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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1921)
ANMN lATED P11EHN-NERVIGE VOL. XL. No. IM. TÜRKS ACCEPT GUANTO I’AHH, JOKEI'HI.NK COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1021. i WHOLE NUMBER 8211 T MME. ALEJANDRO CESAR UNITED STATES PETER J. MAC SWINEY Az’X1 AT PEACE PLAN f 4 b V '/it,a I OTTOMAN EMPIRE DELEGATION* AGREEABLE TO <X»N FEKENt E ON NEAR EAST SITI ATION* ________ MENIMI MOKI» TO MENATE LEAD- ' FALLING OFF OF $UIH.<MM».O<Ml OVER Till? MONTH OF DE ERH THAT HE FAVORS GOING FORMAR!» WITH I’OLK’Y CEMBER IS REPORTED FEDERAL GRAND JURY ACCISES 223 IN* THE INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, DISTRICT HOUSE TOTALS TO BE INCREASED V ’u» Grnrian Premier Surprised That Al- ll.-w Siu,ulti |*ro|MMIO I XWeatloll of Hostilities No lt«Mu< lion of Warship Building Is Department of Commerce Tells of Desired l»> l‘r<»l<l<nit-ele<t At Shrinking of Business Between Tills Time America and Foreign Lands Washington, Feb. 25 (A. P.) Th<> Turkish delegations to the Near East conference accepted the prefer red arbitration of the supreme coun cil between Turkey and Greece re garding Smyrna and Thrace The Greek premier, however, expressed surprise that the allies should sug gest a commission of Inquiry and cessation of hostilités, and thought it would be difficult to halt the vic torious Greek army, but would tele graph the allies' proposal to Athens I Washington. Feb. 25.— (A. Pl — Washington. Feb. 25.—(A. PA — Mme. Alejandro Cesar, wife of th« 1 President-elect Harding today sent Shrinkage of $66,000,000 In the Am Nicaraguan minister to the United word to senate republican leaders erican export trade in January was States, la a newcomer to the diplo i that he desired ad equate appropria reported by the department of com- •-Z matic set In Washington, and one of . tlons for the navy and favored con mence Imports for the month fell the moot popular of the younger host tinning the present building program off $55,000,000 compared with De- esses. Her hueband Io the youngest without material reductions. With ceni ber figures. Peter Joseph MacSwiney, an Ameri member of the diplomatic corps and a this statement of the new adminis can citizen and resident of New York, dist nguiehed physician. and a brother of the late lord mayor trations policy, republican leaders rOItTLAND MARKETS of Cork. declared they would insist upon sen ate Increases over bouse totals in the Portland, Feb 25—(A. P.)—Live naval appropriations bill, even at the i risk of defeating the bill at this ses- stock. steady; eggs, lower, buying price 25 to 26. selling, selects, 30c ' slon. to 32c; butter, firm. Follows Investigations Made by die United States Authorities Into War-time Ih-alings jQ I z. Indianapolis, Ind.. Feb. 25.—(A. P-)—The federal grand jury Indicted 223 coal operators and coal miners here today, charging them with vio lation of the anti-trust law, follow ing investigations made by the Unit ed States authorities into war-time coal dealings. Sophomore« Give Program— The sophomore class of the local high school staged a patriotic pro gram at the school Tuesday morn ing. The girls of the sophomore Rogue Valley Delmlew— double quartet, dressed in the lovely FREE TEXT BOOKS <X>ST Mrs Laura Thtguas Gunnell, of the old-fashioned gowns, sang several old HALF MILLION* DOLLARS CALIFORNIA WILL SHIP high school faculty, visited Medford » I songs. A minuet was the next num LEPERS TO LOUISIANA yesterday to arrange for the cqmlnz rrveklcnt-ele) t State» He Is In "Per. ber, and was so enjoyed by everyone Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 25.—(A. debates with the schools at Medford frv t Accord" With Polielea of the that they were called back several P. ) — -Free text books in the schools Raised Red Flag Over M'orks Under and Ashland The final tryout for Cabinet Appointee times. Next, the boys of the ciana ¡of California will cost the taxpayers! Sacramento, Cal.. Feb. 25.—(A. Construction When M agee Are the teams to represent Grants Pass dramatized well-known scenes from $527,000 if a bill presented to the P.)—Arrangements to transfer all Reduced by Employers will ba held next Monday, when two ...... the life of George Washington, such 1921 legislature by Senator Allen is lepers in California to the newly es teams to represent Grants Pass will St Augustine, Feb. 25.— (A. P. I ‘ passed. This sum was recommended i tablished Federal Leprosarium at as chopping down of the cherry tree, be held next Monday, when two army life at Valley Forge, and the teams of two debaters each will he —President-elect Harding's selection by the board and is $300.000 less Carrville. Louisiana. have been start Paris, Feb. 25.—(A. P.)—The red! »sleeted, one to uphold each aldo of of Herbert Hoover as secretary of than was requested by the state ed by the California state board of flag was raised over the big elec-i making of the flag. After this the entire class sang “The Star Spangled health. A census of all persons in the question under discussion Ths commerce was finally confirmed by board of education trical works under construction at Banner," and the rest of the school Bills have also been offered st the the state known to be suffering from question will he "The t'nasalmllatlve Mr Harding who announ ed himself n- * Gennevillers by workmen who re- in "perfect accord ” with the policies t current the disease is to be made I session to extend the pro i.nme . j fllse(j to qUjfe after a lockout by the was unanimous in pronouncing the Races " The first of the series of debates of the throe schools will be urged by Hoover as a condition of , visions of the free text book act to ately and when ft is completed ar | company. The police and troops were sophs a “jazzy” class. several state educational Institutions rangements for the transfer will be hold at Medford Saturday night of entering the cabinet. I called to maintain order. The com made with the federal government. that do not now enjoy them. next week between Medford and Ash-' pany had reduced wages and claimed CLERK IS At XT SEI» Car of Com Unloaded— land, two teams each, and the win OF LIBERTY BONI» THEFT , the workers slackened in vueir efforts i A car load of corn from Indiana ners there will meet the two teams I and the lockout was decided upon, j has just been unloaded by local farm- from this city, one here and the other ____________ Chicago, Feb. 25 (A. P.)—Uber- at the home of the winning team. I DISPLAY WILDFLOWERS eFS ’rho made the purrha8e through ty bonds of a par value of $772,00« AT CALIFORNIA SHOW °f ‘he J°9eph,ne were stolen from the Northern Trust ] ______ tive association. The car contained Company today. A clerk Is ac-' San Francisco, Feb. 25.— (A. P.) I tona- eused of the crime j —Wildflowers of the state i»»U be on j IMRTiaN’h POLICE ARREST Salem. Ore., Feb. 25. —(A. P.) — Portland. Feb. 25.—(A. P.i—Offi display at the seventh annual exhibit 41» FOR GAMBLING > The governor reprieved George How- cers are seeking John Bruno, first of the California Wildflower censer-, ‘ ard, who was sentenced to hang to-; cook of the steamer Montague, in ■ ration league to be held here April] 28, 29 and 30. Mrs. Bertha M. Rice, j Portland, Feb. 25 —(A. P.)—At- <|ay for the murder of George Swee- 1 ter boring holes in the root to watch IlOy. of Vale. The reprieve was grant- i hopes that he could throw light on San Francisco, is making preliminary I xm Angeles, Cal.. Feb. 25.—(A. what was going on inside, the police'pj because i>apcrs from Vale staying I the murder of Harry I. Pawluk, sec-! arrangements for the exhibit. P.) California vegetables, as well raided the Hellenic club and arrest- the execution on account of appeal ond cook of the steamer, whose body aa fruits, have begun to move to oast- ed 49 men whom they charged with filed there could not reach the prison was found near the city Tuesday. The Committed to .Asylum— the Pullman. Wash.. Feb. 25.—(A. ern markets hy water, ft'is announc- gambling, ¡body was identified last night by! S. A. Pottorf was examined in in time by mail. rot- p->—More than half of the young ed by I*» J. Hogan, traffic manager] county court this morning and ] finger prints and by a passport pho- I hls men enrolled at Washington State tXINVKT WELCH OF of the California Vegetable Union. ] tograph. Officers said there was no! lowing the determination that __ E. Garner went to Medford mind was diseased, he was commit-1 c°ne*e this year are earning all their FIRST DEGREE MURDER The water rate from Ix»s Angeles morning to spend the day. fContinued on Page z) ted to the state hospital at Salem fori €xpenses wWle Ruining a college Southbend. Wash . Feb. 25. — (A.; harbor to New York is 65 cents n —............. i" treatment. Pottorf believed that education, and a large percentage do hundred pounds. compared to P.)-^I. Fred Welch was convicted some of his neighbors were possessed 30 during the college term, accorring here today of murder in the the first' $1.66 H by rail. I of the devil. I He _____ also ,________ professed __ to to an inveetigation by Harry Cham "Besides New York." Mr. Hogan degree in connection with the explo sion of the dredge Heaver, December 1 j t>e a believer in the law of "pre bers. alumni secretary. Only 17 per nald recently, "a large number of 16th, in which four persons were science,” and said he could commu cent of the men students are wholly eastern markets can 'be reached by killed. nicate at a distance with any one he independent of their own earning water through the many now steam power while pursuing their studies. I wished to. I ship companies now operating be Mr. Chambers' complete analysis tween the Pacific and Atlantic coasts shows the following figures: 51 per These Include Savannah, Philadel Washington. Feb. 25.— (A. P.) — bugaboo in times past but the call cent earn all their expenses; 5 per phia. Baltimore and Boston. Califor Pointing to 1920 as the year in of war upon our resources has awak- cen^ earn two-thirds: 16 per cent nia produce can he shipped Inland which the greatest advancement had earn one-half and 12 per cent earn westbound ns far as Pittsburg at a been made toward a national forest i ened the nation to the fact that the i one-third. Forty-eight per sent earn saving In freight charges over the policy. Charles I^ithrop Pack, presi [American Forestry association has from one-third to all of their ex- railroad rate from I os Angeles •> dent of the American Forestry asso I not been calling 'wolf' tn the wilder penses during term time. Ptttsbufg." Dillon. Mont., Feb. 25.—(A. P.) — ciation, today opened the annual ness just tor the fun of it. The fact Every possible opportunity is seiz- Immediate shipment by water to One of the most important projects meeting of the organization here. Mr. ! of the matter is if we do not get! Walla Walla. Feb. 25.— (A. P.) — ed to earn money, says Mr. Cham eastern markets Is planned for large that concern woolgrowers in this! Pack emphasized the fact that Preet-1 something done there will be nothing With eight letter men now tn school bers. “The students do janitor work, consignments of onions, celery, caul section became known In a letter! dent-elect heartily in fav-l^u‘ wilderness in which to call wolf I and another expected to return next office and clerical work, wait table« iflower, lettuce, potatoes, oranges, written by G. R. Quarles, a banker] or of such legislation and quoted this an<^ then 11 w'” he to° late- term, Whitman baseball prospects and many work on farms on Satur lemons, olives, beans and cottonseed of Sa Im on, Idaho, The letter, writ message from the Incoming presl-| "Our forests are being used or for the 1921 season are very bright, days and holidays. Ninety per eent Oil. destroyed by fire four times faster according to R. V. (Nig) Borleeke. of the hired domestic service In Pull ten to 4,000 wool growers of Mon-|denk: tana, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming, “It is perfectly practicable and ! than we are reproducing them. We coach of the missionary nine. Though man homes Is done by college stu suggests a pool of wool tor sale on feasible to provide for a new growth [ must put the idle land to work. We weather conditions may not permit] dents.” the markets of the country. of timber and at imperative duty to must have forest crops coming along any extensive practice, Coach Bor- The wool, amounting to approxl- improve our forest protection. J can every year just as we have corn and leske has announced a baseball meet-: ! mutely 132,000,000 pounds, would think of no forward look in rela wheat crops. The great encouraging ing for all diamond candidates for; be in the hands of a commission com- tions to the good fortunes of Amer- ' note comes from the man who will the near future in an effort to line take next week the highest office tn | up what new material will be on I posed of nine men who would have ica which does not contemplate the absolute selling authority for the forest policy which will assure .”1 the gift of th^American people. He hand when regular practice begins. ts a newspaper publisher and knows wool raised in the four states. The the essential in the lumber line The lettermen in school are: Ben all about one big phase of the high Comrada, outfielder. Seattle; Leon-' Macroom. Ireland, Feb. 25.—(A. commission would be composed of all our constructive activities." Mr. Pack then pointed out that cost of forest products—the pulp ard Garver, pitcher, Wattsburg: P.)—.Fifty auxiliary police In lorries two men from each state, and the were ambushod near here by 300 men eight men thus chosen would select the Snell forestry bill pending in wood that goes into the making of Ralph Knudson, pitcher. Portland; Washington, Feb. 25.—(A. P.) — who opened fire from the cover of the ninth commission memher. These congress has the united support of news print. You can be assured, from Ted Rich, second base. Kennewick; Half a million dollars was voted by Including the American hl" message I have just read yon Sabin Rich, third base. Seattle: Roy the senate to defray the cost of mor- rocks, killing the mafor commanding men would be from the ranks of the business including the police and wounding seven. The fleece growers and would be conver Newspaper Publishers association, that he is with us on this great ques Tate, outfielder, Portland; George j ing across the Pacific the grain do battle lasted two hours after which sant with every fluctuation of mar many wood using Industries and also tion and on the fact that he is with Ingram, outfielder. Spokane, and nated by American farmers for Chi us the country Is to be congratu- George Yancey, outfielder, Spokane.; nese famine sufferers. the United Forest service. the military withdrew. Hundreds of ket and cost. The senate “We are now at the _____ Local wool men declare they will place." ___ said lated." reserves later wore rushed to the In addition to these men. Bell Coffee, finance committee considered the scene from neighboring barracks and continue to work for n realization Mr. Pack, "where something con-! Officers are to be elected and some I of Sedro-Woolley, star first baseman soldier's bonus bill passed by the with the aid of battle airplanes re [ of the scheme which they hope will structh e can be done in the perpetu-[ changes in the by laws of the asso- J of the 1920 nine, Is expected to re-j house last May, leaders are planning newed the attack.' Casualties of the ! l>e in operation before the 1921 clip »tlon and preservation of the for- elation are to be made at the meet- i turn to Whitman by the beginning to report it after eliminating the i Is placed on the market. eats. Conservation has been quite a ing. of the spring term on March 29. provision for special taxes. ambushers were not learned. COUEGESTUDENTSEARN I BORLESKE IS COACH OF WHITMAN BALL PLAYERS