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About Grants Pass daily courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1919-1931 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1921)
GRANTM PAM DAILY CXM’KIER WEDNESDAY, IEB II IA II Y *1, I Itti I PAGB THREE - Classified Advertising Kill HAIJC I ? A4XXHNTAJ5T AUDITING, Hystematltlng, Financial Htatements. Ivan Livingston, In corporate Accountant. Grants Pass. BUILDING CONTRA<TORN DKKNMMAKING SEASONED WOOD FOR WIZ Oak HARPER * SON —Building contrac and laurel, 54 76; body fir, 64. tors Shop work, furniture crating. DRESSMAKING, box, knife, Inverted panel and frill pleating*, a spe pine and eecond growth fir, S3 76; Shop 610 II 8t. Rea. phone 141. cialty, also accordion pleating by mantanite, 55. C. W. lambrocht. A. J. GREEN General contractor special orders. Satisfaction guar Rd I. Bog 11 26lf Estimates and plans made. Noth- anteed Prices reasonable. Kati Ing too small or too large. Shop FOR BALE ‘Baled alfalfa hay. me le a cheerfully given. Phone 211 Hlxth St Phono 375-L. 92tf River Bunks Farms 80tf 505 or call on Mrs. W. R Swoape, Igpl 11 .. II > ■ BBB a > w 451 North Third street. 8? TAX. rOR SALE Shadeland Eclipse teed oats, recleaned. 3c per pound W dOONElt TAXI—Phone 263-K for L. Hayes, Murphy, or C. N. Culy, Jitney Luke of Cutler. Calls an cooperative shipping manager. swered anywhere, anytime. 86tf Grants Pnaa 8 717 k DRAYAGE ANU TRANSFER CHOICE BALED ALFALFA hay, >26 delivered any place In Granta Paes THE WORLD MOVES; so do wo. Bunch Transfer Co. Office phone 523 at ranch five miles below 349; residence phone 316-J. town. Phone 6O6-F-12. C. H Eis mann *7tf F. G. I8IIAM, drayage. transfer; pi anos, antes, furniture, moved, ship USED BUICK auto for sale cheap ped. packed, stored Phone 124 Y. Joseph Feltner. 755 N. 8th St. 04tf CIVIL ENGINEER FOR RAIJO OR TRADE for car. 20 acres good land, about 600,000 GEO. M. ASHFORD. C. K I-a nil sub •feet saw timber, 4H miles from division. mine and Irrigation sur Selma. Ore. Good road to place. veys. 614 N. 6th St. Phone 48-R. Address No 159 care Courier. 109 E. F. WANN, mining and civil engi FOR SALE Fine farm of 412 35 neering. Mine examinations and acres for gHnoral purposes Oppor reports. Underground and surface tunity for cranberries. Port Orford surveying, mapping, mill design cedar and sporting facilities. Nine and construction, land surveys and miles south of Bandon, four mllee sub division. Phone 249-R. 28 north of l-anglols New buildings. Woven wire fencing Courtesy to N't IU4ERY HTOCK agents Edmund Craft. Craft l-ake fruit, lunch, Bandon, Coos County, Ore NURMERY—Highest grado shade, nut trees- also berries and | gon. Phone M-5011 Bandon 29 ornamental In variety. Albany 1 FOR SALE Cedar posts. 7 feet Nurseries (Branch) 860 North) long Inquire 815 East J 81. 1° Seventh street. Granta Peas. Tltfl < I Grow BURPEE'S ANNUAL The Lending American Seed Catalog SENT FREE Burpee'* Annuel is a coanplete guide for the Vegetable and Flower garden. It I* a bright and interriting booh with over a hundred vegetables and flow ers illcistrstod in the colors of nature. Write for your copy today. W. Atlee Burpee Co. Seed Growers Philodelphie Washington Shaft Country's Tribute to Her Great Son The twe great monuments In the United States, of the many hundreds that have been erected In all (»arts of our country, «re the Bunker Hill mon uwent. In Boston, dedicated Io 1843, a shaft to commemorate the beginning of our fight for Independence, and the Washington monument, st Wiudilng , ton. erected to the memory of him who had been most Instrumental In | bringing about the result. For 30 years after Washington’s death tfie project was. every now and then, suggested, but nothing definite happened until September, 1833. when the Washington National Monument society was formed, with Chief Jus tice John Marshall, then 73 year, old, as preaident. It was not until three years later that advertisements were Inserted Inviting designs from Ameri can' artist«. An effort was made to secure the funds by popular subscription and by 1M7 887.000 was In hand »ml prepara tion for construction was begun. Con gress, by resolution, granted a site where the monument now stands and the cornerstone was laid on the Fourth of July, 1848. In the j<re«ence of the executive, legislative Mid Judicial branches of the government, foreign minister« and ofllcera and a vast con course »if cltlxens from all parts of the Union. The work of erection progressed steadily until 18M. when the shaft had ri«icb«-d a iHdgtit of 1W) feet and had FOR QUICK SAI j E Ford touring. PIANO INHTItl <TION 5250. N. E. Rogers. Rivoli thea- MRS. JAMES M. POWERS, instruc 11 ter. tor on piano; studio over Barn"«' FOR SA1J5- Rooming house All Jewelry. Phone 265-J. furnished 51200 rash or 51700 on HEAL UNTATE terms. 823 J street. • 13 FOR SALE—<Hot bed sash. 3x6 feet Call at 624 C street. 109 E T. McKINHTRY, 603 G St., phone 355-R, real estate. Best of soils for fruit, hay or general farming. FOR RENT ROY HIGGINS- -General real estate Ft>R RENT 3 room house, tool Office 111 South Sixth, Phone 69. house Address No. 161 care of i SEE BAU.INGMR A HULL for farm, Courier. 18 city and business property. 10 and 11 Flanagan Bldg Phone 264, WANTED Wardrobe Cleaners WE ARE EQUIPPED TO DO FIRST CLASS WORK CLEANING PRESSING — REPAIRING ALL STYLES MADE AUTO TOPS Replace the shabby top with a light. easy-to-bantlle weather proof one now. Kmart looking, serviceable tope—- perfect fitting and improving the car's looks—a wide choice in ma terials and colors. OUR PRICES LOW5»T A Thorough Test The test of time Is the test Chat counts. Doan's Kidney Pills have made their reputation by effective action. The following case Is typical Granta Pass residents should be convinced. The testimony Is confirmed—the proof complete. Testimony like this cannot be Ig nored. Mrs. J. Boesch, 20» Foundry St., Grants Pass, says: “1 can never speak too highly In praise of Doan's Kidney Pills for I have never found anything equal for backache and kidney trouble. Since Uklng Doan's Kidney Pills I sm bothered but very little with my back or kidneys.’* The atiovc statement was given March 20. 1916. and on March 24. 1920, Mrs. Boesch aald: “I am glad to repeat all 1 aald In favor of Doan's Kidney Pills. I have had no return of kidney trouble and always recom mend them to anyone I hear speak of kidney complaint.** Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’a Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Boesch had. Foster-Milburn Co. Mfrs.. Buffalo. N. Y. Old Saw Traced to Cervantes. “l>ea<l men tell no tales,” was one of the many wise old saws In the Im mortal "Don QuLxote” of the greatest i of Spanish writers. Miguel de Cervan tes (1547-ltllG), sometimes translated VETERINARY HURGEON WANTED -Hauling for ton truck O C. Taggart. 219 Weet G St 15 DR R. J BE9TUL. Veterinarian. as "Death Is deaf." The words "Deud men tell no tales" also occur In a Residence 83 8 Washington boule- | jsiein culled "The Pilgrim of Glencoe," hand WANTED 1000 feet second vard. phone 398-R. by the Scottish poet. Thomas Camp Harter, Inch lumber. Hayes <• bell (1777-1844). "Dead men bite not," 11 Murphy, Orc DKNTIHTH 1s an old saying, long current In Scot land. In Holland and In Germany WANTED Carpenter work New E. C. MACY, D. M. D Flrst-cU they say "Itetid «logs bite not.” 'That and repair, also leaky roofs. By dentistry. 109W 8. 6th St dead men rise up never” Is a line from experienced men Care Booth's "The Garden of Proserpine.” by the PHYSICIAN ANII SI IlGEON Second Hand Store. Ill South 6th | English poet Algernon Charles Swin street. Phone 71. 11 L. O. CLEMENT. M D.. Practice burne (1837 1IW). The meaning. In limited to diseases of eye, ear.nose whatever form, Is obvious enough: TWO EXPERIENCED OIRLB want and throat. Phone 62; Res. 239-J. That when a mun Is dead, he Is danger position In store or restaurant. ous to nobody. Physician Address Rd 4. Box 36. 12 8 LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. and surgeon City or country calls Sources of Dickens* Names. WANTED—Man with good team and attended day or night Phonee. It scenw surprising that the name of rigging for general work at mine. Res 369; Office. 181; 6th and H. Dickens' characters, odd though they Wages 57 per day. Address No. were, should be found In real life; for 160 care Courier. 09 E. J. BILLICK, M. D. Physician, sur It was from life tlint many of them geon, Schalihorn Blk. Phone 54-J; were taken, Some, as Is known, were ree. 1004 Ie>wnridge, phone 54-L. POULTRY A HATCHING HUGH copied from the names of signs over business places; but that was not the FOR SALE—White Leghorn Baby W. F. RUTHERFORD—Manual the- raputlcs. Office over Barnes' jew novelist's only source of selection. Chicks from stock with high egg John Forster, his biographer, found elry. Hours 9:30-12; 1:30-4. pedigree. 520 per 100. Also cus among his papers, a carefully drawn tom hatching. Rogue River Poul RALPH W. STEARNS, M. D.. Xray list of names, with the sources from try Farm. Medford, Ore. 113 equipment. Phones: Office, 21-J; which he obtained them. Some of the names are too extravagant for any Residence. 21-L. FOR SAIJ0—Hatching eggs, from thing but reality: Jolly Stick, Rill heavy laying strain of Hocanlse<l ATTORNHYH Marigold. George Muzzle, William Why, Robert Gospel. Bobbin Scrabbau. stock 8 0. White and Brown leg ll.SOj H. D. NORTON, Attorney-at-law. Sarah Goldsacks. Catherine Two. So horns and Barred Rocks, Practices In all State and Federal phia Doomsday. Rosetta Dust and per setting of 15 eggs, Special Coarta. First National Bank Bldg. Sally Glmblett. Aleo few price per hundred lot. fine 8. C. White leghorn cockerels. G. W. OOLVIG. Attorney-at-law. i 28 Con Schaefers, Rd. 2. Grants Pass Banking Co. Bldg. Salt Ms> Be Cause of Cancer. Di lovi-ph 1 '»■ Stephan« hns recently FOR HALE—Hatching eggs from B. 8. VAN DYKE. Attorney Practices advanced the rlio<*ry rhnt the use of I Sheppard's famous Anconas. They tn all courts. First National Bank cali may be the chuso of cancer and sure shell out the eggs. Jas. Eads, Building he quotes some iriMances ihm «eem to 33 306 West I street. Indiente thet andi is the case Some -c,-* - O. a BLANCHARD. Attorney-at-law Othei physicians however take Issue MIH< ELLANEOI M Golden Rule Bldg Phone 270. with hm> and rhe statement Is made that in Italy where salt Is eaten in SHOP — Plumhiag, pipe REPAIR <7. A. -UDLER. Attorney-at-law. Mt- gnat quantities there la very Jtttle wark, steam fitting, boiler nnd •onte i s,n?le. Granta Paas, Ore. cancer 565 pump work and Installing. 1EO H. DURHAM. Attorney-at-law Sau th 6th street. Phone 366. fl. Heart Trouble Not Fa»sl. referee in bankrisptey. Masonic Iltf A. Bryan Heart disease Is not the barrier to Temple Phone 135-J. an active life of usefulness ns has al CARNER-GAYFITY IRON WORKS tAMES T. OH INNOCK. Lawyer ways been supposed said Dr Fre< rs General foundry and machine lek Brush to the National Society for First National Bank Building work: gray Iron nnd brass cast the Promotion of IIcciipntional Therapy ings, any else and quantity. Deal A. C. HOUGH—Lawyer. Tuffs Bldg Nothing is gained aud much lost h, Practice in all courts. telling enrdlac patients not to work, ers In second hand mine and saw mill machinery, boilers, engines, V A. C. AHI.F, lawyer, practice in not to carry not to play and so on. Under proper supervision the person pipe fittings, etc. Booth and F state a .id federal oourta. Office with heart 'rouble can lake a large streets. Grants Pass, Ore. 94tf ove" Nation»! Drug Store pun m active life Regardless of whether we represent your make of battery or not, WE have the parts, equipment, and skill- ed experience necessary to properly rebuild it. It you want your old battery restor ed to a dependable, first class condi tion at reasonable cost, bring it to this SERVICE STATION... We have a service battery to fit your car. ADAMS ELECTRIC AND BATTERY your make Granta Paas lto«<lcr ____________ _L* I phone 147 G. B. BERRY WHII4C IT LASTS -‘Alfalfa hay al NURSERY stock of all kinds Orna the old rink. 525.00 per ton for mental, shade and fruit traes Geo. cash only. L. W. Hyde. 11 H Parker. 70tf One to Convince the Most Skeptical FOR HALE I small healer, 1 Beav FOR HALE—Everbearing strawbsrry er heater, 1 Wardrobe, 1 extension plants, 3150 per hundred. De table, medicine cheats. 722 Merlin livered at Valley Hardware. Ad dress O. F. Webster. Box 106, Rd. Road. No. 4 11 SEWING MACHINE Singer. for sale for storage charges A. Shade FOR SALE Wellington Marvel strawberry planta, extra good 51 per hundred. II. Weber, at Hayes’ FOR SALE One extra good pack Shoe Shop, 107 8 6th 8t 10 burrow and outfit. Bee Thomp son, 813 East I street. 12 FOR HAlaE New Oregon Strawber ry plants, 50c per '100. St. Re- FOR SALE Two seta book shelves. gns Raspberries 5c eaoh. Come Alike. At once, at a bargain and get them. 861 Prospect Ave Phone 282-J. •• 10 507 E St. REBUILT SHOP 506 So. Sixth Street _______________________________________________ ,, I Grants Pass-Medford STAGE INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Effec,*”n Oct. 25, 1920 Daily and Sunday LEAVE LEAVE Grants Pass MEDFORD GRANTS PASS Waiting Room 10:00 *. m. 10:06 a. m. Bonbonniere 1:00 p. m 1:06 p. m. 4.56 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Phone 160 : ; We connect with stage« for Ashland and Jacksonville Washington Monument, the City's Focusing Point, Is No Less a Pro found Enigma Than the Sphinx, but of Greater Significance. cost 5300.1XM». The treasury of the so ciety now Iwlng exhausted, a memo rial was presented to congress asking It to take action In the matter. Pvll- tlvs In the government prevented n ready response and It was not until 1830 that tlie society was given a for mal chnrter. The Washington monument was Anally finished in the winter of 1884- 85. and It was decided to delicate It upon the anniversary of the birth of the man to whom ft bed been erected. Consequently, on February 22. 1<S85, there were Impressive ceremonies at the national capital, when the monu ment was turned over to the nation. The formal presentation of the mon ument was made at the base of the grand obelisk, hut owing to the raw, cold weather that existed the dedica tion ceremonies proper took place In the hall of the house of representa tives. Place orders for Duplicate and Triplicate Sales Books All styles and sizes Requires about 60 days to fill orders Constantly in Stock: Books of Duplicate Remittance Blanks Garage Repair Books Trade Acceptances Legal Blanks Blank Sales Books THE MORE REGULARLY YOU FEED i with our feed the bigger milk pail you will need. Our feed is so nutritious that it doee more than Just sustain the cow. It supplies the extra nourishment necessary to produce milk. Use our feed for a while and watch the milk pail contents grow. Mormilk only $2.25 per sack JOSEPHINE COUNTY FLOUR MILLS Phone 123 Cor. 3rd and G Sts. ; ~-~ì ais Washington Monument in the City of Richmond. Virginia. Old Newspapers, 5c and 10c Bundles.