord ­ THE STATE OF MONTANA | was a member of the refchstag. and feudal system here by which the Baltimore never ceased to be the dls- ing to its chief counsel, to show that now is the bugbear of the German , German mine owners have oppressed (Continued on page 2.) almost at the hour set as the time j mine owners here, has offices in the Polish workmen for 400 years. Helena, Mont. Mar. 2.—(A. P.) ; for the commission of the alleged, building but they are available only Seventy-five per cent of the German —According to figures of the United crime, Evans was working on the to those who have unquestionable officials x>f Upper Silesia will, of States employment service, there Blue Ledge car, and that the work credentials, German residents and course, vote for Germany, but we1 were approximately 3.000 people out was being done on the complaint of' officials leave him severely alone. will have an overwhelming majority of work during January in the five Sam Sandry that his machine would Some of "the huge posters in the in the elections.’’ large cities of Montana, whose esti­ not climb the Jacksonville hill. building are relics of war propagan­ German reports that Korfanty was mated population Is 105,000. "I’ll make that car climb the .Tack- da. one of them picturing three old tn control of large sums of money, I these 25 were in Helena. 350 spnvllle hill,” Attorney Newbury women before a firing squad of Ger­ that he had offered editors of Upper Great Falls, 400 in Billings. 500 San Francisco, Cal., Mar. 2.—(A. Word has been received by the ad-. told the jury. Evans remarked to man soldiers Under the placard, is Sllbsian newspapers as much as 1,- Missoula and 1750 in Butte. P.)—‘Radio now links the Fiji | Islands with the Pacific coast it was an investigation. the legend “Gtoauy za polska”—vote 000,000 marks to swing their Influ-1 Jutant of the local post rff the Amer­ 1 Sandry. after ican legion that the “Flying Squad­ “What she needs is a new vacuum for Poland—and under this the same ence 1n favor of Poland, that he was I announced here by Commander Chas. ron” will In all probability arrive in ’ tank.” R. Clark. Pacific coast communfca- admonition la written in German. training an army for use against the THREE TRI CKS OF BOOZE IN GREAT FAI.IS RAID, [jon superintendent of the navy. Them Sandry said: “You’ve put All the posters ln addition to the Germans during the plebiscite, and [ Granta Pass early Friday so that those ex-service men In this district everything else on the car. for------ Polish legends are Interpreted In that he was buying from 1.000 to Commercial wireless service has been having more complicated claims will sake, put on a vacuum tank.” German, for many of the people of 1500 marks the cards issued to Great Falls. Mont.. Mar. 2.—(A. opened between San Francisco and Evans, according to the statament Polish extraction cannot speak the qualified voters in the plebiscite P.)—One of the largest seizures of Suva, in British Fiji, and extends to have an opportunity to present them before the officials of the party dur­ went to the A. W. Walker Auto com­ Polish language. area, alt were denied by the Polish liquor ever made in this vicinity of other points in the neighboring pany and bought a vacuum tank, as ing the afternoon. Korfanty received tha Associated lender. Montana was made here by Sheriff, islands. The mass meeting for all ex-ser­ employes of nie auto concern will Press correspondent with a brisk and Rates announced by Commander (Ait the conclusion of the conversa- j Bob Gordon in a raid on a business vice men will be held in the evening. testify. cheerful greeting He was dressed in tion Korfanty Invited the correspon­ building He and his deputies took i Clark are as follows: Honolulu to The defense will also Introduce the| neatly tailored clothes, affected a dent to visit him "and othef Polish three truckloads of whiskey, wine Suva. 50 cents per word; San Fran­ Friday, March 4th, nt the Chamber of Commerce hall at 8 o'clock. Those register of the Holland hotel to show! monocle and was surrounded by officials hero” immediately after the and brandy and a small amount of cisco to Suva, 75 cents per word, men having claims or not having al­ that Evnns and wife registered there many assistants, one of whom stood plebiscite He said the Poles would champagne. and two cents additional to Levuka; ready made application for Victory on September Sth, nipl. the state has; Immediately back of him during the assume the administrative authority Much of the whiskey taken In the four cents additional to Ba, Lautoka, Medals should bring their discharge a handwriting expert to determine if whole of the conversation. in Upper Silesia "the day after the raid was in barrels and is very fine I Navua and Nausori and six cents to the signature is that of Evans certificates with them In view of the Polish exchange sit- Germans are defeated." Labasa, Savusuu and Taveuni. old stock, raiding deputies stated. WUSIH C0HGRESSF0R26VEARS UNITED STATES, ENGLAND. JO STUDENTS LEARN LOG ADAkinnki uhdc nr ADAI w UPI nUit Ul DEATH MAKE ESCAPE si>r,ni! win an early one wlth n° BONUS BILL PASSAGE PRODUCE NEW EVIDENCE I- INTHELARKEVANSCASEi SOUTH FOR TRAINING !