tante ||ta®5 Dmln AHHOUIATED FREHH H EH VICK G RAN TH PAHS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, VOL. XI., No. IO LEGISLATORE WHOLE NUMBER 3210. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1021 PROF. AUGUST GROGH FATHER O'FLANAGAN a JL -• TELLS SI PREME COUNCIL THAT IT HAS INTEREST IN OVER­ SEAS SETTLEMENT HOOVER LEAVES To HARDING OREGON LAW MAKERS ADJOURN THE QI EHTION OF WHERE HE AFTER A SESSION FILLED CO! |J> REST HERVE WITH Near East Include several which will first ab­ amlned. Thia doe» not kill the bill Complete agreement on the Fordney feited its rights by withdrawing an sorb the attention of the legislator» PORTLAND MARKETH which carries a referendum provi-i emergency tariff bill was reached by an associated power from the su­ First and moat pressing 1» th» King i sion. He vetoed the bill changing the senate and house conferees to- preme council. London, Feb. 24.—(A. P l—-The tax Mil. which would fix future tax Portland, Feb. 24.—(A. P.) emergency day. The report will now go before the membership of the --------------------- ' rate» for California as tb»y now allied supreme council Is expected to Livestock, steady; eggs, weak; but­ the house, probably tomorrow, for board. •land. Insofar as private ownerships solve the Near East problem by send­ ter, firm. TRANSCONTINENTAL MAIL immediate action. are concerned, but would raise tho ing a commission to exsmlne the BY AIR IS ASSURED taxea assessed to corporations by claims of Oreece snd Turkey to Smy­ ABANDON HOPE OF about ons-thiixl. This bill was de­ rna and Thrace. In the meantime Washington, Feb. 24.—(A. P.)— RESCUING MIXERS feated tn the assembly just before the Turks snd Greeks are expected Continuance of transcontinental air adjournment, after It had passed the to cease boat little».* Duquoln. Ill., Feb. 24.—(A. P.) — mall service was assured today when senate by a narrow margin, after a Rescue squads have abandoned hope the house voted SI.250,000 for the bitter fight. It was reintroduced of saving the seven miners who were coming fiscal year. The house cut just before adjournment During the trapped by a fire at Dowell. 3350.000 from the amount the sen­ recess Governor Stephens and other ate allowed. Washington. Feb. 24. — (A. P.) — •tat» officials have campaigned wide­ Portland. Feb. 24.—(A. P.I—The President Wilson will follow the cus ­ ly for the bill, and legislators who man found murdered near this city oppoeed It, together with represen­ RABE HERMAN DEFEATS Tuesday was the victim of revenge tom of riding to the capitol with the tative» of Interested organizations growing out of the world war, was incoming president on March 4th. RIDLEY AT PORTLAND •nd corporations, have campaigned the Information received by the sher­ just as earnestly against It Osborn. O.. Feb 24.—(A. P.)—On iff late today. The man was said to Portland. Feb. 24 — (A. P.)—-Babe Harry Sordy, of Galice, is in town Th» tax measure must be disposed July 1. If present plans are followed Herman was awarded the decision (Continued on par» 4.) today. of within ten days or so or assess­ out, this town of 250 buildings and over Bud Ridley in a ten-round bout ments to be made In March all over dwellings will gather up Its belong­ inr-n Trnnnnn Chicago. Feb. 24.— (A. P.)—An: last night. Manager Moore, of Mil­ California «rill, according to the state ings. pack up Its buildings and start educational beauty show, said to be waukie arena, announced no mor« 11\ I I 11 n I I n \ the first of its kind and size to be hoard of control and other state moving a mile and a half distant 1 LIIIIUIIU held outaide of paris, wiu be staged fights for a month or six weeks ow­ agenciee. have to Include an ad va­ Motion picture cameras will grind ing to poor attendance. lorem tax to meet increased needs away, preserving the unique record be8innln8 February tor schools and highways, which of a whole town sliding away on rail­ Tbe exIK>9lt,on be lerffeb’l charges were added by popular vote road tracks. f°r the purpose of proving to milady TURKS AGREEABLE TO _____ that all women may be beautiful. last November. , DECISION OF ALLIES Osborn has to move, because of the The show is being sponsored by Eight reapportionment ihllla are danger from flood In the Miami Val­ Berlin, Feb. 24—(A. «P.)—‘Bolshe­ dark cell in the cellar. It was full nearly 500 manufacturers of prac- before the legislature All of them ley London. 'Feb. 24.—(A. P.)—The It had Ita troubles finding a new vik ‘prison methods lack all elements of hungry rats. Water and sewer tical aids to beauty, but one of its an- delegatee of Constantinople to the Increase the repn-sentatlon of !x»s Angeles county, and most of them home, as moat househunters do these , of decency and civilization, says M. pipes ran all around the walls and nounced purposes will be to agitate government and the Turkish nation­ decrease that of San Francisco City days The town of (Fairfield wanted ' Schwartz. California socialist and ! there was so much gas that I felt against the excessive use of cosmetics alists agreed to accept decisions of and county. Others attempt tn take the plat Osborn had picked out. and labor Ifuuier who with his wife was I was choking. I began pounding and to demonstrate benefits which the allies in the Near East confer­ care of the Southern California gains , j sought an Injunction preventing the thrown into bolshevist prisons in ( on the door but the guard warned may be obtained from the proper use ence. Moscow for four months after he had me not to and threatened to put me of the proper kinds of beauty aids. • by reducing the size of some of the latter town from moving in. There will be dozens of experts to Judge Hartley at Xenia, however, tailed to voice approval of the bol-1 into a still lower cell if I didn't keep country districts In the northern instruct the women. Women artists. LICKN8E INSPECTOR the other day dissolved the injunc­ shevist government. His wife died quiet. sections. ACQUITTED OF KILLING "At the end of three hours I was1 psychologists, (health and dietetic A bitter fight Is expected over the! tion. and as far as anyone knows! of the effects of a hunger strike started while in prison, as he has now. there is nothing more to pre-* ao badly overcome by the gas that I specialists and beauty experts will question of reappoitlonment. as Sandwich. Ontario. Feb. 24.—(A. nearly every legislator Is affected;' sent Osborn from changing its loca­ made known in previous statements. pounded on the door in desperation assist at the exposition—all with the “My first two months in prison and asked to se the commissar who *me object in view, that of helping P.)—Rev. O. L. Spacklin, former •very member wants his new district tion The American women develop the beauty liquor license inspector, was acquit­ The new Osborn will nearly ad-| were the worst,” Mr. Schwartz said was in charge of the prison. •o arranged that he can come back join Fialrfleld. Probably Fairfield's: after arriving in (Merlin. “My wife, guard was apparently uneasy about they have and to become more beau*! ted of a charge of manslaughter In next session, and It being a republl-j .»« ¿he shooting of Bev- I , connection w with can legislature, an effort to redlstrlct jealousy will extend ao far that 1t| who could not speak a word of any my condition and called the com- t-IFal. According to the promoters of the eriy Trumble, inn keeper, in a raid •o that the democrats will have bard will crowd to its windows when language hut English, was taken missar. Neighbor Oahorn's goods start to from me. I did not know whether "I told the commissar mv anxiety 8how- there is a perfume of a certain last November, (Continuad on pare 1.1 move In and crltlcse them Maybe she was in the same prison, or what about my wife and asked him if he 9cent whlch bIend’ wlth • certa,n I ' it will sniff disdainfully at the color had become of her. I could not get I would not have peeped through the Penality, and one of the objects , of some of Osborn'» buildings, and a word of satisfaction from any of! hole under the same condition He of the abow win be t0 have the •’* ! point out with superiority that if It the prison officials. was moved by my appeal and asked I*«* ald each woman ln deciding had to do the moving it certainly "There was a small peephole in me if I would promise not to repeat what Particular perfume or powder I wouldn’t move such looking things the door of my cell which opened in­ the offense if he let me back into my I® b«‘ suited to her individuality. Another expert will demonstrate the Osborn's people are enthusiastic to the main corridor. This had a ol(l "You may be sure I promised, and >’r°P«r manner ln which to apply the' about their town, and feel a new little slide over it and there was a j lease on life for It. when it gets sign In Russian warning the inmates I kept my promise I had com pan- different articles of the toilette. Portland, Feb. 24.—Oregon men moved. Business men and officials I of the cell that they would be placed Iona In my old cell and there weren't; In «Plaining the purpose of edu- _ ...... . ................... Eureka. Cal., Feb. 24.—(A. P.)_• and Oregon minerals will play a are busily planning way» and means In solitary confinement if they peek­ anv rats and gas there. I .......... can’t tell eating American women ln the de- large part ln the third annual Inter­ to bring now Industries, and start the ed out into the corridor. you how hoirible tt ls'to be confined velopment of beauty at the show, W I Humboldt county, far up on the national mining convention to be building of a larger and more mo­ Hamilton, director said: | northern California coast, is not "Many times a day footsteps pass­ alone Even if one’s companions held here April 5 to 9. Both South­ dern town. "American women are the most j worrying about the Oriental lmml- ed the door. Sometimes there were have no common language, human ern and Eastern Oregon have under­ An expert is being sought to su­ light steps and I Imagined women companlonshlp makes a cell more i naturally beautiful in the world., Station problem, for there ar» no taken to have a voice at the gather­ pervise the platting of the new alte, were passing. To the horror of other endurable. Solitary confinement. Thpr<' ’• only one thing they may be Japaneee In the county and for 34 ing. Word from Baker that the which la to »tart March 1. to ln comparison with the years only one native of China has men In the cell with me, I occasion­ such as my wife endured for two chamber of commerce there had ap­ Three concerns *re seeking the job ally moved the slide the least bit in ' months, is the most horrible punish-I women of other countries and that Is J resided within its boundaries, pointed a committee to represent of removing Osborn. A contract Is the hope of getting a glimpse of my ment that can be inflicted th* *rt of accentuating and refining, i Chinese were expelled from Eu­ Baker county was followed by an­ to he awarded soon "Think of a cultivated, refined *be*r lovelines. There is at present reka. the county seat, when David poor wife. I became bolder and bold-J nouncements from Granta Pass and Pinas now provide for the laying er. The corridor was so dark it was j American woman being treated as * tendency on the part of the women ! Kendall, a city councilman, was shot Medford In Josephine and Jackson of railroad tracks between Osborn’s difficult to recognise the people who, she was by the bolehevlste. It is no j toward overdressing. overrouging) and >'lled February «. 1885, by a counties that similar movements old and new home, and transporting were passing. wonder that her constitution was so an "I was immediately taken to a' she endured.” lULV I LUUllUv ini Pliri/ll/ nniPniiP bere the week ■ lULjIlLVlIX III \Hrl/IK I I KIXIIIlX IlluUliV 28