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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1921)
;]J üsö ¡Botin Confier lUM/MHiA'rvn tn>vuu uuntrf/ru AMKMNATKD l'IlEHH MKRViUE VOI- XL. No. 137 GRANTS PASH, JOSEPHINE COUFTT, OIUDGOM. TUESDAY, MARCH 1. 1021. HHÛU; NUMBER Ì214 5 MORE BILLS ARE VETOED Bï Former S|>caki*r of tin' National l|ou«e of IteprvwMitittiv«'« Can Supremo t ourt Hantig Down Decision In the Noted Contention From Klamath Fall« Not Recover ____ ___ a Washington, Mar. 1,— (A. P.)— lOl.NTER PROPOSITION COMES EXECUTIVE HEHHION HELD AND EXECUTIVE HEAD OF THE RE- Salem, Mar. 1.—(A. P.)—The su OLCOTTT MAKES RECORD IN All hope for ths recovery of Champ FROM THE DEFEATED NATION PURL1O WAH VII TIM OF AT- preme court denied a rehearing In SITUATION BETWEEN OHN- DESTROYING THE WORK OF Clark, former speaker of ths house the Klamath county courthouse case TACK RY ANGRY Moll TO THE ALIJES TRIEH 18 TALKED OVER LEGHLATTVE SESSION of representatives, who is ill with which recently was decided in favor of the contractor of the courthouse in the central part of Klamath Falls. The contractor In whose favor the decision was rendered was Jas. Dou-. gan, who also but the courthouse at Grants Pass. pleurisy and complications, was abandoned by the physicians today. INTERVIEW WAS OBJECTED TO Joko on Doc or tlie Cop?— Dr Flanagan looked mild and tractable aa he appeared before the! 1‘ropoaai la Not Considered Aa Ac- Yap Island Controversy Is Becoming Hill licvying Another Cent of Tax on bar of Justice this morning. He crfHisblc by Hither IJ«»yd George a Menace and Foreign Policy Is Incorporate .Association— Fuel Oil« for Automobiles fs asked what the charge might be. and [ Or Briand Gone Over Preparing for the completion of Signed tho police judge said It might be i the organization of the Josephine X anything, but so far aa he knew the J Building and Loan association, the doctor waa a law abiding citizen who Panama. Mar I,— (A 'P.I- United' Ixmdon, Mar. 1.—(IA. P.I.—Ger Washington, Mar. 1.—(A. P.)— executive committee has forwarded Salem, Mar. 1.—(A. P.)—Ths had never even been suspected of States troops saved the life of Pr*sl-i stepping over the line. Then the many’s delegates to the conference The relations between the United to the state corporation commission governor today vetoed five bills sad dent Porras. of Panama, when a mob er the articles of incorporation, with signed 13, disposing of all that were doctor produced the evidence When with the allies made reparation of broke Into the executive mansion yos-| he got out of a meeting of the I. O. fers of approximately 30,000,000,- States snd Japan were discussed to the names of seven of the first who left by the legislature. Among the ter day The mob waa Instigated by |O. F last night he found a note at 000 gold marks, or about *7,500,- day at an executive session of the signed up for stock as soot. as it is bills vetoed was the one providing men Infuriated over the president's tached to his automobile telling him 000.000 dollars. Lloyd George was senate held at the suggestion of Sen available for delivery The incorpo for the appointment of a commis published Interview saying that he to report at the police station at 9 reported to have replied that unless ator Lodge in the midst of consider rators are C. H. Domaray, Stanton sioner for the cooperative marketing favored settlement with Costa Rica o'clock this morning, and the doctor the Germans had something better ation of the naval appropriation bill. Rowell, Roscoe Bratton, C. A. of «tn eats. While approving the pur after Panama had recovered terrl- was right on time. He said he sup to offer there waa no need of con The whole field of controversy with Swope, Geo. P. Jester, W. W. Walk pose of the Mil, the getting of the Japan, including the Japanese naval er and R. K. Hackett. As soon as lory the Costa Ricans selied last posed It was written and left by one tinuing the conference. building program and foreign poli the incorporation Is completed, a producer and consumer closer to week Premier Briand said the German of the officers, and that he had been cies, was said to have been talked meeting will be called for the pur gether. the governor thought It so drawn they guilty of something. The police proposals were would not effect this but that fees on over frankly. Several senators it is Judge looked at the notice. It was I amounted to an offer that If the al- said held that Yip Island was cer pose of electing officers and transact livestock to pay the expenses of the lertbly written in neat and regular ' Iles would advance Germany money tain to become a seriously delicate ing the business that is Incident to commissioner would be an added organization. ! chlrography. "You are not guilty," on favorable terms then Germany problem in the near future. burden which the consumer ulti said the Judge "No police officer of would pay the allies. The difficulty mately would bear. He signed the New Hunting licenses Arrive— Granta Paas ever wrote that notloe. ; It Is pointed out In allied quarters is bill levying a cent tax on motor fuel The county clerk's office has re oils. The fact that It can be read is a good for Germany to obtain these 30,000,- Paris. Mar. 1. — A. P.) — The coun ceived a supply of the new hunting 000,000 marks without the allies do and sufficient alibi." ing it largely for them, which the cil of the league of nations in its re and fishing licenses, and is now pre New York, Mar I.—(A, P.I—En Cadlnl on Sail Journey— allies regard as wholly unacceptable. ply to the (American note on man pared to supply the public at the dates invites the Cnited States to advanced price. Those who took the rico Caruso, who rwently was crit Chas. Smith, chairman of the send a representative to the next tip early and got their licenses be ically 111 from a heart attack, follow-' board of directors of the Grants Pass Move to Takilma— Ing pleurisy, underwent a third oper Irrigation dlstrlot. was called to Cot-; Chas Graham, who is now employ meeting of the council in April. It fore the new law was effective are ation today for the removal of pus tag* Grove last night by the death e<* ,he General Metals mining I Indicates the Yap (Island question ahead, as they will be permitted to from the pleural cavity. He is rest of his oldest brother. Francis Smith. company, at Takilma, is in the city j may be reopened if the Washington hunt and angle the rest of the year government sends a plenipotentiary under them. The new licenses will ing comfortably. The brother had been 111 for many today arranging for the removal of| to discuss the matter. cost |3 for either a hunting or a his family to Takilma for the ium- months, and his death was not unex Jefferson City. Mo.. Mar. I.—(A. The conciliatory reply of the coun fishing license, or a combination li mer. He has leased the residence pected at th|ii time He was 73 years Will Return to Jo«ef>hln< P.) —Four armed men robbed Geo. the funeral being held on on D street for the next few months cil was delivered to the American cense for *5. One new feature of Williams, aged 60, postoffice messen H. M. Pfefferte, who has been cm- today. It is understood tOi embassy the law Is the granting of a license and Mr. and Mrs. Graham will have ployed at Brookings for the past few the 73rd birthday anniversary. ger, of three sacks of registered mail. charge of the boarding house at the have offered the United States con to hunt or fish to all persons be They waylaid Williams, abducted yean, ta In tho city with his wife and trol of the international cable sta at tween 14 and IS years of age New York, Mar. 1.—0A. P.i—One mine. two of the children for a visit Mr. him in an automobile to a point near tion at Yap Island and to leave the SI.50 each. Pfefferte states that he expects to hundred and ton cement dealers New Bloomfield, and handcuffed island under Japanese mandate. Vis return to Josephine county In the were Indicted in connection with an Wedded Monday Evening— him to a tree. count Ishii is reported to have na fall, when with 'his family he will alleged building material combine. Three packages of bonds were Stanley Emmett Ogden and ßer- serted that Japan is ready to accept — take up his residence in Grants Pass. among the loot taken by the mall trude Cleo Robertson, both of this any compromise. I The family formerly resided in the robbers. i city, were married at the Methodist Holland dlstrlot. Episcopal parsonage. Monday even ing. February 28th. at 8 o'clock. Rev. Try' l-ark Evans Again— FOR ALLEGED MURDER Joseph Knotts officiating. Mr. and NORTHERN < IIILI WILL With Judge Kuykendall of Klani- ——— . - Mrs. Robertson will make thelr TRY GROWING St GAR CANE ath county on the bench the work of Washington. Mar. 1.— (A. P.)— Portland. Mar. 1.—(A. P.)—John home near Grants Pass. securing a jury to try Lark Evans, ValiKtralso. Mar. 1.—(A. P.) charged with assault and robbery When Edward M. Bentley. Chicago Pruno. sought in connection with the NO AMBASSADOR FROM Sugar cane growing is to be attempt was begun in circuit court this morn law student, enlisted in the army for murder of Harry I. Pawluk. was to- Chicago. Mar. 1.—(A. P,)—Art is ME.XKM» TO UNITED STATES ing and the taking of evidence in the the war. he went in lock, stock and day indicted for murder in the first now in prognthrdlu shrdlu cmfw wy keeping right up behind the band ed in northern Ollie. Experiments these days. case is not expected to be under way barrel the whole 205 pounds of him. degree. Bruno has not yet been ar- Mexico City. Mar. 1.—>(A. P.)— until later this afternoon. aro now In progress tinder the direc The He got to France with the first Divl- rested. Attendance at the art school of Mexico will apoint no ambassador to -------- ’ court ordered a special venire of 12 slon. became Sergt. Bentley, was tion of a Spanish expert, and work the Chicago Art Institute, the largest 1”4IT "Al HINA soon is to be started on canals to ir art school In the world, set new re the United States until recognition is jurors to be drawn, to report forth wounded and came home to conduct , . rigate the lands recently purchased cords last year. Controller C. A. tendered by the American govern with. The trial is expected to last a single handed recruiting campaign , Ik] I L UM|UlL. M I I Aly|U\ ment. A statement to this effect was in the South that has backed all pre 111 I Lilli IVI Lil I UHIvll U by a sugar company of Tacoma. Hough announces. Pupils at the made recently by the foreign office. three or tour days. The defense claims that on the day and during school from January 1. 1920, to Jan the time it is alleged White was rob uary 1. 1921, numbered 4.267, he re ENGINEER EXONERATED bed and bound and gagged £vans i ports. | ______ BY MICHIGAN CENTRAL was working in a Medford garage, “hiking" through the Blue Ridge Public attendance at the Institute mountains in search of good soldier and could not have committed the . continued to climb in 1920, reach Dublin. Mar. 1.—(A. P.)—Of the Chicago. Mar. 1.—(A. P.)—Wil crime. Over thirty witnesses have material. He was at it etght months ing 1,136,174 persons. This was When he wound up with a stay at 1.000 prisoners confined In intern liam Long, engineer on the Michigan been called in the case. The defense nearly 100,000 mor* than the pre Walter Reed hospital here to recover ment camps in Ireland tho vast ma vious year. Visitors on a recent Bun Central train which was struck by is represented by Attorney Qus New-1 from the exhausting effects of the ex jority. according to spokesmen of the the New York Central train, with bury, and the state by District Attor day totalled 15,800. perience, he was shy 54 pounds in Sinn Fein, are non-combatants, many In membership the institute Is first the loss of 37 Ilves, today was exon ney Rawles Moore and Assistant Dis weight, had »pent *2,000 of his own middle-aged and some quite elderly, Washington. Mar. 1.—(A. P.) — erated by the Michigan Central of trict Attorney George COdding. — The army will have an airship cap In the country, Mr. Hough reports. ficials of all blame. rnony, worn out 17 pairs of army I Few, it is asserted, are the much, Medford Mail-Tribune, able of carrying 100 passengers in It has touched 12.600. The museum's shoes, been shot at by a suspicious sought members of the Irish Repub addition to the crew when the great Income, he said, is between a quar moonshiner; but had enrolled 1,107. lican army. Italian semi-rigid dirigible "Roma," ter nnd a half million dollars, its en The prisoners Include men in every recruits. 1,004 of whom had passed recently purchased, arrives, An air dowment amounting to about walk of life only a limited number muster and are now in the army. service detachment is en route to 500.000. Incidentally, the suspicious young of whom, it is said, took an active The Ryerson Library of the insti Italy to deflate the big bag and moonshiner who took a crack at the part in the republican movement, tute devoted entirely to art, has ac bring It home on ship board. soldier with a rifle is one of the re . Among them are many whose princi- quired a total of 14.000 volumes, The “Roma" driven by six 12-cyl- cruits. Bentley talked it out with | pal offense it is stated, was the In- inder engines developing an aggre while the Burnham library devoted him over a nip of the mountain dew terest they displayed In the Gaelic Attend gate of 2400 horse power, has-a lift to architecture has 2700. and said he had turned a poor whis-i league, an organization which for ing capacity of 65,000 pounds. She ance figures for both last year reach key maker into a good soldier. many years has sought to revive the can carry nearly 19 tons through the ed 64.000. Irish language. air in addition to herself and her A statement regarding the death crew at an estimated maximum of the two prisoners, Joseph Tormey speed of 80 miles an hour. The big and Patrick Sloane, at Ballyklnlar gas bag, holding 1,200,000 cubic Camp. County Down, recently has feet of gas, Is longer than all but been given out by the Sinn Fein pub the most modern war craft, 410 feet, licity bureau her*. It says that the and is 82 feet wide while the bag and official report that the two men were car tower to a height of 86 feet, 6 «hot for disobeying the orders of * inches. Washington, Mar. 1.—(A. P.)— Vienna. Mar. 1.— (A. P.)—The sentry was Incorrect, that the sentry With filled gasoline tanks the Expenditures in the campaign to w-lld speculation in foreign monies fired without provocation while the ship has a full speed radius of 350 elect a president aggregated *10,- here has caused renewed activity on men were standing at a point which miles and at cruising speed could go 338, 509. the senate committee re the part of the police in raiding "ex by official notification to the prison ported today. Republican candidates 800 miles without landing. change coffee houses" and private ers was not out of bounds. The "Roma" was consructed under and organizations spent *8,100,000 banks. They have secured many mil Tho-Slnn Fein commandant of the personal supervision of Signor Usnel- and tho democratic organization lions of crowns, but made the biggest prisoners reports it is stated that sev II whose name has been applied to 237,770. haul when they tapped the wall of a eral prisoners have been fired on by aircraft of that, partlenlsr tvpe. She I lavatory in one bank and found a sentries without cause, and that he was designed for commercial uses PORTLAND MARKETS Mrs. Ella Dickerson, r “~* of " Warren ____ G. Z. ” ......... .. * Loren __... . and ......... Amos concealed door to a safe in which himself narrowly escaped a sentry’s mint Hnnllng. nnd originally, but was sold to the U. 8. Harding. cousins nnil boyhood chums of the president-elect, all of whom will were 22,000,000 crowns in Ameri-j bullet while walking on the road for >200,000. It would cost *1,250,- Portland. Mar. 1.— (A. P.)—Live-, be In Washington to see their distinguished relative Inaugurated on March 4. can, English and other foreign | near the spot where Tormey and 000 to duplicate her, experts figure stock, steady; eggs and butter, weakj values. Sloane were killed. Porra. Halil lie Waa tn Favor of Set Umnent With Coala Rita, De- (called by III« Troo|>a HUNTED FOR RECRUITS ««« *° »» = hold non - combatants See the Inauguration