Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1921)
PAGB FOLK I PER5?ÑrtL ÜL“ LOCAL 11 Acquaintance ” Aside from the many advantages of having a check ing account at this Bank you are form.nt an Intimate ac quaintance with the officers of the Bank. There »ill be occasions «hen this acquaintance will doubtless prove to be to your advantage NATIONAL OF HOVTHKRN OREGON PAINTS REDUCED Price on ACME QUALITY PAINTS has been reduced $1.00 per gallon ' - - ■'- i J. R. Clark, of Selma. Is in town today. Edgar birth went to Ashland this afternoon on a business trip. Add a brick to the fireplace in the mX library building by contributing something to the rummage sale to be held on March 12th at Smith's Garage. 0» J S. Short and wife, of Portland, are in the city today, C. J. Thomas returned last night from Portland and will remain höre with his family. Mrs. S, H. Rockhill arrived thio afternoon from Riddle to visit her sister. Mrs J. D. Stinebaugh. Mrs Chas. A. Row» and son arrived this afternoon from Bellingham. Wash . to visit Mrs Ross' father. W. FT Giles Mrs. Uoyd Crocker arrived this morning from I*ortland to spend 10 days or more with her sister. Mrs. James Ixtgan. Mrs. Crocker will be Joined later by her husband and they will go to California. -i.i -f -■■-■A ■■■?■_ Ueildisl Thi» Morning— Dewey William Babcock ami Ella latrene Hartle were married by Ju»- Uce of the Peace Holman, o'clock thia morning Save Money— Buy your suit or overcoat for H price at the Peerless Clothing Store .Members May Away — As there will lie no meeting of the American legion while the nigger« are In town To Make Out Income Report Messrs. Hewitt and Wilkinson, resenting the luternal revenue live, will be In Granta l*ase on »«th Inal., and will remain until March 3rd. to aid our i>e<>|iile in mak ing out their Income tax return». They will be found In room 3«. on the second floor of the courthouse Rogue River Hardware Company mNCHtsnn •»<»• IM lol sE tit' ll MAA Y im » will not finii idee where for lirji »u< h a |K>werfUl i miihlnatioa of Value, quality and low priie« ae shown in the line of TAiumhi* GEO. 8 CALHOUN Miltern Years I «cal Dealer Matinee Dally 2 p. m.— Rivoli Theater Fann Work 1« R um I mm I— Member» of the Rebekah lxnlg< The president of the Rebekah As sembly of Oregon will meet with us on 'Monday. February Stith. There will be a basket supper In the hall at « IS. .Members should bring bas kets sufficiently filled for themselves and those of their family who will attend. Coffee and dessert will bn Spoke of Oreg”» W ildf lower*— furnished Our regular meeting and of the department Prof. Sweetser. Initiation at 7 SO of botany at the I'niverslty of Ore- gon. spoke to the pupils of the high Climatic Candi school this morning upon the wild Made every day at HorflThg-g; al flowers of Oregon Of particular in ways as good as the climate terest In the talk was the statement that many of Oregon's most beauti Ctiurrh of Nnzarmr Toaight— ful wild flowers were following the The church of the Nazarene buffalo and the beaver, and were be Rogue River will hold a gos|>el coming practically extinct, and he vice this evening at 7:30 o'clock In urged action to preserve and to pro the 8. B A hall over Smith’s Racket pagate these more rare flowers. He store, The public is most cordially also advocated the clustering of the invited to attend. These services wild flowers, shrubs, and trees of will !>e held Wednesday of each Oregon along the highways. From week. E. 1« Fenton, pastor here Prof Sweetxer left for Medford ■ i where he will deliver an address on I Inter i tilling trrrMeil— care of the highways before a Med For not having had enough tickets ford organization. printed for the Elk's minstrels. Bruce is now out on ball, He mint tlaswifled Ail Rates— furnish 300 more tickets Fifteen words two consecutive Is doing it, so get them hot off sues. 3ic; one week. 60c; 25 words, press two issues. 45c; one week, 85c. Ads repeated in "New Today" column at Joy rilling anil Booze— Daily Matinee- 5c per line per issue .Monthly rate Joyriding and a bottle of booze Rivoli Theater 2 p. tn 50c per line per month, minimum put the officials on the trail of ■ 81.50 per month. Special cash-wlth mixed party last night, and one of Courier Classified— order rates—15 wordy two consoc i - the lady members of the party was Courier classified advertisements brought into the police court this are continuing in effectiveness. Al tive Issues. 25c; one week. 50c; 25 morning and given a free lecture on' ready this week they restored to words two issues. 35c; one week. how to behave in a well regulated tlieir owners two gold watches, a 75c. community. The source of the booze gold locket and a mink muff. A rain will probably be aired In the police1 coat was lost and advertised and a D im Tell« ’em of Gold— “The Grants Pass district has ex court later. ' rain coat was sent in but it proved to perienced the best mining season In be the wrong coat. least week a "for years, and everyone is expecting to More Dakota People Yisit— rent” advertisement brought 17 call- Mr. and Mrs. Granger, of Mar- ers the evening It appeared and be- make a good cleanup," said Dr W. H Flanazan. well-known physician mouth, North Dakota, have arrived fore breakfast the following morn of that city, yesterday. Other lines, in the city and will remain for sev- ing. aside from the lumber Industry, have eral days visiting their friends, the . . likewise been active, according to Dr. Cavens. Wheats, and others from the stock Certificate»__ Flanagan. Real estate, especially frozen north. The Courier merchant printing de ranh property, has been in demand, partment is In position to print stock and much selling and trading has One-half Price— certificates for any kind of business been taking place during the past Any suit or overcoat, one-half Several designs of certificates are few months, Ne» >eople ha- e be«n price, at Peerless Clothing Co 70tf carried in stock and other? may be arriving to locate, fn the district and secured on short notice. business condition in general have Merchant sales books at Courier shown a hopi' i! :rend. (Dr. Flanazan office. Merchant Printing—Courier office. thinks. F it *. pro-.e is for the com- YOU CAN NOW AFFORD TO PAINT IDr$. nellit Deas Wa do Hcai»tltchlng Farm work Is now progressing rapidly in most districts, and many acres of new alfalfa will go In the ground during the next few weeks, the first seedings of the legume to be made early in Man h. Many earlv gardens are also being made.* < Extra Special Any Suit or Overcoat 1-2 Price Peerless Clothing Co Shoes for the Family Buy your Easter Shoes Now. White Kid, One Strap Pumps, White Reign and Canvas Oxfords at 103 North 6th WOODWARD’S ? Monster Attraction Absolutely the best Minstrel Show that has held down the boards for years will be in Grants Pass Thursday evening at the i RIVOLI RIVOLI I The combination of star, title anil story make* on® of the finest attraction* of the year. » ‘THF""’ NEW Today- Only ing year are good in practically every line so far s crops are concerned if rices and market conditions adjust tLemselve» by the time the season is st hand Building in Grants Pass, in commos with other places through out the s»ate. ha.« not yet {.«mimed the proportions that conditions war rant. Dr. Flanazan Is registered at the Imperial.—Oregonian. FOR sale ; ■A very complete «t«>< k of 2nd hand goods, range«, cook stoves, heater«, bed s|tring>. mat- rrewM-«. drr wn rrs, table«, chairs, cup. iMMinla, cooking utenMls. dishes, i>ed- ding, tools, floor covering. Al*o new goods. Not selling out, but outsell- PHONE 71 ■IV The play that Rocked Broadway on a ws <it laughter I TOMORROW ELKS MINSTREIJ4 DON'T let your neigh- bor «ay how great thia picture is— FRIDAY "SCRATCH MY RACK" MÌNSTR s From Medford Lodge No. 1168, under the auspices of the Grants Pass Elk’s Proceeds All Go for Charitable Purposes Tom Moore “Officer 666” Genuine Elk’s Fhsh Lights AND BATTERIES A good assortment ALL PRICES CLEMENS SELLS DRUGS 33k- * You just can’t afford to miss this show. Tickets only one dollar. Remember the place. 9 RIVOLI TICKETS MUST BE RESERVED AT HORNING’S SHACK »