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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1921)
GRANTS PASS Will COURIER I Published Daily Except 8unday_ A. E Voorhiee. Pub. and Propr. ■atoned at poet office. Grenu Pass, Ore., as socosd-cUss mail matter. WKW TODAY Warner’s Corsets ADVERTISING RATES Display space, per Inch.............. 15c Local-personal column, per line....10c Readers per lina—................ 5c llksol.l TKLY III NT l'R»M»F PERFEtT FITTING DAILY COURIER By mall or carrier, psr year ...34.00 By mail or carrier, per month 51' WEEKLY COURIER By mall, per year---------------- ---- MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESSS The Associated press ts exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it, or all otherwise credited tn this paper and also the local n»w* pub lished herein. AU rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also re eastern slope of the Rockies. The served ________ )/ road pamphlet will convince him. in THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1*21 the estimation of Mr. Holms, that ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •*♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a visit to one or more of the national ♦ parks is feasible and desirable OREGON’ WEATHER ♦ ♦ Tonight and Friday, rain in west portion; fair east portion. Freeh to strong southeasterly shifting to southwest. - gales ♦ Southwest storm warnings dta- played at ail Washington and ♦ Oregon stations ♦ ♦ Tourists may be induced to •taj over here for another day or two through this plan. The aide tripa include those featured in the publica ♦ tion. Scenic Side Trip* from Granta ♦ Pass. Oregon ♦I ♦ SIDE TRIPS FOR TOURISTS In anticipation of Tlll'ItNDAY, II RHVAHY «4, HWI GRANTS FAM DAILY COURIER FAGE TWO heavy travel this summer over the National Park- (Continued from Pag» On») to-Park highway, the association fur thering the movement is preparing to determine the possessor of the > most beautiful hair, eye*, complex a pamphlet in which points of inter ion. i»erfect figure, the beet kept | est of this and other communities on hands, and the prettiest foot and w the route will be mentioned, for the ankle. guidance of road tourists Side tripe Clothes will not play an important part in the show except insofar as will be featured. the experts will contrast the proper An inquiry «beet has been «ent to and Improper manner of dressing and every chamber of commerce or com- relation of bodily health and mercial club for information con- beauty. eerning drivee. aato camps and other things in which the traveler is in- terested The slogan is passed along to the towns: "Help the auto travel- » er linger a little longer tn your com-' WHEN RHEUMATISM HITS YOU HARD! zn unity.” Inquiries are coming to the gen eral offices in Denver, not only from the east, but also from continental Europe, a« to the wonders to be seen on such a trip. The principal of a; private school in Holland asked for, details of the trip tn the expectation ‘ that some of the wealthy families of the children mieht desire to make the journey. The road pamphlet will be of equal | importance and service to all cities and towns, and for this reason Grants Pass is to be allotted a cer- tain number for distribution, accord ing to the plans of Gus Holms, sec / i retary-manager of the association He believes Westerners are going to use the Park-to-Park highway, —__ __ _ or part of «, to reach the particular transcontinental highway they desire to travel over in going east. Likewise, the easterner, southerner, in choosing any one of [ a dozen transcontinental highways to journey westward, com* in eon-1 tact with the Circle highway on the / HY wait foe a severe pain, an ache, a rheumatic twinge fol lowing exposure, a sore rnaade, sciatica, or lumbago to make you quit work, when you should have Sloan's Liniment bandy to help-curb it and keep you active, and fit, and on the job ? Witkfut rsMrag.Afor it pmetrolet, apply a bit today to the afiictcd part. Note the gratifying, d-an .prompt relief that follows. Sloan's Linimer.t couldn’t keep its many thousands of friends the world over if it didn't make good. That’s worth remembering. All drug gists— three sizes—the largest is the most economical. 35c, 70c, »1.40. W Sloai£$ Liniment KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS LODGE NO. SO Thermopylae MEETS TONIGHT ViMting M«n- ben Invited EVERYTHIN» IN INSURANCE— D«l>end*bl* com pan le* and reas onable ratee. Seo T. M. Stott, Bulok Salesroom« lOJtf FOR RAMS Ono 12-iach «tool John Deere plow aa good aa new io North Sixth, phone 319-R FUR SAUB- Barred Rock eggs tor hatching, from heavy laying strain. Ill-a-llee strain. It.50 tor setting of 15. Carriage prepaid In Jose phlne Co U K Wilson. Merlin. Oregon. 1S WANTED Four-horse truck. Woodcock Bro*, Ore. logging Kerby. 15 FOR SAM»--Twoyear-ol<l Tokay and Malaga grape vine*. Geo W. Gross. 401 K street. 11 Lags and Health. FOR ONE BOMAR and 75 cent» il According to expert«, the general Barrod will sell tine purebred health as well a« one's state of mind Rock rooster. 1 year old. Phone are Influenced largely by the way we 11 285-R. use onr legs. Persons with Irritable tendencies Invariably acquire the hah- It of crossing the leg«. For them to FOR SAM» Golden Buff l-egborn eggs for hatching, It.50 for set- keep the legs parallel Is to Invite a ting of 15. Nellie Shattuck, ltd feeling of uneasiness. Brain workers, Î, on the Crescent City road. IS too. find It easy to fall Into the habit of crossing their legs. When over whelmed with work, this la the favor DRAFTING AND TOPOGRAPHY Taught tn the evenings. For par ite attitude Engross (hem with Im portant problem.« requiring Initiative, ticulars call 151-1. or 349 IS and the legs unfold. This Is because the best train of thought happens WANTED---Horse for farm work Must weigh about 1300 and be when the legs are thrust straight out. Sitting with the legs crossed Is also s sound. Add re«« W. O. Andrews, j frequent cause of obesity. If you wish City. _________ ___________ 15 to remain slim and posses* a good tig- urv don't cross the legs. Instead copy FOR BALD Seven-room house and ' block on Third street Inquire of your cat. and st retch all you can. F V Smith 131 Bristol of lnt»r«st to America. Few cities tn England have more claims to the attention of the Vnlted State* than the ancient town of Bris tol. It was Bristol that gave the world the Cabots, those daring sailor* who discorered the mainland of America, and thus destroyed the belief that be yond the West Indies were untold miles of open sea and th»« end of the world. Bristol Is one of the olile«t cities In England. It having lo-vii founded by Cae««r at the time the Romans swept down on the Island and declared It a province of the Imperial city. A great wall was built about the place, and portions of it still stand, tnute evideuce through the centuries of the thoroughness and strengtn of Rom an empire building. TWO FINK April hatched White leg-1 horn cockerels' »3.50 each. K. Hammerbacher. Rd 3. Phone 606’F-23. other data regarding Its» employe» The railroa.l commission and high way cutiinilMlon were asked for situ llar data to tie supplied after the re cess. The I'nlvervlty of California which control* Ils affairs largely without legislative supervision. Is al so In for luqulrls* Aa university revenues come largely from biennial appropriations, the regents must sub mit any required data The univer sity farm at Davis la also subject of a legislative Inquiry into Ila equip ment and adequacy rather than against its management or personnel. The Indelermtnai* sentence law. the juvenile court law. electric laws and other phases of state affaira are apt to receive attention as then« are scores of billa on theae and other topic*. The sea*ion. It I» assumed from past performance*. will continue per haps two-nionth* or even longer. The I •econd half of Ihr seaalun has never adjourned earlier than April 22 and once it ran until May »th STRIKE CIGARETTE No oloar°Me has the aamo dalloloua flavor as Luoky Strike. Booauao Luoky Strike la the toasted olgarette. your to There is one PIANO % Convenient Payments (Arranged The Music & Photo House Stanton Howell, Proprietor Grants Pass, Ore. e ADDITIONAL LAX’AL ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Pamptwrnitli* Arriv A special car with the parapherna lia for the minstrel show to be staged tonight by the Elka of Medford ar rived this morning, and today the stage Is being made ready for the big entertainment No More Smallpox— Miss Tarbell, who is quarantined with the smallpox. Is doing as well, aa the course of the disease would permit, and no complications are an ticipated. There 1« no other case of the disease In the city, and It Is a / mystery where Mias Tarbell contract (Continued from Page On»» ed It She visited at Medford two or three weeks ago. though there are ttve. a life-sized and business-like no reports of the disease there gallows was erected in Chinatown | When the next steamer left for San j Th* Deadly Arrow. Francisco, all Eureka Chinese and A mounted Indian or white man tfceir movable property were on the *M bow end arrow» sometimes could wharf. Since then, no Orientals.' kill more buffalo»« than a man could with one exception, have -been allow-1 kill with » rifle, says the American Forestry Ma gasine ed to live in the county. At close rsmçe th* arrow was as deadly as the bul The one exception is a cook who. let. It made I sm noise, and arrows according to tradition was employed could be discharged four times aa rap in 1885 by a trapper in Butler valley Idly as bullets from muxsla-loadlng The Chinaman was not molested, guns. partly because of hlij. remote posi tion but chiefly because he was mar , X-Ray Detects Swallowed Colas ried to a native Indian woman and In the government mln: In Japan an had a family and also because he wa* ’ X-ray machine Is used to examine «» employed by a man who was attached pec ted employees aa they leave (be to him and who was known as a establishment dally, and It has ro ves led the presence at coins that bad fighter. been concealed tn the guilty ODÍI The old Chinaman is still living.In ; stomach. Butler Valley, lust year's United ! COMINO EVENT» States census figures gave Humboldt' i 15 Chinese but no Japanese. Official’ here believe the 15 Chinese are the Feb. 2C, Hattirday- Meetfng of Po mona Grange -to take action on I offspring of this one cook and the 1921 county fair. I Indian woman. Occasionally and at long interval» Feb. 26, Saturday—Home talent play at Merlin school house. attempts have been made to bring j Japanese labor here, but the Jap- Mar 3-4-5, Thursday, Friday, Sat- urday—Courtney's Big Fun •how . ■ anese are not welcome. Several years at Opera House. Played two i ago a crew of Chinese fish handlers weeks in Salt Mke. were brought to Loleta, a coast point Ito help handle the salmon catch of Mar. 12, Saturday—Rummage sale for library fund. I the Eel river. They were at once I locked In their car and the conductor l told to get them out at once. No j second call was necessary. As recently as last summer the / ■ Pacific Sea Products Co., building a ' whaling station at Trinidad. 30 miles (Continued from Page One) i north of here, brought a few Jap- ' anese laborers up from San Fran battles everywhere Is frankly con cisco, but they no sooner appeared ceded by leaders Two or three leg on the ground than the attitude of islator« are redistricted out of their the residents made It plain that they job« and they are nearly all violently 1 were not welcome. The Japanese opposed to that procedure then walked back to this city where Just who work« for the state and returned what employes are doing 1« another! the first outbound train I them to San Francisco. question to be Investigated. Assem | Residents say the treaty between blyman E. 8. Hurley’s resolution, the United States and Japan Is like passed before the recess, asks the ly to make little difference here in civil service commission for names, the matter of Oriental intrusion. duties, rates of compensation M ake every CATALOG and Planters'Guide k the ■laudar^ releje»«*far hairy Supplir« planted, and »very ■ere cultivated, yield the biggest return. Diamond Quality Seesis are tested and adapted to the clima tic and soil condition« of the Northwest. You can ‘’bank” on big crop« when you plant Diamond Qual ity Seeds. C-csJog Ma. 530 507 E St. Phone 147 Tfo Wardrobe Cleaners WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO FIRST CLASS WORK LEGISLATURE OF CALIFORNIA CLEANING------ PRESSING — REPAIRING You’re Safe On «kiddy street« during this rainy west her if you are driving on Ol li «T STO.MFRN ««TICK TO I N MILLER ■JIMh Century- Tailoring, good trimings and a Busin«*» < on- «cienre. If you ¡»re from Missouri let us show you. GEAREIHTO-THE IIO III UNIFORM MILEAGE TIRES W. S. Maxwell & Co. NA1.EN ANI» SERVICE CHEVROLET NANI! GUST COORIN, Proprietor • 72 Old Newspapers, 5c and 10c Bundles